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Author Topic: Idea for an election  (Read 8005 times)

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Idea for an election
« on: November 01, 2008, 12:56:35 PM »

It seems that many feel that I voted for God in my early voting post.  However, I mistakenly voted for a human being in that matter.  But this brings up an important question:  How do you feel God is running His creation?  I constantly hear about those who complain: "oh, God hates me" or "why me, God" (I've said that one many times).  So, I've thought many long hours for this and have decided:  Perhaps we should have an election for god.

Who out there would like to run for god?  Remember, I'm proposing that the office of god need not be a dictatorship (aaahh, "God created all so He should be able to run it all").  Well, if you think that we need a regime change, then maybe it's time that you run for god.  Everyone gets one vote (including the angels, and, yeah, you too God).  And we can have a multiple party system put in place.  I was thinking, one could be the eternal hell party for all except a few, a universal salvation party, an annihilation for all except a few party, a party where everyone is required to sit in circles singing folk tunes with some guy named Raffi, only to stay dead forever at our demise (that would be the New Age Hippie party).  Ect.

Those are just a few ideas for party affiliation.  However, don't be deceived.  Because once someone wins the office of god, he/she will become a dictator in how their recomendation for after life is carried out.  For instance, the Universalist god, if elected (improbable in this world) may require one to suffer severe judgment for petty little things.  Imagine having to watch TBN or Different Strokes or shower with the Golden Girls for thousands of years, just because you ran streak naked down the center of the football field at halftime.  Or maybe the eternal hell candidate wouldn't make hell so bad.  Maybe you'll be given marshmellows to roast in the flames.  There are many possibilities.

But we would mostly be electing a new god to make our idiot carnal lives more pleasing.  god may make traffic better in the cities.  god might make all food (including your mother n laws') edible for human consumption.  Or maybe, you just want the fishing to be better.  Most importantly, god could make everyone a millionaire, even if you choose not to work.  The new god could do this.  So, if you're ready for change, your ready for a new god.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 12:58:18 PM by musicman »

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 01:06:27 PM »

god could make everyone a millionaire, even if you choose not to work

And a loaf of bread would cost two million dollars.


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2008, 01:40:46 PM »

Hi, and now I am confused, Musicman you ask, How do you feel God is running His creation? My question is, How can God run His creation if He has already predetermined everything that will happen in life. Predetermined would mean, God cannot change anything, everything will happen the way He already made it happen before the very beginning. And that would mean that your next months prayers cannot be answered if they are not already answered. And I also hope that I am the only one confused on this. Predetermined would mean, it does not matter who wins the election, people are playing out the election and God has already made the winner. I have now learnt to do this, what ever happens in life good or bad, I accept it, or forgive it, then get over it, and forget about it.
       Bless you all        Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2008, 02:00:21 PM »


Having to watch TBN and Diffrent Strokes for 1000 thousand years.  Now that's funny.   Every time I see " Jan, wipe a tear from my eye, Pink haired Crouch", I have the urge to stick one of those tightly rolled up paper cone things through the T.V., and make myself some cotton candy.

Love in Christ



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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2008, 10:37:56 PM »

Lonehorn... Your a Riot!!!! ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2008, 02:05:22 AM »

Lonehorn... Your a Riot!!!! ;D ;D ;D

i second that motion, longhorn, you are indeed a riot.  ;D :D ::)



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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2008, 09:57:44 PM »

And I also hope that I am the only one confused on this.

So do I.  The entire post was meant as parody based on the false notion that anything and everything in God's creation can be changed by puny man.  We know here, that this is not the case.  If God were the evil tyrant that the church suggests, people should think about mutiny.  Or, perhaps a democratically elected god.


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2008, 01:48:12 AM »

..... just because you ran streak naked down the center of the football field at halftime. 

Is this something you are familiar with Musicman.....? ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2008, 08:28:13 PM »

And I also hope that I am the only one confused on this.

So do I.  The entire post was meant as parody based on the false notion that anything and everything in God's creation can be changed by puny man.  We know here, that this is not the case.  If God were the evil tyrant that the church suggests, people should think about mutiny.  Or, perhaps a democratically elected god.

I know that's right! :D


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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2008, 03:51:28 AM »

ok musicman,
the dog and pony show is done now. so, who'd ya vote for?????



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Re: Idea for an election
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2008, 02:37:15 PM »

Hi, and now I am confused, Musicman you ask, How do you feel God is running His creation? My question is, How can God run His creation if He has already predetermined everything that will happen in life. Predetermined would mean, God cannot change anything, everything will happen the way He already made it happen before the very beginning. And that would mean that your next months prayers cannot be answered if they are not already answered. And I also hope that I am the only one confused on this. Predetermined would mean, it does not matter who wins the election, people are playing out the election and God has already made the winner. I have now learnt to do this, what ever happens in life good or bad, I accept it, or forgive it, then get over it, and forget about it.
       Bless you all        Ricky

Hey Ricky,

Just because GOD has already predetermined what will happen, doesn't mean that we should just sit back and pretend like there's nothing we can do about any of it. Things don't happen in spite of what we do; they happen because of what we do.

The future has yet to happen. GOD isn't just sitting back and watching everything like it's a movie that He already created. GOD knows what will happen tomorrow because He makes tomorrow happen. For example: the reason Obama won the election last night, is because GOD caused the necessary events to happen that would cause the American people to vote for him.

The reason we pray is because that's how GOD communicates with us. First GOD gives us the desire to talk to Him, and then He responds. We are much more than Robots just playing out our lives as if we were pre-programmed.

Sure, GOD has preordained all the days of ours lives, but we still have to live them out. That's the only way that we will ever learn and grow and become the person that GOD desires us to be...

It took me a long time to really understand this, I hope that I've helped you, and not made it more confusing...

May GOD Be With You,

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