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Author Topic: Man came from a rock  (Read 16539 times)

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Man came from a rock
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:39:30 AM »

YAHOO!! I just discovered the truth about how life got started on earth. Believe it or not it was not from God. We came from comets. That's right comets. I seen it on TV. This is how it begin. first comets and meteorites pounded the earth.  comets are made of ice,dirt,proteins and minerals everything a living cell needs. So enough of these objects pounded the earth and created our oceans and lakes and rivers. After a long period of time one cell creatures became two and so on and so on. Then they were fish and mammals. From there some creatures grew legs and begin to walk then they grew lungs to breath the air. well y'all can guess the rest. So here we are.

Why is it that all these programs show that this is how life got started on earth. it's always the same crap. No wonder certain people have trouble with man being created by God. It starts when we are children. evolution is taught from the beginning of school. I remember the pictures on the school wall where it shows and ape like creature and next it is an ape then an ape that starts to walk upright and at the end of twenty or so pictures there's us. This crap is pounded in our heads through the yrs. No wonder man is so messed up. I am so Glad that I know the truth. I am so glad the The Lord made us in His image. It would really be depressing if I cam from a comet.. Thank you Lord for making us. We have a creator, A Creator who loves and cares for us. This is much better then a rock.


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 09:37:36 AM »

I've never understood why people buy into the notion that we developed from a micro organism and after billions of years of adaptation became what we are today.  This idea is as hard to comprehend as a God creating us.  It's hard to wrap your mind around both scenarios so why not adopt the "God" theory instead.  At least there is purposeful reasoning with God.  There are just too many awesome wonders (including intricate man) in this world to deny God.

I thank God daily for gracing me with belief.  How awful it must be to live in darkness without hope. 



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2008, 09:43:01 AM »

I thank God daily for gracing me with belief.  How awful it must be to live in darkness without hope. 


Amen Eileen...Amen  :)



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2008, 11:44:38 AM »

Its actually even more absurd than what youve described Winner.  :D 

I have to laugh at times.   As more evidence comes forth proving there is not enough time for life to have started AND evolved in the way evolutionists have described; the hardcore scientists have turned to science fiction... literally.

If you havent heard of the concept of transpermia, you probably will in coming years.  Rather than admit to the possibility of God, some of the best known proponents of evolution believe that ALIENS must have sent life to earth through space.  If you think im kidding, just google Richard Dawkins and / or transpermia. 

Could it ever be more true that "a fool has said in his heart there is no God"?  I know when men are deceived and misguided like this its not funny... but I also cant believe there isnt a deep sense of irony and humor built into this sort of foolishness.  :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2008, 12:42:07 PM »

YAHOO!! I just discovered the truth about how life got started on earth. Believe it or not it was not from God. We came from comets. That's right comets. I seen it on TV. This is how it begin. first comets and meteorites pounded the earth.  comets are made of ice,dirt,proteins and minerals everything a living cell needs. So enough of these objects pounded the earth and created our oceans and lakes and rivers. After a long period of time one cell creatures became two and so on and so on. Then they were fish and mammals. From there some creatures grew legs and begin to walk then they grew lungs to breath the air. well y'all can guess the rest. So here we are.

Why is it that all these programs show that this is how life got started on earth. it's always the same crap. No wonder certain people have trouble with man being created by God. It starts when we are children. evolution is taught from the beginning of school. I remember the pictures on the school wall where it shows and ape like creature and next it is an ape then an ape that starts to walk upright and at the end of twenty or so pictures there's us. This crap is pounded in our heads through the yrs. No wonder man is so messed up. I am so Glad that I know the truth. I am so glad the The Lord made us in His image. It would really be depressing if I cam from a comet.. Thank you Lord for making us. We have a creator, A Creator who loves and cares for us. This is much better then a rock.

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.(Was this instantaneous???)

Did He just find a pile of dust, wave a magic wand and there was a fully grown adult man walking around?
I don't think so.
As Ray has been teaching for some time now, and especially at the last conference, we need to look at the scriptures carefully before we dismiss what science has discovered.


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2008, 01:13:23 PM »

Hey Mc_Can!!!

