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Author Topic: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)  (Read 12419 times)

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Re: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)
« Reply #20 on: November 25, 2008, 12:38:11 AM »

Hey, I love this. But, let me share something. There is nothing more prescious to me then the truths Rays teachings have brought to be. He  is truly led by God.

Something, I would like to share with you. Of course when we first see these truths we get excited for the whole world to know.

But, when I sometimes don't fully understand a scripture I leave it for God to show me in his own timing.

Now, I know God has made me want to run a race. But, tell you something he makes me pray for and also, read in the Bible.

I like the scriptures that tell you what he is like. Now, I pray God make me in your image.  Let me Love like you. Let me love without getting love back. Let me love with patience.  He even used a difficult neighbor of 17 years. She choose to leave the relationship cause she could not see my love.  But, I know I never gave her anything, but Love.  I could not buy her things I could only Love her. I still Love her. Also, I belive there may have been some mental issues there I don't know. But, I have been so peaceful, even though she ended it. I am not well and God  I believe worked this out for me. He taught me patience and he has taught me love over and over. He taught me long suffering.  There is so much more for him to teach me. I forgive those who judge me even though they may not know my true heart. After, all isnt that what God did when we nailed him on the Cross. I love all the truths in the scriptures. But, my one on one time with him has taught me more. So, I dwell on the character of Christ. I want it and will keep in the race for it as long as he enables it to be so.

With Love like Christ there would never be wars. Someday, Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ who I love very much, we will be living it in the real.

Gods Love To You,


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Re: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2008, 02:35:50 PM »

My husband was close minded to the forum here so much that I would wait till he was away or sleeping to get on line! But now... after our experiences, he walks by from time to time reading over my shoulder and even smiles!


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Re: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2008, 02:49:59 PM »

Jennie, that is great! I share some of this with my husband, basically he's not real interested. I sit here at night when he's home I don't like the tv shows he watches, but my computer is right next to the den where he  is so we are almost together! ;) I even occasionally have to tell him what I am laughing about! :D Or if I make a sound of frustration to a topic he'll ask what's wrong. (I never tell him anything negative about the forum)I have all the materials on the BT site printed off, he is welcome to read it anytime he wants! . It's great that you guys are now able to share it! ;D I am able to get online during the day when I'm at home and I just happen to be at home today!  ;D
Kathy :)


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Re: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2008, 04:26:34 PM »

Hi Everyone, I certainly loved to control situations. When, I had my what could had been a deadly out come,  I had a lesson taught to me. I had a fever of 109 and 107 for several days. Had to wait 48 hours for a culture to let them know what would cure the blood stream infection.

I believe God did not want me to go unconscious so I could learn this less. It was as if he said, Now, what can you do about this. You are always trying to do my job. What are you going to do now? I said, to him in prayer well Lord it is all up to you. This, was before I found Rays website. Well, he showed me one I needed to lear patience and two its all up to him, and I don't have anyting in the matter. I now, belive this experience helped me to read Rays papers and except them. So, it was all Gods doing.

Now, when I feel that wanting to control come up I bite my tongue. You know, I even had anxiety about ones going through the fire . Joe, and Rodger and Indiana Bob helped to show me I had anxiety for the lost. That, came from always people telling you they have to get saved and not knowing how hard that is. Not a short prayer. Now, I know that it is like the fire we are going through here. I mean when you are new to all this all kinds of things come flying at your spirit.  All, I can say I saw more growth in me then I had seen for years. Now, I try and have patience waiting on him cause it all depends on him.
We can't force people to grow faster then God allows us. So, we have to be patient with him and patient with those who are not grown in areas like others. I know and trust my Lord will show me my sins and areas of growth I need. If, when he shows it and we repent he is patienct to help us overcome. Thats, why we are learning to be like him. If, we don't have him put his traits in us how can we even be choosen. How and when is all his. Patience , longsuffering with all is what we need to learn.


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Re: The Spirit of Patience (Fruit)
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2008, 10:39:11 AM »

I don't like those patience lessons too much! I don't seem to have much of it. God puts us still sometimes when we need to learn something and just don't slow down enough to listen! This past summer I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. They are poison and will just about kill you. I went to the doc. and was under treatment but my leg was worsening. I ended up in hospital out of my head for a while with the prospect of losing my leg. I was laying there in pain and confusion just asking God how a mountain woman is supposed to feel the trail of the earth walking through the woods with one leg. He gave me a lot to think on during that time. One thing that hurt my heart was one day my husband was coming beack into the hospital and a couple from our old church acted like they didn't know him. That was when God got me really thinking about things. You know like... was God ever in that church and why did I think that serving there meant serving Him? My eyes started opening while I was flat on my back! Good news.... they opened and I still have a leg. It doesn't work so well anymore but it keeps me balanced as I trek through the woods and reminds me everyday of what I am learning. I used to be mad and probably still will be some days at the people but most of the time I am sorry they don't know that all that work doesn't do a lot for God. He cares what is inside of us. Now I am going to wish ya'll a great day and hobble outdoors because the sun has just risen over the mountaintop good! Love to all, Jennie
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