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Author Topic: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book  (Read 16258 times)

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Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« on: September 07, 2010, 11:40:04 PM »

Hi All,

I'm situated in Sydney Australia and would like to purchase the good doctors book. Can someone advise me of an email address or the best way to go about buying the book from Australia.

Thanks in advance  :).............John


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 12:29:03 AM »

« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 12:30:57 AM by mharrell08 »

Shawn Fainn

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 09:44:42 AM »

Marques, those look just like my scribbled notes  :)
He also meant to enbark on the topic of coffee and tea but time ran out. I am thinking that those are other things we need to avoid. :(
I hope not. Everything in moderation when it comes to the good stuff, (truly how can we give up bread!).  :D
God bless

In the video Dr Steger did mention that coffee wasn't good for you (though I can't remember the reason atm).

As far as bread goes.. I tried the ezekial bread he suggested, and it's actually pretty good. I found it at Kroger in the health food section. They keep it refrigerated there.

Shawn Fainn

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2010, 04:49:55 PM »

Wow.. Some are just prepped for attack mode, huh? Lol

Anyway, Janine, I took it to mean pretty much the same.. That we aren't 'forbidden' necessarily, but that moderation is key.

Besides, I love my Starbucks Frap also.. :)

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2010, 04:58:57 PM »

I don't recall Dr. Steger claiming that his 'diet' was taken from scripture, but I could be wrong.  It's his own opinion from his own research.  "Nutrition" is not exactly a 'hard science'.  Nothing that relies on statistics can be considered 100% definitive.  Live and let live here, folks.  

"Forbidding" foods for religious reasons is not the same thing as suggesting foods which are 'harmful'.  There's no scripture about eating blowfish or poison mushrooms, either.  

We're going to have to live and let live on this subject.  You want scripture on that, I've got it.

As far as the discussion goes, as long as nobody following a diet insists its the will of God for all man then no man ought to be telling them what to eat either.  I still consider 'diet' and food talk as light-hearted and fun.  Let's try to keep it that way.  
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2010, 05:03:14 PM »

We can laugh if we will.  One thing we should take note is that Ray takes his recommendations (in the health area) very seriously and although Ray is still ill, he's still alive when the medical doctors gave him 6 months to live.  I have Jimmy's book and the man is a genius in the physiological realm of body chemistry.  Although I've been fairly healthy at the age of 48 I did start showing some symptoms of being too acidic (joint pains, ect) and have taken a number of Jimmy's recommendations.  I cut my coffee drinking in half, eat red meat only occasionally, have a huge salad every day, incorporating a lot of raw, high quality foods, cut back on processed foods and do moderate supplementations.  I pretty effortlessly shed about 20 pounds getting down to my target weight and all the achy joints are now history.  I'm sure that Ray himself would testify that if he had the option 20 years ago of taking care of himself better and perhaps avoiding some of the things he's gone through he would of taken better care of himself.  Yes, I fully realize that everything Ray has gone through and what we go through individually is God's will for us.  But consider this.....God might choose to use the very things that you do to take care of yourself better to avoid some pitfalls that would of befallen you otherwise.  
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 05:04:29 PM by Arion »


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2010, 05:30:11 PM »

From Dr. Steger's book The Nutrition Factor.

Page 84-85.

Coffee is one of the largest breakfast drinks in America. Most coffee drinkers will add white sugar to this morning beverage. By adding refined sugar to the morning coffee, we have now added two unnatural chemicals to the body the first thing in the morning. Neither of these products should be ingested into the human body ever.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which signals the liver to convert glycogen to glucose, which increases the heart rate and constricts the blood vessels. The sugar that we have added to the coffee goes directly into the blood stream, triggering the release of insulin from the pancreases, which signals the liver to reverse the caffeine stimuli (convert blood sugar back to glycogen). When the sugar is gone, the level of glucose in our blood system drops dramatically, which, in turn, causes the adrenal gland to pump adrenaline into the system to raise our energy level. The acid which comes from the coffee irritates the lining of the stomach and the colon.

