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A question for the older men here
« on: September 19, 2012, 02:17:02 PM »

Hey guys... men, mentlegen, sirs, gentlemen.

SO.. I have this SUPER EMBERASSING SHAMEFUL habit.. ill just come out and say it but please don't hate me... masturbation. Pornography. It's something I'm EXTREMELY ASHAMED OF and HATE DOING but I can't see to STOP.

I go from wanting to do it in moments to absolutely hating myself for having done it.

I've been struggling with this for years and it seems as i've reached my nearly mid 20's its gotten WORSE. The desire is far worse than when I was say 18 or 19 and definitely when I was 16.

SO my question is... What on earth do I do?! I've prayed, I've begged God, i'm still struggling like crazy and I feel like it's driving a HUGE WEDGE between me and our Lord. I am so ashamed of my conduct, I feel like such a huge hypocrite in whatever I Do, in even saying I'm sorry and YET i STILL DO IT!! ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! WHY!?

I am haunted by the saying "Don't say sorry if you're going to do it again." It's so bad sometimes I feel like I shouldn't even pray to God because I'm just a lying hypocrite anyway whose going to keep on committing this sin only to say "I'm sorry" and ask for forgiveness the next second. I mean.. if i were GOd, i'd be pretty sick of me right about now.

I'm mad at paul for saying HE was the worst sinner because if he met me he might rethink that statement. I Mean paul didn't have to deal with easy access to pornography?! Sure.. he had raging hormones maybe at some point but i feel like it's far worse for me then it was for him -.-

So guys.. Gentlemen, sirs, what is the secret?! Can you share your wisdom with me looking back? Is there something wrong with me?! Do i need therapy here?

It's things like this that make me not even want to share scripture or defend my beliefs because i'm such a huge hypocrite I feel like why should I even be talking about God if I can't walk the talk?

Do you guys still struggle with this? Why is it this sin that God feels the need to drag on in our lives? I remember learning about how using the Lords name in vein was a sin and almost immediately dropped the words from my vocabulary and never looked back. Yet this... this................... am I doomed to be haunted all the days of my life with this great shame?


Welp.. share away gentlemen.. share away.

Ladies, feel free to add any stories of perhaps your men and their struggles if you feel appropriate. Or perhaps your own? I don't know.. maybe it's this bad for women too.
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

Dave in Tenn

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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 04:48:46 PM »

Alex, all I've been able to do is trim around the edges. 

I've believed (right or wrong) for a long time that God created us in such a way that perhaps the strongest pull of the flesh occurs when we are least experienced and able to deal with it.  It's almost a metaphor--a parable we live through--about how we are plopped down in this life without having asked to be here. 

If you're like I have been (and still am to a large degree) you see 'this' in scripture whenever it speaks about 'the flesh' and 'lusts'.  I won't ague that it isn't a part of all that.  I'l just argue that it isn't the totality of that.  I think John has alluded to what I'm talking about.

I'll try to come back later when I have more time.  Paul advised to Timothy that he take a little wine for his ailment.  There may be some spiritual 'wine' that will help you deal with things short-term.  I'm not going to have any 'advice' that lasts forever.

Love to you, my young clay brother.  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just. 
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 07:16:07 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2012, 05:34:06 PM »


I just turned 50 this year and there is not 'trick' that I know of to overcome the flesh in any area let alone this one.  I think that one of most important things to overcome areas of the flesh is to finally realize that in and of yourself you can't deliver yourself in any way.  I struggled a lot in this area when I was younger as well.  It wasn't even the act itself that caused me as much shame as the things that went through my mind at the time.  At this point I think it is part of seeing our house of sand crumble.  It's easy to tell yourself that you have to pray more, take cold showers and avoid the things that may lead to the desire.  That may work for awhile but not very long.

It does get better with age but I certainly can't take credit for overcoming anything on my own.  The biological clock does begin to slow down in the late 30's and into the 40's and personally I'm very thankful for that.  I see these ads for 'male enhancement' on the TV and I think to myself that those guys are nuts to want to take more testosterone, ect.  I'm glad at this point not to be thinking about it 24/7 like I was when I was younger.  Just know that what your enduring is common to all men to one degree or don't have an original sin in your body, and it does get better in time.  Wish I could be of more encouragement but some things you just have to walk through and it's part of the process. 


