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Author Topic: New FAQ post  (Read 6117 times)

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New FAQ post
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:53:24 PM »


Just a note: I know it's not 'exactly' 100 verses (it's actually more) but 100 is a nice round number, don't you think?  ;)

The Gospel...ENJOY! (How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things,Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “ Your God reigns!”...Isa 52:7)



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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2010, 02:23:26 PM »

100% Marques~ 8) :)


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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2010, 01:01:59 AM »

This morning, my Mother asked me how I was so sure no one would go to Hell. She asked me how you could believe Ray anymore then any of the other teachers. One, fact I used with her is that Ray gives scriptures. That, since coming to Ray's website I have seen scriptures that I never noticed or paid attention to. That,  Ray gives scriptures to back up what he teaches.

She told me she did not understand why all the evil goes on. Seems like it is getting worse and worse. I told her all generations had the same problems and sins. We just never lived in there age. We have come to a place of increased knowledge in our age.

So, I read your post with all the scriptures where all will be saved. I told her most of them I had read before but read them without understanding. When,  you go to church and the Pastor teaches his version of understanding  and you take his word and never search the scriptures. I also, told her you have to be given ears to hear and eyes to see. I also, told her that those who know the truth and are misleading people are false teachers. That , they will receive more stripes then those who are blind. Most, of these men are only interested in money.

I told her most pastors teach that God does not create evil. That, puts it all on the people and not God. That God gives us trials to humble us. When, we become bitter we then have a tendencey to blame the sinners. We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. That, God has the right to make some for honor and some for dishonor.

I read these 100 Truths to her and she was amazed.

I also, informed her there are more scriptures to back up the salvation of all.

Thanks Marques for posting these. This really helped my Mother.

She voiced to me about the scripture of the Lion laying down by the Lamb. She did not know what to make of the fact that is not in the Bible.

She said, we were always told that in church. She is 89. That, is when I told her how , again we are to search the scriptures and back them up with two or more witnesses.

I think this really helped to open her understanding some. God used this post to help me explain it to her.

In His Love


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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2010, 01:26:30 AM »

Thanks for putting those Scriptures up Marques, seeing all of them together is a great witness to the truth.

Marlene, another thing about what Ray teaches is that all the Scriptures he gives are in harmony with the rest of Scripture. So much of the time you can find a verse that reads in a way to backs up what you believe, so that is why you need more than one Scripture witness to a truth.

Psa 119:160  The sum of thy word is truth; and every one of thy righteous ordinances endures for ever.

All Scripture fit together like a puzzle and none contradict!

mercy, peace and love

p.s. I wanted to add that it is wonderful that you are able to speak to your Mom about these things. I have a daughter that will listen too, and that is a great blessing to have someone who will listen.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 10:33:57 AM by Kat »


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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2010, 02:21:24 AM »


Just a note: I know it's not 'exactly' 100 verses (it's actually more) but 100 is a nice round number, don't you think?  ;)

The Gospel...ENJOY! (How beautiful upon the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who proclaims peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things,Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, “ Your God reigns!”...Isa 52:7)


Ditto, Marques, Arc, Marlene, Kat.

Bookends it to the MAX.

george ;D ;D ;D.


Marky Mark

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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2010, 11:43:41 AM »

She voiced to me about the scripture of the Lion laying down by the Lamb. She did not know what to make of the fact that is not in the Bible.

Although not Scriptural of course,none the less, this story is a nice variation on the same theme. Love has no boundaries. :)

“And the lion shall lie down with the lamb…”
Although the phrase of “the lion shall lie down with the lamb” is one of the more popular quotes from the Bible, it’s really misquoted. In the King James version, it’s the wolf that dwells with the lamb, and it’s a leopard that lies down with a kid, and “the calf and the young lion and the fatling together.” (Isaiah 11:6)

But in today’s world, there really is a lion that lies down with a calf…in fact, she adopted and nurtured a total of five antelope calves.

It’s a remarkable story of the love of one animal for another, and it seems to personify the truth that not all natural enemies are exactly that—natural and unavoidable enemies.

On Christmas Day of 2001, game wardens at the Samburu National Park in Kenya watched as an adult lioness frightened off an oryx antelope mother, and picked up her baby calf in its mouth. Because lions normally hunt these antelope, they assumed the lion would kill and eat the baby. But then the unexpected happened.

The lion, named Larsens, began to nuzzle and fondle the frail little creature. Behavioral scientists first stated that the lioness had probably mistaken the oryx calf for a lion cub. But then the lioness showed her awareness of the calf as another species, because she allowed the calf to return to her natural mother to nurse.

For more than two weeks, the lioness Larsens nudged the little calf along, all the while allowing her to return to her antelope mother for nourishment before chasing the mother antelope away once again.

The fragile baby oryx was seen crossing the savannah with her lioness “mother,” and would curl up by her side for naps. Tragedy struck one day while the lioness napped by a water hole. While the baby oryx was playing, another lion attacked and killed it.

According to the wardens, Larsens was enraged when she woke. Ten times she circled the lion that killed her oryx calf, roaring all the while. Then she disappeared from view.

Larsens was seen a few weeks later, following herds of oryx antelope. “She never kills them,” said one warden. “When she is hungry, she goes after warthogs.”

But Larsens would again amaze the rangers with her mothering instincts. On Valentine’s Day, 2002, lioness Larsens was spotted with another oryx calf. And just like the last one, she’d adopted the calf as her own.

It seemed Larsens had learned the need to protect her new baby from other lions and predators. She guarded the new baby ferociously, chasing off any lions that approached. “There are other lions trying to attack the lioness to get to the baby, but the rangers are watching them and the lioness is protecting the calf,” said park warden Mark Lenya-kopir.

“This is one extraordinarily maternal cat,” said lion expert Jim Cavenor. “I've seen lions adopt a few small animals, but they usually end up turning round and eating them after a couple of days. But she seems to be totally fixated on this little one.”

Unlike the common assumptions of most people, animals do think. Their thinking is not some robotic response to environmental stimuli, but an active, cognitive reasoning. Larsens is proof of this. She adopted a series of what was normally a “prey” species for lions, and protected them as her own. She knew she could not provide nourishment for them, and allowed them to return to their mothers for food.

Larsens is just one example of how animals react with emotion, with feeling and with true knowledge of what they are doing. She ultimately adopted a total of five oryx calves, giving all of them fierce protection and tender care while ignoring her own basic needs. Her actions have made her a legend among the people of Kenya, and they bestowed another name on her because of their reverence for her loving nature.

The Samburu people call her Kamunyak—the blessed one.

Sources: The Observer, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy


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Re: New FAQ post
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 04:51:52 PM »

Kudos Kudos Kudos
thats nice ;)
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