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Author Topic: Prayer  (Read 5899 times)

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« on: August 24, 2008, 12:35:46 PM »

I've just been informed by my wife that she no longer intends to be "intimate" with me if I don't go to church. She thinks this site and all of these teachings are of the devil.

I'm really at a loss here.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 12:38:52 PM »

The bible clearly states that a husband and wife are not to withhold sex from each other unless it is a mutual agreement. Maybe pointing that out to her will help. I will pray for you both.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 01:02:43 PM »

The bible clearly states that a husband and wife are not to withhold sex from each other unless it is a mutual agreement. Maybe pointing that out to her will help. I will pray for you both.

Hello Keys2Heaven,

                           Krista is right on target, Read 1 Corinthians. 7:2-5; my heartfelt prayers go out to you, also. I don't envy you my Brother, that's definitely one of those trials that I wouldn't want to experience. That happened to me back in 1982 when I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses, my first wife separated from me to punish me for joining, no sexual relations for me for 6 months, at that time she returned to me, I don't know how old you are, but I was 25 at the time. Whenever a Husband or a Wife(In this case) punishes their spouse in this way, there esposing them to the potential dangers of sexual immorality as the above Scriptural passage seems to indicate.

                          It might God's Plan, for now that you experience this suffering, however by reasoning with her with the Scriptures a suggests and telling her that you Love her, regardless of the differences in belief might help. Ray's article at the front of this Forum page regarding Marriage(unevenly yoked) might give you some good pointers, showing her that you may have other common interests, even though you don't agree entirely on Spiritual matters.

                                   Sorry your going through this, Samson.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 01:28:28 PM »

The bible clearly states that a husband and wife are not to withhold sex from each other unless it is a mutual agreement. Maybe pointing that out to her will help. I will pray for you both.

Yes, even if she doesn't agree about the teachings here a BT, that scripture is very Plain & Direct.

(Women, can be so foolish, wouldn't that be punishing themselves also ;) )
 ??? Why not try....Not doing the laundry ;D

Seriously You are in my prayers, Keep being Loving.....



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Re: Prayer
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 06:38:55 PM »

Im sorry to hear of your troubles Keys...will pray for you


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 06:59:48 PM »

To Keys,

 Krista, Brenda, Samson gave all good answers. I agree with Brenda it would be a punishment for us women too. ;D IMO... God will show the way to help you and your wife through this trying time. Sometimes doing the one thing we do not like but doing it anyway to please the one we love is a good thing. Just because we know the truth then nothing that a "pastor" or a "minister" says can hurt us. We know the truth and in our hearts we have the love and faith our heavenly Father gave us to help us through these times and through all kinds of challenges. I will pray for you and your wife and hope the love you both have for each other gets you through this.



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Re: Prayer
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 07:47:26 PM »

Pam that deserves an AMEN!

It's the Goodness of God that leads men & women to repentance...

And what is repentance...a turning away from....but also surrendering and turning back to Love!

Love Never Fails that is the......"Keys 2 Heaven"   ;)


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 01:38:16 AM »

Hey Keys,

  When she understands what she is doing she will be greatly ashamed. You are being persecuted by your own wife. I am very sad to hear this because it is much more than a "intimate" matter that is for sure. My heart goes out to you.




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Re: Prayer
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 11:18:01 PM »

I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I hope my coming here and telling you folks wasn't a knee-jerk reaction. It's just that I do feel like I am being persecuted because I don't want to go back to Babyon.

Perhaps I should just go for the sake of "keeping the peace" and because I do love my wife. I don't have to give heed to false doctrines and I definitely do not want to sew discontent in our household because of my beliefs.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2008, 04:08:38 AM »

You can love your wife without bowing to a false god. I understand this is difficult but you can't live a lie. Your actions will speak volumes to your family. You can be kind and loving in this process. But be a man and a spiritual leader for your family. May God give you strength and support during such a difficult time.