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2012, 06:53:44 PM »

Hello brother,

Is there something wrong with me?!

I would say no, you are being perfected into God's image.
I would say yes, you have something wrong as so I do and many other brothers:

"Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world."
1 Peter 5:9

This helps me.

Easier said than done, as everything.

God bless


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2012, 09:22:05 PM »

John, I never for a second thought you meant to admit to your old age!! But we all know!!! ;)

Dave, I certainly look forward to more of what you have to share. If there is a "spiritual wine" as a remedy, I don't know it! Other than our Lord of course.. but He seems content with me being this way. Sometimes I get scared because I have an idea of where *I* want my life to go and who *I* want to be and not knowing what God REALLY has planned frigthens me at times. What if He's destined me to fall away into this sin and to be removed from Him for this life? I could not stand such an existence.. though I supposed if it happened, I would be completely powerless to change my fate.

Arion, It seems with old age the tendency fades but, I Have seen, in fear, some older men who act worse than I in these matters. That is a scary thought... I don't want to be a slave to this all my life. I grew tired of it a few years ago but it served me little good as I still am here, in a worse state now than ever before.

Levy, Thank you for the reminder. It helps to know I'm not alone but it also doesn't bring me re-assurance that I will be taken out of this state before the end of my life. I would like not to deal with this for the rest of my short existence.. As I said, it drives me to feel ashamed to talk about my faith, to talk TO the Lord at times because I get so sick of apologizing to Him... >.> I know I'd be sick of me if I had to listen to all my apologies over the same matter time and time again.

I guess talking about this really helps alot even if I can't get any definite answers. Just knowing you guys are there with me and dealing with it too gives me some courage to press forward and not be afraid to atleast tell my Lord, I'm sorry... even if he's heard it for the trillionth billionth time by now >.>

Please keep your stories coming, don't be afraid to share guys. I need this!

With love,

1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2012, 09:44:33 PM »

I think everyone here has said it about right.  Masturbation is one of a multitude of things we do whilst in the flesh.  We probably find it quite prominent as a sin because it's to do with sex and sex is one of those taboo subjects, especially within the church.  In fact according to the church sex is possibly the WORST sin ever.  They talk about it like it's worse than killing someone.  Look at their hang ups on homosexuality for example.  They place so much focus on sex, like it's the worst thing in the world.  That's probably why you feel it's so bad.  It's such a personal thing and a feeling of being totally exposed so it feels embarrasing.  But there are other sins we have like selfishness, greed, laziness, profanity, lying etc...ask yourself how much of the rest of that is within you too.  We're all in the same boat, i say.


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 10:08:20 PM »

Brother......this is a a human condition for sure....and not just for embarrassing as it is is enjoy the benefits of sex with out even having a partner! and suicide would up there with that level of selfishness opinions on the subject may or may not have much weight....having struggled with this as I am about to turn 44....for most of my life....I believe i was about 10 or s0 when I began to realize the pleasure and release of sexual tension this would give me.....and I too would do it daily......well as a young man....I find today.....once a week....and a few times a month is average......the body has not the same zest for it but my mind is in overdrive all too often......the sorrow I would feel after doing it and or the thoughts I had while doing this or even the pictures and or videos and items I would use while involved.....made me feel I was never gonna overcome and or enjoyed this poison so much that I would never let fact married men confide in me that there is no answer to it......but having an outlet sure seemed like a good idea to me! Paul said it would be better to marry then to burn with passion......yet no one gets married burning after all do they? lol well not in my church congregation they did not for sure.....I do not have the answer and make things more of a challenge......Christ tells us not even to look at married woman with lust! this makes me a complete failure....cuz that is the part I fall into much more often then masturbation......and now I ask well Lord....what if the woman is not married? Can I do it then?! you see my mind? lol I want to justify my actions.....and make my lack of self control not sinful....fact is anything done apart from faith is sin. That said.....I know of no man that has over come this lust or sin. I know boasted of his single life....and I knew a man who once said for 20+ years he never masturbated....but lets see....Christ said if you even look at the woman with lust you have committed fornication and or adultry.....the church of course agrees and says further that Christ wants us to but off are right hand and gouge out our eye that is the agent used to promote this sin!!!! wow.....this scared the tar out of me to say the least......I do that Christ has paid for our sins.....the past....the present and future included....and this not only keeps my sanity but empowers me to overcome all sins....or things the church or myself or our God himself would see and know is sin......that gives me peace....even if a I fail......this topic is taboo....and few well as fewer women discuss it with any degree of confidence....and I would say it is the most indulged in activity in human existence! I feel bad often after I do it.....and other times I don't feel bad.....I do wish I had a partner to share my sexuality with but that too is up to the Lord....just remember that all sin has been paid for! Let no one deceive you.....some men and women have stronger faith and or less of a struggle with sin....or types of sin.....your strength and or weaknesses are the way the enemy may accuse.....point the finger....and catch you on the law....promises.....vows....and things like "I will never do it again" we are merely setting ourselves up to my mother used to tell me......"hang a yet on that never statement" she would say you have not done it yet....but there is not boasting....especially not in the flesh....there is not confidence in the flesh.....and all the glory is the Fathers......I pray you find strength to stay at peace....while the storm and flesh of life decays and fails.....your faith is of greater value than gold.....and what pleases our Father.....if we are going to boast....let it be of our weakness!!! WOW Paul was right.....boast of your weakness so the power of Christ can rest upon you....this is how I overcome and not beat myself up with sin.....and in particular masturbation.....the sin that church says is evil.....we are after all sexual beings......find a mate......and be sexual....that is my answer and my long words in 2 cents LOL
thy will be done....