That transpermia theory is all ready moving around in the churches. Go figure! I have an employee that attends a baptist church and was telling me that one of the elders (and a few others) really believe that humans are a product of Aliens. THIS IS A BAPTIST CHURCH!!! Mind you. They barely believe in the holy spirit but can believe in aliens? ???

Anywho... Thought the subject was worth responding to. Isn't it funny how people will have a "replacement god" for God? Both God and the alien theory have common attributes to them. I mean, think about it for a moment. God is supernatural, aliens are the same. God knows your thoughts, aliens can achieve the same with some type of technology. God's origin is unexplained, aliens are from outer space still yet no origin(other than Mars maybe?) You see the similarity? The list goes on and on. I think people don't want to feel that they will be responsible for their actions.(again the freewill mindset at play) So they will conjure up anything that appears to get them of the hook of responsibility.  ::)

Well there's my two cents on the subject.  



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2008, 01:55:14 PM »

YAHOO!! I just discovered the truth about how life got started on earth. Believe it or not it was not from God. We came from comets. That's right comets. I seen it on TV. This is how it begin. first comets and meteorites pounded the earth.  comets are made of ice,dirt,proteins and minerals everything a living cell needs. So enough of these objects pounded the earth and created our oceans and lakes and rivers. After a long period of time one cell creatures became two and so on and so on. Then they were fish and mammals. From there some creatures grew legs and begin to walk then they grew lungs to breath the air. well y'all can guess the rest. So here we are.

Why is it that all these programs show that this is how life got started on earth. it's always the same crap. No wonder certain people have trouble with man being created by God. It starts when we are children. evolution is taught from the beginning of school. I remember the pictures on the school wall where it shows and ape like creature and next it is an ape then an ape that starts to walk upright and at the end of twenty or so pictures there's us. This crap is pounded in our heads through the yrs. No wonder man is so messed up. I am so Glad that I know the truth. I am so glad the The Lord made us in His image. It would really be depressing if I cam from a comet.. Thank you Lord for making us. We have a creator, A Creator who loves and cares for us. This is much better then a rock.


Yeah, I've had several encounters with Atheists, and they really are a 'bag of treats'!  :D

They'll say that God is just a fairy tale like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and then tell me that they use "logic and reason" to determine that there is no God...

To which I usually respond with, "Oh really? So where did 'logic and reason' evolve from?"  ???

Over & Out,



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2008, 01:57:08 PM »

Amen David,

That makes sense to me what Ray says about both the Church & Science having it both right & wrong!
I may be alone here on this but...I personally won't make a stand that there are not other life forms out there, as far as I know the scriptures are silent on this. If a little green guy showed up, would my faith in God & Scriptures be worthless?  I don't think so!  But it's also dangerous to start speculating and creating personal theories about it.

The Believer's/Church once thought that the Earth was the center and everything revolved around it....and the earth was flat etc.  Not to mention they labled people who believed differently a heretic and executed them.  Now we have the "Secular World" teaching a theory of evolution as fact in our schools, and those pictures of Monkeys to Men Darren was speaking about are not as yet proven scientifically.  In an ideal world people would present their theories as such.

If a hurricane forms or a volcano erupts, is not God behind it even if we can scientificly understand the causes and effects?  When God decides it is time for us to understand these mysteries he will reveal it.

I Pray to Learn & Grow in Him Everyday,



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2008, 02:34:14 PM »

Amen Brenda.
The Bible does tell us that spiritual beings manifested themselves as either human or animals, or other physical phenomina such as bright lights etc on the earth, yet their dwelling place is not on the earth. Thats as far as I'll go on the forum with that.

I don't believe in evolution, never have. Not even before I became a Christian. I always wondered why some scientists would doggidly hold onto a 150 year old theory based on a false premise. It was actually Emmanuel Cont that 1st fostered the theory of evolution, but never managed to gather any data. Darwins theory was based on the premise of a static unending universe, infinite in age and size. He concluded that in such a universe, a species could have infinite rolls of the dice of evolutionary chance, and sooner or later it would mutate an improvement and reproduce it. In theory that is true, if time and the universe were infinite, then not only are all things possible, but all things are guaranteed because there is not time frame for them to fail or to be proven wrong.
However, the Bible has always said that the universe is not infinite, and now science agrees.
Many meterialist atheist scientists now believe in what they call "punctuated equalibriem", which in our leighmans terms means that species simply appear in the fossil record with no evolutionary link to any previous species, then disapear at some point, to be replaced with more complex species again with no link at all. Some of the complexities show huge jumps. This is perfectly inline with the scriptures, that God created simple life forms, then more and more complex life forms. The last species to apear on earth according to science, the most recent addition to the earths species is modern man. Funny that, because thats exactly what the Bible says  ;)

