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Author Topic: Word of the Day  (Read 33925 times)

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February 16, 2007 - Word of the Day
« Reply #100 on: February 16, 2007, 11:59:33 AM »

  To All,

Okay foks time to get serious again.  Here's the word of the day.


  "grok \GROCK\ verb

: to understand profoundly and intuitively

Example sentence:
No matter how many times I try to explain it, my grandmother just can't grok what a blog is and why anyone would want to read one.

Did you know?
"Grok" may be the only English word that derives from Martian. Yes, we do mean the language of the planet Mars. No, we're not getting spacey; we've just ventured into the realm of science fiction. "Grok" was introduced in Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land. The book's main character, Valentine Michael Smith, is a Martian-raised human who comes to earth as an adult, bringing with him words from his native tongue and a unique perspective on the strange, strange ways of earthlings. "Grok" was quickly adopted by the youth culture of America and has since peppered the vernacular of those who grok it, from the hippies of the '60s to the computerniks of the '90s."

  Enjoy peoples.


  Anne C. McGuire



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #101 on: February 16, 2007, 03:03:23 PM »

Word of the day:       "Grok"

True Story:   ;)

Twice a year here on Longhorn ranch the bottom 20 acres of the meddow which is some of the best costal bermuda in Texas, is cut and baled for the winter hay for all the livestock.  Well, last year with the drought I could only get one cutting, and to compensate I was forced to let the bermuda grass grow about a foot 1/2 taller than normal to be sure and get the most out of this one cutting.

Now just a tid bit of farming info for all you city folks, usally when make the first cut for hay, the costal bermuda stands about 2 1/2  to 3 feet tall.  But because I had to let it grow a foot and 1/2 taller last summer, the bermuda meadow was dang near (let's see here...2 1/2 ft plus the added 1 foot and a 1/2) made exactlly 1/2 + 2- the 1/2, carry the 1 foot divided by the 1/2 = #$@&, Oh well, I think mabey theres some of them Mathmatical brain smart people that went to that Technilogical school up in that waste land around Lubbock that can figure this here equation out,,,,anyway, the bermuda was dang near chest high.

Best I can remember, it was a Friday afternoon late (about 4:30) cause I remember I was getting all spiffied up to go a courting with my neighbor and bet gal Lula Allmen, when I hear my old bird dog cleo raising the biggest fit Id ever seen.  I raced to the front door and peeked out the window and sure enough here come the Sherriff of Titus county Joe "Bunk" Buford speeding towards the farm.

With all kinds of thoughts filling my head (well not too many) out of nowhere I remembered that I had forgot to show up for jury duty the previous week, and old sherriff Buford was probably fixing to let me have it.  Not wanting to be late for my date with Lula, I come up with one of my greatest ideas ever.  I decided I would just sneek out the back and hide in my other house (Out House). 

Sure enough, worked like a charm.  After a couple minutes old Sherriff Buford "Bunk", got tired of old cleos barking, and through a knot hole in the out house door I see old Sherriff Buford drive away.  While I was in there I figure what the heck, so I finish my business and run back into the house, splash on some of that exspensive smelling good stuff, "High Karate" I think is what they call it, and off to Lula's I go.

I get to Lula's and after honking the truck horn for what seemed like 20 minutes, Lula comes out in the most beautiful flowerdy ankle length dress Id ever seen.  Off we go, I got a crisp 5$ bill in my pocket, a fresh pouch of Red Man chewing tabacco, and the prettiest gal in two counties ridding in Old Bettsy ( my pick-up truck), don't tell me you city folks dont name your trucks, life is good again.

Well, with Lula and myself both being Bible believing, God fearing, Baptised in Holy water,faithfull tithing, laying on of hands, speaking in tongues,free will acceptors of Christ, Christians, when ever Lula and me go a courting( that means on a date for yall city slicks) Lula always sits on the very far side of the truck.  You know, we dont want folks in town thinking there's any "Handsy Pansy, Hanky panky going on while Im driving.

Anyway, the old dirt road that runs from Lula's house and leads to the main service road, just so happens to run right by the back portion of Longhorn ranch which is the costal bermuda meadow.  after much encouragment, I convince Lula to roll down the truck window and take in a breath of the freshest air on planet earth.  Nothing smells quite like a mixture of chest high costal bermuda that has been fertelized with chicken manure. 