Most American drink coffee three to five times a day, everyday, and this puts an unhealthy, over-taxing burden on the body. Over a period of time, this unwanted and unneeded stress can and will produce many different disease conditions in the body. If one is truly healthy, one does not need these types of artificial stimulants.

Common American tea, which is also drank by many Americans on a daily basis, is no better than coffee. One should look to the use of herbal teas, which can be quite refreshing without causing any undo irritation to any part of your body. I always try to suggest to my patients to switch over to fruit juices, which should be used sparingly, or herbal teas in place of any type of coffee or tea.

Page 87

I do not recommend the use of beef or pork. Most of the meat found in supermarkets is injected with a steroid called stilbestrol, which is fed to the animals to increase their weight very quickly. Stilbestrol has beed found in numerous studies to form cancer in the body. Also, many of the meats that are found on the shelves are injected with antibiotics and sprayed with chemical substances used for commercial feed.

Another very important thing to remember is that too much meat protein can lead to urea build up in the blood, which has toxic affects on the kidneys and liver. This is one of the main contributing factors to gout and pandretic and kidney stones.

Once again it is important to stick with fresh, cold water fish with fins and scales, two to three times a week, or organic chicken or turkey breast.

The oldest living people in the world eat small amounts of chicken and fish two to three times per week. Meat should always be baked or broiled but not fried. It is also important to cook your meat with lower heat when ever possible so that you do not over cook it.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 09:46:02 PM by Kat »


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 09:13:44 PM »

I think it is partly due to my old church and the emphasis they placed on biblical food laws.

I think that is perfectly understandable.  If one comes from a background heavy in legalism then anything that remotely smacks of that will tend to be rejected without further consideration.  In the like wise I came out of emotional Pentecostalism so for me when I see people get giddy and emotional about spiritual things I tend to get more analytical and can be judgmental about it if I'm not careful.  The challenge for all of us probably is to resist the urge to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

 1Th 5:21  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2010, 10:54:40 PM »

Thank you Marques & everyone else who contributed with positive posts  ;)



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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2010, 11:09:05 PM »

I think it is partly due to my old church and the emphasis they placed on biblical food laws.

I think that is perfectly understandable.  If one comes from a background heavy in legalism then anything that remotely smacks of that will tend to be rejected without further consideration.  In the like wise I came out of emotional Pentecostalism so for me when I see people get giddy and emotional about spiritual things I tend to get more analytical and can be judgmental about it if I'm not careful.  The challenge for all of us probably is to resist the urge to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

 1Th 5:21  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Hey Arion,

                I can relate to where John is coming from, that Dietary Legalism from the WWCOG. My buddy John Popovich(Forum member) spent many years in that Denomination. No Lobster and Shrimp, my favorite fish selections, beside Tuna,  ;D. Can't afford Lobster anyway, sometimes Shrimp if it's on sale. I don't completely agree with Dr Steger either, but for different reasons. His protein amounts are too low, most people will go through Life starving with such Low protein intake. Regardless of the type of Diet one prefers or advocates, one thing's for sure, if you go through each day Hungry and feeling deprived, your diet will eventually fail. Since May 1, 2010, I dropped my Carbohydrate intake significantly and lost 22 pounds. That's 22 pounds without suffering, drinking my Coffee, no fat or protein restriction. True, I did eat lots of vegetable Carbs(mostly the kind you find in a Salad), no fruit, it doesn't do anything for me and I still got to eat two slices of Bread daily. Also, peanut butter seems to help curb my appetite. Dr Steger said something negative about peanut butter. It's true that Ray has done well on Dr. Steger's regimen, but Ray has a specific condition, an extremely high acid level and cancer. Maybe Ray didn't include enough fiber and vegetables in His diet over the years prior to His current condition. I don't know, but eating Salads and vegetables on a regular basis will negate some of the effects from poor diet. If you avoid junk carbs and Hydrogenated(artificially created Fat), Soda, etc, moderate amounts of dietary fats won't kill you, unless you have some sort of medical condition. Here is a Nutritional Site that I feel is Superior to Dr. Steger.


