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Author Topic: Ray's witness to truth in reply to email : Re Your Doctrines  (Read 4626 times)

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Ray's witness to truth in reply to email : Re Your Doctrines
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:43:08 AM »

“The Scriptures know nothing regarding "eternity."   Ref : Ray’s latest email reply at e-mail to Ray Re : Your Doctrines.

This line sounded like a huge golden, sounding out of a Himalayan Temple as struck by the Buddhist Monk directing the resonating vibration of sound, to reach the sleepy villages below, nestling at the foot of the snow peaked residence where the minds of wisdom above the world, breathe the essence of God in their sacred understanding of gentle blamelessness.

I am not confusing Ray with any likeness to a Buddhist, so fear not, don’t be alarmed, lol ~  :) I simply share in my mind the effect of Ray's beautiful insight that is extended to simply and eloquently state and witness the Truth that in ALL the Scriptures, there IS NOTHING regarding “eternity”! Ray is absolutely, categorically and perfectly correct! He IS! He IS, he IS!

Is God eternity?

Where would Scripture say that? It doesn’t! Joh 5:39  You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. And they are the ones witnessing OF Me.

Here is another beautiful statement without guile, touching the dawning light in innocence of the Resurrection of Christ that Ray offers, quote, “I'm not quite sure just how much power and authority it takes to lie, but regardless, God can't do it. “ Ray Smith

Jesus declares His Kingdom is not of this world of darkness worship, idolatry cleaving to defeat, termination, pain, loss, fear and death. We know He IS Risen. What more proof is needed? Ray says he has a “PSA which should be zero (five to ten is dangerously high), is now 750.”

.... God smiling His warm living Ray’s of life....assurance, He is living and He has defeated death, sleep, woe, darkness and sorrow. He has overcome the world.  He proves it!

How much higher must Ray's PSA go, for heavens sake?...for me it can fall to Zero...ring now!...blameless GONG...healing does work. Ray can heal. There are spontaneous remissions, there is a discovery that you are made well through the love of God, and yes the world may not recognize it....!

Ray’s PSA 750  ~ Phenomenal  Sacred Association ~  to Christ.....redeemed from among men, as a firstfruit to God AND to the Lamb.

God doesn’t leave the remedy for sickness where it cannot help. Doing everything in our power   ensures that healing does not occur. God’s purpose is to ensure that it does. 

Mat 8:2  And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, Lord, IF YOU WILL? You can make me clean.

Scattered through Jesus out around the world ~ We don’t want you to be sick Ray. Agreement with God  ~  neither do you  ~ Personal Salvation Agreement ~  neither do you!



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Re: Ray's witness to truth in reply to email : Re Your Doctrines
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 11:53:47 AM »

Hi Deborah,

Just finished reading Ray's New Email from "Kathy," and got the impression She might be angry with God and religion(not surprising) in general. Ray mentioned about "hating God" before loving Him. She seems like an intelligent Woman filled with much anger, as I detect "venting" throughout Her Two Emails. Some of the points that I am especially drawn to are found below.

Yes, God can do what He wants, as He pleases, and that is exactly
what He is doing. The problem with you is that you do not approve
of the way God does things.  Who says that God can  accomplish
His plan by snapping His finger (divine fiat)?  Who says that God
can make square circles?  Who says that God can develop "patience,"
INSTANTLY?  Who says that God CAN lie, when He Himself says
that He CANNOT lie: (Tit 1:2 In hope of eternal life, which God, that
CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began)?

I have always taught that before you love God you will hate God.  The longer I live, the more
assured I am that that is true. By the way, the word "omnipotent" does not mean "the ability
to do absolutely anything," as you suggest.  It means sovereign or unlimited power or
authority.  I'm not quit sure just how much power and authority it takes to lie, but regardless,
God can't do it.  Of the ten times that "pantokrator" appears in the Greek Scriptures, only
once is it translated "omnipotent."  The other nine times it is translated "almighty."

I'm sure you have had some
very very bad experiences in life, and you therefore has cause to feel discourage about things,
but really, there really is a grand purpose and plan for the entire human race, and everything is
right on schedule. Things will be great in the end, and as Paul said:
Rom 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time
are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be
revealed in us.

All of the above quotes are from Ray, taken from both Email responses and were of my primary focus.

                      Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Ray's witness to truth in reply to email : Re Your Doctrines
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 07:09:57 PM »

Beloved Samson

You are seeing The Light of Truth.

I am ceaselessly assured, fully persuaded and share with you, with all increasing joy of certainty, Jesus IS risen.  His shared death and brutal Crucifixion, is past, for His death IS past and the past is what?...present? what?....The past is PAST!

Jesus Christ IS Risen and shall so remain unchanged, unchanging and ever true to His Inheritance that you are, as the world is, for everything is given to Him.

Love of His Rising, is acknowledgement and indeed,  the cry of  love for Abba, Father  of OUR Lord Jesus,  Who God being God and Father being Father of Jesus, never died!   God is not a God of Death nor a God that dies, sleeps or lies. Ray IS currently, moment by Glorious moment, reflecting the Light, Love and Life of the inimitable Spirit of God creating.

There is no power, presence of slightest wiff of death or lies in God!

Did Jesus die? Yes. Is Jesus risen....yes, is sleep necessary? not anymore.

For it is written of a Truth sublime, beautiful, exhilarating and blessed Divine and Sovereign that rings out only from the Sovereign Voice and assurance of God.......sleep is passing as is this world in sleep resilience of darkness, pain and death that lies about God from the beginning!. That world that came crashing down on the Samson of the past, is gone. It is not coming back except to those who will it to return. In such is sleeps dwelling place of age, dying, loneliness, suffering and despair.

Eph 5:14  Therefore He says, "Awake, sleeping ones! And arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light."

Sons of God neither bow, glorify nor adulate  death, pain, destruction, crime or poverty of this world shrouded in the dark clock ( clock ~ time to get sick, old and die) of deaths darkest sleeping in keeping, guarding and protecting deaths identity upon which punishment is laid.

It is nothing but a dream that thinks that billions of years can dent the fabric of God who answers for all Time that He is God, He is Creator and as He IS, so ARE His children.

Who but the sleeping defy, deny and refuse God the Light He gives His Risen Son?

God Has Spoken for all time and all ages.

Jesus Christ is the Living alternative given by Father God to the world and sent to us to rise up out of deaths darkest veils of unholy
sleep in blindness, foolishness and ignorance that is deaths nature. You know it is said not by power or by might but by His Spirit....Loving Light who loves His Son Jesus Christ as you are loved. The Scriptures witness.



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Re: Ray's witness to truth in reply to email : Re Your Doctrines
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 02:28:11 AM »

Wow that was a harsh email Ray got. It was very blunt I don't know that I have ever heard anyone articulate those feelings like that. I know some people feel that way but I have never heard it. I am counting myself blessed that I do not have those feelings today. I may have had somewhat similar hopeless feelings and yes I cursed God for the day I was born. That was a long time ago though. That kinda puts a perspective on my life now and how far I have come. Thank God

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