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Author Topic: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?  (Read 15538 times)

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2008, 12:02:31 PM »

No George: America is itself is not bad its the some of the people that are bad. As everywhere else. I am sure that America is still the greatest country ever and worth fighting for. I just think the leaders of this country has dug us a hole so deep we can't get out of it. I also think that the core value of the U.S. (In God we trust) has become a thing of the past and is now just a catch phrase. we might believe but the country as a whole don't. If they do they have a funny way of showing it.



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2008, 12:19:33 PM »

Hi jacobbsladdr,

Ray wrote a paper that has a good bit about the Bohemian Grove you were talking about.  Here is an excerpt from that article. ----------------------

I merely present a few facts concerning this strange ritual in the forest without lending credence to either of two broad interpretations of what this Club represents: pagan rituals with gross immorality involving prostitution and drunkenness, or just a little fun in the sun for high level movers and shakers to relax for a few weeks. But I think we seriously have to ask ourselves, of the thousands of possible settings and themes for a high level elitists men's club: why a sacrifice to a giant pagan idol in the woods to purge themselves of the cares of this world? And why are many of these same barons of politics, industry, and media also members of the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and similar ghastly and secret fraternities.

Is not the spiritual attitude of the leaders of the western world also accepted and in concert with the rest of society? Have you seen or witnessed any major Christian denomination speak out against such rank heathenism practiced by the very men they support and elect to lead our nations? Does not "the Church" overwhelmingly support and elect candidates who are members of such secret fraternities founded upon rank heathenism. Look at that list again and you will find the answer.

So what's wrong with the leaders of our banks, news media, entertainment, industry, military, and government; foreign heads of states; and our own Presidents; taking part in such heathen practices as "sanctifying themselves and purifying themselves in the gardens behind a tree in the midst?" What's wrong with sacrificing a human being in effigy to a 45 foot dumb pagan idol? Is that such a terrible sin? Is this reason for God's wrath to come upon our peoples?

Just as I tried to show in my recent paper on the Twin Towers, it is a SYMBOL of man's defiance of God and His laws. The destruction of the Towers was not the fulfillment of God's wrath on our nation's sin, but rather what those Twin Towers represented. And the destruction of the Towers is merely a TYPE AND MANOR of the far greater destruction which is to follow. Many missed the point of my whole paper. I don't know how I could have made it more clear.

I do not believe it is for us to be overly concerned with what is happening in the political arena.  All these things must take place before He returns.

Mat 24:6  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Mat 24:14  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

BT is carrying the true message of the gospel of the kingdom to the world.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2008, 02:19:55 PM »

It all comes down to the same thing;

Jesus speaking to His Desciples

Read: Matthew 7:5:
You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your
brother's eye.

Then read:,3709.0.html

Excerpt from: Repentance  Nashville Conference 2005

        Part 2

What I want you to see today is, that you are no better than this Hansan guy [when the audio began Ray was talking about this guy, but now is unable to recall his exact name] who killed and raped these little children.  Your no better.  Now I know you didn’t do it.  But you are no better and that might be hard to believe, but I am going to try and show it to you.

You know the scripture that says, “Know ye that we should judge the world.”   
And Paul says are you unworthy to judge in the littlest things?  Don’t you know we will judge the world and you can’t even judge little things.  You sue at the law, you sue your brothers at the law and so on, don’t you know we will judge the world?
Well let me ask you, if we are going to be judging the world one day, don’t you think we ought to be practicing?  They say, ‘practice makes perfect,’ if we are going to do something.   

We are the Lake of Fire, we will be judging man and the angels.  Don’t you think we aught to have some practice at doing that then?  Don’t you think we should be learning to judge now?

