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Author Topic: Am I reading this right?  (Read 8931 times)

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Am I reading this right?
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:41:57 AM »

   Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
I solte tihs form teh itneernt.

       God is great,

                     Ron M.


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 03:46:10 AM »


No problem reading that, now put it back from where you stole it.

george. ;D



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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 04:31:11 AM »

this is cool. I showed my wife, she's not much of a reader but still was able to read it.


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 08:47:40 PM »

I've seen that several times before but it never ceases to amaze me. 



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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2009, 09:25:55 PM »

I cnat raed tihs carp!!


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 06:24:42 PM »

I've seen that several times before but it never ceases to amaze me. 


Don't be amazed, read the following and learn more about this silly hoax!
Tihs "Cdirmbgae Eefcft" is srot of ture, but it deos not tlel the wlohe sorty.  It is rieealtvly esay to raed sroht wrods, but not so esay wehn ridaneg legonr wdros.  Aals, msot cetonnt wdros in Esinglh are sveen leertts lnog or leognr -- the mroe leretts terhe are in a wrod, the mroe dulcifift and caipcetmold it bmeecos to cletrorcy infietdy them wehn the ltrtees are ragnearerd.  Warhees, more diiivutnme and cmoomn wrdos lkie "blal" and "baer" raimen mltsoy ungnchead and esay to rizocenge, lgneor, less cmoomn wdros, like "pltlooiun" and "soulamitunes" caghne saillbattunsy to the pniot werhe rnciooitegn is srclceay pbsslioe.  Fmrrhtrouee, this atiibly smtes form a garet deal of enpicerexe rindaeg cretolcry slelepd wdros -- olny plopee who can adrealy raed pelictroinfy can do this tsak.  Tihs tirck does not reeavl mcuh aoubt the pscroes of lnnreaig to raed -- it only ietaindcs that hhligy slielkd rrdeaes are so pectacred wtih txet tehy can omoercve moinr informieepcts (epshaims on the word "moinr") in the pnirt to aesccs mnnaeig.

Oh, and by the way, terhe nveer was any phuilbesd rcsaeerh of tihs srot ccountded at Cridbagme or any oehtr usrivetniy.  Taht prat is ceepomlty urutne.

If you wish to learn more FOXNews has a good article:,2933,511177,00.html

For a more detailed analysis,  MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2009, 06:26:39 PM by Fester »
"Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to Rome, it became an organization. When it went to Europe, it became a culture. When it came to America, it became a business."


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2009, 11:30:24 PM »

I've seen that several times before but it never ceases to amaze me. 



If you wish to learn more FOXNews has a good article:


FoxNews sux!!


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2009, 11:48:20 PM »

Musicman, you are being SO grumpy! You're not happy with anything!! ;)
Kathy :D


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2009, 04:25:23 AM »

FoxNews sux!!

okay, i am gonna have to agree with musicman on this one.



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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2009, 06:59:37 PM »

The topic at hand here is not "FOXNews" now is it?

Those who post these irrelevant nubile comments to the topic at hand are being disrespectful to the topic, the posters, and the readers.  Therefore they should remove these distracting comments which they should not have posted in the first place.

However, I suppose it just may be the most intelligent thought they can muster up on the topic.
My Garndomhter ocne tlod me taht is is bteetr to be slinet and touhhgt of as a fool tahn to oepn
yuor mutoh and rmevoe all dubot.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2009, 10:40:10 PM by Fester »
"Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to Rome, it became an organization. When it went to Europe, it became a culture. When it came to America, it became a business."


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2009, 10:40:39 PM »

oi fester, that kinda hurt my feelings. i was aware of the true topic, and my statement was not the most intelligent yhought i could muster. but, this is the off topic discussions section, so i thought a little off topic comment was harmless.



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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2009, 12:18:31 AM »

Fester, your grandma was pretty smart! hahaha! I just am not smart enough to write it all down jumbled up! I have to sort all the jumble out in my mind and THEN write it out straight!

Please tell me you were kidding about these off-topic comments!  If you don't let Musicman comment on something he's going to start his own thread, and that would be very scary!! :D  Claudia, when you gotta comment, you gotta comment!!  ;D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2009, 12:34:16 AM »

MusicMan for president!!!!

We will eliminate all of the suckiest sucks that ever sucked!!

judith collier

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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2009, 01:09:05 AM »

Fester, don't take offense at Musicman, he is just fooling around. If you think he is bad wait till you read something from Longhorn!!!!!  Judy


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2009, 01:25:39 AM »

Judy since Longhorn's computer died he only gets on every other week or so and he isn't saying much, so you know MM has to fill in ALL the gaps! Oh and Mr. Music? ARE you SURE you could eliminate ALL that stuff? Hmmm, I still have to think about whether to vote for you. Would you write all your speeches scrambled up to fit this thread???  ;D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2009, 02:03:57 AM »

Longhorn couldn't hold a cattle prod to me.  Besides, he bowed out as my presidential opponent months ago.  Made up some story bout floaten in space n stuff.  Yeah, right.  He should have just said "I'm headed to my Texas ranch until the tough decisions go away".

Anyhow, I will start with the suckiest of sucks.  There will be no more waiting in lines at grocery stores.  I am going to invent a new way of shopping so that groceries are delivered to people's houses.  I will call this exciting new program, uuuuuummmm, Amway. . . .. . or something.

And it sux to hold a cell phone while driving or just walking around.  I will have inovations put forth so that people can stick a device into their ear and listen to the person on other line.  They will even be able to talk.  Hee hee, people will walk by and think you're insane because you're talking to yourself.  I will call it. . . . . . .aahh. . . .radioactive tooth.  No it won't cause brain cancer!!!!

And I know how much people hate paying taxes.  They suc!!  So, I will allow people to write off their god loving tithe money so that they can thumb their noses at the gubment in favor of more lavish architecture at their local church in a poverty stricken town.

Yall ascared a them foreigners?  Fear sux!!  So,  I will have prison inmates put together these really long useless contraptions that look like early NASA spaceships and say they are nuclear missles to scare the world into submission.  I will bribe hollywood to make fictional movies about these things launching and blowing up in a giant mushroom cloud.

Finally, we will prove that abiogenesis is historical by mixing certain gasses together in a test tube, firing electrical charges into it for a few weeks and turning the power off just as 2 or 3 amino acids collect at the sides (don't want to destroy what was created by continuing the experiment).  I will call it "The Standing Free Willer Experiment".

I'm the MusicMan and I approve these innovations of mine.



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Re: Am I reading this right?
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2009, 02:39:44 AM » have ALMOST left me speechless! And you know that is hard to do! Amway doesn't deliver they? That would be Nutrisystem!! You will have to make a way that it isn't so expensive OR we could go back in time and call the grocery store, order what we want and the delivery boy just brings it to your house! You give him a modest tip and you're good to go! See you don't even have to invent Amway to do it!!

NO! no! You don't invent the radioactive tooth(Oh, I just got it! as opposed to Bluetooth!  :D)  you borrow from Star Trek and you build the little communicators right into our clothing, only you give it voice commands! "Call mom" like your cell phone has now only it's right on your shirt, no problemo! then people would really think you're nuts because you'd be talking to your chest!!

As for your other ideas...You never know...
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