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Author Topic: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin  (Read 12538 times)

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Re: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2009, 01:16:58 PM »

You know what?  I'm very thankful to God that He didn't let me deceive more people than I did while in Babylon.  I don't really feel the guilt anymore, knowing that it was God's plan.  I can look back at many large evangelistic programs I had planned to start, or had started and stalled.  At the time, I berated myself for my lack of success.  Now I think that God was just preventing me from having to apologize to many more people :)


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Re: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2009, 11:06:40 PM »

I am a little puzzled about your question/comment Rodger. I don't understand asking someone to defend a post they made a year ago. Especially considering that he stated in his newest response that he was completely new to BT when he posted it.

But you did say, "I do not see any reference to Ray stating Martin taught him anything........does anyone ?"

So I will attempt to use my own womanly logic here.  ;)
Ray said, "I gave Dr. Martin credit for some of my outline on "The Canonization of the Scriptures" which I taught at our last Conference..."
and "The last time we studied together was back in 1982, ... and we spent a long weekend together" and "So he learned some things before I did..."

It seems a very logical assumption/jump from those statements, to me, that indeed, he may have actually learned something from Dr. Martin. After all, he did give him credit for some of his teachings. I have learned from many people with whom I don't completely agree with. I pray that the day never comes that in order to learn, I must be in 100% agreement with the one God sends to teach me. I don't know if I even agree with myself THAT much. ::)

I quote Ray all the time because I have learned from him. It doesn't mean that my knowledge doesn't come from God.

Back to the original subject, I found and read the entire article Samson. I have enjoyed reading historical accounts of the deceit of the church long before I found BT. It is the subject that the Lord first used to begin to open my mind to the truths here. Thanks for bringing to the top George.

Blessings, Lin



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Re: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2009, 11:39:22 PM »


I must also be infected with that womanly Logic cuz I'm puzzled by Rodgers comments.

Are we not all studying together here?  Rodger I have been blessed and taught God's wisdom by your posts, but I can't see where Brad had a hissy fit? (It seems he is the same gentlemen he always is) So I don't agree with you on your observation.  Dose that mean you didn't teach me anything?

Let me assure you I appreciate what you have taken time to teach/share with me!
But I respectfully think you may be mistaken?



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Re: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2009, 12:13:19 AM »

I simply do not get the JOKE.

 ;D :D ;)


so never mind me then...................
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 12:49:14 AM by Falconn003 »


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Re: Pagan Doctrine of the Soul by Ernest L. Martin
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2009, 12:14:42 AM »

Hi !

                  Alittle more regarding Ray's past association with Dr. Ernest Martin in an Email
                  response to a Man named Jeff.

                  Dear Jeff:

It helps if you have someone to steer you in the right direction in your studies.  I was friends with the late Dr. Ernest Martin (he died a few weeks ago), who was the first to begin showing me the reconciliation of all in the Scriptures. There are many writers from the past who understood this Scriptural truths. Andre Jukes has written some good works, but some of them are extremely difficult reading. My whole thing is to make it easy and simple to understand.

I spend much time meditating and running all the Scriptures by a particular truth to establish its validity in my own mind. I have, for example, meditated on the doctrine of "man's free will" or commonly called "free moral agency" for thousands and thousands of hours. Just to be sure in my own mind, that the doctrine is 100% air tight.  I believe any theologian or scientist would be hard put to find a loophole in the truth of the total sovereignty of God.

People email every single day trying to show that man MUST HAVE at least a tiny big of FREE-will. Not true. Unscriptural. And they see it when I show them in the Scriptures, but they still don't want to believe it.

Paul told Timothy to STUDY to show himself approved. I don't know of anyone to whom God has just supernaturally filled their head with spiritual truths without digging for it. Hence all the parables about the pearl of great price, hidden treasure in a field, etc. It takes work. But the spiritual part--spiritually discerning the matters of God's Word must be a gift from God.

Great men of learning such as Dr. James Kennedy who speaks both Greek and Hebrew fluently and has SIX DOCTORATES!!!! have not a clue as to what is the good news of the Gospel.

As far as church buildings go, it doesn't matter where one worships as long as it is "in SPIRIT and in TRUTH." Church buildings are fine. I don't attend any, but I am sure there are some that are just fine.



                          Kind Regards, Samson.





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