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Author Topic: Just what is spirit?  (Read 13987 times)

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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2011, 03:46:42 PM »

Hi Deb,

That certainly is a very generous and kind statement... I pray you are right!

Thank you Sister,



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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2011, 05:34:47 PM »

... I pray you are right!


“You are the Light of the world” ~ that certainty you carry with you all the days of your life as in the Mind of Christ in you, that is resurrected out of the pain of death and suffering into the Glorious Love of God, you live and have your being Joe.

I am certain Joe. :) It's good to see you!



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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2011, 08:37:06 AM »

Mat 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

Dear Deborah,

We all have moments (some have more than moments) where His Light shines through us, often it is not perceived by many but it is certainly joyful when even one person can relate to something we might feel has spiritual relevance.




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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2011, 03:49:21 PM »

I listened to Ray's bible study and he said the Father wants to hug us. For me that was so significant. Been going through so rough spots for a while now. When I went to bed I was thinking very intently on the bible study. I asked Father to please give me a hug.  He did!! That too, is spirit. I didn't see it but I did feel it.


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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2011, 01:53:02 AM »

I remember Ray teaching on things like denseness of a rock and spirit. It was that teaching that has my mind in some what of an uproar. A rock is not what we believe or think it to be. Can someone help me on that teaching? thanks


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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2011, 12:40:45 PM »

Hi Micah7:9,

Here is a passage from the conference 'What Is The Father's Will,' that I believe goes we what you were speaking of.,3720.0.html --------------

So let’s think about this a little bit, who is the Father? In Him we live and breath and have our being. Liken the ocean to the Spirit of God, and liken us to the fish. The fish are 95% water, the ocean is in the fish, and the fish are in the ocean, get it.

A bird has very porous bones, because they have to be very light. It flies in the heavens, it breaths fast, because it needs strength and oxygen. So the air (which is like the Spirit of God, which is what he calls it in the NT, Greek word for spirit is pheuma), the expanse is even called heaven, where the bird flies, and liken the air to the Spirit of God. The bird has air in him and is flying through the air.

Now this is what the Scriptures say, we are in God and God is in us. So, get it out of your head that God is a man, sitting on a stone throne, like Abraham Lincoln in Washington D.C., an old man with gray hair. God is right here, it (Bible) says so, we have to just listen to the words.

God is Spirit, it also says God is invisible, you can’t see Him, not literally. We can see Him in Spirit, as in our heart, in our mind, our soul, our spirit, in our innermost being.
The thing that makes us different from plants and other animals, is we can see God.  I’m trying to help you right now, to see God. So when you leave here, you will see God in a way you didn’t, when you walked in here. If God opens it up to you, I can only tell you, but God must open it up for you to grasp it.

God is here, not here because we are here, but He was here before we got here and He’ll still be after we leave. Because this desk is here and this desk has it's cohesion in Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that this desk holds together or it would fall apart. It takes energy and power, what is the source of the power, Jesus Christ, which comes from the Father and it’s passed off out of Him. One Father, one God, all and everything is out of Him. GOD IS ALMIGHTY!

What did Jesus say when He left His apostles and vanished out of their sight.
He said, “all power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth,” (Matt. 28:18).
That’s why He has come, He’s not the Father, but He’s God and He possesses all power in heaven and earth. By being the One, who possesses all power in heaven and earth, He is God. He didn’t have all power in heaven and earth from all eternity, it was given to Him. One God, everything is out of that God. We’re in Him and He’s in us, because He’s Spirit. Not a Spirit, in some geographical location. The reason God knows everything is in all places at all times, is because that’s where He is. He’s Spirit and He refers to Himself as Spirit. My Spirit is here, there and everywhere.

David was inspired to write, where can I go to get away from you God, up to heaven, down to sheol, (Psalms 139:7-12). There’s no place I can go, where you are not. Why?  God is Spirit, God is not a man, get that out of your head. He (God) tells us that, God is not a man... Jesus Christ is a man.

Where is God?  EVERYWHERE!

Here is a section from the Conference "How We Got The Bible' that I believe you may have been the passage you were speaking of. There was a bit more to it, you can go to the link to read it all.,5815.0.html ------

God said knowledge would be increased and the wise would begin to understand things that were never known before. I think we are getting there. Things are not what they appear

You think things are what they appear to be, they are not.  This podium seems solid, it’s not, it’s all space.  Suppose as big as this stage is (6’ x 6’) and that high, there is a big block of solid polished stainless steel.  It would weight a lot, very heavy.  Do you know that 99.999...% of that block of steel is space. It’s an illusion and for all practicality, it isn’t even there.  If you took the space out of it, then it would be so tiny that you couldn’t see it. Why? Because it would be to tiny to see.
There is a force between those atoms, you can’t pick one of these atoms off there, they are held together by force. What kind of force? I haven’t a clue. The scientist haven’t a clue. It’s not gravity. Gravity doesn’t hold iron together. One block of iron is attracted to another block of iron a little bit by gravity. But the block of iron doesn’t hold together by gravity. What holds it together? I don’t know. 

Why is it if I take two pieces of iron and push them together, why don’t they join? If you can’t pull this piece of iron apart, how come you can’t take two and put them together and they stay? Now it’s one piece of iron, it doesn’t need glue to hold together. So if you take two, why can’t you just touch them and they stick? Why don’t the atoms from this one go mixing with the atom of the other and mix up and then they are bound into one piece? Why? 
The point is, God is behind it and God made it. He didn’t just make it though, it seems apparent now that He put wisdom into the material itself. Scientist are starting to see that the material itself contains it’s own wisdom. I didn’t say a brain. It doesn’t exactly have a brain, it has built in wisdom. It knows what to do under certain circumstances. 

You say, ‘no it just reacts to laws.’ No, that’s what scientist always thought. They are seeing now that it’s way too complicated. What matter does or is capable of accomplishing when it is heated or cooled and interchanges and all that, is way beyond a law. It has it’s own wisdom built in.

I remember Ray teaching on things like denseness of a rock and spirit. It was that teaching that has my mind in some what of an uproar. A rock is not what we believe or think it to be. Can someone help me on that teaching?

John 4:24  God is Spirit...

Col 1:15  He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
v. 16  For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
v. 17  And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

The best way that I understand this 'physical' creation, as a very complex and beautiful setting inwhich God has created to do this work. It can only be sustained and held together by that which is permanent... spirit/God. It was the masterful plan of the Father to serve in doing a very important work, as somewhat of a training ground, as we are really in the preliminary work, the early stages, of forming man into His image. So it is serving perfectly as the purpose He created it for now. And yes right now there is much suffering humanity must endure, but at some point that will all end.

Rev 21:4  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

So God has ordered the way things operate, so things work as He planned them to and physical things that are not needed at some point can be done away. But this grand work of the physical creation may take ages yet to reach the point where God will be all in all. But as I see it God would have no problem sustaining all the wonders of this creation indefinitely or as long as He wants to.

I don't know it this helps any, but remembered the passage you were talking about and brought it up.

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 10:06:51 AM by Kat »


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Re: Just what is spirit?
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2011, 02:21:11 PM »

Yep, and thanks again :)
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