After about 30 seconds of that nonsence, Lula was just about to roll the window up when she yells at me Longhorn, STOP THE TRUCK..  Well I slammed on the brakes and after 30 feet or so we come to a grinding halt( p.s. note to self, replace brake pads on old Bettsy).  Anyway, I yell at Lula, "What in tarnashing is wrong with you"?  She says to me didn't you hear that?  And I says, all I heard was you sreaming over my favorite song on the radio (George Jones #1 country hit) He stopped loving her today. 

Lula says no, listen.  And sure enough about 5 seconds later, silence is broken with the sound of shot gun blast, comming from the middle of the chest high bermuda.  Now everyone knows old Longhorn is an animal lover and hunting on the ranch by anyone is a NO NO.  Anyway, we get out of the truck and crawl through the barbed wire fence, Lula goes first, and we slowly edge our way through the chest high bermuda to the sound of the gun blast.  Trying to act brave I yell, " You better show youself or im sending in my killer pit bulldog.

Anyways, I nudge old Lula and tell her to do her impression of a old "Bloodhound" barking.  Trust me, Lula should be on that show "Star search" or whatever the heck it is cause Lula sounds just like an old bloodhound ready for the kill.  Not 20 seconds into her impression, and up pops two heads, one familiar one, that being Old Sherriff "Bunk" Buford, and the other being a complete stranger.  Old "Bunk" yells at me Call off your dog Longhorn.

Sherriff Buford wades through the bermuda and with sweat dripping off his forhead he sees Lula and knows right away there wernt no real dog fixing to get em, they had just been snookered(thats a fancy word for fooled).  Anyways, he says to me Longhorn, I know you dont like nobody hunting on your property, but I came by your house and you didnt answer.  But listen he says, first of all this guy with me couldnt hit a bull in the butt with a bass fidle, so you didnt have to worry about him killing any rabbitts, and second, this guy with me is a Nephew of one of the most famous Movie stars in the history of show business.

I said Bunk, there is only one truely famous person alive and that is Mack Brown, Head coach for the greatest college football team in america, that being the TEXAS LONGHORNS. I look back to where the still trembling rather handsome feller is standing and I said, "Bunk" here tells your the Nephew of the most famous Movie star ever.  He says to me yes sir I am.  With a smirk on my face I asked him, Well who the heck is your uncle and MOST FAMOUS movie star.  He said "why sir, His name is............ "GROK HUDSON".........  and then it rained.




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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #102 on: February 16, 2007, 09:54:50 PM »


  Hah, you are so funny.

  Well when it comes down to the equation I do not know if I can figure that out.  I constantly get teased becuase I cannot do arithmetic.  I only do algebra 1 and higher.  <grins>  So I guess you are on your own with that equation.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #103 on: February 17, 2007, 05:32:22 AM »

That is so great Longhorn!...You have such a colorful way of writing.

Here in Africa we have a bird called the Are-di-dah.....well that is how the name is pronounced. Do not ask me how to spell it.   :D....My computer is better at spelling than I am!  Any way….for years I have been able to impersonate the voices of certain animals….and beasts too….I am able to impersonate the cry of the Are-di-dah very well that they talk back to me. :D

 The African folks here….well they do not tell me what they think,   :D their eyes nearly fall out of their heads and their grins contradict their faces when ever I have been caught having a conversation with these very large grey and purple stork like creatures. They really are quite beautiful in a strange almost prehistoric kind of way....the birds that is....

When I hear them calling from far off, I can call them and they respond by flyingover the thatch roof tops at my home.  You can hear the woosh woo-sh of their great wings as thy fly down close to see who is talking. When they see it is me,   :o   well….the lookthey get is like the look I see on the African faces who catch me out   :D…..then they are gone.   ;D   I have never been able to ask them what they think but they always keep coming back for more!..... :D..There are not any pigs where I live but I can talk to them too. I once spole to a cow and it got such a fright it turned on one hoof and hight tailed out of the paddock! Ihave never laughted so much in my life.... ;D...I do not know WHAT I SAID!.... ;D..BUT THE COW DID!....

I enjoy your writing Longhorn ;D….Lulu looked a picture in her pretty dress! And I will always be coming back for more of your lovely humerous and uplifting stories......because when I read them... then the sun shines....!

