Hi Ray just finished reading praying by Gods rules and must say that it is one of the best papers on prayer I have read. I must admit to being a little confused Ray by the two statements below. I would appreciate it if you could throw some light on my question. if the sins of the whole world are already forgiven which I believe they are, why are we to ask for something God has already given us? or does this just mean that we are to forgive others as God has already forgiven us. If God has already forgiven us because of Jesus and the cross, how can we only be forgiven if we forgive others?
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our saviour, who will have all men to be saved. ( 1 Tim 2:3-4)
Your comment, was this, Jesus died for the sins of the world. That part of the commission is finished ("It is finished" Jn 19:30). The sins of the whole world are already forgiven. ( Taken from part 5 of the Lake of Fire series).
as opposed to..
"And forgive us our debts [sins] as we forgive our debtors…"
We will be forgiven our sins ONLY if we forgive those who sin against us. We really need to give this some thought. We cannot bless God while cursing our enemy or our fellow man, and expect God to bless us (James 3:9). ( Taken from Praying by Gods rules.)
Thanks Ray
Yours in Christ Ray (UK)
Dear Ray: Boy, I can't get away with anything--my readers are too sharp. Okay, let me see me get myself out of this one:
FIRST: It is the "SUM" of God's Word that is Truth: "The SUM of Your word is truth...." (Psalm 119:160).
SECOND: "Behold the Lamb of God, which TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD."
THIRD: "It is FINISHED" (John 19:30).
FOURTH: "...even God, Who quickens the dead and calls those things which BE NOT as though THEY WERE" (Rom. 4:17).
Likewise, Jesus knew that He HAD to die for the sins of the world, and yet, HE PRAYED FOR IT.
Understanding the Sovereignty of God under any, every, and all circumstances is one of the hardest things for the human mind to wrap around. God has a plan, a PURPOSE. He knows that plan and purpose from beginning to end, and nothing will change one iota of it. Yet, there are billions and billions of things that must take place in order for that plan to be accomplished. Everything in the universe that happens, is part of the fulfilling of that plan. Yes, if you do not forgive others of their sins, GOD WILL NOT FORGIVE YOUR SINS. But... BUT, God already has purposed that you (eventually) WILL FORGIVE OTHERS. You cannot under any circumstances escape the Sovereign Will of God.
Paul told those on his ship sailing to Rome, that if any remained not on the ship they could NOT be saved. Yet an angel already told Paul that everyone WOULD be saved. (Acts 27:31). Answer? God saw to it that everyone DID remain on the ship.
Remember that God has "ways and means" to accomplish all of His desires, and there is no way that His plan can be thwarted in any way. God only allows for it to "appear" as though it is being thwarted from time to time, which allows for men to then think that they have "free will," which of course, they do not.
God be with you,