Well, we go to Matt. 7 and we read this, “judge not.”  Is that a contradiction?  “Know ye not that we shall judge the world and judge angels?”  “Judge not.”  Jesus Christ says in John 8:15, “I judge no man.”  And He is the righteous judge of the world, but “I judge no man.”  And in John 12;

John 12:46  I have come as a Light into the world, so that whoever believes on Me should not remain in darkness.
v. 47  And if any one hears My Words and does not believe, I do not judge him, for I do not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

Well, how’s He going to judge the world if He says, I don’t judge any man, I didn’t come to judge the world and you should judge not.  How does that fit?  Does anybody have any ideas?  Are these contradictions?  Actually they are not.

As you judge, as you condemn.  That sometimes, the same word can be used with two slightly different connotations.  Though judgment can mean to do good and to set right, it can also mean to render a sentence.  Which whatever you think you're going to render, it could be bad, because there’s always two possible sentences to be rendered, innocent and guilty right.  Judgment means to render a sentence, it has no bias as to which way it renders the sentence, it just means to render a sentence.  It could be guilty and it could be innocent.  But this verse does not stand alone.  We read this and it says;

Matt 7:1  “Judge not, that you may not be judged.
v. 2  For with whatever judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again.”

farther along we read:

“When His disciples came unto Him.”  He was up there in the mountains with only His disciples.  Now understand Christ only talked to the masses in parables.  But that doesn’t mean He didn’t also talk to His disciples in parables.  He certainly did and here is a case of it.  There are numerous parables in this, what we call ‘The Sermon On The Mount.”  So what Jesus Christ is saying here, when He says, “And why behold YOU.”  Who is the you?  His disciples, these are not Pharisees and Pagans or the masses of Jerusalem and Judea or Galilee or whatever.  These are His disciples.  And He said, Why do you, you disciples of mine and maybe even at this point He was looking at one of His apostle’s when He said that.  Because this is the very occasion where Jesus Christ picked his 12 apostles.  It was at this time on this mountain, right here is where He hand picked 12.

“Mat 7:3  And why do you (My disciples) look at the mote in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam in your own eye?



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #23 on: November 03, 2008, 02:33:07 PM »

George, I see what you are saying. We have all been of this beast system and we are all  laboring, because the Lord is dealing with us now. We have left the political, religous system and social system of this world. We are being created in the image of god. We have been called out.

            All, of us has been part of this world beast system. We have that beast that has to die daily now that we have left the religious system and worldly system.   We judge ourselves now, so that we will not take of her plaques.
             I don't think anyone means to judge here. We just see it more clearly now that God has taken us out of the system and giving us a race to run. For some time before I came out, he was preparing me. There were so many thing that I was seeing going on in churches that I have questioned sometime before coming in her. I think all of us were or we would not be here.
             Yes, I agree we have nothing to boast about. Thanks and Glory is all his. He is enabling us to give up the World Beast and Our Own Beast Within.

In His Love,

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2008, 03:12:07 PM »


Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but I’m getting from what you’re saying that I should not judge anyone, if I’m wrong please forgive me my brother.

Now you have quoted this scripture from the bible ( “Mat 7:3 And why do you (My disciples) look at the mote in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam in your own eye?) I copied that from you George.

According to this scripture, unless I’m perfect I cannot pass judgment on anyone. But if someone offends me and ask forgiveness I must of judge that one as doing me wrong in order to forgive right?

So what do I do if I’m going to my car in a parking lot at night and see a man grabbing a women and starts to rape her?

 Now I have to pass judgment on this act taking place right. So what do I say to myself? Do I say Richard, your good in this area and your ok in that area but over here you got some issues and you are not perfect so because I do have a mote in my eye I better not tell the rapist who has a beam in his eye what he’s doing is not right and just walk away.

Or do I judge the rapist for what he is doing as wrong and drag him off of her? But I must make a judgment call in order to do anything.

I will say this although if any man has a mother, wife, girlfriend or daughter he does not want a rapist walking around free I know I don’t.

                                       In His Love. Richard. 


