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Author Topic: FLATULENCE TAX??  (Read 7348 times)

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« on: December 07, 2008, 12:10:08 PM »

Well, now they are really off their rockers! Someone is proposing a tax on farmers because their cattle put methane gas into the atmosphere! Go ahead tax the farmers out of business. Then you can buy your milk, cheese and beef from.....CHINA??
When I was growing up (on a dairy farm in Glendale, AZ) land developers came and built a housing area and called it "ranch-etts" right next to the dairy. What happened? Well, that dairy had been there 25 years at least, right away people began complaining about the smell! HELLO?! Did you not KNOW before you bought your "ranchette" that there was a dairy farm next door??

This place was so far out in the middle of nowhere I saw the one and only Gila (pronounced HEE-la) Monster I ever saw alive and in the wild there! That is a beautiful poisonous lizard native to the desert Southwest.

Well, of course before long the farmer was forced to leave there to who knows where! Taking jobs with it! So go ahead oh fearless ones, go ahead and force our farmers out of business, is this a way to make people stop eating so much meat?  >:( >:( Eat a jelly sandwich on PETA bread!

Kathy :(


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« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2008, 01:34:22 PM »

The decline of America. America had hit it pentacle and now is on its way down. We wont have to fear our enemies  afar we will destroy ourselves from within. Slowly eating away from the inside out. We will be so week at some point they will just walk in and take what they want. I pray our next Pres. is wiser than the last one.



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« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2008, 02:43:34 PM »


My sister moved into an area that had once been farmland but now it is mostly housing developments.  There is a railroad nearby and now the people who bought in development (expensive houses) are complaining about the train whistle.  Again, they knew there was a train and that is why they got their big mansions dirt cheap.  Now the taxpayers in the town are going to have to pay for some sort of soundproofing wall to be built.  What a crock.

I live near a couple of farms and I certainly don't care for the smells the waft by when the wind blows, but I knew this when I moved here.  And the "city folk" can't tolerate the slow-moving farm vehicles yet they presumably moved here for the peace and quiet of the country.  Too bad.


I put NO faith in any man.



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« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2008, 03:04:54 PM »

Remember when the slogan was buy a house, it's the best investment you can have?  Well, thanks to the banks I'm stuck with a house that's worth less than when I bought it 4 years ago.  Prices should have never gone up so fast.  I'm disgusted that the banks always want to be bailed out but those who they screwed receive nothing.  And what started it all was having those interest rates lowered the way they were.  It became a sellers market and many owned several houses and cashed in.  There was no criteria for getting a home loan, so now we have vacant house after vacant house and I doubt the prices will get back to where they were any time soon. 

Oh, as far as the cows, stop feeding them so much and they won't fart as much.  Actually, they should tax the farmers for every hormone they inject into their livestock.  And there should not be meat byproducts in their feed.  So I'm pretty p'd at the farmers too.


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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2008, 03:20:37 PM »

Darren, You know the well meaning of any president falls away somewhere along the way!

Eileen, Yep that's it! If you're buying into a place then do your homework! there is a railroad track in our town and my son and his family live near the track about 2 blocks as the crow flies and sometimes the engineer blows that horn so loud! BUT what if they didn't and someone crossed the track and was killed because the train didn't sound the warning? That engineer would lose his job! I live at least 3 miles from the track at any given point (again as the crow flies ;) ) We can sometimes hear that horn from way out here! I live in the middle of peanut fields and cotton fields and every fall the peanut dust flies and we all get allergies, but you know what? I'm not going to bring a lawsuit against the farmers--Ooo, maybe they'll start a dust tax that'll fix those devil farmers!  :o

( I will admit back in the spring I did want to kick some farmer hiney because they sent their tractors out when the wind was blowing 25 mph to plow up some fields! The dust was so thick it was like driving in a horrible dust storm for 2 days! that was dumb! >:( )

Musicman,  I didn't say the farmers were innocent of any wrong-doing! They are just as greedy as the congress and big business!
Yes, they should be penalized for the stupidity, anything for the almighty dollar!

And the housing deal? Oh that is sickening! It makes me sick to think of what they have done to people in the name of WHAT? You name it.. I think we are in a bad fix here! What did the banks do with the bail-out money?? Why did the big CEOs get a big bonus and everybody else got "screwed" as you say ??? something is really messed up, I wish I was smart enough to figure it out!
Kathy :(


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« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 05:14:03 PM »

Musicman are home loans easy to get? After katrina wiped out all our savings and put us in dept i wonder if I could get a loan. ??? ???


