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Author Topic: I have something very interesting to share.  (Read 16267 times)

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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2009, 11:31:10 AM »

Sorry Steve--how rude of me! :o 


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2009, 11:40:07 AM »


Beautiful photo I can't imagine what purpose God has for creating all these amazing things in the universe.
Have you or anyone else seen the "Bethlehem Star" Video's ?



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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2009, 12:27:00 PM »

Hey steve,

I have only one eye as well so i'm right there with ya.

Well i have two but only one works.


ps. Happy Birthday
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 12:29:40 PM by 1eyebri »


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2009, 12:38:04 PM »

Hey steve,

I have only one eye as well so i'm right there with ya.

Well i have two but only one works.


ps. Happy Birthday

That's me.  I have two eyes, but the nerve from one to the brain doesn't work - birth defect.



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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2009, 03:40:57 PM »

Oh Harry what can I say, I have to go along with Rodger and Steve

I do not have to look at anything in the physical to see things All you are doing is  looking through very dark glass. the church and unbelievers are decieved by their flesh on a regular basis.

I read the Word for the revelations ....What I see there is spiritual

Deu 29:29  The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Dan 2:22  He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

1Co 2:10  But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

Jesus gave us the whole book of Revelation of Himself

(Mat 11:27)  `All things were delivered to me by my Father, and none doth know the Son, except the Father, nor doth any know the Father, except the Son, and he to whom the Son may wish to reveal Him .

I view the astronomy pictures all the time, there is one every day.  You have to remember these are often color enhanced or using filters to catch certain features. They cannot see what ALL is there.

Here is a link to something to see.....but what does it actually mean ?

These are neither good or bad...Man was given the abiltity to discern patterns, it is the way our visual cortex and brain works. So these visual things are all just physical illusions, like those in Vangies link.

There is nothing of this physical world that will profeth me.



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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2009, 05:44:22 PM »

You are just WAY too sensible! Ha! ;D ;D ;)
Kathy :D


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2009, 05:59:46 PM »

Oh man you ain't seen nothin' yet! Longhorn is gonna be FULL of it when he gets a computer that works again!
Brian and Steve, I'm sorry you can't enjoy certain things. We take our sight for granted! I was diagnosed with age-related Macular Degeneration about 4 years ago sometimes I have trouble with my eyes sometimes I don't. But I try to take my vitamins and antioxidants to help out my eye health. I was 51 when I started having trouble with my eyes the dr said wow! usually this doesn't show up in someone your age.. So yeah right 50 is the new 30 How rude! Well I guess they'll have to come up with another eye-teaser for the visually impaired! If it's any consolation I had trouble seeing Vangie's picture, but after some eye crossing I finally saw it! (Hint: Longhorn will only be able to see it if he's getting help from, you know, "the spirits" :o Although I have told him to be nice and leave that stuff alone!) ;D ;D ;)
Kathy :D


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2009, 06:20:06 PM »

Well, my "good" eye isn't that good anymore, either.  I'll be a year older this weekend, and it shows.  MS takes it away from me sometime, too, and has a good chance of not giving it back someday.

I do want to enjoy my eyesight as long as I can, and see as much beauty as I can while I can.  But you know what scares me the most about losing my vision?  Not being able to read or write efficiently.  I've used a wide-margin bible since coming to the truth, and take lots of notes in the margins.  There's no way to duplicate that using something like e-Sword.  There's no way to flip around the scriptures, following my center-cross-references...but I digress.

But, I hope you see that I DO enjoy plenty of things.  Just don't expect me to judge distance very well, or do the Magic Eyes!



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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2009, 08:45:55 PM »

I am sorry about your MS life is so full of mysteries. Back in the late 70's the doctors thought I might have MS. They tested me for dozens of different ailments I was just experiencing pain in different parts of my body, mainly my joints, I went from being full of energy to barely being able to keep up with my two boys who were 5 and 6 years old at the time. My husband thought I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I think he thought this after it was over. I was tested for everything from diabetes to the last test I had for Lupus. This all started in the 3 1/2 years we lived in Hawaii. So strange.

I was believing God for healing the whole time. The doctors agreed whatever I had was brought on by stress! I thought I was the most stress-free person in the world! One day I called the doc and said, "I have one eye that is working a lot slower than the other one." They sent me to Honolulu to some kind of huge hospital. The doctor there said, "Well, I have done everything but take your eye out of the socket and I don't see ANYTHING wrong with your eyes! I told my husband, "Well I don't care if I die, I'm not going to any more doctors!" A couple of years later after we got here to Alabama I began having back pain again and gave up to go to the dr. That's when I was tested for Lupus! Nothing! The doctor told me I either had MS or Rheumatoid Arthritis, but nothing sure. It was a long struggle and after a few more years with back pains every time I turned around a muscle would just go haywire in my back!
I decided to start trying to get some exercise so I took up gardening! I spent many months going to the chiropractor and after months of gardening, weight training and other activities my back pain left me!