Peace to you bro’

Arcturus :)



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2007, 11:00:27 AM »

Hi Longhorn,

That was a great story...and funny too!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #105 on: February 18, 2007, 01:36:57 AM »

Im watching "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" while drinking mug of Hot Chocolate and eating a slice of Chocolate pie.


The first one or the 2nd one??  I love the original!  Otherwise, I am not impressed.

Well, I am impressed w/ how quickly after Anne posts a word that you can come up w/ such tall tales!!


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #106 on: February 18, 2007, 01:45:01 AM »

Well, I am impressed w/ how quickly after Anne posts a word that you can come up w/ such tall tales!!

That is a curious thing isn't it Gena!  ;)  LOL

~Paula  :)


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February 18, 2007 - Word of the Day
« Reply #107 on: February 18, 2007, 12:32:12 PM »

To All,

  Here's the word of the day.

  "scintilla \sin-TILL-uh\ noun

: spark, trace

Example sentence:
After the witness's frank and bruising testimony, neither my brother nor I was left with a scintilla of doubt that the defendant was guilty.

Did you know?
"Scintilla" comes directly from Latin, where it carries the meaning of "spark" — that is, a bright flash such as you might see from a burning ember. In English, however, our use of "scintilla" is restricted to the figurative sense of "spark" — a hint or trace of something that barely suggests its presence. The Latin "scintilla" is related to the verb "scintillare," which means "to sparkle" and is responsible for our verb "scintillate" ("to sparkle or gleam," literally or figuratively). In an odd twist, "scintilla" underwent a transposition of the "c" and the "t" (a linguistic phenomenon known as metathesis) to create the Vulgar Latin form "stincilla," which is believed to be an ancestor of our word "stencil.""

  Enjoy this word all day.


  Anne C. McGuire



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #108 on: February 18, 2007, 08:13:19 PM »

Word of the day:      "scintilla"  -  / sin-till-uh/

True story:  ;)

Old Longhorn here must be getting that there forgetting disease, the "allzhymies" or something like that that, because how in the world did I fail to mention what happened just this past weekend for the Valentines holiday.  Now I aint the kind of person to go spending or (waisting) hard earned money on silly holidays like Christmas, Birthdays, and the Super Bowl, but this year for for first time in ages I figured I'd go all out, no expense spared. 

Heres how this years "Lovers" day unfolded.  I woke up extra early, like around 9:00 AM and got busy preparing a supprise lunch basket for me and my best gal Lula.  After I finished making the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and wrapping em in some tin foil, I threw in a box of those little candy things shaped like hearts with tiny, tiny words spelled on em.  Like I said, only the best for Lula.  Anyways, I splashed on some Old Spice took a big ol gurggle of that there Scope mouth smelling water and headed out the door.

Before I could get the keys in the ignition of ol Bettsy, in the rear view mirrow I notice a car heading up the dirt road to the ranch.  Best I remember I said shucks, or something like that, anyway, as the car gets closer a fear of dread came over me.  Sure enough, it was my sister.  Dont get me wrong, I love my sister, but the only time she bothers comming to the ranch is if she needs a favor.  As she pulls the car up along side Bettsy, I can see she has some of those fake tears running down her cheeks.

As Im about to ask her what the problem is, up pops a head from the back seat of the car.  It was her 12 yr old son Jacob.  Without wanting to here the long drawn out story I says to my sister, I take it you need me to watch Jacob for a few days.  Through her pretend sobbing she say's Longhorn, My boss needs me to go on a cruise to Hawaii with him for 3 weeks, can you please watch Jacob?  Well all the other times she tricked me into watching him was for stupid, self serving, thrill seeking, once in a lifetime pleasures reserved only for the wealthy.  But this time I could see it was really important, for goodness sakes, I didn't want to be the blame for lossing her job.

As my sister drives away, I tell Jacob to throw his suitcase in the back of the truck, and I explain to him that Im late for a supprise luch date with Lula.  To make up time, I drive through my pasture all the way to the back end of the meadow and get on the oil top road that goes to Lulas.  About 1/2 mile from my sweeties house we passed by the Farmers Acadamy cemetary when something catches my eye.  I slamed on the brakes and I tell Jacob to wait in the truck for a minute. 

