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Author Topic: My new diet.  (Read 13063 times)

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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2010, 05:05:29 PM »

The eating for your bloodtype is pretty controversial. I do believe we are one of 3 types however. But the 3 types have to do with protein and carbs.
There are people who can live long and healthy on a vegetarian diet and others who start out strong and then begin getting sick on it.
And all vegetarians have to supplement B12 which tells me that we were meant to eat meat. It is the quantity and quality that seems to be at issue.
Moderation is definitely the key and getting ample sunshine hitting your body (without sunscreen to block it), eating live foods and not all dead, drinking lots of pure water, and making things from scratch. Pretty much common sense really.

My mentor whom I dearly loved who was the healthiest woman I knew and who ate extremely well dropped dead of an anurism at age 61 while my father who did NOTHING to take care of himself died at 73. He was in a nursing home and sickbed for his last years while she was literally building a house up to the minute before she died and was ministering to many people with love daily. There is no comparison to the quality of life issue.

Obviously your time to go is pre-ordained by God but I also know that learning this information that has kept my kids in perfect health up to now was also all from Him.
For that I am very thankful.

Roy Martin

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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2010, 08:57:43 PM »

Craig, excellent post you made. I enjoyed it very much.
 Here I go with plant talk again, but it does relate to diet and nutrition.
We are so similar to plants in the way of nutrient needs and the components that we are made up of.
 I'm going to give an example of a plant grown in hydroponics. I sample the water for total dissolved solids. If TDS is 150ppm  and I'm aiming for a TDS of 700 of nute levels then I add micro and macro nutrients until I reach this number.I have to consider that the tap water of 150 will consist of calcium,iron,mag, chlorine and all that other junk thats in there, but the number is small enough that the impurities will never be noticed unless I'm growing a plant in organics. Chlorine will kill microorganisms and off set the entire organic system resulting in an unstable environment that weakens the immune system. Ok back to hydro plants. Hydroponic is an absolute complete controled system of precise nutrients applied to plants 3-5 times daily. PH adjustments are made daily with either phos. acid, or nitric acid. PH is the most important factor in hydro or soil. In hydro the slightest change in PH will cause nutrient lock up that prevents the plants intake of nutrients in the order that they require to stay healthy. I can give them the minimum or the maximum amount of nutrient levels and keep them healthy only if the Ph is ideal. A little shift each day up or down doesn't harm them, but a consistent unbalanced Ph will result in weak plants that literally starve of nutrients that has been provided to them but they can't receive them as they should because of the nute lock up. They become susceptible to disease just as we do.
 Organic is basically the same way. PH imbalance takes longer to notice, and also longer to correct.
 I think that we are the same as plants in that we can eat what is good for us and as Craig said moderation is the thing, but if our PH is imbalanced then we become just as the plant. All foods affect PH.  PH is acidic which is not healthy. The slightest shift in PH affects our entire system.
  PH balance will prevent us from getting many illnesses and disease, even cancer. Its much tougher to make adjustments after your sick and might not heal you at all.
 PH is the key to nutrition.
Some where you can find a list of foods that affect PH and how to keep it level by avoiding too much of the things that cause it.All of the side by side test I have performed on many types of plants showed that a perfectly strong healthy plant was always in every case became ill due to PH shift. PH is always the first and main factor to most illness in plants.
 I can check my body PH daily and its always acidic of an average of 5.5. Not good at all. I'm getting nutrients but not receiving all of them. Nutrient lock up.
Hope this is useful in someway. I've provided a link about body pH.Many links are out there if you want to check.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 10:47:16 PM by Roy Martin »


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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2010, 12:55:58 AM »

Can you eat lime? Just wondering, you know, to bring acid down.


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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2010, 02:16:23 AM »

Hi Lupac,

Here is a list to help you see what foods are considered alkaline forming and which are acidic forming.  But note that these lists vary somewhat from site to site.