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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2008, 05:35:17 PM »

Ohhhh don't get me started on the now one trillion five hundred billion dollar bail out!!!!  I would like for someone to explain to me the math on that.  I want one of these geniuses to stand up and explain to the American public how a country with a trillion or billion dollar deficit can afford to shell out another trillion and a half dollars!!  How does that work?  How does that benefit the taxpayer? or the homeowner (who is not in over their head) ?  I understand that they "think" this will jumpstart the economy and that we CAN'T let these big financial institutions fail but I don't see it.  It looks like a bandaid solution to me and it only serves to encourage greedy behaviors by rewarding the greedy.  And they think they are going to CUT taxes????  NOT A CHANCE!!!

Ahhhh, thanks for allowing me to get that off my chest.  :D



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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2008, 08:30:34 PM »


To give us a better understanding and help us avoid a similar problem, could you please offer a few more details about your over priced house?

Did you borrow the whole amount of its selling price?
Is it in an expensive area or on a lake or vacation area?
What interest rate were they offering and why were they able to give you the preferred rate at 100% of the appraised value?  Was the appraisal inflated by the bank without your knowledge.  This is special.

Did the government guarantee the loan?
Did you wonder how you were getting such a good deal"?
What did you expect to do if you became ill and unable to work?

Many of us have been through similar situations in which we had to have a large down payment to qualify so it would be helpful to understand.

Thanks, Bob

Remember when the slogan was buy a house, it's the best investment you can have?  Well, thanks to the banks I'm stuck with a house that's worth less than when I bought it 4 years ago.  Prices should have never gone up so fast.  I'm disgusted that the banks always want to be bailed out but those who they screwed receive nothing.  And what started it all was having those interest rates lowered the way they were.  It became a sellers market and many owned several houses and cashed in.  There was no criteria for getting a home loan, so now we have vacant house after vacant house and I doubt the prices will get back to where they were any time soon. 

Oh, as far as the cows, stop feeding them so much and they won't fart as much.  Actually, they should tax the farmers for every hormone they inject into their livestock.  And there should not be meat byproducts in their feed.  So I'm pretty p'd at the farmers too.


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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2008, 10:50:21 PM »

Simple.  I paid $172,000 for a house that may be worth $100,000 in a few years.  Perhaps it will get back to $150 eventually.  What I'm saying is I put 20% down, got a good interest rate but even if I hadn't, that's what refinancing is for.  Had I held on to the money and kept renting, I could live in a much better house and closer to my job.  There was no regulation on the increases because of the "free market economy".  Now the banks were throwing money around and people were taking non stated loans for property that they couldn't afford.  There were many who were buying several houses that they couldn't afford and relying on the inflation in the housing market to make them rich.  It backfired on those who did this as of late.  But many got rich from this by doing what should be considered irresponsible.  Had the housing market maintained a steady 10% annual increase we wouldn't be in the crises that we are in.  People won't start buying again until the market hits rock bottom.  But I will not receive any favors because my payments are all made and I have a steady income.  But I absolutely wish I wasn't living where I am and would sell if I could.  But thanks to the banks and our crappy state of the union, I can't.


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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2008, 12:18:56 AM »

It is called the Longhorn Tax, he gave them the idea when he mis-behaved in outerspace last week.

They are also talking about a "vaue added" tax to beans, chili and other foods and activities that lead to increase the methane gas that being delivered to the atmosphere



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« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2008, 01:06:32 AM »

Maybe they should have left the dang ozone hole open ??? so all that gas could escape and get the martians tranked. :o

george. ;D


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« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2008, 03:16:30 AM »

Well, now they are really off their rockers! Someone is proposing a tax on farmers because their cattle put methane gas into the atmosphere! Go ahead tax the farmers out of business. Then you can buy your milk, cheese and beef from.....CHINA??
When I was growing up (on a dairy farm in Glendale, AZ) land developers came and built a housing area and called it "ranch-etts" right next to the dairy. What happened? Well, that dairy had been there 25 years at least, right away people began complaining about the smell! HELLO?! Did you not KNOW before you bought your "ranchette" that there was a dairy farm next door??

This place was so far out in the middle of nowhere I saw the one and only Gila (pronounced HEE-la) Monster I ever saw alive and in the wild there! That is a beautiful poisonous lizard native to the desert Southwest.

Well, of course before long the farmer was forced to leave there to who knows where! Taking jobs with it! So go ahead oh fearless ones, go ahead and force our farmers out of business, is this a way to make people stop eating so much meat?  >:( >:( Eat a jelly sandwich on PETA bread!

Kathy :(

PETA = people eating tasty animals...

also, perhaps we should tax the bankers and auto execs and politicians for all the...well...gas that they have been passing!




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« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2008, 04:33:58 AM »

If you want my rant >:( >:( >:( on that subject :'( :-[ >:( :o keep hinting and i just might.

george. :-X for now.

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