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Author Topic: Wondering why i have been healed  (Read 6453 times)

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Wondering why i have been healed
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:37:10 PM »

I have spent the last few weeks wondering why our Father healed my legs and arms, [with the exception of my ears i am now very hard of hearing] i am stronger and more coordinated than i ever was and i am becomming stronger physically and spiritually every day.I have been reading revelations and what Jesus said concerning ;lot' and how we must not look back or get our 'stuff' when we see danger.However he is blocking me from finding a job-I feel like a racing horse stuck in the stall looking out at all the other horses running down the track.
I feel as if there is something he is preparing me for-I wish i knew what!!
People have been asking me 'what are you going to do?'
I am right now unable to explain all the changes and how bizarre things have gotten in my life,these last 8 years have been one  fiery trail after another and until i read Mr Smiths papers i really didnt understand what i was going through.
But now i am at a stand still and confused.
I just had to get this off of my chest.


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 04:39:27 PM »

Hi Jaguar,

Thanks for sharing about your healing!  Do you feel comfortable telling us what your injuries or illness is/was??

There's allot of people searching for Jobs.  My family just went through this.  It would take a Novel to explain it all.  What I learned from God is never late, He wants you to trust him even when it looks like he isn't doing anything!  Also be open to new things, many have had to recreate themselves in the world of employment.

I can't wait to retirement (if there is such a thing)
Keep the Faith....



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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 06:31:18 PM »

O brenda, ;D no i do not mind sharing - i had what is called multiple sclerosis it is definently named correctly.It causes many diseases to attack the body while it slowly paralizes it.I had it for most of my life- it started when i was a young teenager.Therefore i was unable to hold down a job for long periods of time.I am hoping for my healing to be completed soon. ;)


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2008, 07:08:22 PM »

Have you tried contacting vocational rehabilitation jaguar?

I went through a time when I couldn't find a job to save my life. At the same time God was revealing wonderful truths to me and healing me of grave emotional damage. It sounds similar to what you might be experiencing. It was a wonderful spiritual experience for me, but I was like you and also concerned with the cares of the world for myself and my children. I think that's pretty normal for us as humans.

Through all these hardships I am learning to be content in all circumstances and learning that God is faithful. I find that he often puts me between a rock and hard place and makes me sit there. Those circumstances drive the carnal to the surface and he deals with it. I've experienced fear, worry, anger, and lots of rebellion. God always wins and I end up submitting to his will. He will bring all things into submission and knocks the "beast" off the throne.

He has a perfect plan and purpose for your life and the circumstances in your life are not random. They are perfectly planned.


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2008, 08:40:53 PM »

Hi Again Jaguar,

I admire the inner strength you must have to deal with MS.  Unlike others who may enjoy great health.  You understand how little control we really have.  And that who we are in Christ is more than our flesh. Trust that he will give you the desires of your heart.



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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2008, 10:18:41 PM »

Hi again o brenda!Thanks! You have really hit the nail on the head!After months of learning to walk and move my body properly, every step that i take without pain is  very precious to me.I do know what not to do now and that is i am not to look for a job-but a career that our Father created me for ;) ;D

M.G-after having the state take care of me when i was in such bad shape i dont want to have anything more to do with gov. programs, an our lord has not told me  too,thanks for your concern! Yes our Father loves to put us in places we cant get out of,that way we depend on him completly and it does make me a little angry that i cant do for myself. I too am learning to be content in all circumstances-I want some patience and i want it now!HEE HEE ;D
May our Lord bless you and yours


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2008, 10:34:05 PM »

I'm that way too jaguar. I always think of myself on one of those hamster wheels.

I get no where fast.


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2008, 03:23:44 AM »

Hi Jaguar

Look at the skills  the talents and the education and the desires that God the Father has provided for you....then look for a place where you can volunteer these services a few days a will be helping others and serving God....God will provide employment or a career when the time is right.

Trust is not ascent to believe or being able to  understand what is going on around us but...... it is going on .....knowing in your heart that He is Faithfull  and He is going to accomplish His Will for us and do it a way that we never thought of...His way..   

Regarding your earthy vessel.... Each morning stretch your enitre body to remind your muscles and joints of their capacity. Make sure to eat nutrous live foods, stay away from all junk foods and exercise your limbs in moderation to stengthen them.

(Php 4:4)  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice;

(Php 4:5)  let your forbearance be known to all men; the Lord is near;

(Php 4:6)  for nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer, and by supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God;

(Php 4:7)  and the peace of God, that is surpassing all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.




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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2008, 01:06:58 PM »

Hi beloved-our Father is way ahead of you he has told me to eat according to leviticus 11 for years now-- and he also told me not to eat chocklate[sp]?
nor drink anything but water and no acidic foods ,and i do 500abdominals reps-250 pushups, i run at the park and do various excersizes such as lunges, squats,skipping running and jumping ,i do that 5 days aweek-i have alot of time to catch up on and it is so much fun to be able to do those exersizes!!!!Thank you for your words of encouragement-i am so pleased to have all my brothers and sisters here i believe you all reaaly care about each other!
May Our Father in heaven give all of you the strenghth and courage you need each and everyday to overcome all obstacles in your life!!LoveJaguar ;D
P.S in case anyone was wondering i have not at this time eaten any bugs!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 12:41:20 PM by jaguar »

Roy Monis

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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2008, 09:09:02 AM »

Hi! Jaguar

Great to hear of your healing brother. Now stop wondering why God has healed you and rejoice instead at the fact that He has willed it to happen for reasons known only to Him. Rejoice and be thankful and He will appreciate that and increase His blessings on you. Remember the ten lepers that were healed and the solitary one that showed gratitude and turned back to thank Him: "And Jesus answering said, 'Were not the ten cleansed? but where are the nine? Were there none found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger?'" (Luke 17:17,18). Follow the solitary one's example brother, give glory to God and get the wondering out of your head. It was His will and His will was done, full stop. Whatever else He has in mind for you leave it to Him, there is a reason for that healing and in His time you'll know what it is.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2008, 12:43:43 PM »

Thank you Roy i will take your advice, and i shall enter into the rest of our  Lord and be content to wait for his answer.I should have done this in the first place-however i have lerarned what not to do during this trying time.and hopfully i wont repeat these mistakes.


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Re: Wondering why i have been healed
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2008, 01:26:48 AM »

I feel as if there is something he is preparing me for

I have to jump in here.  A few (6 or 7) years ago I had the same feeling that 'God has got something He is going to do in my life', then three years ago He lead me to BT and I have never looked back.  I don't know if finding BT was the entirety of it or if more is coming, but I do know that it was the spiritual that He was working on and my, how my spirit has changed.  I used to think I knew so much but little did I know that I was a waste.  I really think that God has even more but I need to firm my footing first.  God is awesome, brother!!  Keep looking for and expecting Him to advance you to the place He wants you.

Love to all,
Ray I.
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