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2008, 03:22:50 PM »

psalm 119:165

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2008, 03:37:20 PM »

Hi Marlene and Richard,

I am saying nothing of myself, here is what Ray using the Scriptures as basis says:


Remember when you read: Scripture is written to address; What was, What Is Now and What is to Come,
(All Scripture). I read and reread Rays papers, listen on cd daily and watch the videos when possible.

Every reading shows me how far the gulf is between Jesus Christ Love and my love is and i Pray The Lord
to Carry me across. If you can picture stepping on a rake and getting smacked in the face with the handle;
that is mild compared to being confronted with our Lord and Saviour and His Love for Humanity.

In Love and Enlightenment,



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2008, 05:07:55 PM »

Richard regarding the do what Ray says....You always do what is right . You do not judge the person but his actions or words.

The tree of good and evil has you sitting in the judgement seat for that person. The tree of Life has Chirst sitting there and He is in you and that helps you to discern the actions and words and compare them to what God says is Good and Evil in His Word.

(Joh 7:24)  "Stop judging according to appearance, _but_ be judging the righteous judgment."

(Psa 119:165)  Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.        Right on Akira   ;D

On a day to day basis we can only judge ourselves because we know how we think and why we think the way we do. We cannot see that in the other person only God can, and that person is in the state he is in because that is where God has him at the do not know when He is going to drag him to Jesus.  You have no right to judge him

Rom 14:4  Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

It is Christ that removes the log not you. With a log in your eye you can not see the things of God

In olden days they thought that the eye was the source of the light, and that enabled you to see.

Mat 6:23  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

People of the world do not see that they are in darknesss

Jer 13:16  Give glory to the LORD your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and, while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.

Eph 5:8  For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:




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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2008, 05:39:06 PM »


Other than when The Hour was come for Jesus To Finish What He Came To Earth To Do; how did Jesus handle evil when confronted by it?.

1. Demons

2. Scribes and Pharisees

3. Satan

4. Money changers

He did not have to make decisions, He called it for what it was. This was always to address
evil, not the blinded masses.

Eph_6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against
the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 05:42:47 PM by aqr »

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2008, 05:39:40 PM »


That’s exactly my point every person judges others everyday no matter what. What I’m saying is this. If I judge myself better than another person I’m sinning as a result of that judgment. If I steal or am a thief and condemn anyone for stealing then I condemn myself also because I do the same thing.

But if I judge another as to what they are doing as being either right or wrong then there is nothing wrong with my judgment.

If I pass judgment on the person themselves I could be wrong because I don’t know the motive of that ones heart only God knows the motive of peoples hearts we don’t.

I think maybe sometimes we read what Ray says and take it out of context. Just because I know there is no hell does not make me better or more righteous than one who believes in hell.

One thing I know for sure and that even the elect of God are not righteous in themselves nor are they perfect in themselves. As much as I would like to be perfect I will not be until after the resurrection.

So maybe today I don’t do something that was sinful that I did yesterday but today God still has His work cut out with me and tomorrow will be the same as long as I’m being made into the image of God I’ am not perfected only being perfected but I have not achieved perfection yet.

I pass judgment all the time but I do not judge myself better than anyone else because I know if I’ am doing that which is right it’s only because of the grace of God. That’s what I mean.  :)

                                           In God’s love. Richard.     

Jackie Lee

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2008, 05:59:42 PM »

I believe there is a difference in Discernment and judging, but maybe not, to discern one has to judge the situation.

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2008, 07:33:43 PM »

Jackie Lee.

Exactly sister Lee, Show me a person that does not judge and I’ll show you a graveyard…LOL

I don’t say we should judge people in a way that our judgment says we are better than the one who we are judging but rather what they are doing whether it’s right or wrong.

God says we are not to sit in the council of the ungodly but don’t I have to judge them as ungodly so I don’t sit in their council? Of course I do.