We've already seen that God created the conditions for the earth to bring forth plant life. Personally I do not dismiss the idea that God did the same with other species, created the conditions for them to be brought forth.   


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2008, 02:38:24 PM »

Now I finally understand why I am dumb as a box of rocks.. we came from them! Who comes up with this stuff????


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2008, 03:13:58 PM »

I may be alone here on this but...I personally won't make a stand that there are not other life forms out there, as far as I know the scriptures are silent on this.

Excerpt from email to Ray (,3621.0.html):

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.

I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,

Hello Brenda,

Technically, there is no scripture that does not say specifically to not smoke marijuana. And it is from the earth...  ;)

The whole counsel of God is required (the sum of thy Word is truth...Ps 119:160) to distinguish between truth and fiction. Anything that is not of God is sin such as entertaining the idea of little green men.   8)

Hope this helps,



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2008, 03:43:34 PM »

...Many meterialist atheist scientists now believe in what they call "punctuated equalibriem", which in our leighmans terms means that species simply appear in the fossil record with no evolutionary link to any previous species, then disapear at some point, to be replaced with more complex species again with no link at all. Some of the complexities show huge jumps. This is perfectly inline with the scriptures, that God created simple life forms, then more and more complex life forms. The last species to apear on earth according to science, the most recent addition to the earths species is modern man. Funny that, because thats exactly what the Bible says  ;)

We've already seen that God created the conditions for the earth to bring forth plant life. Personally I do not dismiss the idea that God did the same with other species, created the conditions for them to be brought forth.   

Funny thing you mention this stuff, because I've been pondering over these Scriptures for awhile:

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

GENESIS 1:24-25:
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

I recall (as everyone else who's listened to/watched the Creation study from the Conference, or was blessed enough to be there) how Ray went over verse 11 which talks about 'the Earth' bringing forth all the seed for trees, plants, etc. But I don't remember if he also went over the above two about the Earth bringing forth creatures... [guess I'll have to listen to it again soon]

I also recall him going over the difference between the Hebrew words 'bara' and 'asa'. The first meaning to create something totally new, and the second to mold or fashion from existing materials.

It appears to me that Genesis actually agrees with the idea of species 'evolving' from other species, though not in the sense that Atheists try to make it. So many people (especially Religious) snap whenever they hear the word "evolve", but the word itself simply means to "to develop gradually".  :o Just because the Earth is millions (or billions) of years old, and things "evolve-develop gradually" doesn't discount that fact that GOD is behind all of it! 

Like Ray always says, "PAY ATTENTION TO THE WORDS!!"  ;D

Over & Out,



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2008, 04:19:41 PM »

I may be alone here on this but...I personally won't make a stand that there are not other life forms out there, as far as I know the scriptures are silent on this.

Excerpt from email to Ray (,3621.0.html):

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.

I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,

Hello Brenda,

Technically, there is no scripture that does not say specifically to not smoke marijuana. And it is from the earth...  ;)

The whole counsel of God is required (the sum of thy Word is truth...Ps 119:160) to distinguish between truth and fiction. Anything that is not of God is sin such as entertaining the idea of little green men.   8)

Hope this helps,

As I always do, I appreciate your comments and your great ability to share Ray's info with us.  :)
I hope you know I was being "Cheeky" when I said little green men. ;)
As I said...I personally wasn't talking a stand against it,...neither am I endorsing it.
At this time I have no opinion, and however interesting....don't find it relevant to my faith one way or another.

Always searching for the Truth,


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2008, 04:27:51 PM »

I may be alone here on this but...I personally won't make a stand that there are not other life forms out there, as far as I know the scriptures are silent on this.

Excerpt from email to Ray (,3621.0.html):

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.