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2012, 10:26:49 PM »

You won't stop until you're truly ashamed of doing it. You say that you are, but you won't change until the guilt heavily outweighs the pleasure you receive from doing it. We don't stop any one particular sin until Jesus brings about a change of heart where our desire to please God is greater than fulfilling our flesh. Hang in there...focus on what you will be in time more so than where you are now, that's how God looks at us.

Hope this helps,



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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 12:22:55 AM »

My brother we all have the same problem! Ray said he stopped sinning mostly when the guilt outweighed the pleasure and God gave him control over them.  I as well as you have the same problem exactly, but I am waiting for God to let me stop in his time. I try to resist as much as possible but at times it makes it worse. God is stopping us in his time, creating us in his image is He, Jesus said "fear not" . So I say don't worry this too shall pass

Just a thought, hope it helps

Dave in Tenn

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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2012, 05:10:33 AM »

A couple of other things Ray said:

Sometimes it was a long time after he wanted to be free of a sin before he was not under its dominion.

The reward for repentance is a clear concience.

Whatsoever things are ...pure...think on these things.

There are no magic bullets.

If I'm going to do better than before, I want to seperate porn from masturbation, even though the two are often intertwined.

What's helped me with porn (and the lust of the eyes):

Love.  When you see the object, you're seeing a person who is a fellow human being.  It doesn't matter if she is willing, or blatantly seductive, or whatever.  It doesn't matter that if you 'preached' the gospel to her in your heart, she might bite your hand and resist forgiveness.  She's also somebody for whom the Lord died and somebody destined to be in the Family of God.  If your heart can change to see her that way, you will grow to not want to see her any other way.

Does that work?  Love never fails.  It's not just something we need and want to experience from God, but something we need and will want to give to others, including that model or actor or whatever.  I fail to love, but when I love, it never fails.

There are a lot of ways to 'flee youthful lusts', but all of them require us to 'flee'.

As for masturbation.  That's trickier because sometimes we think of that as a need.  Sometimes, but not always.  Sometimes its just bordeom, or self-soothing, or force of habit or some other motivation.  Bordeom can be cured.  We can break habits, avoid temptations and 'inflammations' (like porn), deny ourselves, etc.  I'm not saying its change is.  But it is a way of escape that's given to us when we're ready to use it.

Scripturally?  I can't do better than John did. 

Spiritually?  Resist the Devil.  I don't believe the devil is very much involved in the 'temptation'.  That's something most guys need precious little 'pushing' to do.  Resist the Devil trying to lie you under condemnation.  Resist him lying that there is no salvation.  Resist all his lies.

Psa 37:23,24  The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.  Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

Pro 24:15,16 Do not wait in ambush as a wicked man against the homestead of a righteous man; Do not devastate his reclining place; For the righteous one shall fall seven times and still rise, Yet the wicked shall be stumbled by evil. 

Meditate on that for a good while.  There's real, heavy, fatty red meat on that.  (to note:  If we can have sex with ourselves, can't we "wait in ambush" against ourselves? I think so.)

