=> Testimonies / Prayer Requests / Fellowship => Topic started by: dean kevin heyes on March 17, 2013, 12:20:15 PM

Title: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 17, 2013, 12:20:15 PM
Hello to ALL, especially those who believe  the writings of the late L.Ray Smith {RIP} I have just spent the last 3 weaks ravenously consuming  90% of his Exposing Those Who Contradict site, Praise be to our LORD. A little while back as a "believing" shamefull sinner at the end of one's wit, I was in desperate hunger to "KNOW" if JESUS was real, you see at that point I "BELIEVED" HE was ,although I had never read a bible or attended any church and only recall praying twice , the first time at around the age of six where I asked him for wisdom, haveing heard somewhere that it is what GOD wants us to ask him for ! And the second time at around the age of twelve, where I asked him to punish me in this life and not the next one, haveing heard from somewhere it is less severe ! And so thirty years later finding myself at my wits end , I prayed a third time, and asked HIM to take away the  doubt that was holding me back, as I had hope and belief ,but this was not enough for me, I wanted to know with absolute certainty and how he was to do this I did not give a moments thought as it was not my place to do so .And then it all began!!! I received the first part of this trully miraculous puzzel . In winter in Bulgaria whist walking along the shoreline of the beach, contemplateing these things, when I found washed up a weatherd picture in a frame of none other than our LORD JESUS CHRIST, which I knew HE had arranged ! but this gift did not go as far as to drive out ALL doubt {me being a man of little faith} although todate this picture and its uncanny likeness to the earliest portrayals of CHRIST is a treasured item and is kept safe  between the pages of our most treasured item and that being HIS WORD. However being of little faith that day, I came home and nailed HIM/the picture to the wall in my garage knowing my wife would not appreciate this batterd old relic in our apartment. The second piece of GODS puzzel which HE blessed me with is what did throw me to the ground and at HIS feet in total humiliating shame , begging forgiveness whilst shakeing with fear and lamenting ,yes me! Dean Kevin Heyes a supposedly "tuff guy", kicked out of every school attended, even the South African army could not snap me, or even being destitute on the streets of Cape Town could not break me, and even a short spell in prison for pouching shellfish and watching men being raped and tortured  did not crack me, but what completly shatterd me and brought me to the feet of our LORD sobbing like a child and desiring absolute and total repentance was the irrefutable proof that GOD became a man and haveing being blameless was abandoned, humiliated.tortured and brutaly murderd for my account, EVEN THO BELIEVEING THIS TO BE TRUE I  CHOSE  NOT TO CARE OR GIVE  A MOMENTS THOUGHT ????? how trully pathetic I was, and so when our LORD removed my doubt by reveling the things the deciples where not at liberty to speak of in HEBREWS 9:5 ????  was it with great shame and humility I came to the doubtless knowledge that, yes! glory be to GOD its all true every last humble  word written in the Holy BIBLE. Anyway its bean aproximatly six months since that day GOD chose to reveal the complete story of HIS sacrifice to me and I have spent +- 14 hrs a day learning whatever it is that HE leads me to on my computer which I can barely operate not being all that brite to say the least ,however haveing complete faith, which more than substitutes as it would seem that I have been lead to learn but not believe all the strange teachings of the different types of Christians {GOD bless them} and just when I reached a point of going around in circles, I happend upon L.Ray Smith which to me is another very large piece of this miraculous puzzel our LORD has gifted a wretch like me ? Do understand I have no wish to sound loftier, as I state I now know as before I believed that JESUS is real, as with everything this comes with a price and that price is fear of failing or fear of falling short, although this in itself is more than likely a good thing, it is a fear none the less, and I am in no doubt after reading Ray's writings this is part of my chastisements of which I am deserving  !      your freind and humble brother in our LORD JESUS CHRIST dean        CONTINUED BELOW
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: Rene on March 17, 2013, 12:46:16 PM
Hi Dean,

Thanks for sharing your journey and welcome to the forum. :)

I hope and pray your faith and knowledge continues to grow and you will find peace and joy among like-minded believers.

