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Author Topic: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?  (Read 15370 times)

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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2008, 01:16:38 PM »

Hi frecklegirl,

I'm glad you are still able to talk to your mother about it and keep discussing it, even though her eyes haven't opened yet.  This gives me a bit of encouragment that I may be able to talk about this with my parents.

I went and reread Ray's article on "Winning souls" - good food for thought in there.  I thought two these statements were very relevant:

'It is ALL OF GOD. It is not wrong to tell others of your knowledge of God and His Word. It is not, however, your responsibility to "get people saved." Only God can do that.'

'How to demonstrate your knowledge of the truth: Your good works and righteous character will pay dividends to others eventually—if not in this life, then in the Judgment.'

This gives me a bit of confidence that spreading the truth to others is not futile.  What we do is God's will - but we can't expect to get the results we want - only God can do that.  But perhaps the best way we can spread the truth is by demonstrating it in our own lives.

Anyway the thing that really opened my eyes was realizing that "eternal/forever" didn't really mean what I thought it did, and realizing it was a mistranslation.  That was what did it for me.  I think if I can somehow convey this to my Mom, she may have her eyes opened too.  But the approach will be tricky.

I realize many people don't want to know the truth or have their eyes opened.  I mean it really takes a certain type of person - look at the average public, most people don't read and are just glued to the TV.  How many people would actually read through one of Ray's articles (let alone the bible) and actually get throught the whole thing without giving up?  Ray is a good writer, but his articles are so long and so chock full of information, information that you should cross-check for yourself against the bible.  Most people don't have the patience I believe, and are just happy to go along with their preconceived existence.



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2008, 01:19:21 PM »

For those that have tried to open eyes of their close family... what happened after?  Especially if the light bulb did not go on so to speak, what did they think of you after?  Did they just forget about it?  Or did they now think of you as the black sheep with the "kooky new age" ideas?

I tried unsucessfully (of course) with my wife, mother, and sister who is married to a Baptist minister. I got the look like I had 3 eyes and the obligatory moment of silence. No, it is just a subject that the 3 of them completely ignore when talking to me. They will talk about ANYTHING else but the most important subject in the world, they refuse to discuss.

This is the Lord serving me 'humble pie'. And He is serving it in BIG scoopfuls.  ;)




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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2008, 01:24:31 PM »

LOL Marques.  I will let you know when I actually raise the subject with my family again.  I may be eating my own 'humble pie' too.



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2008, 02:27:38 PM »

Hi Kevin,

I really think you are a bit confused about the sovereignty of God.  First you state, I totally agree that only God can draw people in, but he does use us to achieve his will.  
The fact is the Elect are predetermined, either your family will be called in this age or they won't and there is nothing you can do about it  :-\

Eph 1:4  just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,
v.5  having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

When we fully get our minds wrapped around this we understand that God will choose those exactly when He planned.  We need not worry or try to think of a way to best approach them with the truth.

Luke 21:14  Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer;
v. 15  for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.

But we are to be concentrating on "study to show yourself approved" (2Tim. 2:15).  If we are a part of bringing a family member to the truth, that's great.  But you do not need to plan how to do it and when is the best time to approach them and what to say and all that.  It will go the way God has already decided it.  We can't mess up or make God's plan better, it is what it is.  I think our efforts should be directed towards our own salvation, God will take care of the rest.

Php 2:12  Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

mercy, peace and love



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2008, 04:25:57 PM »

Hi Kat,

I don't think I am as confused as you think I am :) at least I hope not...

First of all, I don't even know if I am one of the elect!  I mean, I have had these truths revealed to me, but don't know if I can humble and purge myself enough to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.  Now the way I wrote that sentence it looks like there is free will in there, but when I say "I can humble" and I can "purge" I really mean - is it God will's for me?  Or is it not.  I don't think anyone knows for sure if they are part of the elect.

We need not worry or try to think of a way to best approach them with the truth.

