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Author Topic: Prayer?  (Read 7271 times)

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« on: January 18, 2009, 10:19:55 PM »

Question: Why bother to pray if God's will must be done, and God never changes His mind about anything?
I'm on a prayer team at church, and receive dozens of prayer request each week.  Am I wasting my time?  Also, how To respond to the prayer request? (we send out acknowledgment cards). It seems pointless and rude to write:
"God has already decided if your (child, mother, father, spouse) will live or die.  If your prayer is for what God has already decided, it will be given. If you pray for them to live and yet they die, it's God's will. Sorry, but I can't do anything about it."
Not very comforting!! LOL.  Am I missing something?  I'm getting ready to give up this ministry if my all prayers are in vain....... :-(

Dear Cathy:  The Christian Church has so screwed up our minds, that it is almost impossible to think rationally if one is to cling to their absurd and unscriptural doctrines and teachings.
Ask yourself:  "Have I or anyone I know ever fervently prayed for something or some one, that was a good and loving request, and yet God did now answer your request?"
Yes?  Many times?  Probably.  But why?  Why would God answering some benevolent loving requests, but not others, and certainly not all?  Let me first make what I consider a very profound statement that I came to understand when I did a Scriptural study on prayer:
"God has never ever answered a prayer that WASN'T FIRST PRAYED!"
But the question remains:  "Would God have performed that same task for you if you had NOT prayed for it?"  He may have, but then it couldn't be counted as a answered prayer.
When God desires to do good things for His people, he inspired them TO PRAY.  When you understand prayer, no prayer of yours will ever "be in vain" as you suggest.  Yes, God exactly what He will and what He will not do in the next hour, day, or week, and absolutely nothing in heaven or earth will ever "change" that--God does NOT CHANGE HIS MIND, EVER!  But we don't know what a new day will bring, and so we pray.  Many if not most of God's ways seem strange to we humans.  We are not yet on His level of wisdom and spirituality.  God wants to hear from us.  God wants His children to talk to Him about all their needs and desires.  God wants to hear us thank Him for all He has given us.
It is not the least discouraging to me that I cannot change God's mind about anything.  Imagine if God answered all the billions of prayers of all the billions of people around the world?  What utter chaos there would be.  God could never prophesy or foretell the future, as it would be constantly changing by the changing of His Own mind, answering all of those billions of prayers.  Was Jesus perfectly obedience to God His Father?  Did His Father "remove the cup" that Jesus prayed about?  NO, no He didn't.  Was Jesus' prayer, therefore, "in vain?"  I think not.
If God has determined to heal or bless someone because you or someone else prayed for it, then you will HAVE to pray that prayer in order for God to answer it, and therefore, prayer is never in vain unless we are not praying according to God's rules.  Hope this helps you a little, and I will pray that it does!
God be with you,
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