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: Dave in Tenn on March 17, 2013, 01:03:59 PM
Hi Dean.  It's good to meet you.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: gregorydc on March 17, 2013, 01:43:59 PM
Hello Dean,
  Nice to hear a backstory like this where God has taken a person with no or little "christian" upbringing and bring them to his truth and learning. Glory to God for this miracle. May He continue to bless you and guide you in his way. And welcome to the forum.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: arion on March 17, 2013, 08:20:22 PM
Hello Dean;

A warm greeting to you from our little piece of shelter in the storms of life.  god has truly been gracious to us and your testimony confirms that The Lord meets us where we are and all the credit goes to him.  It sure brings peace to realize that he is complete control and he will see us to completion in his time.  Once again welcome to you.

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on March 18, 2013, 04:45:11 AM
Hi Dean

Welcome to the forum

It's so nice to meet and I really enjoyed reading your testimony so thanks for posting it. Such a blessing to me.

What a wonderful and rather frightening at times journey the Lord takes us on. We all have our stories of the trials we go through but what a blessing it is to discover that the Lord is always there and it's Him who is guiding us through it all.

I'm so encouraged by others journey and so I am with yours. It's good to know we are not on our own through our difficulties.

Thanks for joining us and may you be blessed and encouraged here as I have been.

Bless you

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 18, 2013, 10:59:28 AM
Hello and many thanx Rene,Dave,Greg,Arion,Doug and Rhys and to all who read my brief statement, I am glad if my testimony adds even the tiniest  fraction to your faith as being bretheren in CHRIST I know it is HIS wish. Haveing asked GOD to remove my doubt with proof of HIS WORD {DANIEL 9:24 & HEBREWS 9:12} I can with boldness haveing no shadow of doubt  testify to HIS Gospel . Understand when our LORD reveled HIS secrets at the cross  to me which the desciples could not speak of particularly ,a  door opened to a faith that leads to knowledge of which there is no turning back . Let me give you an example ! I can make a statement like this { I know how and why and who took our LORDS life!!!  } Now this is a pretty bold statement to make and we being but men all need proof/evidence and as this matter concerns GOD then it is only HIS proof/evidence that will prove my statement true, however 1 given the circumstances you will still need to exercise your gift of faith 2  It is not for me to convince you of these truths GOD has given me, but for you to come to these truths by the will of GOD .HERE is a sample of what has cemented my faith ! HOW   what was the cause of our LORDS death ? answer: heart failer/ruptured heart/heart attack/his heart literally broke  and the proof/evidence JOHN 19:34 You see the Roman soldier was a trained killer, he knew how to kill a man by thrusting his spear just bellow CHRISTS ribs, the steel would have passed through, severing the spleen and possibly the left ventricle of his heart, the spleen normally holds a pint of blood, but this would have swelled in volume up to 1.7 pints oweing to his ruptured heart, and given the trauma HE suffered prior his blood would have bean severely depleted of red blood corpuscles, hence: came there out blood and water = plasma  and as we asume the gaurd was right handed, as our spleen is on our left, and so where is the proof of that ? proof/evidence = none other than The Shroud of Turin as this clearly depicts this to be the case + adding evidence to itself { truth has a way of doing this} and whilst double checking these facts GOD has again shown to me this is all HIS doing, you see the picture HE gave me and I said resembles the early portrayals, well this picture of CHRIST is the exact same one that was made from the negative of HIS burial shroud . Pleas understand this fraction of proof of HOW what actually physicaly killed HIM is further proved by WHY it had to be just so, and the proof of that GOD has given us also, which in itself proves that it was THE FATHER WHO TOOK THE LIFE OF HIS SON and this secret is what I believe the desciples were not at liberty to speak of even thow Daniel did prophecies it ,and it is the absolute pivot of GODS plan,  which had to literally/physicaly take place, and is the answer to WHY  and the answer lies in this post and its going to knock your socks off, as I stated in my last post it floored me, and I had not a clue to the scriptures and the power thereof !  TO BE CONTINUED   
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 18, 2013, 05:22:47 PM
Hi John from Kentucky Do not hate to mention the scriptures or fail to distinguish  head from face or try to disprove GODS work, where other men more zealous than you have faltered ! You would do well to heed  PROVERBS 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.   
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: onelovedread on March 19, 2013, 01:10:32 PM
dean kevin heyes
Welcome brother. Glad to have you.
Please do not take anything from John from Kentucky personally. That's his style, but behind it all he's just a softie. He likes to put up a facade as being brash and abrasive.
We've had our times but he's basically cool.
Just state your points and smile ;D
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on March 19, 2013, 06:04:04 PM
Hi John from Kentucky Do not hate to mention the scriptures or fail to distinguish  head from face or try to disprove GODS work, where other men more zealous than you have faltered ! You would do well to heed  PROVERBS 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

First of all, welcome to the forums dean.