Here is how I see it.  I 100% agree with you that God's elect are predetermined.  Either my family will be called or they won't be called.  I know I can't change that.  God is 100% sovereign.  I completely understand that.  We cannot affect his will.

However, I don't know the future.  Will my parents be called or not?  I don't know - only God knows.  Therefore I must try.  How do I know that I won't be the instrument that reveals the truth to my parents?  That could be God's plan to bring my parents into the elect.  If I worry and plan about how to approach them, then it must have been God's will that I worry and plan how to approach them.  Because we can only do God's will.  Just like when Pharoah hardened his heart, it was God's will that Pharoah harden his heart.

Here are the possible outcomes:

1.  I show the truth to my parents, discuss with them, show them Ray's papers etc.  The light bulb goes on for them.  Yay! It was God's will and my parents were predestined to know thow the truth!

2.  I show the truth to my parents, discuss, etc.  The light bulb doesn't go on.  Oh well, I guess it wasn't predestined for them, but I was still predestined to reveal the truth to them.  Yay! Its all part of God's will!

3.  I don't reveal the truth to my parents for some reason (maybe I chicken out, maybe we don't get a chance to discuss it for whatever reason).  So my parents never here the truth.  Guess they weren't predestined to know the truth, and I wasn't predestined to talk to them about it.  Yay!   Its all part of God's will!

4.  I don't reveal the truth etc.  But somehow my parents have the truth revealed to them.  Again I wasn't predestined to reveal the truth to them, but they were predestined to learn it!  Yay again!  It's God's will.

The tricky part is I don't know which outcome will happen, only God knows.  However the common thing is, no matter which outcome actually happens, it must have been God's will, because that is the outcome that happened. 

So I might as well try to reveal the truth to them.  If it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be (it wasn't God's will).

I hope this makes sense to you.  And its why I still believe its valid to share the truth with others.  Its not that I'm trying to change God's sovereign plan.  That is impossible.  But you, me, Ray (obviously), and everyone is a part of God's plan.  If you don't feel the need to worry about sharing these truths, then it must have been God's will for you not to feel the need to worry about sharing these truths.  Everything we do is part of God's plan, right?



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2008, 05:03:42 PM »


You'll come to see pretty quickly that trying to open people eyes to the truths you are seeing is a waste of your time, and actually resisting God.
When God decides you are ready to share what He has revealed to you through teachers, if indeed He does, then God will draw people to you, people God has chosen. Many are called, few are chosen. Don't expect to be opening the eyes of many people at all. We all feel that excitement to begin with and want to shout it from the rooftops that we've been freed from the vile doctrines of Babylon, but its a waste of time. 
Speaking of my own experiences, once I got over the initial elation and wanting to share what I'd seen with the whole world, the people God sends my way have been very few, and of those that have asked questions one has stayed with the true Gospel. The others have gone right back to Babylon and rejected the truth. It's discouraging, but its going to happen time and time again.


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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2008, 06:17:44 PM »

Hi Kevin,

None of us know if we are of the Elect.  We can know we are chosen, if our eyes are opened and we begin to see these truths.  But we must be faithful to the end.  Only at the actual election that takes place at the first resurrection do those know for sure they made it.  There will be so very few, to be in the race at all is a great blessing I guess.

What I'm trying to say is you may indeed be the means by which some of your family has their eyes opened, but it does you no good to 'plan' how YOU will go about being His instrument.  If and when it happens it will probably happen in a way you least expect it to.

It is a great joy to see a loved ones eyes opened, but this will happen for the majority in the LOF.  We look on this as a terrible fate, but it's God's perfect plan.  I really think it will only be a terrible experience for those with terrible sins.  But it will be a difficult thing for anybody to endure, just as the struggles of the chosen is now.

I guess I look at it as God will do His work and I can be ready to serve or not, but I can not plan the course He takes.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2008, 06:21:14 PM »

Hi Kat,

I don't think I am as confused as you think I am :) at least I hope not...

