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Author Topic: What a crock  (Read 12103 times)

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What a crock
« on: January 10, 2009, 08:57:54 PM »

Hi Craig,

You put this topic up first and my head is spinning after reading such art. ;D ;D
This little excerpt is enough to make longhorn sit up and take notice.

george. :o

From: Archie
    Mr. Raymond Smith;  Because you did NOT take the initiative to respond on the extremely gentle admonishment of my original letter to you, , , I now feel obligated to state an ultimatum, and that being, that you PUBLISH my letter VERBATUM, as received herein, together with this notation also, as they both appear here, , ON your website as the most recent thus in the respective file thereof, and WITH my letter, publish your direct apology for having so seriously misled your readers on such as an Eternal life and death critical matter. That is ALL I expect of you sir, and if it would make it any easier, you need only publish this follow-up WITH the publishing of MY letter herein following, so as to commun icate to your readers, that -
    It is with genuine sincerety that you publish this notation from Archie, to communicate to all your readers, that you are VERY sorry for having made such profanely damning remarks as are certain to have resulted in some souls being cast into everlasting hell fire, precisely as the rich man is recorded to yet be experiencing, and also, that to confirm the depth of your seriousness, henceforth and for the next eighteen months, your website shall remain un-changed thus, without any further additions or deletions thereto, so that all who happen onto it, can witness your apology from the logically sound realization of having been totally wrong in so many of your remarks, and so much so, that you deem it wiser to let this admission speak for itself and never again post ANYthing to the web, NEVER, , for fear of damning your soul in hell, as SHALL be the case without question, if you FAIL to heed and hearken unto this very simple admonishment to cease and desist from all further remarks concerning The Bible, , and NOTE, that if in any way or manner, your apology the least infers self-excusal, I shall consider this matter closed, and with the understanding that in fact, you hadn't the least intention of making a serious apology to anyone for anything, because of NOT wanting to openly admit your error, so as to be openly noted as desirous of forgiveness for such gross misconduct as infering that God is neither Eternal NOR Everlasting, or that He stated it was His intent to punish Job, and these two instances of your profane ministry being used as examples of the many, many other such instances of gross, spiritual misconduct and abominational discord as ranks no less than worthy of absolute damnation in everlas ting hell fire that you claim doesn't exist, even though God Himself is recorded as stating that the rich man is yet there.

Dear Archie:  WOW--WHAT A CROCK!  Do you actually talk like you write?  Weird!,9106.msg76132.html#msg76132

Dennis Vogel

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Re: What a crock
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 09:05:13 PM »

Many of these religious people are mentally ill. I'm tempted to email Archie with a link to this thread.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2009, 09:20:50 PM »

This reading is a study in writing a lot to say nothing while attempting to appear officious.

george. :)



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 11:26:37 PM »

It seems Mr archie has received an ultimatum settlement type from a lawyer's office.

And has interjected his own ideas into the ultimatum settlement type from a lawyer's office, in a vain effort to sound threatening and legitimate.

What fools will do when given a prop.

You would think ole' Archie would take care of his own back yard and responsibilities before he takes on the task of correcting others of their responsibilities

« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 11:29:51 PM by Falconn003 »


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 12:24:48 AM »

He's obviously spiritually blind, but not necessarily unintelligent.  I know a very smart person at work who doesn't talk this way, but writes this way (just not quite as bad).  It's a combination of poor written communication skills and a desire to sound intelligent.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2009, 01:38:54 AM »

Yes, it had a very threatening "legal" tone to it.  ::)



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2009, 02:13:55 AM »

It did have a threatening tone, but I couldn't figure out what the threat actually was.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2009, 02:26:45 AM »

Yeah, I expected him to end with....or I will sue you for defamation of the character of God....or something.   ???



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2009, 02:46:29 AM »

This reminds me of a scene from a Marx Brothers movie when Groucho has Jameson (Zeppo Marx) take out a letter to his lawyers.  Big, fancy words....but in the end were so useless that Zeppo felt that he said a lot of things that just weren't important, so he just omitted them.  Great scene.  Check out the link, and re-read this letter from Archie, and see if you don't find some similarities!   :D




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Re: What a crock
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 02:47:37 AM »

Just shows what can happen when you turn your brain off and talk or type your Thesis on: ???
If a tree falls and makes a lot of noise, will anyone; no that was has anybody; actually i know
nothing so i have no Thesis. So I'll huff and I'll puff till i blow your teaching away.

Scurrilous knave you of Ignoble Tomes. 8)

george.  ;D :o ;D


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2009, 03:39:45 AM »

It takes all kinds,

            My initial reaction was as follows: Brilliant, just Brilliant; He's a legend in his own mind
            and last but not least; Pride is before a crash and a haughty spirit is before a stumbling.

            Of course, Dennis my be correct, he's several cards short of a full deck.