To your comment towards John; Anatomically, the FACE is THE FRONT of the HEAD. The ANTERIOR PORTION of the head.

If one cloth covered his FACE (The anterior portion of the cloth) while another his body, it is NOT POSSIBLE that the shroud of turin, ONE PIECE OF LINEN be STAINED with His FACE AND His body (As these two portions of the body were covered by two separate pieces of linen)

The only way for the shroud of Turin to work is if there was one piece of linen which did indeed cover his entire body from head to toe and THEN had a separate cloth which was wrapped around his face on top of the shroud. This still remains a possibility in light of the scriptures john shared but I haven't looked into all the scriptures involving what Christ was buried in. Perhaps there is one that makes it clear, it was two separate pieces of cloth entirely. In this case, the shroud is a fake.

God bless,

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 19, 2013, 08:30:34 PM
Hi lilitaienboi16 Ok let us be practical as we are but flesh, and so was our LORD ! From Johns verse you have upon yourself concluded that the linen clothes were about HIS body and the napkin/handkerchief/cloth/towel was wrapped about HIS whole head and the  two were joined somehow about his neck ???? You would be wise to learn what Raymond N Rogers and Dr Petrus Soons and Fredrick Zugibe discoverd in there differant feilds of extensive research regarding this matter. Here is a scripture from Paul that  I hold to when it comes to weighing evidence that could be of GOD 1 THESSALONIANS 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. GOD has allways provided us with irrifutable proof of his power, the Bible testifies to this, and its not the Shroud Of Turin that I speak of in my testomony,but something far greater, but it will take faith in GOD and his sovereignty to find it. Here is a verse I pray you learn PROVERBS 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. or prehaps this one and its in context if any theologians are spying on us  ;D HEBREWS 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. GOD bless       
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: lilitalienboi16 on March 20, 2013, 12:23:58 AM
Hi lilitaienboi16 Ok let us be practical as we are but flesh, and so was our LORD ! From Johns verse you have upon yourself concluded that the linen clothes were about HIS body and the napkin/handkerchief/cloth/towel was wrapped about HIS whole head and the  two were joined somehow about his neck ???? You would be wise to learn what Raymond N Rogers and Dr Petrus Soons and Fredrick Zugibe discoverd in there differant feilds of extensive research regarding this matter. Here is a scripture from Paul that  I hold to when it comes to weighing evidence that could be of GOD 1 THESSALONIANS 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. GOD has allways provided us with irrifutable proof of his power, the Bible testifies to this, and its not the Shroud Of Turin that I speak of in my testomony,but something far greater, but it will take faith in GOD and his sovereignty to find it. Here is a verse I pray you learn PROVERBS 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life. or prehaps this one and its in context if any theologians are spying on us  ;D HEBREWS 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. GOD bless     

No that is not what I have concluded.

John 20:6-7 Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.

What the scripture John pointed out mentions is that there were two separate pieces of garments. A linen cloth for his body and another for the face which wrapped it.

There is no need or reason to speculate that they "two were joined somehow about his neck."

When it comes to matters of scripture and God's Word, I don't get along with the so called "experts" in the field. I'd much rather listen to a carpenter or believe what God has written.

God doesn't always provide us with "irrifutable proof" of His power, if He did, we wouldn't need the gift called faith. Making your quote of hebrews rather ironic. Also, Faith is not evidence as ray has pointed out before and that verse is incorrectly translated.

Heb 11:1  Now faith is the substance…

No it’s not. If it was the “substance” it wouldn’t be faith. Faith is either an assumption or a conviction that something is, that you can’t prove that it is. At least you can’t prove everything about it, maybe some aspect, but not all. Some of it must be accepted merely because it is being stated and you have confidence in the one whose doing the stating. That’s what faith is. So a better translation would be; “Now faith is a CONVICTION…” not the substance.

v. 1 …of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

No! My margin has conviction for "evidence." Theologians with 6 doctorate degrees will quote that, just like this, as that’s the way it is. But my center margin says it’s wrong. Logic should tell you it’s wrong.
It says “evidence”…. excuse me when you go in a court of law, when they present evidence... why do they present evidence in a court of law? Because they’re not going to accept anybody on faith, that’s why. They want the evidence, because when you have evidence, when you’ve got the smoking gun - the finger prints - no alibi - probable causer - I witnesses - security camera, that’s evidence. You don’t need faith. You convict the guy on evidence, you don’t need faith. 