         Just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less, unfortunately for me, as the days get shorter and winter approaches, I start to crave starch carbs and devitalized sugar carbs, woe is me.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:11:29 PM by Samson »


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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2010, 11:23:49 PM »

For Anyone,

                 Here are some excerpts from that Nutrition Site(Natural Source Products) to give everyone an idea where I'm coming from.

Fats and Proteins For Energy
If you were to encounter the vegetarians, the runners, and the people who believe fats
kill you then they will attempt to convince you to become a carbohydrate eater. All
the long distance runners and the bike riders love the carbohydrates and are terrified
of fats. These people are all schooled in the virtues of carbohydrates; that carbs will
give you plenty of energy.
Well, if your not terrified of fats and you want to be educated, most people just don’t
know, and I’m talking about 85% of the population, that fats of any kind yields twice
as much energy as carbohydrates. When I mean any kind, I mean any good kind.
Vince used to say that he prefers fats to energy other than sugar because Vince was
always quoted as saying carbohydrates build fat and never muscle. And of course as
we all know that is the truth and carbohydrates do a lot of other things including
ruining your health. America is turning into a carbohydrate-eating nation and this is
why we are the sickest and fattest nation in the world.
So, getting back to fats and proteins for energy, years ago a test was performed with
rats and then human beings. A group of rats were given 40 grams of carbohydrates
and another group of rats were given 40 grams of natural fats (lard, butter, olive oil,
coconut oil, etc.) and something very startling was revealed. That fats yield twice as
much energy as carbohydrates and of course the carbohydrate proponents don’t want
to accept that and ignore it but it is an absolute fact.
When I want energy, I eat fats not carbohydrates. Natural carbohydrates have their
place but as Hippocrates once said “carbohydrates are secondary substances not to be
lived on” and if you read any of my articles you will know the ill affects of eating a
high carbohydrate diet.
I will use my example of the five peoples of the world who lived on fats and proteins
and little or no carbohydrates. The primitive Eskimo would chase the caribou for
miles to get at the fat in it’s neck knowing full well that fat had energy giving
properties. The Rocky Mountain Men ate what they killed and they didn’t eat many
carbohydrates because there are very little carbohydrates in the Rocky Mountains.
The American Plains Indian is probably the healthiest people the world has ever seen
because they lived off the buffalo and they knew the value of the intestines and
organs and the fats surrounding the intestines and organs. And the Massai in Africa,
they drank the blood of an animal. Milk was a prized possession as well as cream.
The Belari of South America lived on a high fat high protein diet. They got their
source of energy from fats and very, very little carbohydrates. And we all know the ill
affects of carbohydrates and we’ve known that for years. Read my article Thirty Nine
reasons why sugar is no good for you. Anyway, to the naysayers, the end result is fats
yield twice as much energy as carbohydrates.

