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Author Topic: A reflection  (Read 5916 times)

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A reflection
« on: September 22, 2008, 02:56:12 AM »

Just something I typed and considered may share amongst young people on Myspace and elsewhere. As I turn 21 soon, God has blessed me in so many ways. Through this site and with all sorts of things, I have become a bigger, better person. I'm not by any means trying to sound arrogant or conceited with this reflection. This is just one of the many things I've been fortunate to learn in 21 years.

       "Will YOU be that person?"

The maturing, getting old factor is an inevitable part of life. In our youth years, lots of us carry subconscious reluctance when faced with this fact. Our warped mentalities serve to cater pleasure, lust, and other behaviors we eventually find as regretful. Although many of us notice mistakes constantly made by peers and elders alike, the concern that maybe, just maybe, we may make the same mistake is often swept under the rug and we go about our daily routine.

No one is perfect, for the desire to attain absolute perfection has speared into the side of life time and time again with little to no success. However, the concept to learn the mistakes made of the past and present has sunk deeper and deeper it seems. As temptations arise in making the same mistake twice in adolescent life, many of us are seemingly hesitant to be aggressively resistant. In a car accident, some trade 5 minutes of excitement while joyriding without seat belts for a life- changing, painful, and devastating outcome of mental pain and psychical recovery.

How many chances must we get before it’s too late? In my opinion, When this generation ages, we not only need to be more reflective on our mistakes made while young, we must continue to strengthen emphasis of the lessons learned from those mistakes on the present young.

God bless all!!



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Re: A reflection
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 11:58:20 PM »

        I wanted to say to you for someone who is just getting ready to start his life in a new direction, you are a bright light in here. I do not post much just read mostly and post when I feel that special pull to do so. I have enjoyed your posts and wanted to let you know it is so great to have a young person come to the truth and try his best to continue his learning.
       Has you get older life slows down somewhat not much but some. You will actually look back and chuckle at the things you did in your youth. I only wish I had found the truth when I was younger like you did. Now, that I know that everything was done according to God's will and not my "free will". I am very glad to have the life I have know and finally seeing the real truth. Thanks for listening to me rant and thank you for your insights.

                                                 With God's Love & Understanding,


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Re: A reflection
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 02:26:11 PM »

Thanks for chatting Andrew and Pam.  Nice reading on a Saturday morning!

I used to believe "youth was wasted on the young".  But when I read our young men posting I have a great sense of hope for the future!


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Re: A reflection
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 02:48:51 AM »

i guess we will get as many chances as we need until we get the hidden trick or learn the why of overcoming the lesson,,, hopefully never too late.
I liked your reflection since i am also young (22), and i already lack of many dreams that the surroundings would consider desirable while also keep strangling with with many other temporal desires and selfish wantings.
I wanted to know that your words on my last post helped me a lot that day. 
I think with just one long month on here i could consider my self maybe a new yorker, since this are definitely no vacations, i have had a few temporally jobs but.. probably i need more patience.

"youth was wasted on the young"... there is also a lot of evidence too that ''adulthood is wasted on the adults'', ha.
well, no around this forum but just go out to the streets...



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Re: A reflection
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 06:21:00 PM »

God Bless You Guy's


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Re: A reflection
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2008, 10:59:22 PM »

i guess we will get as many chances as we need until we get the hidden trick or learn the why of overcoming the lesson,,, hopefully never too late.
I liked your reflection since i am also young (22), and i already lack of many dreams that the surroundings would consider desirable while also keep strangling with with many other temporal desires and selfish wantings.
I wanted to know that your words on my last post helped me a lot that day. 
I think with just one long month on here i could consider my self maybe a new yorker, since this are definitely no vacations, i have had a few temporally jobs but.. probably i need more patience.

"youth was wasted on the young"... there is also a lot of evidence too that ''adulthood is wasted on the adults'', ha.
well, no around this forum but just go out to the streets...


Hey Moises!

I was so glad to hear things are going somewhat better for ya!

Ya know, as we yougins grow in this era of crises and recession, moods are guaranteed to get discouraged and worries rise. Yet, despite the hardships, despite the pain, maintain the "Keep Hope Alive" stance if you will. The fears of life are nothing but clouded illusions.

Jesus said it perfectly:

"That is why I say to you, don't worry about living - wondering what you are going to eat or drink, or what you are going to wear. Surely life is more important than food, and the body more important than the clothes you wear. Look at the birds in the sky. They never sow nor reap nor store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you much more valuable to him than they are? Can any of you, however much he worries, make himself an inch taller? And why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the wild flowers grow. They neither work nor weave, but I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was never arrayed like one of these! Now if God so clothes the flowers of the field, which are alive today and burnt in the stove tomorrow, is he not much more likely to clothe you, you 'little-faiths'?"

                                                   Matthew 6:25-30

 Keep up the good work Mosis,  We care for you. With God and willpower, you can win!

"The difference between a successful person and others is not in a lack of strength, not in a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."   


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