Faith is a conviction of these things that we hope for. Like Paul says, if you have them you don’t have to hope. These are the things we are still reaching for.

Here is a more proper rendering of that verse; "Heb 11:1 Now faith is an assumption of what is being expected, a conviction concerning matters which are not being observed;"

Again, welcome to the forums. Hope you stick around.

God be with you,

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 06:17:02 AM
Hi Alex many thanx for the better translation, as  in the context, I was referring to has even more a  profound meaning. however you have erred by insinuating that Mr Rogers a Chemist and respected Thermal Analysis , Mr Soons an expert in Holography and Mr Zugibe a highly respected Forensic Pathologist based their opinions on John's verse ? And these men being the three witnesses I have provided, who did  publicly attest that the linen clothes were those of our LORDS . As you have not impartialy tested the evidence, nor are you able, but assumed the findings of these men inconclusive, based what can only be your own perception,  and then state publicly that which is contrary, makes you a False Witness! You would do well to heed PROVERBS 6:16-19.  It  will be futile for us to proceed in the debate of this matter, given the circumstances. And as this has  little bearing on what I believe the desciples were not at liberty to discuss, has no consequence on my testimony,  and therefor I shall make no further comment, so the floor is yours, mind you dont stick to it  :P           
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Craig on March 20, 2013, 08:35:00 AM
Dean, I think by your posts you seem to have several of what Ray has called "Idols of the heart".  The thing about these idols is they never survive the weight of scriptures.  For you to claim the shroud is authentic based on a few smart guys and their scientific analysis is foolishness on your part.  Nobody can know for sure and if you take the scripture that is given on this subject as Alex and John showed you then it is doubtful that it is true.

Now to then claim the member who brought out scriptures showing the errors and have you call them a False Witness will not be tolerated.  I think before you tell people what their faults are that you need to take a long look in the mirror.  We all have our idols of the heart, and they always get us into trouble.

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: G. Driggs on March 20, 2013, 09:35:27 AM
Hi Dean and welcome to the forum!

Jesus died before the soldier pierced him with the spear.

Joh 19:30  When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
Joh 19:31  The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
Joh 19:32  Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.
Joh 19:33  But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:
Joh 19:34  But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

If you believe Jesus was real and have not seen Him you are blessed. You don't need physical proof like doubting Thomas.

Joh 20:29  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Peace brah  ;)
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 09:55:21 AM
Hi Craig I am a little perplexed by your post, as I  have made no such claim, by stateing the Shroud Of Turin to be authentic , how could I do such a thing, being not a witness to it ? because I assume it to be authentic has no value in itself ! If it makes you uncomfortable that these three men, one being an athiest, have made such statements, your quarrel is with them { be they alive} You then go on to state that no one can be sure ? And by this statement  you also make Alex a false witness, as he openly stated the Shroud Of Turin to be fake .So if John, Alex and yourself have doubts to the authentisity of this matter as you state no one can be sure,why are the three of you persecuting me, because in my opinion it could be the work of GOD. I only mentioned the Shroud in my initial post because it depicts the wound on CHRISTS left side and not his wright as the majority of portrayals do??? Getting bogged down in a debate over its authentisity was not my intention . If there are those of you who do not believe the Shroud Of Turin to be the linen clothes of Christ, I respect your opinion, and being that this is my testimony of how I was dragged to the feet of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR all I ask in return is that you respect mine to  :(       
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Craig on March 20, 2013, 10:15:56 AM
Dean, you are free to believe anything and everything you wish.  If you say the moon is made of cheese and the world is flat I have no quarrels with you.  But when you state your opinion and another member gives you scripture to possibly disprove it and then you answer back by attacking them as a "false witness" or you directed John to Proverbs 16:18.  Honestly, by evidence of your posts the only "pride" and "haughty spirit" I have seen exhibited here is by you.