The Silent Killer”
By: Ron Kosloff n/c
NSP Research Nutrition
Let me read you what I read in a newspaper a couple weeks ago. It is really what prodded
me to write this article. The epidemic of diabetes in poor countries around the world is skyrocketing.
The incidents of diabetes in Mexico, India, Pakistan, Africa and China are increasing
exponentially. There are thirty nine million diabetics in China. Why? Because of what is being
consumed at an astronomical rate. This consumption is a common problem in poor countries, and
even rich countries like America, and its getting worse all the time. It’s called GRAINS! Yes
that’s right grains which are starches and complex carbohydrates. What are complex
carbohydrates you might ask? Beans, rice, corn, wheat, barley, oats, and millet are all complex
carbohydrates and starches. They are very, very harmful when taken in excess into the human
body. I told many of you years ago about a friend of mine who worked for Ford Motor Co. He
was sent to Africa for his job. As he traveled he noticed that all of the affluent countries of
Africa, where eating eggs, meat, fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables, some fruit, and very little
starch were slim, muscular and healthy. Diabetes was almost none existent. Unfortunately the
same was not true in the poor countries of Africa. In the poorer countries they ate rice, beans,
wheat, corn, soy, barley, millet and oats. Diabetes was running rampant in these poorer areas.
Like I, Dr. Harry Eidenier Jr., and Vince Gironda have always said “We should be living on all
animal protein, fats, vegetables, and some fruits”. There is just no way to disprove that. If you go
to any country in the world where they eat starch carbohydrates and grains and you’re going to
have diabetes. In America people consume carbohydrate and starches at an alarming rate.
Pancakes, cookies, pie, cakes, candies, pretzels, doughnuts, pizzas, slurpees, poptarts, sugar
frosted flakes, bagels, and pasta’s seem to be the corner stone of our diet. Starch, starch, starch!!
We are destroying our Pancreas. I blame the medical profession and drug companies for this as
they want you to be sick. Instead of telling us how to prevent diseases they love for us to get a
disease, so they can make a drug for it and then make you addicted to that drug. Lilly
Pharmaceutical Co. is now building a 325 million dollar facility to make synthetic insulin. They
love the fact, and are counting on the fact that there will be more and more insulin dependent
diabetic in this country, as well as the world over. That is how Pharmaceutical companies are
going to control the world’s people. Drugs, drugs, drugs! Think about this, at this rate, in the
next few years we will have a president who is a legal drug addict. At the rate we are going our
future presidents will probably be hooked on Ritalin, Glucaphloge and Prozac. We have to stop
this insanity and this evil. Nobody is saying you can’t have starches just keep them to a
minimum. Hypocrites said: “Carbohydrates are secondary.” I have a baked potato once every
other week. I have some whole grain bread and butter a couple times a week, but that’s it! Fats,
proteins and vegetables are the cornerstones to a healthy and successful life and lifestyle, that’s
it. For example five civilizations of the world live on fats and proteins. They are Primitive
Eskimo, not today’s Eskimos who eat white flour and white sugar, The Rocky Mountain Men,
the American Plains Indian, the Masi in Africa and the Belari in South America. These people
live primarily on fats and proteins. Intaking vary few carbohydrates, and almost no starches.
They have almost no record of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, and
they had cholesterol levels from three to one thousand. That is the HDL’s the good stuff! They
were slim, muscular people. Fats and proteins make you slim, and fats burn fats. Fats don’t make
you fat sugars and starches do. Maybe the medical profession can stick that in their pipe and
smoke it. Just to reiterate, Medical doctors spend only TWO WEEKS studying nutrition! Two
weeks of all the time spent in school and hospitals. We have to assume that they just don’t get it
because they didn’t read it in a book. Maybe they just don’t want to get it because they make no
money off of good nutrition, or making you healthy.
The carbohydrate and grain industry, medical doctors, and pharmaceutical companies do
their best to hide the nasty, nasty little secret of two pathogens that are ravaging the people of
this country. These pathogens are referred to as Yeast (CANINDA and PARASITES). They
thrive in an alkaline environment. When we become carbohydrate dependant they can destroy
the human body if unchecked. I need to remind you that these two pathogens are kept in
remission in your body by consuming a protein, fat and vegetable diet (very low in starch).
Parasites and yeast live on SUGAR, SUGAR, and yes, SUGAR! Once the sugar is consumed
they now become a huge living organism within your body and must be fed thus the body craves
more sugar. Important Note: All forms of cancer cells feed on sugar! Before we became a nation
of carbohydrate consumers yeast infections in women were seldom heard of. Now I personally
don’t know many women who have not had one or several of these infections. These little
buggers can ravage any part of our body from the colon, liver, kidney, eyes, heart, spleen,
pancreas, lung and your brain. My advice to you is to break you sugar addiction as soon as
possible or your life may lead to diabetes and yeast infections.
Hundreds of years ago people had to “acclimate.” All animal protein had become scarce,
and they did something they came to regret hundreds of years later. They started to eat weeds.
What are weeds? We use the term weeds to describe corns, rice, beans, oats, barley, soy, and
potatoes. When they started to eat these starches they require a reduction process to digest them.
Starches do not digest easily and they are hard on the Pancreas. Fats and proteins don’t tax the
Pancreas at all. Vegetables and some fruits hardly tax the Pancreas much either. It’s when we
started substituting starches that we really started to do something abnormal. My God! We don’t
even understand that animals that are vegetarians don’t eat weeds, they graze on grass and
vegetables. Farm animals now are feed grains instead of grazing. Feeding the animals grains is
cheaper and less time consuming this means that the animals can be fatter quicker and that equals
more money.
You can take a raw egg and swallow it, it’s 99.9% digestible, taking into consideration
that your stomach acids are at the level they should be (Ph of 2), and your bile is steadily flowing
from the gallbladder. The liver transports to the gallbladder when you eat fats. The gallbladder
injects bile into your stomach and you can digest any meat. You can eat raw meat; you can eat
chicken, fish, turkey, milk, cottage cheese (because it is a fermented food). You can eat veggies
and fruits, but you must make sure you chew them well before swallowing. You can’t do that
with grains. All grains are extremely hard for the human body to digest because they are
starches. Let’s take wheat for instance. It is obvious to us that you have to soak, grind, crush, fry,
and do everything possible to make those grains digestible. It’s almost impossible to chew
starches until you can implement the above.
When we eat an over abundant amount of grains it affects our pancreas. We become
diabetic. Diabetics have become very profitable to medical doctors and pharmaceutical
companies. These despicable people want you to have diabetes so they can sell you synthetic
insulin. Wake up people! Eat fat, proteins, vegetables and very few fruits. We have multinational
corporations in the heartland of America and the World cranking out corn, beans, barley, oats,
rice, soy and wheat. We are paying the price for it! We are paying the price with our health! We
are being lead to believe that these weeds are healthy!
Ron Kosloff
Copyright 2006