I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,

Hello Brenda,

Technically, there is no scripture that does not say specifically to not smoke marijuana. And it is from the earth...  ;)

The whole counsel of God is required (the sum of thy Word is truth...Ps 119:160) to distinguish between truth and fiction. Anything that is not of God is sin such as entertaining the idea of little green men.   8)

Hope this helps,

As I always do, I appreciate your comments and your great ability to share Ray's info with us.  :)
I hope you know I was being "Cheeky" when I said little green men. ;)
As I said...I personally wasn't talking a stand against it,...neither am I endorsing it.
At this time I have no opinion, and however interesting....don't find it relevant to my faith one way or another.

Always searching for the Truth,

No problem... :)



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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2008, 05:24:22 PM »

I may be alone here on this but...I personally won't make a stand that there are not other life forms out there, as far as I know the scriptures are silent on this.

Excerpt from email to Ray (,3621.0.html):

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.

I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,

Hello Brenda,

Technically, there is no scripture that does not say specifically to not smoke marijuana. And it is from the earth...  ;)

The whole counsel of God is required (the sum of thy Word is truth...Ps 119:160) to distinguish between truth and fiction. Anything that is not of God is sin such as entertaining the idea of little green men.   8)

Hope this helps,


The English words Cosmos and Cosmology, words which refer to the universe and the study of it come from the Greek word Kosmos, which is the word translated "world" in the NT scriptures.


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2008, 06:24:29 PM »

The English words Cosmos and Cosmology, words which refer to the universe and the study of it come from the Greek word Kosmos, which is the word translated "world" in the NT scriptures.

That's interesting, do you believe that the Lord was referencing the universe all the times the word 'kosmos' was used in scripture? That He died for the universe and not just planet earth which is where He stated He was creating mankind into His image? That His judgments are coming to the universe and not earth like He states? [Isa 26:9]

As Eve is 'mother of all living' [Gen 3:20] would that mean any living beings would have had to have left the earth to live on other planets or space?

These scriptures (along with many others), though not saying "PLANET EARTH ONLY", all reference God creating mankind, into His image, on this planet.

Excerpt from 'Exposing Secret Rapture theory' (


"Or are you not aware that the saints shall judge THE WORLD? And if the world is being judged by you, are you unworthy of the least tribunals? Are you not aware that we shall be judging MESSENGERS(1Cor 6:3), not to mention life’s affairs?" Notice that the same "you" and "we" are to judge the "world" AND "messengers." And the judging of messengers is linked with judging "life’s affairs." "Life’s affairs is not something going on in OUTER SPACE! Life’s affairs are things on the earth, which is the same location at which we will be "judging messengers!" And these two judgments are not separated by thousands of years.

I have never gone into outer space, however, guess what? I have and still do wrestle creatures among the celestials! "... for it is not ours to wrestle with blood and flesh, but with the sovereignties, with the authorities, with the world mights of this darkness, with spiritual forces of wickedness AMONG THE CELESTIALS" (Eph. 6:12)! Now think for a moment, if we can right here and now, from the earth, wrestle with creatures among the celestials, why can’t we also judge and instruct them as well, FROM THE EARTH?

When Christ returns to set up His kingdom on earth, He brings the place of authority or rulership that He has prepared for the apostles with Him so that "... where I am, YOU ALSO MAY BE" (John 14:3). During Christ’s reign on earth His apostles will be WITH THE LORD. Now notice I Thes. 4:17 where it is stated that when Christ returns to the Gentile saints "... thus shall we always be together WITH THE LORD ..." We also will be with the Lord on the earth, not in outer space.

There is much that could be said regarding how Christ actually comes and what He will do after He arrives. Will He literally ride out of Heaven on a flying white horse with fire shooting out of His eyes and a long sword coming out of His mouth followed by literal armies ready to do battle against the few remaining and helpless humans on earth, and all this happening while the lightning is flashing and silver trumpets are blasting? Probably NOT. But, just like the rest of Revelation, the things that these symbols, metaphors, and figurative language represent will certainly be GLORIOUS, but that’s a subject for another paper. Remember that we have God’s promise that the wise shall understand. We all need to pray for wisdom, that’s for sure.