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 10:53:43 AM
Hi C.DRIGS I am starting to wounder if my writings are legible, or that they are not being read accurately ???? Yes of course CHRIST had given up HIS spirit to THE FATHER as HIS heart broke prior to the thrust of the spear, hence HIS spleen had more than likely had swollen from  Pint to 1.7 pints + the 240ml of blood his heart would have held gushed out, I would have gone into more detail of this by now. but got bogged down in a disspute of opinion  :-\   In my opinion the point you made about  doubting Tom is irrelevent as he came to believe, now you could argue that those who believed prior to witnessing Christs resurection, haveing seen JESUS  went on to believe more than Tom . But I will argue that Tom, haveing asked for proof, and upon receiving it, went on to be as believing as the others{ tho be it by his shame of his doubt }  as is the case with me and who's to say the others had not dought before they laid eyes on our LORD ???  And besides who are we to decide how GOD should call his children out of darkness and into HIS light ? I asked GOD to give me proof, HE did,{ and know I know, as before I believed } I would hardly have asked GOD to remove my doubt, had I not believed in HIM in the first place, where would the truth be in that  :P GOD bless   
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: arion on March 20, 2013, 11:03:11 AM

This is a place to discuss the teachings of Ray Smith and not our own personal teachings or things that interest us personally that Ray has not taught on.  There are plenty of other places on the net to do those things.  Ray has left us enough material for a lifetime of study.  Nothing wrong about asking questions about what Ray has taught or asking if Ray ever had anything to say about this or that.  However as a new member it might not be wisdom to come in and be dogmatic or go off on a tangent about things that were not taught here.  We do well to stick to the materials we already have here and that is what the forum is for.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 11:24:37 AM
Hi Craig    I referred the scripture PROVERBS 16:18 to John because his opening statement was  I HATE TO MENTION THE SCRIPTURES  he then went on to change the word HEAD with his own word FACE  ??????? But when I warn my bretheren of their error in this case, the verse being a warning  and when I had clearly shown Alex that he was in danger of bearing false witness as you also made clear  ??? You say you dont care what I belive in ??? this is trully an odd statement for someone who is an administrator on a forum where faith in GOD of the Holy Bible is paramount . This is most unfortunate, all I want is to be possative and share my testimony  :-[   
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Craig on March 20, 2013, 11:43:43 AM
Yes, Faith in God.  Not the shroud of Turin, Bible Codes etc. etc.

However, you ask if your posts are being misunderstood, well given your reply's I would say that is a possibility because you reverse gears pretty quickly and claim your statements are not what you said/meant.

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 12:13:19 PM
Hi Arion I am most saddened by these events  as it is my testimony   of which I write, and it is in the testimony section of this forum , must my testimony conform to certain parameters . Understand that I have read L.Rays {RIP} web-site and I am in total agreement with his teachings and my testimony bears witness to the truth of his work  And I have great respect for it . But if these parameters are policed by a mans own interpretations of another mans work and this does not enable me to write the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth of how our LORD completely changed my life in a moment  from being a carnal minded beast, and my suposed bretheren dont care as I have also bean told by Craig          ,then I am at a loss  :(
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Dennis Vogel on March 20, 2013, 12:46:06 PM

“One man's gospel truth is another man's blasphemous lie. The dangerous thing about people is the way we'll try to kill anyone whose truth doesn't agree with ours.”

― Mira Grant
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 01:36:06 PM
Hi  Craig  OH really, I meant every word, it is just futile to argue points of opinion on speculation and neither can you or anybody else 
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 02:03:28 PM
Hi Dennis Wise words those are, I believe the Shroud Of Turin to be Christs linen clothes , but realize I have no hope of proveing this to others, which makes any attempt futile, I also understand their reasons for not believeing in its authentisity, so therefore respect their opinion and  I dont condemn them. the Ironic thing is my testimony had nothing to do with it, the only reason I mentioned it was because, when I was double checking Christ's spear wound low and behold the picture I now have in the pages of my bible which I found on the beach is the exact one taken off the Shrouds negative by Mr Soons the Holographer  ::) 
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: theophilus on March 20, 2013, 03:28:23 PM
Hi C.DRIGS I am starting to wounder if my writings are legible, or that they are not being read accurately ???? Yes of course CHRIST had given up HIS spirit to THE FATHER as HIS heart broke prior to the thrust of the spear, hence HIS spleen had more than likely had swollen from  Pint to 1.7 pints + the 240ml of blood his heart would have held gushed out, I would have gone into more detail of this by now. but got bogged down in a disspute of opinion  :-\   In my opinion the point you made about  doubting Tom is irrelevent as he came to believe, now you could argue that those who believed prior to witnessing Christs resurection, haveing seen JESUS  went on to believe more than Tom . But I will argue that Tom, haveing asked for proof, and upon receiving it, went on to be as believing as the others{ tho be it by his shame of his doubt }  as is the case with me and who's to say the others had not dought before they laid eyes on our LORD ???  And besides who are we to decide how GOD should call his children out of darkness and into HIS light ? I asked GOD to give me proof, HE did,{ and know I know, as before I believed } I would hardly have asked GOD to remove my doubt, had I not believed in HIM in the first place, where would the truth be in that  :P GOD bless   