Human beings are making judgment calls every waking moment of their day its how God made us. God does not want us to judge others in a wrong way like you know, I’m better than you or I’m more holier than you or I’m better than you. This is the wrong kind of judgment.  :)

                                             In God’s love. Richard.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2008, 07:50:27 PM »

Hello, Yes, I think we all see things that are wrong cause he is showing us good and evil. We are to hate sin. I know, I hate sin in me that is for sure. But, it is kind of hard not to see evil in the world and like it.

In His Love,

Jackie Lee

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2008, 07:58:15 PM »

Jackie Lee.

Exactly sister Lee, Show me a person that does not judge and I’ll show you a graveyard…LOL

I don’t say we should judge people in a way that our judgment says we are better than the one who we are judging but rather what they are doing whether it’s right or wrong.

God says we are not to sit in the council of the ungodly but don’t I have to judge them as ungodly so I don’t sit in their council? Of course I do.

Human beings are making judgment calls every waking moment of their day its how God made us. God does not want us to judge others in a wrong way like you know, I’m better than you or I’m more holier than you or I’m better than you. This is the wrong kind of judgment.  :)

                                             In God’s love. Richard.
Yes I agree with everything you say.
There is not a day I don't have to judge a situation, sometimes I even have to judge should I say something or is it best to not say anything.
I make sure I don't condemn, because I know I could be the one being condemed, but we have to make decisions and to do this is discern or judge what is as close to right as possible. JMHO
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 08:09:12 PM by Jackie Lee »


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2008, 09:34:41 PM »

Hi, I get really tired of hearing about how much God has blessed America, I don't buy it! Who is the God of America? There are only two choices, God or Satan. We know what the bible says about the love of money. America the most richest, powerful country in the world. And they say it is because of God, I have a problem with this because I thought the God of the bible was the God of the poor? And I also heard that if we had more military here we could do a better job of defending the country?  if God`s judgments are upon us all the military on the planet is useless. These are just simple replies as to what I am reading here. Please don't get mad at me.
     Bless you all   Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2008, 09:56:10 PM »

I guarantee you that this country has been greatly blessed.  When I think of the starvation taking place in many other countries I find it incredible that people deny this.  It is obvious to me that we are God's people, just as the Hebrews were during their time of properity.  That does not mean that we are righteous as a nation or that we deserve such prosperity.  I think Ray spelled it out pretty well in his Towers paper.  While I consider spiritual knowledge to be the greatest blessing, prosperity is a lesser, but still a great blessing.  And let's consider the poorest countries in the world.  Do they have knowledge of the true God?  I don't think so.  Neither would they act with any more morality with wealth.  What we have to remember is that we are human, and humans are sinful.  I'm sure that we will be held accountable because of our prosperity.  But every other society would act in the same manner if given the opportunity.  I will say it again.  I don't fear death nearly as much as I fear living through what I think is headed our way.  But perhaps, the blessings will continue for a while longer.  (We have our reward, now)  Be carefull of what you wish for.

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #36 on: November 03, 2008, 10:10:09 PM »


No nation comes into being without God bringing it about. And God is not only God of the poor but also of the rich too. Look at how rich Abraham was and Solomon too.

God has blessed America but America has turned her back on God but this is also Gods doing but all I’m saying is we all judge and we are all prejudice too.

I don’t like the taste of liver so that makes me prejudice against liver, no big deal but if I think myself better than a person of a different race then this is wrong and a sin.

Having the spirit of God in me tells me when I judge in a wrong way and the spirit of the Lord brings it right to my attention. Remember this is not about condemnation but about our learning the ways of God.

So if I judge a person less than myself God is not angry with me at all, because I do that by nature but what God does is point it out to me so I no longer judge in that way which is not right.

All I’m saying here is let’s be honest about it. Anyone can show me scripture about not judging but do the themselves really not judge anyone. Think about it, we are not perfect yet.

God gave me emotion and intellect for a reason but I’m a sinner so I need to learn how to rightly judge.

Its like I said show me a person who does not judge and I’ll show you a graveyard.

                                       In God’s love. Richard.