This is why I made the initial reply to Brenda's comment...not from fact that she does not take a stand on other life forms but from the comment 'the scriptures are silent on this'. The scriptures, literally, are silent on many things...but spiritually, they speak on all things as all is of God and He is one with His Word.

I'm not trying to debate just state from the scriptures. These kinds of ideas and beliefs slip in little by little and fester & feed on the carnal mind & understanding.




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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2008, 11:54:48 PM »

Science has shown that man came from the same thing that the Bible says he came from.  Man came from the dust.  But if you want to be literal about it:

Everything came from dust.  Including rocks.


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2008, 08:22:28 AM »

The English words Cosmos and Cosmology, words which refer to the universe and the study of it come from the Greek word Kosmos, which is the word translated "world" in the NT scriptures.

That's interesting, do you believe that the Lord was referencing the universe all the times the word 'kosmos' was used in scripture? That He died for the universe and not just planet earth which is where He stated He was creating mankind into His image? That His judgments are coming to the universe and not earth like He states? [Isa 26:9]

As Eve is 'mother of all living' [Gen 3:20] would that mean any living beings would have had to have left the earth to live on other planets or space?

The simple answer is no I do not believe that at all. However, it is a fact that whenever the word "Cosmos" is used today, its understood that it means the universe, and it comes from the Greek word Kosmos.
There's currently no evidence to suggest there is life anywhere else in the universe, and as you say the scriptures do not indicate that there may or may not be, not as far as we know to date anyway.
There are Jewish scholars that state that Gen  1:1 litterally means the entire matter of the Cosmos. God did create the Universe, we know its there, and its there for a purpose. He doesn't create things for nothing.
We obviously have to look at Gen 3:20 in a context that maybe we haven't before, and I don't have any answer just so you know. But your statement suggests that Eve is the mother of all living and I know that she wasn't the mother of horses or lizards or spiders. This is obviously a reference to all of Gods people from Adam and Eve. Gen 2:7and man was made a living soul. I think this scripture is tells us a lot. Remember how Ray put emphasis on "It came to be" in his recent talks. In the NKJV its translated "became a living being" There were lots of living creatures on earth before Adam, and Ray has stated in a recent Bible study that he believes Adam was not the first human, but none of them were made "living souls".   
Like I said there is no evidence to suggest life anywhere but here on earth, either in science or in the scriptures.
Biologists are divided as to how the first single cell life forms came to be, whether it was chemical reactions in the oceans, or whether it was extra terrestrial from matter bombarding the earth. Whatever the case may be, God created it and caused it to be.
The scriptures are clear that God created man from the dust of the ground, which comes from rocks, which comes either from out of the ground in the form of volcanic activity, or from extra terrestrial matter hitting the earth.
I believe that man was created from the dust of the ground that formed over millions of years from volcanic rock.
1 Cor 15:47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; 

It would be both arrogant and foolish to suggest that any of us, including Ray could possibly have the understanding of what we've been taught recently about the age of the universe etc, about what Genesis is actually telling us without scientific discovery. Someone said in a recent Bible study of Rays, that this could not have happened 40 or 50 years ago, because these things were simply not known to science. But they've been there hidden in the scriptures for thousands of years.
I believe as science discovers more and more about the earth and the universe, we in turn will learn more and more about whats hidden in the scriptures. Fact, science cannot make a single discovery and prove it unless God created it and caused it to be, and there's a chance there's a reference to it hidden in the scriptures.
I don't think we've even begun to realize just how great a God we serve,  we will one day that's for sure. 
« Last Edit: December 19, 2008, 08:26:59 AM by David »


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2008, 12:11:54 PM »

Getting back to Atheists, I just saw this bumper sticker....

Atheists believe there is NO God,
but HE is responsible for all the crap!!!!


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Re: Man came from a rock
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2008, 02:14:10 PM »

This is just a thought. I am on the Creators side but someone
mentioned this is what we are taught from our first year in
school, and this is true, but the why is the most shocking
proof of how ignorant our education system and society has
Ben Stein made a movie called "Expelled" and that movie tells just
why we have evolution taught and the idea of Intelligent
Design is "expelled" from grade school, high school, and college
and science. Just incase you maybe interested.
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