                             Kind Regards, Samson.

judith collier

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2010, 03:38:04 AM »

Thanks Samson, what was the disease the US government corrected in people of the southern states with the combination of rice and beans. I don't think it was rickets was it? Rice and beans make a whole protein.
And yes, I dropped 85% of carbohydrates and 30 lbs. Cholesterol levels improved, blood pressure dropped, blood sugar(tryglicerides)went from 800 to 150. Do have to watch fruits because I like them. Had great energy. My craving for grains has left, just eat occasionally. I will never eat granola again! The most constipating food I have ever found.

Marky Mark

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2010, 11:45:32 AM »

Col 2:20  If you have died with Christ and have escaped from the world's rudimentary notions, why, as though your life still belonged to the world, do you submit to such precepts as
Col 2:21  "Do not handle this;" "Do not taste that;" "Do not touch that other thing" --
Col 2:22  referring to things which are all intended to be used up and perish--in obedience to mere human injunctions and teachings?
Col 2:23  These rules have indeed an appearance of wisdom where self-imposed worship exists, and an affectation of humility and an ascetic severity. But not one of them is of any value in combating the indulgence of our lower natures


Shawn Fainn

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2010, 12:12:40 PM »

Colossians 3:12

 12Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.



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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2010, 12:21:49 PM »

Ecc 8:8  There is no man ruling over the spirit to restrain the spirit, and there is no authority over the day of death, and there is no discharge in battle, and wickedness delivereth not its possessors.

Rom 14:6  He who is regarding the day, to the Lord he doth regard it , and he who is not regarding the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it . He who is eating, to the Lord he doth eat, for he doth give thanks to God; and he who is not eating, to the Lord he doth not eat, and doth give thanks to God.

Rom 14:5  One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

1Co 8:8  But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

No one has the power to do as they will, as they think or as they believe ~  It is as God Plans, that will be for each of us. :)



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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2010, 02:13:59 PM »


1Co 6:12-13  All things, unto me, are allowable, but, not all things, are profitable: all things, unto me, are allowable, but, I, will not be brought under authority by any.  Foods for the belly, and the belly for foods; but, God, will set aside, both it and them.

