We can be grateful that we are not Joyce Meyers or any other blind guide of Christaindom.
We can be VERY thankful that God has not made us to serve His Purpose by appointment in being a blind guide or blind follower.
From Bible Truths Conference
Nashville TN 2005
By L. Ray Smith
God makes vessels of honor and dishonor. He makes vessels of dishonor and then has mercy on the other vessels. Some He hardens and some He has mercy on. He has had mercy on everybody in this room. If you have never killed anybody or molested children or done any of these horrendous things. He has great mercy on your life. Now we need to be thankful for that and not assume we don’t have very much to repent of. We have to repent of what? O man, that’s what we have to repent of.
Whatever O man is. That’s what we are, because O man is Adam. O man came out of Adam. Where did you come from, some place else? We’re all out of Adam. And what does Adam do? Being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters and on and on. Wow, this is O man out of Adam. This is what he does. And only by the grace of God, some of us didn’t have to go that route.
We can repent now turn wholeheartedly to God. So be thankful we’re not this Hansan character, who killed and molested those children. And now he is looking to lethal injection. And what comes after lethal injection? THE LAKE OF FIRE.
Do you know how blessed you are, to be able to sit here and here about this stuff and we don’t have to be apart of it?