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Author Topic: Why???  (Read 8613 times)

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« on: December 02, 2008, 03:29:41 PM »

Why is it every time I get to stay home for almost a whole day I end up CLEANING HOUSE ??? Why? why? Why?
Why are there dust bunnies everywhere? Why am I sitting here reading when I SHOULD be cleaning? Oh man I am frustrated! I would hire a maid, but she'd probably laugh at me and keep on walking!
Why? Why? Why? :P :P

What do you MEAN "if you'd clean your house everyday you'd have more time for fun"? Are you NUTS!?
NO! I'd rather sit here and try to figure out how to make my computer talk!!  ;D

That WAS my computer talking??  :o
 :'( :'( :'( my computer knows me better than anyone! ;)
Have fun y'all!
Kathy :D


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Re: Why???
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2008, 10:28:28 PM »

Don't you have beer at home?

Why ask why!!?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2008, 10:36:36 PM by musicman »


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Re: Why???
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2008, 12:35:45 AM »

Do like I do, clean once a year and get it over with.



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Re: Why???
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2008, 03:58:13 PM »

Thanks you two! I knew I could count on you guys for sensible advice! Musicman if I had beer at home my husband would probably drink it! I have never drunk it (had a taste of homemade wine once when I was a teenager :P :P :P it was nasty!) wait...I'll bet it would really clean those stubborn rings out of the bathtub! Hey! I'll give it a try!

Longhorn, I tried to do the clean-once-a-year deal, but dad gum! I ain't got enough dishes to last a whole year!!  ;D Well, I guess I could buy disposable stuff, but then I'd probably have greenpeace down on me for filling up the landfill, I guess I could burn the paper plates...Then again I'd still have to take all that trash to the burn pile. :P Oh whatever, I'll wash the dishes, use the beer to clean the bathtubs and leave the rest of the housework til next year! It's only a few weeks til next year maybe I'll make a new year's resolution about housecleaning! Works for me!

Kathy ;) ;)


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Re: Why???
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 01:00:57 AM »

ok, kathy, now this is a true story (and my family can attest to it). i have always been really ridiculous about keeping my house clean. i too would even do housework on my day off. BUT, 6 yrs ago when i got laid off from work my husband went back to working in the oilfield and he brought home a homeless, abused puppy. i nurtured that puppy and through the help of the vet brought "java" back to health, BUT, he is very protective of me and his territory at home, so now no one comes over to visit (without calling 1st) because "java" is unpredictable when he feels threatened. i have taken him to an expert in dog aggression and have read books and watched dvd's from several other dog behavior experts. so now 6 yrs later java is much improved, but still no one will come over without calling 1st. SO i have taken on a new attitude about in, dust bunnies can feel safe now in my home, and the vacuum cleaner can take a breather, and the dishwasher gets turned on when the last cereal bowl has been used. i mean, why bother, why knock myself one comes by and my husband is out of the country every other month. i keep the house neat and clutter free, but deep cleaning waits (until the week before my husband comes back home). i just count "java" as a blessing in disguise and use my new found free time as opportunity to study more from ray's teachings. any my family said i should get rid of the dog!

ok. a bit longer than i had expected, but just another way our God works in mysterious ways. He tempered my cleaning obsession via a dog named java...

love in Him


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Re: Why???
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2008, 09:23:41 AM »

If you cannot get a puppy write odes,7478.0.html



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Re: Why???
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2008, 01:50:33 PM »

Claudia, a woman after my own heart!!  :D
My friends stopped coming around when I started taking care of my oldest grandson---11 years ago! Ha! don't feel sorry for me, they came back-- until I started taking care of his brother 8 years ago!!! Now my only friend who comes around is my niece, she has three mostly grown kids and, well at least they love me! They like to come over and hang out with me once in awhile!
Now you can feel sorry for me the battery just died in my mouse and I gotta go find another one!
Ah, that's more like it!! New batteries installed! ;D

I am not complaining about my friends because you know I am a home body. I like staying home and if friends came over then I'd have to go to their house, etc,etc.  Nope, I have dogs and cats and fish a plenty to keep me busy and I have 4 of my little grandsons near me, I have the Lord who ALWAYS loves me, a husband who drives me crazy  ;)  and all of my little dust bunnies to chase around the house! :D :D ;)
I have one granddaughter and one grandson who live in Indiana, if I could see them every day or so my life would be perfect! :)

Beloved, Ha! I love the ode! so cute  :D  I'll bet if we really thought about what constitutes a dust bunny  we'd go nuts trying to get all those little critters! :o I used to love to write poetry, but I haven't written anything in years maybe one day I'll try to write something!
Ho! look at the time it's almost 11AM and I have to chase a dust bunny! ;)
Love you guys!
Kathy :-*



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Re: Why???
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2008, 09:50:36 PM »

If you clean your house too much there won't be enough bacteria around to kill off the other bacteria.  I rarely clean but we never get sick in my house!!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!



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Re: Why???
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2008, 10:28:37 PM »

Claudia, You are a clean freak like my Mother. She is 88 and lives with me now. She ran a tight ship. We had our duties when we got home from school. She also, never was a person who had too many material things. She never let us have to many toys. She is still like that. Her hobby was cleaning and working out doors after working a full day out of the home. She still does not go to bed till around 12 at night. Now, her knees are bad or she probably would be going like crazy.