Alkaline - Acidic Foods

Acidic Foods
-Most grains
-Distilled water

Very Acidic Foods and Supplements Include
-Liver and other organ meats
-Broth made from bones or other animal parts
-Yogurt with active cultures
-Buttermilk, including buttermilk pancakes and biscuits
-Sour cream
-Most fermented foods and aged cheeses
-Some B vitamin supplements (or foods supplemented with B vitamins) can make your stomach more acid
-Hydrochloric acid supplements
-Digestive enzymes

Alkaline Foods
-Most fruits, except as noted above
-Most vegetables, except as noted above

Very Alkaline Foods Include
-Mineral water
-Orange juice
-Dandelion Greens

The chart categorizes a food as either acidic or alkaline based on the effect consumption of the food has on urine pH. For example, if a food tends to increase the acidity of urine after it is ingested, it is classified as an acid forming food. Conversely, if a food increases the alkalinity of urine after it has been ingested, it was classified it as an alkaline forming food. The effect foods have on urine pH may be quite different than the pH of the foods themselves. For example, orange juice is a highly acidic food due to its high citrus acid content, but after being metabolized it will cause urine to become alkaline.

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 02:18:26 AM by Kat »

Roy Martin

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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2010, 08:07:57 AM »

Great list Kat, I'm going to print it and hang on the frig.

Lupac you want to keep the pH alkaline.Its not likely that you'll ever need to lower it.


Silvia Martin

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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2010, 02:21:23 AM »

It's not just the high fructose corn syrup in the gatoraid, it's the artificial coloring that's bad for you.
My hubby doesn't need a needle to make him squirm, he thought my masseuse was to ruff with him ::) men... ;D


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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2010, 09:43:52 AM »

Good Points Craig,

Technically, your right, these Diet Guru's wouldn't advocate their methods, unless they made money. That Post I made the other day from Kat's thread was actually from an Email my Dad sent me, I didn't necessarily agree with all of it, but thought it was interesting. As you stated from your Post and I agree, Balance is the Key. That's why I don't personally advocate  an overly vegetarian Diet. Our Bodies are made up of primarily of Water, Minerals and Amino Acids. Complete Proteins found in Meat, Fish, Chicken, Cheese, etc have all the of the Ten essential Amino Acids and probably all 22 Amino Acids. All I know is that, when I eat primarily Protein Foods and a regular intake of mostly green vegetables with a small amount of starches, I do very well. However, your right, all of this Diet business can become or already is, AN IDOL OF THE HEART. I will take your counsel and use it, because it displays much wisdom. I copied and pasted in blue a paragraph from your first Post that especially stood out for me, thankyou for this Post Craig, I sincerely appreciated it.

               Craigs Point in Blue from his first Post on this thread found below.

As far as the people who push a special diet or food, etc. Follow the money, most would not hawk their wares or publish their beliefs if they did not make money.  Same with religious characters, if they didn't make money they would try something else.  I never saw a diet peddled that someone was not making money off it.  Either, by books or selling the foods or supplements.  And why do people who may have a new dietary approach such as the one Samson posted the other day, have to lie and claim another source provided their information?  (not you Samson, the original author)  People follow some of these charlatan's the same as they do a religious leader, with the same fervor and the truth be damned

                       Thanks, Samson.


Silvia Martin

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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2010, 10:15:13 AM »

If you just leave as much processed stuff out  as possible you'll be O.K. Especially artificial sweeteners,colors and flavors. Make the food yourself so you know what goes in it. Tortillas for example only have flour, water oil, salt and a little bakingpowder in it ,but have you seen the list of stuff on the wrapper of a storebought one ? Keep it simple, keep it fresh and on occasion when you treat yourself to some junkfood enjoy it just don't make a habit out of it.
I also use organic where i can,or at least the least processed version...unbleached flour,pure unbleached cane sugar, aluminumfree baking powder etc.   


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Re: My new diet.
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2010, 12:32:45 PM »

Very good Sylvia.

I do want to say one thing. I do not disagree that there are too many people out to make themselves rich.
It is like everything else, there are a lot of bad (fill in the blank) but there are also good ones out there too. It is up to you to discern which are which. We've been blessed to find several really good doctors that aren't out for the money and actually care about the health of people. When you are being sued constantly for telling the truth, if you didn't really care, it'd be easy to say "forget this."
I know one in particular who had to add supplements to his website just to cover the lawsuits. Pretty sad.

I am teaching my children to make a living doing what they love. If you love helping people live a more healthy life, then why not choose that for your profession? I certainly don't think selling God should be a way to make money however.

We believe we have found a good balance in this area. We know too many people who are quite anal about what they eat and we are very flexible while trying to do the best for our family.
We did make food a god in the beginning and recognized that.
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