Believers certainly are not under any dietary laws as Christ fulfills all!!  I can eat any kind of meat I wish or any kind of drink without offense.  But of course (and it almost go's without saying) that neither would I want anyone to stumble because of my menu and I probably wouldn't serve pork to a jew or muslim either.   ;D  But even though all is lawful for me to partake of my expanding waistline was telling me that I was partaking a little too much.  And to be frank I was pretty ignorant of the various additives in foodstuffs today as well as how certain combinations are kind of at odds with each other in digestion, ect.  It's been said before but as long as nobody tells someone else that this is what you must do then I don't think their is a problem.  The proof is in the pudding as they say, oh drat!!  Can't have that, too much sugar.   ;D

judith collier

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2010, 12:27:08 AM »

Mark, just wondering about col: 2 vs 23
The last thought, "but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh"
Paul didn't know as much as we do about the body. When a person is continually indulging with food and drink as in a Habit or Addiction, the flesh is more apt to control them. Sloth and glutton and drunkeness can lead to other sins.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2010, 03:55:15 AM »

...Sloth and glutton and drunkeness can lead to other sins. can fixations on the physical, and following/enforcing prohibitions on this and that.

Since we're using scripture here, this is by far my favorite 'verse' on the topic.

Rom 14:17a  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink...

which follows Paul's dissertation on 'meat and drink' (which really has application far beyond meat and drink).  Like any good two-edged sword, this one cuts both ways into the hearts of both 'glutton' and 'aesthete/legalist'. 

"Glutton"...the kingdom of God is not meat and drink...
"Legalist"...the kingdom of God is not meat and drink...

Of the two--'gluttony' and 'aestheticism/legalism'--I have no doubt which is the worse, but we're being judged to obey ALL the word of God, and that is one rip-roaring, idol-crushing, straight-path-finding, yoke-sharing life as we continue to learn and be judged.

So before anybody complains, I'm not accusing anybody who has been named or participated in this thread of anything.  I'm just continuing the conversation.  I'm sure we all believe and know that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink.  Ray put it this way on the front page:  "...let it be known that Ray trusts in God for any healing, not in supplements."  As far as I'm concerned, that is the same as saying "...the kingdom of God is not meat and drink..."

If some--'gluttons' and 'prohibitionists' alike--don't yet know that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, then no doubt one day they will "learn" that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink.

I doubt John9362 anticipated a simple question could elicit two pages of responses.  If we each shared all our other collective knowledge on the subjects of nutrition, eating and drinking, I'm pretty sure we'd never do anything else.  There is an awful lot of info out there...some of it is even worth reading.  ;)

Since he has had his question answered, and already said his 'thank you', would there be any objection to my closing this thread?  I have no doubt we'll all get another chance.  ;)   

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Roy Martin

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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 08:40:27 AM »

We might as well not eat anything from a grocery store because all of it is tainted and will cause just about every kind of illness. If you think organic is safer, then perhaps you should do a sincere deep study. Organic is safe only when you grow it yourself, or you get it from a trusted friend. Nothing from a store is safe, but I simply don't let these things bother me.
 I know this topic is light banner, but knowing the truths about food sources really doesn't do us much good because we can't do anything about it except avoid the sugar, drink less coffee, less salt, etc, but all processed food is killing us.
  Trying to go by what everyone or anyone has to say about what we should and shouldn't eat, will drive you crazy.



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Re: Dr. Jimmy Steger's Book
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2010, 09:26:44 AM »

We might as well not eat anything from a grocery store because all of it is tainted and will cause just about every kind of illness. If you think organic is safer, then perhaps you should do a sincere deep study. Organic is safe only when you grow it yourself, or you get it from a trusted friend. Nothing from a store is safe, but I simply don't let these things bother me.
 I know this topic is light banner, but knowing the truths about food sources really doesn't do us much good because we can't do anything about it except avoid the sugar, drink less coffee, less salt, etc, but all processed food is killing us.
  Trying to go by what everyone or anyone has to say about what we should and shouldn't eat, will drive you crazy.


Good Points Roy,

                        I have to rely on the grocery store, it boils down to the economics of the whole thing. Regarding your statement, growing it yourself, yes indeed. Our Tomatoes from the garden are so good this year, I don't think I'll be able to tolerate the cardboard tasting store bought ones this winter. Sometimes, it's better we don't know what they do to Our food supply, especially at Meat Processing plants. I really don't want to know, because my main food source is derived from Protein Foods.

                                Thanks, Samson.
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