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Author Topic: The Man Of Sin  (Read 10713 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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The Man Of Sin
« on: March 19, 2006, 11:49:25 AM »

Dear Mr,Smith,
I'm not sure if you are trying to reply to this e-mail or not,
reason being I seem to be having trouble receive, not all but some e-mails are not getting through, so incase it's yours not getting through on this address,
Then would you  please send your reply to my hotmail address which is,  Thank you.

I'm at the moment reading your paper
Exposing The "Secret Rapture" Theory,
There is a section, And i quote, We need to be careful
about setting dates for Christ's return.We are told that
when the man of SIN takes HIS position in the Holy
Place of the Temple, (An event that will obviously not
take place in secret) unquote, Now i have quizzed you
in the past about a man in the singular that has to to come to fulfil a role (Beast) man of  (perdition) or what ever name you'd like to put on him, but your own words seem to confirm such a person, but when i put this same issue to you in more than one e-mail,
your reply, was and i quote again, that their is no such individual, that that we were the beast, and he is already in the temple, (OUR MINDS)
So your statement above certainly conflicts with your reply to me on this matter, I'm not trying to pick holes or cause or try to offend that is not me intention, but you will have agree it's a condradiction, what ever way you look at it.

Hope this finds you keeping well,
I also hope you can find the time to clear this up for me, it would be much appreciated.

May God bless you in your work.

Dear Geoff:

Obviously, the Church believes that this singular man, beast, antichrist, etc., will take a seat on a literal throne in a literal  temple in literal Jerusalem and claim to be the literal  Creator of the universe. I should have rather stated, that "would" such a literal event take place, it certainly would NOT BE A SECRET.

The Revelation prophecy is just as symbolic as is Paul's statements in II Thes. The Church knows nothing of the man of sin WITHIN all of us, and neither do they know anything of the symbolic man of sit setting in a temple at the consummation of this age.

God be with you,



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The Man Of Sin
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 02:52:16 PM »

Pual has a "the man of SIN" in him, you have one too, I have one, and everyone has one.


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The Man Of Sin
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 01:59:44 AM »

Quote from: rvhill
Pual has a "the man of SIN" in him, you have one too, I have one, and everyone has one.

Now I can see and understand better that "the man of sin" are all of us even in whole world. Does that mean "Satan" are all of us too? Because I learned most of the scriptures are not literal but symbolic/spiritual.



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The Man Of Sin
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 02:20:11 AM »

Quote from: Brett
Quote from: rvhill
Pual has a "the man of SIN" in him, you have one too, I have one, and everyone has one.

Now I can see and understand better that "the man of sin" are all of us even in whole world. Does that mean "Satan" are all of us too? Because I learned most of the scriptures are not literal but symbolic/spiritual.


I would say that satan is something else. Satan is more like the Sin of the world, or at least it prince.


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The Man Of Sin
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 10:38:58 AM »

Quote from: Brett
Quote from: rvhill
Pual has a "the man of SIN" in him, you have one too, I have one, and everyone has one.

Now I can see and understand better that "the man of sin" are all of us even in whole world. Does that mean "Satan" are all of us too? Because I learned most of the scriptures are not literal but symbolic/spiritual.


Not sure if this verse helps, but thot about it with your question.

Rev 2:13  I have known thy works, and where thou dost dwell--where the throne of the Adversary is --and thou dost hold fast my name, and thou didst not deny my faith, even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful witness, who was put to death beside you, where the Adversary doth dwell.

I'm thinkging, the man of sin is the beast, our carnal nature.  Satan sits on this throne, ruler over it.


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The Man Of Sin
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 11:54:16 PM »

Quote from: roperfam
Quote from: Brett
Quote from: rvhill
Pual has a "the man of SIN" in him, you have one too, I have one, and everyone has one.

Now I can see and understand better that "the man of sin" are all of us even in whole world. Does that mean "Satan" are all of us too? Because I learned most of the scriptures are not literal but symbolic/spiritual.


Not sure if this verse helps, but thot about it with your question.

Rev 2:13  I have known thy works, and where thou dost dwell--where the throne of the Adversary is --and thou dost hold fast my name, and thou didst not deny my faith, even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful witness, who was put to death beside you, where the Adversary doth dwell.

I'm thinkging, the man of sin is the beast, our carnal nature.  Satan sits on this throne, ruler over it.

Thank you, Laren, for the verse that helps me.
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