First of all, I don't even know if I am one of the elect!  I mean, I have had these truths revealed to me, but don't know if I can humble and purge myself enough to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.  Now the way I wrote that sentence it looks like there is free will in there, but when I say "I can humble" and I can "purge" I really mean - is it God will's for me?  Or is it not.  I don't think anyone knows for sure if they are part of the elect.

We need not worry or try to think of a way to best approach them with the truth.

Here is how I see it.  I 100% agree with you that God's elect are predetermined.  Either my family will be called or they won't be called.  I know I can't change that.  God is 100% sovereign.  I completely understand that.  We cannot affect his will.

However, I don't know the future.  Will my parents be called or not?  I don't know - only God knows.  Therefore I must try.  How do I know that I won't be the instrument that reveals the truth to my parents?  That could be God's plan to bring my parents into the elect.  If I worry and plan about how to approach them, then it must have been God's will that I worry and plan how to approach them.  Because we can only do God's will.  Just like when Pharoah hardened his heart, it was God's will that Pharoah harden his heart.

Here are the possible outcomes:

1.  I show the truth to my parents, discuss with them, show them Ray's papers etc.  The light bulb goes on for them.  Yay! It was God's will and my parents were predestined to know thow the truth!

2.  I show the truth to my parents, discuss, etc.  The light bulb doesn't go on.  Oh well, I guess it wasn't predestined for them, but I was still predestined to reveal the truth to them.  Yay! Its all part of God's will!

3.  I don't reveal the truth to my parents for some reason (maybe I chicken out, maybe we don't get a chance to discuss it for whatever reason).  So my parents never here the truth.  Guess they weren't predestined to know the truth, and I wasn't predestined to talk to them about it.  Yay!   Its all part of God's will!

4.  I don't reveal the truth etc.  But somehow my parents have the truth revealed to them.  Again I wasn't predestined to reveal the truth to them, but they were predestined to learn it!  Yay again!  It's God's will.

The tricky part is I don't know which outcome will happen, only God knows.  However the common thing is, no matter which outcome actually happens, it must have been God's will, because that is the outcome that happened. 

So I might as well try to reveal the truth to them.  If it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be (it wasn't God's will).

I hope this makes sense to you.  And its why I still believe its valid to share the truth with others.  Its not that I'm trying to change God's sovereign plan.  That is impossible.  But you, me, Ray (obviously), and everyone is a part of God's plan.  If you don't feel the need to worry about sharing these truths, then it must have been God's will for you not to feel the need to worry about sharing these truths.  Everything we do is part of God's plan, right?


1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Shoving it down someone's throat is a sure way to get them to look the otherway.

Perhaps we should take the Lord's advice on this and simply sanctify God in our hearts and when the time comes HE will bring someone to us, so that they may ask us the reason for our hope. THEN we will truly know, we are ready and equiped to give them the answer the Lord wants them to hear.

God bless,



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2008, 06:56:31 PM »

Ok I get what you are all saying.

Don't worry I won't be shoving this down anyone's throats, least of all my parents.  I hope I didn't give that impression, that is not what I am talking about here.  I'm just talking about what the best way is to bring up this subject with my parents.  I want to bring it up in a way that won't cause them to reject what I'm saying in less than 30 seconds.

Kat, when I say I "plan" to talk to my parents about this, I fully realize it may not go according to that plan, or it may not happen it all.  To clarify,I'm planning on sharing the truth with them, but not planning on opening their eyes.  LOL That gives me an image of me holding their eyelids open with toothpicks while they start at a giant screen of Ray's teachings... :) but even that wouldn't work...

I also fully realize it may not be God's plan for them to know ever.

Perhaps I need to share a bit of my situation.  My parents live about 2000 miles from me, so I don't see them that often, and the phone calls don't usually have much deep conversation.  But I would like to bring the topic up at some point, so I'm trying to figure out the best time and words to use.