1Jn 1:6 If we should be saying that we are having fellowship with Him and should be walking in darkness, we are lying and are not doing the truth."
1Jn 1:7 Yet if we should be walking in the light as He is in the light, we are having fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, is cleansing us from every sin."
1Jn 1:8 If we should be saying that we have no sin we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
1Jn 1:9 If we should be avowing our sins, He is faithful and just that He may be pardoning us our sins and should be cleansing us from all injustice."
1Jn 1:10 If we should be saying that we have not sinned, we are making Him a liar, and His word is not in us."

What is that darkness in vs 6?  I think it's the same darkness that the self-righteous Pharisees had when The Lord warned that if the light they had was darkness, how dark is the darkness.  The 'cure' is walking in the light as expressed in the remaining verses.  Absolute, bone-crushing, heart revealing honesty every step of the way.  Does that work?  It's the only thing that has ever worked for me.

Do good.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 06:02:59 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2012, 10:51:14 AM »

Hi Alex,

I'm in my lates twenties and this too has always been a big shameful sin in my life.

None of us can stop sinning without the strength of God (which applies to all sins) and this thread is a good read,11607.0.html.

Over time the guilt rises and I personally am finding that I want to do this less and less because the shame and guilt are outweighing the pleasure from it. I still fall but there has definitely been changes happening over the last 6 months for me.

As far as the forgiveness one thing to keep in mind is that God is not human. He has so much  more forgiveness, compassion and understanding than we do so it's kind of silly to try and compare. He has not and will not abandon you Alex, he has you right where he wants you!

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you." Deuteronomy 31:8

Keep coming back to the word of God, there is so much encouragement in the scriptures. I had one of the worst days today where just everything went wrong but I know that this is all for a purpose. This scripture came to mind:

"for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines: and He scourges every son whom He acknowledges." Hebrews 12:6

Like Ray has said becoming saved is the hardest thing any human being will go through! Don't give up!

God bless,


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2012, 11:04:03 AM »

Hi Alex,

I'm going to risk coming into 'no womans land' to say something.

That is an act that involves self gratification, where you become so wrapped up in your own desires that everything else is blocked out and you are in your own little world. You must somehow find control from within yourself and where does that come from?

1Co 6:19-20  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have of God? And you are not your own, for you are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.

You must realize that the Holy Spirit/Jesus Christ bares witness to these acts. Does this glorify God? Of course not. If everytime you begin to think in that direction, if you can begin to focus your thoughts on the fact that you are NOT doing these things in secret, but that the eyes of God your Savior are on you. Well then it may help to begin the long journey out of this addiction you have.

Job 34:21  He watches every step we take. (GNB)

So there you go, hope I did not intrude too much.

mercy, peace and love


Marky Mark

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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2012, 11:48:28 AM »

Hi Alex,found this email...Rays response is spot on.  ;)

« on: April 09, 2007, 04:28:56 PM »
I am a 19 year old male, living in ............... I have a problem that seems to me I will never get over. I have Had this problem since I was 13 and have been really fighting it for a couple years now, ever since Ive been saved. Holding off for a week and then doing it again, as hard as I try and not want to do it I just cant stop doing it. Ive prayed about it to God, and keep praying about it but it seems like my problem just takes control of me sometimes, I have been able to hold off for 2 weeks now, (the longest ever since the age of 13) but today I gave in to my flesh... my conscience does not even bother me anymore about this lust of the flesh anymore and that worrys me. My problem is masturbation and pornography, I want to stop doing these things because I know they are a lust of the flesh and I know doing them is a sin, and as a struggling Christian  ;h ave a desire to serve God and let him take control of my life. I used to smoke pot and cigarettes, I also used to drink alot but have been able to stop those things without much struggle. But not masturbation and pornography. Your website has helped opened my eyes to many Biblical truths and I thank you and God for Please I need ur help and ask u to tell me anything u can to help me get rid of this lust... May God Bless You and give u more wisdom and strength to uphold ur ministry. I pray for ur web site and you daily please pray for me also.
 A Brother in Christ Jesus
 To embarrassed to say my name...

 Dear Embarrassed:

You are not alone out there with this particular pull of the flesh for sexual gratification. It is common among all men (and women to a somewhat lesser extent).  It is GOOD that we should feel embarrassed over our sins. My past sins are an embarrassment to me when I from time to time think about them. If they were NOT an embarrassment to me, I might still be committing these same stupid and lustful acts.  Embarrassment and guilt are good for us. These feelings first make us realize that these things are lustful, and wrong, and stupid.  But we will not have victory over them unless and until God reveals to us their real purpose and need to get rid of them.

