I'm so sorry to hear about your wife, (just logged in now). I empathise with your situation because I've got two very dear friends who have depression and it's not easy at all for them, they need time to heal and a lot of understanding and love.
May the Lord give you His divine strenght to see this through and be there for her when she needs you.
Thank you to All Responders, Kat, John Michael, Lauriellen, John From Kentucky, Walt, Duane, Antaiwan, Marques, Onelovedread, Linda Crawford, Christopher(Daywalker), Deborah(Arcturus), Janine(God is Gracious), George Driggs, Rene(through PM) and Jingle too for Your Heartfelt concerns.
Thanks to Phone conversers for aiding Me with soothing words of comfort & support; John Popovich, John Michael, Kat and Rene.
Good News ! Pam is being released from Prison Today, Oops, I mean the Hospital,
. I get to pick Her up at 10:00 AM. After one Week of being Single, in a fleshly sense, I have more empathy towards those without a Mate. For Pam and I it's going to be a glorious Day, indeed,
, Too Bad I have to go to work at 4:00 PM.
Kind Regards, Samson.