Your posts are legible and your enthusiasm is much more palpable. I'm happy for you. You believe that this shroud is the one that was used to wrap our Savior's body because of expert analysis and your PERCEPTION that God used this shroud to reveal Himself to you. God could have very well revealed Himself to you by using this shroud. But just because He might have done so doesn't make this shroud genuine. The picture depicting Jesus that you found by the shore might have been used by God to reveal to you the reality of His existence; however, this doesn't mean that the picture you found is a picture of Jesus Himself. Both the picture and the shroud seem to be about our Lord, but this doesn't make them genuine. The Quran mentions Jesus Christ, but this mention doesn't make the Arab holy book true! The Book of Mormon, the holy book of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, mentions Jesus Christ. This mention of our Lord in this book DOES NOT MAKE the Book of Mormon TRUE.

As believers in the word of God, we consider it to be the authority in matters of faith. The three-witness settling of an issue must come from the Bible itself. This means that if you talk about THREE witnesses regarding this shroud, these three witnesses MUST BE found in the Bible. The experts you mentioned cannot be considered witnesses in this matter. If you desire to accept their conclusions, it's your right and choice.

But just because these experts "publicly attested" that the linen clothes were those of our Lord does not PROVE that this is the cloth that was used to wrap the body of our Savior. Just as it is your right and choice to believe these men's conclusions, it's our right and choice to believe the witness of scripture OVER these men's conclusions any day of the week. Don't allow this to become an idol in your heart.

Just because the shroud of Turin isn't authentic doesn't mean that it takes away from how God apparently used it to reveal Himself to you. You are lightning quick to call others False Witnesses. As far as I could read, nobody here has passed judgment on you or persecuted you. Not to join you in believing the authenticity of the shroud does not equate to persecution So, if someone disagrees with you, he or she is a false witness??? My, my!!! What my brothers and sisters here are TELLING YOU is to use the Word to see if this is true.

Be practical as you also are but flesh. Use only the word of God to test the spirits. You must not hang your faith on pegs like this shroud or a place where Mary made an alledged apparition to where Catholics flock to worship her, and so on and so forth. Be careful or you're gonna end up with a collection of relics that have no place in the heart of a child of God.

The point Drigs made about Thomas IS RELEVANT because "BLESSED ARE THEY THAT HAVE NOT SEEN, AND YET HAVE BELIEVED." Can you SEE IT Dean? Jesus was saying that Thomas was not blessed as those who had believed WITHOUT SEEING!

Regardless of whether this shroud is genuine or fake, the all-important truth on which you should hang your faith is the fact that Jesus died for us and was resurrected by His and our Father and now lives to intercede on our behalf. We don't need a shroud TO HELP US BELIEVE in the death and resurrection of our Savior!
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: John from Kentucky on March 20, 2013, 03:52:05 PM
Hi Craig    I referred the scripture PROVERBS 16:18 to John because his opening statement was  I HATE TO MENTION THE SCRIPTURES  he then went on to change the word HEAD with his own word FACE  ??????? But when I warn my bretheren of their error in this case, the verse being a warning  and when I had clearly shown Alex that he was in danger of bearing false witness as you also made clear  ??? You say you dont care what I belive in ??? this is trully an odd statement for someone who is an administrator on a forum where faith in GOD of the Holy Bible is paramount . This is most unfortunate, all I want is to be possative and share my testimony  :-[   


One minor point.  When I said, "I hate to mention the Scriptures...", that is what is known as sarcasm.  Actually, dripping with sarcasm.   ;D  It was an attempt at humor.