I remembered that I had forgot to pay my respects to old man Rollins who had passed away after his mule had kicked him in the head the previous Saturday( I always told him he worked that mule to hard, and one day he would get even).  Anyways, after paying my respects I climb back in the truck and Jacob ask me Uncle Longhorn, where did you get them beautifull flowers from?  I told him they needed watering and being an upstanding citizen of Titus county that I am, (well, you get the picture).

Anayway, like I said, no expense spared for my Lula.  A fancy lunch basket and some freshly picked flowers and life is good, the only thing that could spoil this day is if for some strange reason it should happen to rain.  Anayways, as we pull up to Lula's house a fear of dread comes over me again as I notice Lula sitting on the porch swing crying her eyes out.  I honk 3 or 4 times and Lula finally makes her way to old Bettsy.  Through what seemed like real tears but mabey not, she says to me Longhorn, you wont believe this, just this morning I woke up extra early, around 9:00 AM and I was making you a supprise lunch basket with those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you like so much.  I even through in a box of Milk Duds.

Anyways, as I was about to leave for your ranch when my brother pulls up in front of the house in his $100,000 Rolls Royce and tells me he needs me to watch his 12 yr old daughter Charlene while he goes on a important 3 week cruise to Hawaii with his boss.  Now it looks like our supprise Valentines Love lunch is ruined.  I says to Lula "Contrare my dear"...she loves when I speak big french words, I said it looks like you and me are in the same predictament (that means the same boat for you city slicks), anyhow, I explaine my situation to Lula and her tears turn to joy, life is good again, and the only thing that could ruin her day would be if for some strange reason it should happen to rain.

We all go inside and Lula and I exchange our Love Valentines Baskets, and whats even better is the fact that Jacob and Charlene seem to be having a good time too.  Now some of you women on this here Bible learning forum might can describe this feeling a might bit better than old Longhorn here.  But you know when you kinda feel all love struck, and lovey dovey, and everything seems so perfect, and time together just flies by, well thats what happened to me and Lula on Valentines Day.

While Charlene showed Jacob around Lula's farm, me and my honey take this time to do some hand holding and necking and talking about mabey someday having a little herd of Longhorns (yall no what I mean) anyways, after what seemed like only 10 minutes Lula's persian cat Polly jumps in between us.  I take a look at my watch, and dangit if 2 hours hadnt passed.  Lula and I run outside and start calling Jacob and Charlene.  Just about the time Lula was going to send her bird dog Bandit out to look for Jacob and Charlene, we see them coming up the trail that leads from the creek.

Happy that they are ok, and kinda embarrassed that we got so rapped up that time and space lost all meaning, we sat on the porch swing and tried to act (well, you know how we tried to act), anyways, Lula says to the kids, Charlene, did you show Jacob the farm?  She said yes mam.  We were about to go inside for some lemonade when Lula pokes me in the ribs and says Longhorn, why are the kids hair wet?.  Before I could do what all red blooded males do and that is "Change the subject" , Lula tells the kids to have a set on the porch.  Lula knowing that the kids had gone swimming in the creek, hums very softly as she cuts a small branch of the hickory tree next to the house.

Now Lula is one of those cut to the chase people, no bs'ing around with her.  She says now Charlene, Im responsible for you, now tell me the truth, did you go swimming in the creek with only your skivvies( thats underdrawers for you city slicks) on?  Charlene said yes mam.  Lula said, well at least you told the truth, go inside.  Then Lula pokes me in the ribs again and says your the man, you deal with Jacob.  I clear my throat and said Jacob, do you promise not to go swimming in the creek with a girl wearing only your skivvies again?  And Jacob says to me, OK, but all we did was swim and skip rocks, whats wrong with that.  And in all my wisdom I say, Son the Bible says it's a Sin for a man and women, or in your case a boy and girl to go swimming together in their skivvies.

After a moment of silence, Jacob looks up at me and says Uncle Longhorn, is it really a Sin to want to swim with girls in your skivvies?  I said yes. And Jacob say to me well then Unlce Longhorn.... I guess I will just have to... Sin- till- ah-.................DIE.....   and then it rained.

This true story is dedicated to Acturus.




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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #109 on: February 18, 2007, 08:32:34 PM »

Longhorn...good story  :o  ;)

and funny!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #110 on: February 18, 2007, 09:02:04 PM »


  Once again you do it again.  <round of applause heard>

  On days, the word of the days are not interesting, I always hate to go through a day wihtout posting them becuase well, I know I am missing out on a true story from Longhorn.  You are a blessing brother.