I have never had a real problem with any of that again! I still get unexplained pain in my muscles and joints, ( getting old ?)  ;D ha! but none of it is debilitating like it used to be. The last time I had truly unexplained pain and problems was in 1985 maybe... It was all a mystery, and very strange. So I can understand in a small way what you are going through. I pray that some day MS will be a thing of the past along with all the other horrible things that plague us. We know it will! 
I guess we have to enjoy what we have! I know what you're talking about with your vision. I think about how sad it would be not to be able to see the things and people we love so much.
I will pray you will keep your vision!
God bless!
Kathy :)
Sorry, I guess I got off topic a little!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 08:49:39 PM by Ninny »


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2009, 02:33:33 AM »

Oh man you ain't seen nothin' yet! Longhorn is gonna be FULL of it when he gets a computer that works again!
Brian and Steve, I'm sorry you can't enjoy certain things. We take our sight for granted! I was diagnosed with age-related Macular Degeneration about 4 years ago sometimes I have trouble with my eyes sometimes I don't. But I try to take my vitamins and antioxidants to help out my eye health. I was 51 when I started having trouble with my eyes the dr said wow! usually this doesn't show up in someone your age.. So yeah right 50 is the new 30 How rude! Well I guess they'll have to come up with another eye-teaser for the visually impaired! If it's  consolation I had trouble seeing Vangie's picture, but after some eye crossing I finally saw it! (Hint: Longhorn will only be able to see it if he's getting help from, you know, "the spirits" :o Although I have told him to be nice and leave that stuff alone!) ;D ;D ;)
Kathy :D

kathy, i am sorry about your macular degeneration. my momma was recently diagnosed with early stage macular degeneration, but she is 81. i am also sorry to hear about steve and brian each having only one working eye. we who have the ability to see from both eyes do sometimes take it for granted. brian, i now understand your avatar name of 1eyebri. i was able to see the hidden picture in the link vangie provided from magic eye. i have a couple of the magic eye books. i have to agree that the universe God created is sometimes so beautiful that mere words do not do them justice when trying to describe their beauty.


judith collier

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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2009, 05:51:31 AM »

Kathy, Steve, Brian, maculear degeneration is what my husband and brother-in-law have. Their mother had it, one brother died before reaching middle age and their sister never got it. My brother-in-law accepts it well but not my husband and it is so sad to see him sit on the floor about 10 in. from the t.v. I miss having someone picking up a 1/2 gallon of milk or running an errand or doing the bills . They can't read so the news is on all the time. Together they can almost do something, like plant a garden, which they both like. In summer my brother-in-law goes and stays in the country at their mother's old house and I keep him supplied. They have a better time when the weather is nice and they can get out in the country. God, how I pray for a cure. They tried shots in the eye but my husband's eye hemmoraged badly. Neither of them want anymore. It is so hard. My only prayer is I can outlive them so my children will not have to care for them. They are a handful. Judy


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2009, 10:05:18 AM »

Oh my goodness, Judy that would be so hard! We always thought my mom had diabetic retinopathy, she was diabetic and had laser treatments on her eyes. Recently my sister was diagnosed with macular degeneration, too her doctor said my mom probably had it, too! My mom died when she was my age from complication from diabetes. But she was very blind several years before she died. ANYWAY My sister was healed of her Macular Degeneration and I am very confident that they will unravel that mystery before long. A doctor in Australia has done many studies and says that he thinks if people didn't use certain vegetable oils in their diet it would prevent the stupid disease. So I only use a little peanut oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil. I've heard that coconut oil is good to use, too!
So that's something to think about, yeah?
Kathy :D


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2009, 12:29:15 AM »

I hope we realize that these images from the Hubble are manipulated by technicians to make them more striking and attractive to the human imagination.  If we saw the original without interpretation it may not look the same.

  Hi everyone,

 I want to share a link to a picture that is on, it is a picture of the Orion nebulae and it is what I would term a picture message. Within the picture are many images of beings and parts of beings.  I want you to pray for your eyes to be opened to what is contained in the picture and also for wisdom to understand what it signifies. I found the picture several years ago at the time it was first released. At the time I saw it I was impressed that there was something in the picture that God wanted me to see. As I studied the picture I began to see more and more of what was in it. The other fascinating thing to me is that one image in the picture was revealed to me in the clouds when I was a teenager there were two friends with me at that time and they witnessed it also and were afraid. This is the the address to the actual picture on the site. Here is the link.


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2009, 03:37:13 PM »

Hi IBob!
As usual you are right! would we see colors in space? I don't know since there isn't any light way out there! Our minds play funny tricks on us too, huh? ;D
Well anyway I guess it must be fun for those techs to color things up to make them more interesting for those of us who would normally only see a big blob otherwise! :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: I have something very interesting to share.
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2009, 05:27:18 PM »

I see a face :o
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