Where did the mechanism by which Eve:  "saw that the tree was GOOD FOR FOOD, and that it was PLEASANT TO THE EYES, and a tree to be desired to MAKE ONE WISE..." come from in the first place?  Did SHE create these desires in her heart and mind and soul?  Get real--SHE HAD NOT A CLUE!  God created humanity in the spiritually weakened state in which we find ourselves, but there is a great and grand reason and purpose for it.

There is a "SPIRITUAL GREATNESS" that is achieved by the conquering of illegal pulls [spiritually 'illegal'] of the flesh and the stupid sensual lust for self-gratification.  These things are not good, in and by themselves, as modern psychologists might try to convince us, but they do serve a good purpose when they embarrass us and make us feel guilty. Embarrassment and guilt are the precursors to REPENTANCE.

We must come to the place in our lives where we not only desire to obey the laws of the land, the powers ordained by God to somewhat limit the evils of society, but to also obey the Laws of GOD.  We want and desire to do what God says, not because we have figured out all the logical logistics of His commandments, but because we desire to OBEY HIM REGARDLESS of how well we understand all the reasons why God tells us to do and not do certain things.

Christians will argue;  "Well I don't see the harm in teaching my little ones about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny."  Of course they don't. To their carnal minds the commandment of God to "Learn NOT THE WAY OF THE HEATHEN" has little or no effect on their attempt to worship God as they please.

When you see the "SIN in sin" and start to hate sin as God hates sin, then and only then will you make progress in eliminating these things in your life. Of course, you know, when I say such things it means that God is bringing this about in your thinking and God is enabling you to have to the power to actually conquer these pulls of the flesh.  All we who have had a measure of success in victory over sin to the point that sin "no longer has DOMINION over us" (Rom. 6:8-19), desired to be free from sin LONG BEFORE IT EVER ACTUALLY CAME ABOUT! I believe that most of my readers will say "A-men" to that!

Be patient and do not stop crying out to God for deliverance, for in time God will grant you the fruit of righteousness.

God be with you,


Hope this gives you some hope in the matter...



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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2012, 12:51:10 PM »

Wow, that is a tough one.  Now, it's been well over a year for me comitting the act, and being in a relationship and my age of 41 contributes a lot.  We won't get into my sins at the moment even though I feel I am married to my girl in God's eyes.  But we aren't even to have impure "thoughts" about another.  So just not doing this act won't free one from sin.  Now I remember the shame I felt the first time I really performed the act successfully.  I didn't really even believe in God back then.  But I told my-self that I would never ever do it again.  That evening I went against my weak assertion and I felt so guilty (until the next morning).  I then heard someone say that you can do it 100 times only and remain pure.  So two weeks later I felt ever soooooo ashamed when I hit number 101.  Anyway, the urges drop significantly with age but I suggest you marry a nice girl and stay with her.  Hopefully she is as interested in sex as my girl.  Best of luck.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 06:47:06 PM by musicman »


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2012, 03:31:42 PM »

Brother Alex,

 The heart is deceitful above all things, and is exceedingly weak... (Jer. 17:9)

 The sin of lust comes out of our hearts, and that's what drives us to pornography and masturbation. Even if we stopped these habits, our hearts could be just as lustful. We could give up porn and masturbation completely, and still covet our neighbor's wife.

 I am a regrettable example of this. Since I got married two years ago, my experiences with porn and masturbation have been greatly reduced (though not entirely eliminated). HOWEVER, I still lust just as badly as at any point in my entire life. And sadly, it is not only women that I see regularly (at my job, for instance.) I find myself thinking of girls I used to be attracted to and haven't seen for 10 years or more, and wondering what they might look like, etc. It is shameful.

 So...I could move out in the wilderness by myself, far away from any female, with no access to porn, and tie my hands and crotch so I couldn't masturbate (or even cut off my testicles), and it still wouldn't do a bit of good, because there would still be lust in my heart. What does that prove to me? It proves that of myself I can do nothing. I'll only overcome the lust when God grants me the SPIRITUAL POWER to do so.