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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2008, 11:33:21 PM »

Now i am quoting myself, if what i said here contradicts any Scripture please point it out so i can
learn and grow more. My chiding remarks were at the spirit of partisanship and political angst that
was creeping in. This has been a very educational discussion to this point.


Interesting, i wonder who has wisdom to understand that everyone of those people is a child of God in
unbelief and that we should not mock but instead be in sorrow and Prayers for the opening of their eyes
of understanding daily.

Many of us including myself are still wracked about how to do or not to do about all that is not right in
this World.

There are millions of People that do genuinely care about the Life still in the womb, and what will happen
if one candidate wins over another.

We who have been given a special privilege to see and understand into the future must not be mockers and
boasters of our currently not enlightened Brothers and Sisters writhing and crying in pain and darkness out

At this moment in time i feel that God has given me so much Power and Might but i do not yet have the
ability to use it wisely and must stand by in abject sorrow and shame while my Sisters and Brothers in the
World run to and fro in fear and confusion and i can do nothing to help.

I would like to ask each and every Believer on BT to put aside any political feelings and look at the condition
God sees us in and Pray for Him to free us (The World) from the bondage of this physical and spiritual death.

In Humility and Love,



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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2008, 12:08:09 AM »

Ricky, I think I am closer to your beliefs as well. I am blessed by living in America and I wouldn't choose to live anywhere else. However, to say that we have turned our backs on God, my question is, WHEN exactly was America on the right track?

When the Founding Fathers owned slaves?
In 1941 when we allowed the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor so we could get the people behind the Second World War?
Or was it in the 50's when women and blacks were oppressed and we had separate bathrooms, sitting on the back of the bus and black/white water fountains?
Those are just a drop in the bucket. :-[
The entire history of America is filled with the evils of greed and the love of money.

I question the history of America that is taught and that we hear in soundbites daily and as a teacher who has taught and studied history and sadly found the lies written even in the "Christian" history books, I don't drink the Kool-Aid of patriotism anymore.
As a matter of fact...
Dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.”
Thomas Jefferson

I am a child in the Kingdom of the Most High God and I don't pledge to anything or any other entity of this world.
America is just as corrupt as the rest of the world.
I no longer worry about who is in charge down here as I know that God is the One who picks our leaders to bring about His will.

Hope I didn't offend. This is my opinion.

Blessings to all,

Richard D

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Re: Can the gray haired lady change God’s mind?
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2008, 12:42:55 AM »


I believe you’re a wonderful brother in the Lord and I love you as a brother. We are all learning and when I read your post or even your replies I see you growing in the knowledge of God big time.

You know my brother Jesus once said to a person you are of your father the devil. The way I see it George, we either have God the father as our spiritual father or the devil as our spiritual father, its one or the other.

Yes, one day all will be saved and all will be in the family of God the creator but as of now only those who have the spirit of God in them are the children of God. For as many that believe in Him gave he power to become the sons of God.

When you say that these are Gods children this is not accurate but only those who God has called to believe and them only.

It’s not about defending our position my brother but about growing in truth. Now you know that we read a scripture and it has its meaning right, but next week we read the same scripture and its meaning has become much deeper.

There is nothing wrong with judging but remember one thing always and it’s this, how we judge we shall also be judged as we judge also. When we judge we should never judge in a way that leads us to believe we are better than another for this is sinful to do.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with the scriptures you quoted for scripture can not be broken as it is the word of God. I cannot put God into a box and nether can I put scripture in a box because its meaning keeps getting deeper and deeper.

We are human being and we all judge everything in our lives even people why we even judge God too. I once judge God as a bad God because I believed he was sending most of us to hell now I judge God as good because I see He is going to save everyone.

If someone says to me they have God in their lives and tell me they don’t judge I’ll show you a greatly deceived believe as well.

All I’m saying is if we have the righteousness of God in us let none of us think its of us or that we are better than those who don’t because its only by the grace of God do we have what we have. We have not earned it but we have obtained it.

                                    In Gods love. Richard.
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