                                 Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2009, 04:06:13 AM »

after reading through archie's vomit of words, and with my head spinning, i can only say that "archie is a real jughead"!  :o



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 04:21:50 AM »

Here is the threat

I shall allow until mid-month for you to respond positively and thereafter, if when visiting on the 16th to learn of your decision in this matter, I note that you have chosen to NOT honor this exceptionally simple and humble request, at that time, I shall CLOSE this matter between you and I and He Whom you proclaim as a NON-entity, and Eternally thereafter sir, retain Bible permitted "ought" against you, so that no matter how long you leave whatever Mat.5:23-24 gift at the altar, while seeking to make amends with me, I shall reFUSE to acknowledge your request thus, regardless of whatever it may be that you desire to communicate to me , and PERManently.

Ray will be PERManently oughted on the 16th.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2009, 05:11:32 AM »

Hey Archie

We all come out of stinking rags of self righteousness. God has elected to make your rags public which will be most stinging and painful when God reveals to you your stupidity.

You neither know the Scriptures or the Power of God. You have in all likelihood not even studied the Truths contained in the many teachings that bless us to freedom here in Bible Truths. What I am saying is that you are speaking, writing and thinking as a beast, a fool and with your carnal mind. You are definitely being led but not by the Spirit of Truth. You are in  bondage to your feelings and to your impulses and you are not a bond servant of Christ yet.  Ray is a ray of Gods light which is revealed by what Ray writes, thinks and shares about who God is and what God thinks and feels and how Gods Spirit and his fruits are which have blessed and healed many of us here setting us free of captivity to bondage and dark self justifications and leanings on our own understandings. We are learning God here and praise God for feeding us through Ray who depends upon the Scriptures as the Authority and who sets before us the example and tools of that Authority which is setting the captives free. Are you free my friend? I do not think so.

If you read the following you may be given eyes to cry for pardon and peace. Repentance follows conviction of sin. Are you convicted of sin my friend? If not then you are not yet free. Do you think you have achieved something good by seeing your letter made bare before the eyes of the world?  Your vanity has surpassed you and your public display is shamefully self exposing your bondage to lies and deceptions. Have you needed so desperately to have your opinion appear on the Bible Truths web site? Do you feel better now that your self righteousness is exposed to the world? Do you think you have impressed God?  Your comments and objections show only that you do not know the Word of God is as a sword that knows your motives, idols and thoughts and that it is His Spirit that burns to the core with conviction of sin and judgement on all fleshy carnality just like that pagan blasphemous hell fire you think exists forever.

GOD is a consuming fire who does not change and you my friend are confused. God has got you, you have not got God. You do not know God ...not yet.

We here in Bible Truths and those silent others who are seeing and knowing the Truth, are getting to know and see and hear God. What has been revealed of God via the teachings given and shared via what Ray Smith has published, has never before been so comprehensively expressed for those who desire the Truth.

 I pray that God brings through His goodness, repentance to you. It is you who is burning up by what your eyes and ears are showing you is the Truth that Ray teaches. It is you that is despising the Word of God. We on the other hand are learning that the peacable fruit of Gods righteousness is a gift and we receive and are blessed by that gift.

Gods Lake of Fire is salting you out of your self satisfaction luke warm comfort zone. I hope you do not read this and go back to your self satisfaction opinion that YOU have achieved anything good by your letter to us. It is God alone that turns all things to good for those who love Him. Your good will be Gods Lake of Fire that will purge you of your carnal mind. Non are exempt. Not one.

God will show you the Truth one day and until That Day, it may be that God is showing us through you, that He has assigned you to live in your folly until He sets you free. Maybe you will be convicted now?


« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 05:14:47 AM by Arcturus »

Dennis Vogel

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Re: What a crock
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2009, 10:10:41 AM »

Just got this back from Archie:

Ray: I do apologize for the "mond" assumption, but never B4 new of anyone without it.
    You asked a question, and seeing as yours is my last letter to attend to this morning at 2:14 A.M., I'll answer it as briefly as possible, and that being, that because of my years as a law clerk, with legal and technical and patent-writing experience,  the technical style of terminology and expression has carried over into my twilight years, but I confess I prefer that to the results of my first years of primary school, back in the forties when pearl harbor and hitler were most often the topics of conversation. I'd guess that's a little B4 yor time, but at least it gives you an idea of how young "I" be.
    O.K. You being a self-admitted servant of satan, I do sincerely THANK you for being open and honest about it and after posting this, I shall BLOCK my address from any further correspondence with you, and feel obliged if you'd do the same in return, because there's no sense in belaboring the point of my initial reason for contacting you, when you're acquainted with nothing other than the negative side anyway and thus, haven't the least idea what I be speaking of as pertains to that which I addressed you concerning. So, suffice it to say, , ,
    Archie ...  - Servant Friend of The Most High God


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2009, 10:21:15 AM »

Just got this back from Archie:

Ray: I do apologize for the "mond" assumption, but never B4 new of anyone without it.
    You asked a question, and seeing as yours is my last letter to attend to this morning at 2:14 A.M., I'll answer it as briefly as possible, and that being, that because of my years as a law clerk, with legal and technical and patent-writing experience,  the technical style of terminology and expression has carried over into my twilight years, but I confess I prefer that to the results of my first years of primary school, back in the forties when pearl harbor and hitler were most often the topics of conversation. I'd guess that's a little B4 yor time, but at least it gives you an idea of how young "I" be.
    O.K. You being a self-admitted servant of satan, I do sincerely THANK you for being open and honest about it and after posting this, I shall BLOCK my address from any further correspondence with you, and feel obliged if you'd do the same in return, because there's no sense in belaboring the point of my initial reason for contacting you, when you're acquainted with nothing other than the negative side anyway and thus, haven't the least idea what I be speaking of as pertains to that which I addressed you concerning. So, suffice it to say, , ,
    Archie ...  - Servant Friend of The Most High God

"Over & Out"...Daywalker, is that you??  :D ;D :D ;D



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2009, 11:11:45 AM »

Well, there's an example to us of a person who God has assigned to the delusional reprobate folly of his own mind until The Day that the Lord shall expose him to himself. Then he will see that he is wretched and blind and naked and maybe some of us here will be elected to pick up the pieces to help him onwards to repentance.




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Re: What a crock
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2009, 12:32:43 PM »

Thankyou Arcturus,

                          Your first Post was well written and informative for Mr. Archie and True.
                          Perhaps, God in his Wisdom and Plan for Mr. Archie might have a future
                          event in store for his Chastisement or correction, prior to his eventual
                          stayover in Sheol(Unseen, Imperceptible) that could be the prior cause
                          that leads to a Restorative cure, while still in his lifetime. Of course,
                          only God knows. He would do well to review the events written in
                          Scripture outlining the events of the Worst of Sinners, The Apostle Paul
                          and how he was caused to completely change his course.

                                            Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: What a crock
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2009, 09:57:49 PM »

I don't like it when people like this mouth off, because it gets to me.  Ray makes a lot of sense interpreting Scripture, but then these people make me think, "What if this is all an illusion, and there is an eternal hell, and I'm going there for believing otherwise."  I think my problem is that I'm looking for comfort in humans, and not in God's love.  As for Mr. Archie, try to control yourselves and not get to ticked at him.  Peace,



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Re: What a crock
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2009, 10:34:14 PM »

Hi Craig,

You put this topic up first and my head is spinning after reading such art. ;D ;D
This little excerpt is enough to make longhorn sit up and take notice.

george. :o

From: Archie
    Mr. Raymond Smith;  Because you did NOT take the initiative to respond on the extremely gentle admonishment of my original letter to you, , , I now feel obligated to state an ultimatum, and that being, that you PUBLISH my letter VERBATUM, as received herein, together with this notation also, as they both appear here, , ON your website as the most recent thus in the respective file thereof, and WITH my letter, publish your direct apology for having so seriously misled your readers on such as an Eternal life and death critical matter. That is ALL I expect of you sir, and if it would make it any easier, you need only publish this follow-up WITH the publishing of MY letter herein following, so as to commun icate to your readers, that -
    It is with genuine sincerety that you publish this notation from Archie, to communicate to all your readers, that you are VERY sorry for having made such profanely damning remarks as are certain to have resulted in some souls being cast into everlasting hell fire, precisely as the rich man is recorded to yet be experiencing, and also, that to confirm the depth of your seriousness, henceforth and for the next eighteen months, your website shall remain un-changed thus, without any further additions or deletions thereto, so that all who happen onto it, can witness your apology from the logically sound realization of having been totally wrong in so many of your remarks, and so much so, that you deem it wiser to let this admission speak for itself and never again post ANYthing to the web, NEVER, , for fear of damning your soul in hell, as SHALL be the case without question, if you FAIL to heed and hearken unto this very simple admonishment to cease and desist from all further remarks concerning The Bible, , and NOTE, that if in any way or manner, your apology the least infers self-excusal, I shall consider this matter closed, and with the understanding that in fact, you hadn't the least intention of making a serious apology to anyone for anything, because of NOT wanting to openly admit your error, so as to be openly noted as desirous of forgiveness for such gross misconduct as infering that God is neither Eternal NOR Everlasting, or that He stated it was His intent to punish Job, and these two instances of your profane ministry being used as examples of the many, many other such instances of gross, spiritual misconduct and abominational discord as ranks no less than worthy of absolute damnation in everlas ting hell fire that you claim doesn't exist, even though God Himself is recorded as stating that the rich man is yet there.

Dear Archie:  WOW--WHAT A CROCK!  Do you actually talk like you write?  Weird!,9106.msg76132.html#msg76132

"Alleging themselves to be wise, they are made stupid," - Romans 1:22, Concordant Literal New Testament

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