  Now to the rest of the forum, truly puns are the HIGHEST form of humor.  Much thought must go into them.   :)


  Anne C. Mcguire


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #111 on: February 19, 2007, 11:38:35 AM »

To All,

  Here's the Word of the Day.  I posted even though I knew what it meant, but mainly it is a delicious words that rolls of the tongue in a nice way.  This is one of my favorite words.

  "apropos \ap-ruh-POH\ adjective

: being both relevant and opportune

Example sentence:
Sean interrupted our conversation about politics and, apropos of nothing, asked who we thought would win the basketball game.

Did you know?
English borrowed "apropos" from the French phrase "à propos," literally "to the purpose." Since it first appeared in 1668, "apropos" has been used as an adverb, adjective, noun, and preposition. Left alone, the word probably wouldn't have gotten much attention, but in 1926 noted language expert H. W. Fowler declared that "apropos" should always be followed by "of." Since then, most commentators have felt compelled to take note of the term. Some take Fowler's recommendation to be virtually a commandment, but others note that "apropos" is sometimes used by itself in professionally edited prose, or, more rarely, followed by "to.""

  Can you think of a more interesting way to use this sentence?


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #112 on: February 19, 2007, 05:37:00 PM »

Sweet ;D

You and your honey really should have a little heard of Longhorns! :D


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #113 on: February 19, 2007, 08:44:26 PM »

I think Anne & Longhorn are in cohoots. 


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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #114 on: February 19, 2007, 11:27:35 PM »


You are truly the Mark Twain of the forum. ::) ::)



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Re: Word of the Day
« Reply #115 on: February 22, 2007, 06:59:12 PM »

Longhorn, send some of that rain up here to Lubbock!  Great story indeed. ;D


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March 7, 2007 - Word of the Day
« Reply #116 on: March 07, 2007, 10:07:52 AM »

To All,

  Finally after about 2 weeks of noninteresting words, not that there are any, I just know a lot of them I suppose.  There comes a word that I have never heard of.  So I am posting the word of the day today.

  "concomitant \kun-KAH-muh-tunt\ adjective

: accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way

Example sentence:
Jane is terrified of flying, and she's also not fond of the concomitant annoyances of air travel, like waiting in long security lines.

Did you know?
"Concomitant" was introduced into English at a time when many people were criticizing the use of Latinate forms in favor of more "native" words from Old English. As a descendant of Latin "concomitari" ("to accompany") and ultimately of "comes," the Latin word for companion, "concomitant" may well have been initially derided as an ostentatious inkhorn term. Indeed, two associated words, the verb "concomitate," meaning "to accompany," and another adjective, "concomitaneous," meaning "of a concomitant nature," didn't survive to accompany "concomitant" into the 18th century."



  Anne C. McGuire



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Word of the Day - March 12, 2007
« Reply #117 on: March 13, 2007, 08:16:23 AM »

To All,

  Sry for posting this so late.  I got to sleep around the clock a few times, and I throughly enjoyed it.  I gotta go, so here's the interesting word.

"boondoggle \BOON-dah-gul\ noun

1 : a braided cord worn by Boy Scouts as a neckerchief slide, hatband, or ornament
*2 : a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft

Example sentence:
The editorial claims that the new multimillion-dollar sports complex is a boondoggle and a frivolous waste of tax dollars.

Did you know?
When "boondoggle" popped up in the pages of the New York Times in 1935, lots of people tried to explain where the word came from. One theory traced it to an Ozarkian word for "gadget," while another related it to the Tagalog word that gave us "boondocks." Another hypothesis suggested that "boondoggle" came from the name of leather toys Daniel Boone supposedly made for his dog. But the only theory that is supported by evidence is much simpler. In the 1920s, Robert Link, a scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America, apparently coined the word to name the braided leather cords made and worn by scouts. The word came to prominence when such a scout boondoggle was presented to the Prince of Wales at the 1929 World Jamboree, and it's been with us ever since.

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence."



  Anne C. McGuire


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Word of the Day - March 13, 2007 - A word game
« Reply #118 on: March 13, 2007, 08:19:46 AM »

To All,

  This is not an unknown word, but it is one of my most favorite words.


  Let's play a game where we can come up with all the words that can be made with this word.


  That's all I can think of, have a wonderful day.



  Anne C. McGuire
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