 God hasn't given me that victory yet, but I know He will. I dream of that victory often, and think of the future when God will finish His work in me, and in the whole world, for that matter.

 You know how we're fascinated by God's amazing achievement when we watch that cell video you posted for us? I feel the same fascination (and gratitude) when I think of what God will do in us--spiritually. Think of all the times we've tried to overcome the lust on our own and couldn't. If GOD can fix that in us, He must be REALLY POWERFUL! And the spiritual wonders that He will do in us are even greater and more beautiful than the physical wonder that is the human body.


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2012, 07:02:14 PM »

wow so many wonderful replies. I'm currently at school and very busy, lots of exames and assignments with quickly arriving due dates. I will be certain to reply to you all very soon!

Kathy, I simply wanted to say that your wisdom my dear precious sister, is always greatly appreciated and you could never overstep any invisible boundary. I appreciate everyones input be they male or female. My only concern was that perhaps some of the women simply could not relate to this issue but then again, some can and others can still by simply knowing a spouse or loved one who struggles with this and seeks freedom from these chains. I know ALL MEN struggle with this but not ALL desperately seek freedom from their chains of bondage as I do yet I knew here, on these forums, I would find some if not many who seek as I do.

So ladies, please, if you have wisdom to share, words of compassion and encouragement then do not hesitate to share them. Your brothers in Christ desperately need your encouragement, tender love and compassion to endure and God willing, be freed of these bondages before this life is over.

Like I said, I will get back to you all when I get another moment.

God bless and thank you a million for all your input from your personal struggles to your words of Wisdom.

With much love in Christ,

1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2012, 05:25:47 AM »

I really, really want to throw the first stone and loving it, but....... :) :) ;)

Dave in Tenn

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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2012, 03:07:13 AM »

It's things like this that make me not even want to share scripture or defend my beliefs because i'm such a huge hypocrite I feel like why should I even be talking about God if I can't walk the talk?

Jas 5:16-18  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.  And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

Found this tonight and thought it might be helpful.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2012, 03:19:13 AM »

alex, dear young brother in Christ, i just started reading this thread yesterday (saturday) and i instantly knew there would be many pearls of wisdom given in reply.  i finished reading through all the posts just a few minutes ago.

i raise my hand as one who struggled with masturbation in my past.  there, i said it.  and me a woman... weird thing is, i totally stopped even thinking about it for many years.  then one day this particular lust raged it's ugly head in my heart again.  and i always felt the guilt.  and then one day i started also to feel such shame afterwards, that i just started getting sick and tired of carrying the weight of it all. 

and then it really hit me that masturbation is not just something one does to themselves, it is something we do to the very Spirit of God the Father and our Saviour, every time, if indeed we believe the Scriptures and the Truths revealed in them.

and my heart felt dirty.  and i knew that only my Creator Father could cleanse the dirt away.  so.  that's my story. 

alex, there has been such Godly Wisdom in every post reply to your thread, at least in my opinion.  i know that what God has begun in you already, at such a young age, He WILL complete. 

i can finish this particular post reply to your thread lil italian boy, by saying one thing i know for sure that we ALL can say with a certainty is that, the flesh wants what the flesh wants.  period.  and THAT is the struggle, because you know in your heart that it is wrong for you.   ahh, but there is Good News for us.  Praise God!

meditate again and again on the words of wisdom you received alex.  i know i will.





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Re: A question for the older men here
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2012, 04:39:28 AM »

this is somewhat of Ray's writing.... I just give little changes with respect to the topic....

"But you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you..." Acts 1:8

And so, when a man who is tempted to spend more time in the dark, looking to satisfy the urge, the Spirit of God will give him power to turn away. God won't make you or force you to turn away, but He will give you the power to turn away, and then you have to do the turning. And should you fail to turn away before you actually satisfy the urge, then you must "pluck out your bird. No not your literal, physical, organ of the body, but the lustful urge of your heart.

All lust comes from the heart, the carnal mind, and that part of the carnal mind must be "plucked out," or "cut off." But you must be the one who does the plucking and cutting or God will intervene and "cast your whole body into Gehenna fire" in a later Judgment where this spiritual fire is called "The Lake of Fire."

We can either volunteer to stop sinning now, in this life, or God will volunteer us to stop sinning later, in the resurrection to Judgment. Yes, of course, it will be God in us regardless of which Judgment we find ourselves
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