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Author Topic: What's everyone...  (Read 5055 times)

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What's everyone...
« on: September 08, 2008, 01:55:51 AM »

Like to do on a sunday night? I just got done my homework, sitting at my computer here, pretty bored. I realized my sunday nights during the school year are all pretty much alike. Bored at home. I'm also thinking at this very moment how hard biology is going to be if what ray has coming up at the conference on evolution is so different from what the school system teaches. You know they are gonna drill me with it, till i memorize it perfectly. Eh, i guess if worse comes to worse, ill just regurjatate it like a good little birdy for them, keeping the truth of God's Word safe and sound in my heart.

SO my delima aside, how are you all doing this fine sunday [might i add dull] night!?

Love to you all,



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2008, 02:58:13 AM »

Hey Alex!
Do you mind if I ask if you are an undergraduate in college or a high school student?

Well I got back a few hours ago from a meeting/social from an organization I'm in. It was at this Mexican restaurant. Now I am working on some French homework. I have been slacking a bit since the start of the semester but I hope to improve on that. I spend a lot of time on this forum and surfing the internet. I am very interested in current events including global social and economic issues and I find that this distracts me from my studies.

I am looking forward to graduating from college.



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2008, 03:13:47 AM »


In my pre-teen years, some 12 years ago or so, I would read the Sunday comics often. As one of the people in my generation that would indulge in comic book reading and not so much the material that had a lot of importance to me, I have regerts, but at least I can get away with it on a Sunday. :)

Steve, I'm the same way with the current event and internet study. It diverts attention from my GED classes, and ultimately delays class arrival time. However, I remember a line from the outstanding movie, A Beautiful Mind, saying:

 " Classes will dull your mind. Destroy the possibility for authentic creativity"
 Saying that in Academia would probably light Noam Chomsky's fuse, but the truth ain't always what it seems. As the great Mark Twain once said:

 "What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know it's what we think we know for sure..that just ain't so.."



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2008, 03:35:58 AM »

Haha very nice "youthfortruth." I'm not big on comics myself, although i LOVED the Batman series with christian bale. Batman begins and the dark night. Both absolutely outstanding movies. Can't wait for the third!! :D

To steve, i'm in college atm. This is the start of my third year at community college, ill be their for another year or two, as it was only last year that i decided on my career.

I WAS interested in global events and politics because i was into the end times nonsence, than i got smacked in the head with the truth and all that junk fell out of my brain through my ears and unto the floor lol. SO i have more ROOM in my head now! Hurray! haha

Yea i like to play video games, but they distract me from what's important in life. I would love to study more in depth the scriptures, but i find myself indulging in video games instead of some one on one time with God. I WISH bibletruths and the Word of God were my distractions. I pray to God they become, they were once.. than i fell back into the world for a bit, now God's dragging me back to Him kicking and screaming again lol. It's like a cycle.. hopefuly God's love, like a gentle feather, will keep my wondering heart from leaving Him =]

God bless and thank you both for sharing. I'm off to bed!

Love in Christ,



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 10:39:40 AM »

Hey Alex,

Love those Batman Movies also.  I've got to share what happened coming out of the last one.

A Father and his young Son where walking out behind me and my husband.
The Father asked his Son, so how did you like the movie?
I liked it, but I don't understand the ending?
His Father said, Well remember what Jesus did on the cross when he took our Sins away?
That's kind of what Batman was doing, by taking the blame for the good of the city.

Isn't that really cool?
You should have seen my Husband face, it ministered to him also!

What I do on most Sunday nights,  :P  is dream about retiring from ;D


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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 09:02:02 PM »

Hey Alex,

Love those Batman Movies also.  I've got to share what happened coming out of the last one.

A Father and his young Son where walking out behind me and my husband.
The Father asked his Son, so how did you like the movie?
I liked it, but I don't understand the ending?
His Father said, Well remember what Jesus did on the cross when he took our Sins away?
That's kind of what Batman was doing, by taking the blame for the good of the city.

Isn't that really cool?
You should have seen my Husband face, it ministered to him also!

What I do on most Sunday nights,  :P  is dream about retiring from ;D

Haha brenda, great story! Thanks for shareing, that is actualy really cool. Retireing from work ay? That sounds nice =]]]

Good luck with that :D

God bless,



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 10:58:57 PM »

Hey Alex,

Love those Batman Movies also.  I've got to share what happened coming out of the last one.

A Father and his young Son where walking out behind me and my husband.
The Father asked his Son, so how did you like the movie?
I liked it, but I don't understand the ending?
His Father said, Well remember what Jesus did on the cross when he took our Sins away?
That's kind of what Batman was doing, by taking the blame for the good of the city.

Isn't that really cool?
You should have seen my Husband face, it ministered to him also!

What I do on most Sunday nights,  :P  is dream about retiring from ;D

Unfortunately, Batman took the blame in vain.  I guess we can draw a paralel between batman's sacrifice and the church view of Christ's sacrifice.  See, Batman was trying to save the image, or save face (pun intended) of that prosecutor turned Two Face.  I think we know what happens to him (anyone see Batman returns?  You know, when Tommy Lee Jones played Two Face with Jim Carrey stealing the show?)  I would think that that movie would be a continuation of Dark Knight.  So now everyone will hate Batman and Two Face (that prosecutor).  Kind a like Christ dying so that most of the world will choose evil and an eternity in hell.  Batman should have just said, hey, he's the evil one.  I mean, look how ugly he is now.  It's his fault.  Remember, "I'm Batman".  Then Robbin comes out a nowhere and says, holy buttbandit Batman.  That two face is really ugly.  He's gotta be the bad guy. 


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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2008, 11:49:11 PM »

Doing football season I watch sunday night football order pizza and see what's happening with yall.

After football season (A.F.S.) :D I  watch sunday night HBO and order pizza and  see what yall are up to.

That about it for sunday nights.



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Re: What's everyone...
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2008, 12:40:33 AM »

Brenda I am w/ you!!!  Sunday nites make me think about Monday mornings!!!  Ugh.  I don't mind teaching school, but I hate getting up so early!!

If I am not watching a football game w/ my hubby, then I am on the computer here at the forum, or doing my genealogy OR I am watching an old British mystery on PBS.

See how exciting life gets when you "grow up" Alex? :D
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