We will be flying down at thanksgiving for a few days, so I may get a chance to talk about it then.  But it could be awkward if we end up having a big fight on thanksgiving and then leaving.  So that is my dilema.  Maybe I will email them or phone them about it first.  Or maybe I will wait for Christmas.  Or maybe it will never happen.  So I can see what you mean about not worrying about it too much - if it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen.

From my perspective I have some big decisions coming up.  I know we don't have free will, but I still have to make these decisions.  Do I risk telling them and possibly spoiling our visit (given that we only see them about 3 times a year).  Or maybe if I do tell them they will understand just as quickly as I did and it will be great to have family to talk to about this!  See my dilema?  I'm sure everyone here must have had similar thoughts.  I don't want to create a rift in the family if possible.

Based on what everyone has said here I am preparing myself for them not to believe, but I can hope and pray.  Any encouragment you can give would be helpful.


Dave in Tenn

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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2008, 07:33:46 PM »

That's my faith concerning this, Alex.  Thanks.   :)

My situation isn't a lot different.  I live much closer than 2000 miles, but I don't see them very often and don't want to 'disrupt' the few times we can be together.

My mother's brithday was the middle of last month.  All I had shared with any of them was that my spiritual life had been renewed.  I shared that with my older sister in an email after she asked 'how are you doing?'  I said I was doing 'lopsided' natural life was a mess, but I'd never been so alive in my Spiritual life.  She was pleased, but didn't ask me any more.

I don't know if she 'informed' my mother or younger sister...maybe yes, maybe no.  But I went up to celebrate our mother's birthday.  It was the first time in a long time I have felt exceeding joy in all their company.  I am already the black sheep (cultural, tastes, politics, you name it) and have been out of church for a long time.

We really had a wonderful time, and I was so happy to be able to feel so much love for them.  Conversation was natural and every so often, I had an oppurtunity to drop in a little 'thing'.  Sometimes it was picked up on, but quietly dropped, sometimes it wasn't picked up on at all.  I didn't press it.  I know that they saw a change in me.  I wasn't sullen, depressed, or cynical.  I was happy.  

That was enough for then.  Maybe there will be more later, and if I have to take some lumps, then I'm willing to do it.  But without that 'change' in me, it would have been pointless to bring up more or argue.  Indeed, if there hadn't been a change in me, I would not be a believer at all!  

I guess what I'm saying is, if you're not going to plan, then don't plan.  Let what happens happen.  Be guided by Love and the Spirit of Christ.  If asked, answer.  If confronted with 'preaching', then share.  All I'd PLAN on is going and having a good time.  

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2008, 07:52:04 PM »

Hi Dave,

An excellent post!

Your yolk was light wasn't it? By that I mean just relaxing and being a positive influence, reflecting the love of Christ onto your family, a most powerful witness.

Don't worry, don't plan, don't confront, we are not all called (by God) to be teachers but we are all admonished to live by faith, if and when we are put in a situation where we must defend the source of our hope we have this promise.

Luk 12:11  And when they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:
Luk 12:12  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.





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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2008, 10:31:36 PM »

Yes that was a good post Dave.  Probably good advice.  Maybe I should just plan to go and have a good time.  If an opportunity presents itself, then I could drop some hints.  I too am in a situation where I don't want to disrupt my Mom's life.  She has been a very positive influence on me, and is very caring and compassionate.  She is also very strong in her Christian beliefs.

Amrhrasach, when you ask what exactly I wish to bring up to my parents: ideally it would be an intro to the truth, but I know it won't be that easy.

It might go something like this:

"Mom, did you know the word eternal has been mistranslated in the bible, and doesn't mean eternal at all, but is of limited duration."

Ideal response: "Wow that is amazing!  That mean's there is no eternal hell and explains God really is the God of love!"

LOL :)  We all know that won't happen.  Although that's almost how it happened for me :) but I was reading Ray's paper which explained much of the details.

More likely the response would be something like this:

"Did you read that on the internet?  You can't believe everything you read on the internet.  There are a lot of false prophets and cults out there and you have to be careful what you let into your mind."

