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Author Topic: Lust and Marriage  (Read 16735 times)

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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2009, 04:30:40 PM »

Falling in love is a natural process but with this there is also a falling out of love.  Once a person decides to love someone, i.e. saying "I love you" are committing yourself to having to work at the relationship.  It is a commitment.  

Lusting after someone is completely different from loving someone or being "in love".  The bible is very clear on this.....
James 1:15  "Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death."

and again

1 John 2:16 "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."

When two people get married, they become one....
Matt 19:6  "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
and again....Mark 10:8  "AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh."

Just my opinion

Thanks for the scriptures, I am aware of them and stand behind them. I do know and agree that lust is totally different than love.


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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2009, 04:34:48 PM »

Who am I,
 How does being in a legal binding override a spiritual concept.
I am not quite sure of your question, it seems to me confusing. You are trying to mix carnal things with the spiritual.  Marriage is only a shadow of a spiritual concept...the physical is temporay and spiritual is noncorruptible.

A spiritual covenant is holy and marriage is only the shadow, Most things in the physical like the tabernacle tent of Moses will be seen as shabby imitations

If I can truly love then I think I would operate properly in the physical sense as well. Where as you can do everything like Saul with great zeal and live by rules and yet be no where spiritually.

Where do you ever get the concept that you are in anyway going to attain spiritual state while you are in the flesh?  it is a fundamental teaching of Ray. He shows us in the scriptures that we are in the process of being saved.  You are Saul we are....we are in a continuing state of overcoming step at a time through grace.



 On the contrary I am trying to express how totally opposite the carnal and spiritual are. I also do NOT think I am going to attain spiritual state while in the flesh. The other things you spoke of I am well aware of.


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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2009, 04:37:09 PM »

??? ??? ???
I am with Rodger on this one. WHERE did you get these ideas? Someone has really given you a warped view of life!
Hope you get peace on this. It is hard to build a lasting, trusting relationship with these kinds of thoughts going on in your head!
Find Peace! :)

The scriptures have given me this "warped" view. They teach a lot about "love" and the fruits of the Spirit.



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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2009, 04:38:38 PM »

Most time when questions are asked it involves the person or very close to that person.

When we are directly involved our sight becomes unsteady, thats why the bible directs us to see advice from the elders,,,
If I'm off target with this,,,ooops, but its the case more than not,,,
it helps to know because answers can be seasoned to give a correct response, if thats what your looking for and not justification..


Off target for sure.


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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2009, 04:43:22 PM »

If falling in love is a natural process then lust is involved. Desires of flesh do bring people together. They may end up loving each other but still it is involved.

I suppose the question is, is there a difference between sexual attraction and lust?  Sexual attraction does factor into the equation of wanting to marry someone, though it is NOT (nor should it be) the sole factor in the whole equation.

hmmmmm  the only attributes in whoami's equation is LOVE((represented by marriage))and lust, sexual attraction was never a factor, but because no Scripture is given for TRUTH, the OP left it wide open for anyone to come to any conclusions they want INSTEAD of what the Word of God commands, And this is ANTI-Christ.

Can it be seen, how anything can be inserted in this equation of the carnal mind.

Any attempt to justify a phantom lust in marriage, where no reference to the Word of God is given, is basically following/hearing a different voice than that of Our Father's.

NOTICE:: Here is a problem i wpuld like explained, how lust and marriage co-exist between Jesus and his Living Chruch. If lust and marriage can co-exist as whoami's carnal mind suggest in his undiscern of the Scriptures. WHAT would anyone without the Scriptures discern of the Spiritual MARRIAGE between the Living Church and Jesus.  This is an equation i would not even dare to stain my Savior with LUST((SIN))...... have thy no decency

Does the Living Church LUST after Jesus, or does JESUS((sinless)) LUST after his LIVING Church,

gemme a break....... you readers can easily discern this TRUTH, and off the top of your Spirits can live out several Scripture of TRUTH asserting such from the Word of God.

Can you readers see with Eyes and Ears open how demoniacal this sounds........ not good, nor even Truth, but WHAT do the Scriptures says that whoami will tell you to go look up and research for yourselves and post, as whoami  is not a willing participant of RIGHTFULLY dividing the Word of God.

Intense or >>>unrestrained<<< sexual craving.  ((UNRESTRAINED says it all))

give it up readers; your legs are being pulled, wool over your eyes, smokescreen, illusion of the carnal mind, no Word of God implemented.


This is the funniest post. Falcon you need to relax before you have a break down. I am not teaching nor would I want someone to live their life based on what I say. This is how humans communicate. I know your style and be that if you want. But because I don't respond or do like you, you don't need to think a conspiracy is going on. Be sure your own Anti-Christ way of operating towards innocent people doesn't make weak ones stumble. Thanks.


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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2009, 04:44:38 PM »

I have to go for now..but will try to respond to the other posts. I hope I am making it clear and simple for those who have had such a problem with my most troublesome post.


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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2009, 05:06:50 PM »

Okay, whoami,
I apologize for saying you have a warped view of life! You did say, "what are your thoughts..."
I thought you were really having issues with your feelings about lust and love! I thought you were really looking for peace about the way you look at the subject.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to judge you or overwhelm you, I just didn't understand and I shouldn't have even replied, please forgive...
I will try to be a lot more compassionate in the future. :-[ :(

judith collier

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Re: Lust and Marriage
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2009, 05:36:52 PM »

Who AM I, We are flesh, God is Spirit. If you are troubled by this and to tell you the truth I was at one time. Sex and love got all confused for me, being a woman,(men can get confused too) until I was so humbled by God once in His presence and realized that the only reason we have any dignity is the fact He deigns to look upon us. Now if we are nothing as far as God goes, and God brought us into creation as we are (sinful through and through)but still very much lived by God then I figured if this God loved me like that, then I would embrace my humanity. Of course I would do everything I was inspired (by the Lord and His word)to do but no longer did I worry about my sins. That was His job to clean me up by trials and tribulations. So, I lived my life and at times I wasn't sure what to do but knew God would eventually bring me to the truth about things. I loved my husband and desired him at times and (love or lust) was no longer the question. I am and until I am made perfect when the Lord comes don't even try to figure such things out anymore. Celibacy was not given to me as a gift from God. And believe me it would have to be a gift for most of us! Judy
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