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Author Topic: Keep the unity.  (Read 5254 times)

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Keep the unity.
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:48:09 AM »

Ephesians 4 : 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

The Carnal Apostate Church will teach that WE are to keep the unity of the Spirit.  To keep the unity of the Spirit is neither an instruction nor commandment. Ray reveals how to understand Gods statement on  PAGE ONE of his teaching at,5417.0.html

The unity ALREADY EXISTS, WE don’t create a new unity.  “Keep the unity of the Spirit,” THERE ALREADY IS THAT UNITY.   (Caps mine for emphasis)

…. shouldn’t we apply how Ray explains this Scripture to all  3050 commands of God?  Broad is the road that leads to perdition. The greatest strength of carnality can NOT produce the excellence of God’s Spirit.

Yet, have you never been mislead to believe that YOU had to create unity. If you failed then you have to be forgiven and keep trying. If you give up then you were lost,  possessed, defeated  by a hidden and un-repented sin or  going to Hell. Pick any one command from the 3050 so called commands of God to carnal man, and you can write speeches to last a Pastoral lifetime!

The unity that we CAN NOT create,  is the ONE Spirit of God and of Christ who is ONE.  What carnal flesh can ever produce Gods Spirit?

Quote Ray “These Churches of the world are out to create a unity between them. I mean they would even try to create a unity between the Moslems and the Christians.”  Ray retorts quote “Give me a break, what fellowship has light with darkness, or WHAT FELLOWSHIP HAS DARKNESS WITH DARKNESS….

Did you catch the meaning? DARKNESS with DARKNESS. Ray continues quote HOW ABOUT THAT? (Caps mine for emphasis.)

We all have believed that the carnal can create the spiritual or that the carnal can and should obey the commands of Christ What foolishness. What deception. What arrogance!  Carnality can do no such thing. 

On the same first page from the same teaching Ray states  ….EVERYTHING is interrelated in the scriptures. (Caps mine for emphasis.) To apply this  to “keeping the unity of the Spirit” shouldn’t we be seeing that this applies to  other commands from God?. If we can not know what this command means how can we understand any commands of God? As with the Parables. If we do not understand this one Parable how then shall we comprehend all the Parables. It is all ONE
Gods commands, all 3050 of them, shows me The ONE Christ and His Spirit of obedience and faith to all God’s commands and all God’s pleasure.

Ray presents:

Eph 4 : 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling:
v. 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
v. 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in you all.

It’s all ONE!

The unity THAT WE CAN NOT CREATE is the ONE Spirit of Christ…personal, individual, GOD’S  Spirit  creating us in HIS image  with no mistakes, no flaws, no errors, no counterfeits or copies but in the true and Godly image of His  true unique and incomparable Son, Jesus Christ.



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Re: Keep the unity.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2009, 06:23:34 PM »

Ray presents:

Eph 4 : 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling:
v. 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
v. 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in you all.

It’s all ONE!

The unity THAT WE CAN NOT CREATE is the ONE Spirit of Christ…personal, individual, GOD’S  Spirit  creating us in HIS image  with no mistakes, no flaws, no errors, no counterfeits or copies but in the true and Godly image of His  true unique and incomparable Son, Jesus Christ.

This subject of Keeping The unity appears easy on the surface, if we are in The Spirit it is much easier. Problems arise when we operate in the flesh (carnal mind), where all the pride, envy, selfishness, division, hatred and all that is not good resides.

The only way to be in this unity is to (mortify the deeds of the flesh) minute by minute. When i find that there is lots of time for thinking about the wrongs done to me and dwell on them, i become very carnal.

When all my thoughts are how to do what is pleasing to GOD, The Spirit Flourishes and Grows. One interesting thing that comes of all this learning to be humble is: once i learn that no matter how debased and humiliated i feel. To be in The Spirit, for me, is to know that our Father GOD Is Working In Me Through Jesus Christ to mold, refine and burnish the still small but growing Spiritual man who is to be a perfect servant in the age to come.

Gal 5: 22-26 (MKJV)
22  But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,
23  meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
24  But those belonging to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.
25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
26  Let us not become glory-seeking, provoking one another, envying one another.

This really is our calling, since only then are we following in The Footsteps Of our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ and in The Unity.

george ;D.



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Re: Keep the unity.
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2014, 06:26:27 AM »

George -

I do not agree that thinking about our own suffering is necessarily being carnally minded.

We need and indeed must meditate and think on such things in order to understand where we each stand in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of the Ages; and particularly with respect to each of us experiencing the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.


Rhys 🕊

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Re: Keep the unity.
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2014, 08:16:51 AM »

I'm quite sure the George you are referring too is no longer here
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