Probably a better route would be if I could get her to read one of Ray's articles.  What do you think is Ray's best intro article?  Maybe the Hagee letter?  That's the one I read first.

Anyway, probably the worst case scenario is if we got into a big argument because Mom somehow thought I "lost the faith".  It would be difficult.  I don't think I would let it get to that.  But I can see if my Mom did finally see the truth it would be a core shock to her.  All her life she believed one thing, and then to find out it was a lie.  It can be devastating, but the realization after is beautiful.  She is in her 60s. 

Anyone here older than 60?  How did you handle the truth knowing your whole life you believed a lie?

Thinking on this more its maybe best I don't bring it up unless an opportunity presents itself.

Thanks for the comments so far, its a nice discussion.  It is really just a relief for me to talk about it, as I haven't really said much to anybody about it since I found Ray's site at the beginning of this year.


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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2008, 11:39:55 PM »

I've taken part in a couple of blogs lately.  Generally, I look for blogs with the keywords hell, freewill and eternal.  Why do I do this?  Simple!!  I absolutelly despise the teaching of eternal torment.  I mean, I hate it.  And I don't care for the people who teach it.  In my mind, I feel that I am exposing a devilish contradiction.  Perhaps there is pride involved.  However, my best pride destroyer is usually in my first or second post.  Here's how I bait hell people.

"The Christian hell is an evil hoax.  Go to for explanation."  Again, it depends on the title of and article in the blog.  As soon as somebody asks me to explain, I politely cut and paste several scriptures prooving that all will be saved.  I hate it when they reply with "God gave us a free will to blah, blah, blah".  Because then I have to cut and paste about 20 scriptures that proove that we have no free will.  That's after I waste time explaining what free will is and why we can't possibly have it.  And how many times have people told me that I define free will incorectly?  Well, it's alot. 

So my pride destroyer is in admiting that I didn't find out all of this on my own.  I credit Ray and bible-truths.  This actually causes people to mock me even more.  But so what.  I want to be an instrument of the truth. 

It's futile to debate these people.  I can only hope that people will run across what I write and come to this web site.

Jackie Lee

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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2008, 12:17:48 AM »

Just today my plan was changed all it took was just one incident that changed everything.
It changed a lot of things for the better and gave me peace once again.
I am always amazed at how plans change, I had a will but a cause changed it all.
This is why I try and not stress knowing God's plan is so much better than mine.
 I know God will furnish that person to open eyes in his time.
I no longer worry that I should get people to see, If someone is open to hear I speak otherwise I am mum.
Coming from a Baptist Pentacostal background I would say God has been working in my life.  :D

Jody Edwards

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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2008, 12:04:14 PM »

My experience is similiar to yours except in my case, more time has past.  The Lord sent me to about 3 years ago to answer a specific prayer I had prayed three days previously.  It took less than 24 hours for me to have my eyes opened to all of the new truths Ray was teaching.  My wife believed the same day (praise the Lord!).  But since that time, NO ONE that I shared these truths with would believe.  I have studied and studied God's word since that time, so much so that I have a high level of confidence in my ability to teach others.  And believe me I have tried, but to no avail.  No one besides my wife has believed - no friends, no relatives, no past brothers or sisters, NO ONE.  When God says it is He who opens eyes, He means it.  No amount of logic, scriptural reasoning or hours & hours of explanations are going to give anyone the ability to believe.  God has reserved that for Himself to give out as He desires.  After nearly three years, I can trully see how precious and rare this great treasure is that the Lord has given us.  I am in awe that the Lord chose me and her.  We did nothing to deserve this great gift and if the Lord had not made me pray that prayer three years ago, I would still be just like all the other called Christians in Babylon.  By the grace of God, He has made me who I am.  I am eternally grateful for His mercy upon me and my wife for opening our eyes and giving us this great treasure.  I will guard this treasure with my life, protect it and value it.  I desperately want to share it with others but it is not mind to share, it is the Lord's and only He decides who will share in it.  Don't be discouraged when others reject the truth when you show it to them.  Spiritual treasure is only for those with spiritual eyes to see it and value it.  Rejoice that you are blessed in the Lord's truth and pray for the Lord to use you in His service.  But always remember, the knowledge we have been given is of no value unless we live that truth and produce fruit.  Knowledge by itself is good but living out that truth in your own life is better.  I encourage you to keep seeking the Lord in all that you  do so as to grow and mature into Christ and become a good and faithful servant!
May the Lord continue to bless you! 
Jody Edwards 