I was like that for years, but have found out other things I like to do. I mean my house is not dirty, but I don't loose my mind over it like she does.  My husband is a neet freak. His drawers and closet have every thing in its place. He is a good cook too. He watches food shows and My Mom talks of the old days over and over, or listens to cnn over and over . LOL And, I read the Bible and come in here and read and be with you all. That, is the best thing I do. I

In His Love,


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Re: Why???
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2008, 12:10:49 AM »

Hey Eileen! You may be on to something!  :D
Marlene, my husband used to be a neat freak.  Now I am forced to clean up the messes he leaves behind  :o
He tells me, "Oh you never have to pick up after me!"  :o   Oh, REALLY? Ha!   >:( My husband used to cook too, but now? No! Now if I ask him to cook he looks for a box of mac and cheese!  :P Oh, and THEN he puts TUNA in the mac and cheese! Calls it a tuna casserole! :P :P Oh, listen I could go on and on! BUT I won't because I care about you!! :D ;)

Hey I'll bet Longhorn uses that kind of tuna casserole to get revenge on bad neighbors! ;D

I gotta go was the dishes!
Kathy ;)


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Re: Why???
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2008, 02:55:34 AM »

kathy, eileen, and marlene; yes i confess i used to be such a clean freak and i got it from my momma. now when i go visit her i just laugh because i see myself in her. but with daddy being sleeping that deep sleep of death, she only has one itty bitty dog and 2 cats so there is not much to clean, but she still finds a way to find things to clean, poor soul. her escape it her yard and her flower beds, and she cleans them too!!!!!!!! my husband has never been a clean freak thank goodness or we would drive each other nuts...but that is all history since he brought me the dog. and, 2 yrs after he brought "java" home, he brought home another dog (thankfully my husband now works on an oilrig off the coast of nigeria). the 2nd dog is total opposite of java, but still, no one comes by unless they call me when they are on my driveway. oh well, i do not complain at all. i just go to their house. their as in my sisters. i too am a home body (also just like my momma) and i have said on more than one occasion that if i had friends (other than my sisters) i would have to entertain them at some time or other and well, that would mean i would have to make sure my house was dusted and vacuumed. once my husband comes home from overseas i don't worry too much about dust collecting on things or pet hair on the floor because he cannot see far away unless he has his glasses on. so, the clean freak in me has been tamed eventhough i still like to keep the house neat, as in, everything has a place and every place has a thing; it's just that i have less things now (thanks to the goodwill store). i finally decided that less things meant less things to dust.




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Re: Why???
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2008, 05:42:17 PM »

I like to clean  ;D


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Re: Why???
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2008, 03:27:01 PM »

Extol my young friend!
I will pm you with my address and you can come on over and I guarantee
you can clean to your heart's content! :D :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Why???
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2008, 12:02:31 AM »

lol sounds great!
 but i could only do it if you live around NYC, or in missouri! :D


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Re: Why???
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2008, 02:02:42 AM »

Bummer, I'm in Alabama! That's just a little south of Missouri;D
Kathy :D ;)


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Re: Why???
« Reply #15 on: December 09, 2008, 09:05:19 AM »

Claudia I love this:

it's just that i have less things now (thanks to the goodwill store). i finally decided that less things meant less things to dust.

I'm off work this week, and was dreading moving and dusting all the "stuff".  I like your idea.  Unless Extol wants to swing thru Georgia on the way to Kathy's house in Alabama?

Also, I can relate with how company doesn't pop in anymore.  We have 4 dogs, and the neighbors are about the only folks who visit us!  They know the dogs and the dogs know them.  ;)  And they don't mind the messy house too much.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 06:38:29 AM by Vangie »


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Re: Why???
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2008, 10:08:28 AM »

I can truly say that with the loss of our home and many possessions ,life is easier . Not as much to take care of!


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Re: Why???
« Reply #17 on: December 09, 2008, 12:05:12 PM »

I have thought about shoving my house off a cliff, but we live in the middle of farm land!  ;)
My husband said he'd like to bulldoze this house down and build another one. I said "good! when you bulldoze it I'll just go to Wal-Mart and shop while you're doing that!" ;D
Jennie, I'm sorry you lost your home was it a fire or a hurricane? :'(
Kathy :-*


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Re: Why???
« Reply #18 on: December 09, 2008, 12:26:47 PM »

No, it was jobs. Everything around here is carpet industry and farms. There are no jobs to speak of anymore. My husband is taking odd jobs as am I to keep food on the table. We were fortunate in that after we lost our jobs, God sent a couple who wanted our house. We were able to sell it for the pay off which kept our credit from going bad. I had a couple of yard sales to raise some extra money for bills too. In the midst of all that I ended up in the hospital with a brown recluse spider bite which almost cost my leg. I still have my leg though and we pay the hospital like everything else...a little each month! It could be far worse than we have it.


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Re: Why???
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2008, 01:43:24 PM »

Oh, man I'm sorry I didn't mean to make light of your loss! We do forget how hard times are. My son may lose his job in Indiana, he will know on the 19th if his job will be over. His wife doesn't have a job and don't know if she will find one after all the lay-offs around there.
There is a possibility they could lose their home, too. We have already had to help them a lot because they have had a lot of financial trouble. My daughter in law doesn't want to live away from her mom and family so she doesn't want to come here to try to find something. I told them I am praying if his job ends that God has something better in store for them.

There used to be a lot of textiles around here, but no more. There are towns here that have tried to entice some kind of industry to come. There used to be a bunch of shirt factories here like Van Huesin or however you spell that! But they have virtually all closed, too.
My husband and younger son both work in the aircraft industry, they work for a national company. My son is a supply supervisor and my husband is in quality control here locally in a company that refurbishes helicopters for different countries and for the U.S. They stay busy, but there are never any guarantees with any job.

Oh, yeah, where were you when you got the spider bite? Outside? Inside? I know I kill every black widow I see, I don't even care if they get put on the "endangered species" list! :D I've never seen a recluse, but enough black widows to do me for the rest of forever! :P

Keep the faith! Ill be praying for you!
Love, Kathy

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