Richard, You are so right on that. I was small when he first drew me. I have always loved him even though, I have not always pleased him. But, now that I know he directs our steps I see he did all this to bring me where he wants me to be. I believed in hell. Although, I hated it that is how he brought me to him. I sinned what was a great sin to me, and Hell made me feel he could never forgive me.
Praise God that the hate of hell released me of this sick doctrine of men. I can say in all truth it scared me to death. I found myself never able to please him. I gave up that sick doctrine I also, was delivered from some various trials and sins. Now, I see his LOVE for all because when we believe this we are really blind. Some, I believe are not. But, I know I was. Lots of it comes because of translations. I suffered for 17 years with a neighbor that all I did was show her love. She, got mad and every gift she had given us over the years for Birthday, Christmas, or any reason she asked for it and we never did anything back as revenge. Her fence is on part of our property so she can have a dog. We would never think to aske her to remove it . Although, my husband will not do any work for her. He is afraid of what she might say he did, if he did something wrong. She did all this and in doing this God has told us to cut all ties with her so we can live peacfully.
She has said"Things to me over the years that my family would never think of." I like peace and so I gave her 17 years of love. But, she does not think I love her. She is blind. God taught me patience in this situation. Now , he says be in peace for you and your family.
He does draw or drag us, but what he has drug us from is the Beast within and it is a hard thing to leave. But, I now want the traits of God not of the Beast cause the beast it a terrible thing. We give the Beast up with a fight. Like a war with in us. The Beast likes to rise. I only pray that I give that Beast up more and more and never want to retain any of it, I believe we will give up more and more of it with his teaching us. Even, teaching is painful, but my what comes out of it.
I love you all, aren"t you glad he draws or drags us and the Beast cries out.
In His Love,