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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2008, 12:43:51 PM »

Hi everyone,

I was browsing another forum just to see what they were "debating" and its funny because rarely are they using scripture to do the talking for them.  I believe this, at least for us today, is what was meant when Jesus said

Luk 12:11  And when they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:
Luk 12:12  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

I agree with what you put Joe.  We dont have to plan if we study and let the Word of God do the talking and teaching for us.


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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2008, 01:27:58 PM »

Once we fully embrace, there is no hell, what is it we are trying to Save them From?
If there is no Freewill to thwart the will of God which is that all men will be Saved [Eventually]
I only need to Knowingly be led of God as an instrument of his will. 
We must speak the truth, when called upon, and not be ashamed of it.   [plant seeds were God leads]

I think our higher purpose is to learn to love, and esteem others higher than ourselves.
If you see a dirty smelly homeless person, and God speaks to you to buy him a sandwich with the last $5.00 you have til payday.
That will do more in the kingdom of God, than trying to explain with words...
All will be Saved in spite of their hateful heresy.

The many Christian Family members and friends that try to twist my Husband into becoming "Saved" as they understand it, do not care to realize that he is grieved by them objectifying him as a prize to obtain.  He will not bow down to a God that will send descent people to hell, for not believing.  He's smarter than I was in this.  He is still on the fence, but may be closer to the truth than they are...He is in God's capable hands, and God Loves him more than I'm capable of,  I don't lose any sleep over this...

I agree it's the intimacy in our relations that demonstrate the Love of Christ that has the power to Save men, not our intellects.

He is Good,



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2008, 01:29:21 PM »

Legoman said: “Thinking on this more its maybe best I don't bring it up unless an opportunity presents itself.”

Probably another EFHutton moment, in my opinion Legoman.

And actually, that is exactly how I conduct my walk.  But that’s just me.

It’s been my experience that the less said (that doesn’t mean not saying anything, but saying less, but forcefully and directly answered when questioned) has a tendency to provoke even further questions from one who is watching and wanting to know what’s in your heart, as far as belief is concerned.

Good point - saying less peaks the curiousity of the one who is listening and open.  Now I just have to figure out how to drop some subtle hints when the opportunity arises.

Do people have examples like this of things they do in their lives?  Like for example I think it was Dave who said he mentioned his physical life is blah but his spiritual life has been uplifted.  Little things like that... did that prompt any curiousity Dave?



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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2008, 10:55:04 PM »

I am a total failure, but God is always successful and has perfect timing:)


Dave in Tenn

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Re: How successful have you been at opening people's eyes?
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2008, 11:51:31 PM »

If my email comment prompted any enduring curiosity, I'm not aware of it.  I'm guessing she thinks I might have changed from a badly fallen Baptist into a charismatic.   ;D

Nothing was said at the Birthday that gave the slightest clue about the 'details' of the gospel, so I can't really help you there.  The greatest wisdom in this thread, I think, is from poster after poster who have suggested filling up with the word of God so that if and when God prompts, you'll be ready.  It takes faith to do that.  There's nothing wrong with walking through the front door and saying, "Guess what I've been learning!" if that's the way God leads.  If you can do that without sin, and have faith to trust God's wisdom in the outcome, then take that suggestion for what it's worth.

This is another good time in the thread to be reminded that this Gospel cannot and will not fail!  "Success" is garunteed.  The question becomes one of our own Spiritual growth and obedience.  Nobody else is able to prepare you more than the Lord is.   
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.
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