One time Ray wrote that some people have this type of personality, others another type of personality, still others don't have any personality at all.   ;D ;D ;D  Ray was being sarcastic.  Ray also gave examples of Jesus being sarcastic.  It is an acquired taste.  Only certain personalities can appreciate it.

P.S.  Sorry about the boo-boo of substituting face for head.  Face is a subset of head, but it was a careless mistake.  There is no ever burning hell fire as punishment, is there?  (WARNING--the last sentence was a sarcastic statement)   8)

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Dennis Vogel on March 20, 2013, 05:28:01 PM
Dean, please make sure you read and understand the rules we have on this forum. They have served us well and kept this forum pleasant.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 08:02:32 PM
Hi Theophilus GOD  bless you. I agree with you on all but two points you made and you made very good ones,  I have meditated on them all but I am unable to agree with the  two or three clear scripture proofs needed pertaining to all archeological proof/evidence of GODS miracles and neither did L.Ray, and he also used science to suport his localized flood theory, and the other minor point as this is a personel matter and that is the gift Jesus gave me which I believe by faith is the very mirror image of HIM. However you will be pleased that there are two scriptual witnesses to the proof/evidence  GOD gave me that resulted in my continual repentance. Pleas do not frown upon me because I was like Thomas and needed proof of JESUS but rather respect the fact that it was HIS decision to give it to me, And  Theo you did teach me one thing, which I am most greatfull, as its a big one and that is not to judge other believers who dont want the archeological proof GOD has given us . :)
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 20, 2013, 09:12:17 PM
Hi John from Kentucky I too enjoy witty sarcasm  :o but you did ride in guns blazeing , yours post was the first post that mentioned something within my testimony. I first looked for your greeting, but there was none, and then the first words I saw was I hate ......and then you went on to debate a scripture which no matter how one reads it, it neither suports or detracts from the matter at hand, the "head,face" booboo did arouse my beast  :P the little thats left after JESUS brought it to heel  :'(    The scripture I refered, was two part, and it is the latter why I chose it, {faltered-fall} the foremost was just a bonus  ;D 
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: John from Kentucky on March 21, 2013, 12:07:32 AM
Hi John from Kentucky I too enjoy witty sarcasm  :o but you did ride in guns blazeing , yours post was the first post that mentioned something within my testimony. I first looked for your greeting, but there was none, and then the first words I saw was I hate ......and then you went on to debate a scripture which no matter how one reads it, it neither suports or detracts from the matter at hand, the "head,face" booboo did arouse my beast  :P the little thats left after JESUS brought it to heel  :'(    The scripture I refered, was two part, and it is the latter why I chose it, {faltered-fall} the foremost was just a bonus  ;D

I learned a few things from a misspent youth watching John Wayne movies.

The Duke would take his girl, bend her over backwards, and give her a kiss.

Sometimes it's best just to wade in.   ;D
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: theophilus on March 21, 2013, 10:50:10 AM
Hi Theophilus GOD  bless you. I agree with you on all but two points you made and you made very good ones,  I have meditated on them all but I am unable to agree with the  two or three clear scripture proofs needed pertaining to all archeological proof/evidence of GODS miracles and neither did L.Ray, and he also used science to suport his localized flood theory, and the other minor point as this is a personel matter and that is the gift Jesus gave me which I believe by faith is the very mirror image of HIM. However you will be pleased that there are two scriptual witnesses to the proof/evidence  GOD gave me that resulted in my continual repentance. Pleas do not frown upon me because I was like Thomas and needed proof of JESUS but rather respect the fact that it was HIS decision to give it to me, And  Theo you did teach me one thing, which I am most greatfull, as its a big one and that is not to judge other believers who dont want the archeological proof GOD has given us . :)

Hello Dean, God bless you. It's not about wanting archeological evidence. We shouldn't need to have such evidence in order to believe the scriptures. We believe in them by faith, not by sight.

You continue to miss the point made by Drigs. He said that you were blessed because you, unlike doubting Thomas, believed WITHOUT seeing. Re-read his post.

If bona fide evidence is discovered that supports the biblical account, great! But we don't need any evidence to help our faith, nor should we be fishing for such evidence.

I'd rather stick to the scriptures. But it's my personal choice. God bless you.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Craig on March 21, 2013, 11:33:46 AM
Posters please remember the rules we have in place on the forum concerning teachings that Ray did not cover.  Nobody is saying you are right or wrong about what you see as truth, but it is not the purpose of the forum to discuss it here.