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Re: Prayer
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 11:23:12 PM »

Just an update: My wife and I did attend a service this morning at a non-denominational church some friends from our former church are now attending.

Service was atypical: Worship, welcome, announcements, then the tithes and offerings, more worship, the message (Numbers 22:1-38) and finally communion.

One thing that was funny is that this part of scripture includes the story of the talking donkey. The associate pastor when giving his points on this passage said "God uses unexpected people to carry out his plan." I leaned over and told my wife, "like retired roofers who have a website." She didn't get it. So, after service, I explained that I was referring to Ray and BibleTruths. I told her, I wonder what the staff would think about that comment if they came to this site.

I told her that they would probably say that God uses everybody else but that guy. He can't be a Christian since he says people shouldn't tithe.

Also, I felt very little of God's presence today. The people were nice, the singing was good and the message, so-so. I just felt like this is another boxed church who do the same things as everyone else. 3 services in the morning (never more than an hour) and a coffee bar inside the church. Even for non-denominational, their statement of faith is the same as everyone else's: triune Godhead, tithes, belief in hell, etc...

It just feels wierd going in there. Once you know, the veil is lifted and you look at these services in an entirely different light.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Prayer
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2008, 02:02:44 AM »

"It just feels wierd going in there. Once you know, the veil is lifted and you look at these services in an entirely different light."

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2008, 11:00:08 AM »

Hi mate,
The old me would have advised you to kick her I said the OLD ME !!
The new me will just pray for you both  ;)

Your brother in Christ, John


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2008, 02:11:52 PM »

I've just been informed by my wife that she no longer intends to be "intimate" with me if I don't go to church. She thinks this site and all of these teachings are of the devil.

I'm really at a loss here.

Friend Keys ....

Surely you have heard the old saying, "when life hands you a lemon, make lemonade",  add sugar.

Through circumstances that have come to you from God or from Satan OR better yet just a simple human reaction from a frustrated wife who has no authority or strength to compel you to do what she believes is correct, you now have a blessed opportunity to provide a lesson in humility and obedience to God and an example of tender love and compassion for your wife's feelings and emotional needs.

The scriptures which speak to believers and not to UN-believers at this time, say "submit yourselves to one another as unto the Lord.  Read the following as if it was presented to you alone in secret and not to your wife who cannot see the value of it at this time.

Eph 5:21-33,  :21"Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear of GOD".
:25 Husbands, love your wives EVEN AS Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. :26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word;

Please read these verses over again and delete the reference to wives from the passage.  Apply the passage to husbands and to yourself only.  You are the leader, not the boss.  Christ is the boss.

This passage, at this time does not apply to her; unless she can understand the full meaning.
Reading it to her proves LITTLE; it is written to believers, it is written to YOU ALONE at this time.

This is an exercise in love and in balance.
Accept whatever love she is willing to give, do not be small minded and avoid contact with her, be gentle and receptive to all her ministrations and consider this a test that a REAL MAN of God can handle with love and gracious responses to every situation.  Hold her hand, hold the door, help her to cross the street.

For a little empathy in your own mind, think of all the single fellows out there who have no one to share their bed.  Recall all the good times you have enjoyed in your wife's arms.  This trial is to build you up and to demonstrate what God can do with a loving husband.  No words and no sermon will have any greater beneficial effect on your relationship with your wife than for her to see and come to sincerely believe that you love her just as much without the intimacy you have enjoyed, as you did before.  This will give her confidence in you and should develop a new level of love such that God MAY indeed call her and open her understanding.  Let go of the reins of control and let God do the work in her.  You just be the type of example that she needs to see.

Hope this will help a little and thanks for sharing your needs for prayer.

Indiana Bob


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2008, 10:26:59 AM »

Quote from: indianabob

For a little empathy in your own mind, think of all the single fellows out there who have no one to share their bed.

Thanks, Bob
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