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Author Topic: I don't know what's wrong with me  (Read 15100 times)

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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2007, 07:09:41 PM »


If I had to live my 20's over again I don't think I would survive it. God used to shower me with love in the beginning and then the lessons started getting harder and the way he manifested his presence changed in my life. He started teaching me to walk by faith and not by sight. He started changing my desires. It was a painful process and still is. He is not going to allow any desire that is not of him to remain.

Mark 12:30
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

I remember it getting so hard once that I just shouted out "Stop staring at me!" It was 10 years after that before I felt his presence again. I knew for sure I had committed the unforgivable sin. I felt like he abandoned me and I was doomed for what I said to him. He did not abandon me. It was all in his plan. During that time I held onto everything I believed by a string. It was a very hard lesson in faith.

Ray said we choose from our desires and we can't change what we desire. I couldn't change my desires that lead me into sin, but God could and he did and he is still working on it. He will drag you. I went kicking and screaming. I am the most stubborn person I know. I pray often the God forgives me of the sins of my youth when my desires and my sin were in opposition to the will of God in my life. There was a time when I wasn't aware of it and then there was a time when I was aware and couldn't change it. He just kept dragging.

John 10
27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

Philippians 1
6Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:


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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2007, 08:40:32 PM »

M.G. That was a really great post.
       Thank you for sharing... :)



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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2007, 08:46:51 PM »

Sorin, when you are 46 or 56 and say I have nothing to show for it, then maybe ....... but not when you are 26!!!!  What should you be showing at 26??  Think about what you are able to change in your life and then think about what you can't.  Start working on what yu can change--job, schooling, moving, choices of hobbies or ways you spend your time, etc.
What you can't change leave that to God.  I know you have prayed for guidance and such but you have to do something as well.

My 26 year old is living at home and going to our community college.  He isn't dating and his best friend is married w/ 2 kids, so he doesn't go out much.  He seems happy and is just thinking of his future, not right now.  (Mostly he plays World of Warcraft.)

I am just saying, many of your posts you seem so hard on yourself.  KNOW  KNOW  KNOW  that God LOVES you and NO NO  NO you haven't committed the unpardonable sin(I don't think that is possible).

Just because you think what will bring you JOY isn't in your life RIGHT NOW doesn't mean that it won't be--sooner or later.  Get close to Jesus, read the Word and obey it!!! It says to think on GOOD DO it!!  TRUST HIM and mean it.

Said lovingly as a mom to you,


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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2007, 09:00:19 PM »

M.G. That was a really great post.
       Thank you for sharing... :)


I agree with what Iris said. And M.G. I can relate to what you were saying.

Gena, thanks for the encouraging words.

God Bless,


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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2007, 02:11:50 AM »


you can be my mom any day! ;D



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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #45 on: February 19, 2007, 02:17:07 PM »

Well to answer the questions from the 'joy' thread. The reason I'm not experiencing any joy is because I am just so depressed, feel like my whole life has been and still is, a waste. I'm 26 and have nothing to show for it.  My prayers go unanswered, seems like I pray in vain. I'm constantly struggling between obeying God and giving into the pleasures of the flesh.

 I don't feel that calmness or peace after prayer like I once felt. Perhaps God has forsaken me.... because He has shown me the truth and has forgiven
me and I turned my back on him and went back to my old ways. So perhaps I've committed the unforgiveable sin, and it's too late too be forgiven again in this age. I don't know, but it just seems like God hates me and is refusing to allow anything happen in my life that would bring me any sort of happiness and thankfuless and that would make me actually be glad to be alive. And like I said before, this is only the tip of the iceberg.


[size=10pt]hi Sorin.

ever see the movie 5 people you meet in heaven?

 often times i feel the same way about my life, but its the things Christ has done in and thru us that we dont even have knowledge of
yet that gives God MOST glory!!!
 grace love and peace to you
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 02:18:31 PM by chuckt »


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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #46 on: February 19, 2007, 07:58:56 PM »

Hi Chuck,

No I have not seen that movie. But thanks for posting. What you said caused me to think.

Take care,


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Re: I don't know what's wrong with me
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2007, 03:18:54 PM »

Hello Sorin,
Your statement of "...This is only the tip of the iceberg..." got me thinking about how hard it is to quit certain bad habits and even sins.

Hello Sorin. I was just wondering had you ever thought about confessing your certain habits and even sins to THE BROTHERHOOD? James 5:16 - Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. This is how i believe we can keep the flow of THE SPIRIT to maintain our togetherness. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 says - That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Lies, hypocrisy, and cover ups impede flow of THE SPIRIT.

If you feel there are certain believers you can trust, open up your heart and spell out in gruesome detail what's plaguing you. True brethren are not scrutinizing and judgmental when it comes to a beloved brother. They have the love of Christ. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Pray, and if THE SPIRIT leads, confess your faults among the brotherhood. We can't judge you because in THE BODY OF CHRIST, your faults are our faults. 1 Corinthians 12:25-26 says - That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.


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