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Author Topic: R.I.P. Flower  (Read 5019 times)

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R.I.P. Flower
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:27:34 PM »

I haven't posted in awhile but felt the need to give a tribute to our deceased dog "Flower". She was a Chihuahua that we had for almost 12 years and  was originally my daughter's dog until she went away to college. She had developed seizures and finally became too weak to jump up on our sofa. So we took her to the Vet and had her euthanized yesterday (6/10/09).  My wife and I watched as the drugs they gave her took her life as we petted her for the last time. I couldn't sleep last night and began to meditate on the experiences we had with Flower. I slowly realized that the relationships we have with our pets mirrors (to a certain extent) our relationship with our Creator and His Son. We can ignore them, we can leave them outside all night when they are accustomed to staying inside, we can go on vacation and leave them with complete strangers, but they will always be happy to see us. They will quickly forgive us and not remember our trespasses against them. That is the way this little dog was and I also believe our God is,  but on a much more merciful scale. We brought Flower home and buried her in a small casket I had made for her. I cannot believe I could have been this attached to a dog! I had asked a question earlier on the forum about us resurrecting our pets when we are given eternal life. I believe George gave an answer to that question that I felt was inspiring to me and again I will thank him for that. She was a GOOD little dog!



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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 08:20:03 PM »

It is rather amazing how pets can become such a part of one's family, but you don't realize it until they are actually gone.  A lot of times, people assume that pets are simply replaceable, in that if you lose a dog or cat, then you can always get another dog or cat to replace the one you lost, and everything is alright.  But it's amazing how each animal has a personality of it's own, and you come to recognize it, get to know it, and learn to love it.  Every animal seems to have it's own little quirk that makes it unique. 

I had a cat for 18 years, and the day that I had to put him down, I bawled so much, I couldn't even drive home.  And there were things that I missed about him, like him having a meow that was so loud, he could have acted like a police siren (ok...maybe I don't miss that part about him, because it was REALLY freakin' loud!), his successful defending of our backyard from other neighbourhood cats, and his penchant for licking Bengey off of people (don't ask me why he did that......he just liked the taste of Bengey!   ???).  So I totally understand you're missing your family dog.  I do pray that the Lord be with you and your family as you grieve the loss of your friend.

Speaking of animals with unique personalities, I found this clip of a kitten who has a passion for a food that I'm sure every parent wishes their kid shared the same kind of passion for.  I hope it brings a smile to your soul today.  Enjoy.



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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2009, 08:29:23 PM »

Jim, This is so true. When, you own a dog they are so trusting and loving . They forget easily. I know, how you felt. We had to put my Dog Taffy asleep after 18 years of her taking care of me. If, I was ill she would stand right beside me. If, I was late geting home from work my Husband said, "She would prance at the door till I walked in. My Husband got her for me when we were first married because we did not have neighbors in the homes for a while beside us and he worked nights. One, time I had to stay in the hospital and My Husband said, She laid on the floor on my side of the bed.  When, I came in a couple of days latter she jumped clear to my chest. LOL

He always told me he was the guy to play games with, but that I was her Master and she listened to everything I told her to do. She was a Spitz and Saymoed mix dog. Very smart. I still miss her alot.

Yes, they are so loving and ask for little. Yes, very much like God.

In His Love,


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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 09:01:12 PM »

             Jim, one thing for sure, we love our pets, but they love us just as much.    I'm sure you caused her much happiness, as she made you happy.    Wouldn't it be something if all people could love as our pets do, never holding a grudge , patient with us, not judgemental.   But hey, that day will come!!!!
             It's sad to hear of Flower's death! :(   
                         meee, many hugs

Roy Martin

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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2009, 09:40:28 PM »

Hello Buckhunter.
 My sympathy goes out to you. I too am an animal lover. I have never been w/o a dog or dogs in my life.
I have seven of them now and wouldnt want to lose any of them.



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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2009, 02:38:38 AM »

So sorry to hear about Flower. These pets we have are precious indeed and teach us a lot about love,often showing us up for exactly what we are in any given circumstance.
  Here in Australia we have a number of animal rescue type shows on T.V. I cant' help cry at times at the cruelty of some "human beings",but then the amazing work other people do in rescuing,caring and healing these wonderful fellow travellers is really inspiring.
  Will say a prayer for you all in this time.

G. Driggs

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Re: R.I.P. Flower
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2009, 09:57:17 PM »

Hi Jim, very sorry to hear about Flower. We havnt had our chihuahua for very long, but the thought of losing her is heartbreaking already. I have lost one pet before, an malamute huskie (Hot Dog) and I miss him very much, so I can relate.

Praying for your comfort, G.Driggs
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