Please read again if you want a brush-up :),3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: theophilus on March 21, 2013, 01:04:39 PM
Posters please remember the rules we have in place on the forum concerning teachings that Ray did not cover.  Nobody is saying you are right or wrong about what you see as truth, but it is not the purpose of the forum to discuss it here.

Please read again if you want a brush-up :),3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html


Thanks for the brush-up Craig. :) Have a great day!
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: dean kevin heyes on March 21, 2013, 01:45:52 PM
Hi Theo I respect your honesty and your opinion, but it is with a heavy heart I return this post, so foregive me if I do not fellowship, but this is my last post.  My third post of my testimony was spamed, as I suspected, even tho I took all the steps to keep it  in perfect harmony with L.Ray's teachings. You see this revelation I was revealing { the things the desciples were not at liberty to tell / till the time was wright } is the very same thing the adversary does not want men to learn . Keep this verse close as it is the most mighty one   and who all,  shall attain. LEVITICUS 17:11  I bid you farewell your brother in JESUS CHRIST         
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: theophilus on March 22, 2013, 01:27:57 PM
Hi Theo I respect your honesty and your opinion, but it is with a heavy heart I return this post, so foregive me if I do not fellowship, but this is my last post.  My third post of my testimony was spamed, as I suspected, even tho I took all the steps to keep it  in perfect harmony with L.Ray's teachings. You see this revelation I was revealing { the things the desciples were not at liberty to tell / till the time was wright } is the very same thing the adversary does not want men to learn . Keep this verse close as it is the most mighty one   and who all,  shall attain. LEVITICUS 17:11  I bid you farewell your brother in JESUS CHRIST         

Hello Dean, it is with a heavy heart that I see you leave. Thank you for your kind words. I wish you well. God bless you brother.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Rhys 🕊 on March 23, 2013, 03:36:37 AM
Hi Dean

I'm with GodISGracious as well Dean. We all have our issues and I have plenty. I've got my foot in my mouth to start with and find myself getting into hot water over too many things. You sound like someone who is hungry after the things of God so praise God there isn't that many people like that around. So we have our setbacks and issues but don't leave because of it. I have my moments to that I think of leaving but leave to what. I'm so glad I found this place, it's a great help to me. I know I'm far from perfect but we just have to humble ourselves and seek God and allow what Ray taught to speak into our Spirit. It's God's truth and I know that because God shows me that and I constantly go back and read and listen to what Ray has to say. It's such a blessing to me and I respect what the mods do to keep it the way.

So we are all on a journey here that's going to take a lifetime. If we don't stumble along the way then something is wrong with you. I know I stumble I've got foot and mouth disease. I'm not much of a person but I discover that God is doing a work in me and it takes time. I was reading in another post how we put a brick wall up from what we are taught in church and the thing is that wall has to come down and I know for me it's like brick by brick it gets dismantled and some of those bricks hurt but where here for a reason.

So don't be too discouraged. I have times that make me want to leave as well but I don't give into them. It's OK to have a break now and then and it's a good thing to do but if I'm still welcome here then so are you.

Please keep reading the material and praying. It has helped me so much I couldn't put it into words. Keep joining in on the discussions. Can you believe they still allow me to post here - crazy ;D. I'm way too stupid.

Don't be too down about things my brother.

Blessings and His peace to you Dean

Rhys  ;)
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: gregorydc on March 23, 2013, 01:57:59 PM
Hello Dean,
  I too along with God is gracious,  and Rhys don't believe you should leave. When I joined this forum I asked about one of my dreams given to me by God. There were some great answers, but there were a few that were not so nice. That bothered me a lot, but I didn't quit, because I knew that God had given me these dreams for a reason. The longer I have stayed here the more the truth about my dreams have come to light. So please dear brother if God is willing to let you read this again, there are many here who can help you along your journey to the righteous path of God.
Title: Re: Our irrefutable propitiation part 2
Post by: Dave in Tenn on March 23, 2013, 02:13:23 PM
Everybody who joins the forum to post is welcome provided they abide by the rules of the forum to which they agreed before joining.  That includes every poster in this thread. 

Let's let Dean decide for himself what he should do.  I'm going to close the discussion at this point.