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Author Topic: Unequally yolked  (Read 23122 times)

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Unequally yolked
« on: July 30, 2006, 05:14:10 PM »

Who out there cannot identify with Michele in Unequally Yolked email. You do not have to be married to feel her plight.

I loved Ray’s gentle response. I really liked that he did not paint a false rosey picture like Babylon believers would have (that everything will get better if only she believes). He was honest and told her that he himself was not immune to the exact same problems and that tribulations are to be expected. Today’s church really cannot stomach this teaching. 

Michele does seem to understand God’s soveirgnty regarding her husband and her child’s salvation. We can all sympathize that this can sometimes feel pain when we walk this “lonely” road  (but we now know that this is only lonely carnally not spiritually).

Regarding her husband interest in science, we have all had to deal with some of these issues. Being in science myself I deal with these putdowns daily.

Since the times of enlightenment, science has divorced itself from God. It is absorbed with man’s ability to learn.  Science not only wants to gather these things about itself, because carnal man wants to be the center of his own little universe. The more he possesses the greater his universe seems to be and the greater his feeling of confidence and assurance.

I do not think Michele should worry about what to say to her child or husband, if Christ is within

(Luk 12:12 KJVR)  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

I pray that Michele will learn as she reads more and more that everything that is happening to her is God’s will and part of His plan.   While they are foolishily looking for the Theory of Everything (string theory stuff): God has All of the answers to the Universe. He is all in all.

(1Co 2:12 KJVR)  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

(1Co 2:13 KJVR)  Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

(1Co 2:14 KJVR)  But the natural man (like her husband) receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

(1Co 1:26 KJVR)  For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

(1Co 1:27 KJVR)  But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

There are so many believers that are unequally yolked. It is my hope that fully comprehending these scriptures will help give all of us more peace and help reduce some of our anxiety.




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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2006, 06:48:33 PM »

Dear Beloved,

I had just read Michele's e-mail  (totally gut wrenching!) and then saw your response. I came from a (christian) tradition that placed people who were unequally yoked in a place of scorn and marginalization......and as you pointed out- so much pressure to believe the right thing and do the right thing and become responsible for that spouse's conversion. Such anguish. It certainly is not easy to live with a partner who has a very different paradigm under any circumstances but traditional thinking often made it unbearable for the unfortunate Christian spouse. I think we need to understand that when one member is suffering we are all suffering-and show godly compassion and encouagement.....part of which is knowing that by much tribulation we enter the kingdom! MUCH!!!!

Not to mention- if one of your children (who were "saved" in the old method and baptized) dated, or heavens-to-betsy- married an unbeliever- well.....scorn is a nice way to put it and shame is the end result.

I would like to see some scholarly thinking and spiritual discernment on the whole concept of "unequally" yoked because it seems to be another type of burden that pharisees seem to be putting on believers.

I read a devotion by Oswald Chambers years ago that said- paraphrasing- "literal interpretation of the scriptures is mere child's play; it is the spiritual interpretation that is the work of the mature believer." So much literal has hurt so many people.
Sorry to ramble.
 Hope this has been edifying and not a rant!
I usually don't post because I don't have the smarts to answer anything!  ???



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2006, 07:30:47 PM »

I would like to see some scholarly thinking and spiritual discernment on the whole concept of "unequally" yoked because it seems to be another type of burden that pharisees seem to be putting on believers.

I read a devotion by Oswald Chambers years ago that said- paraphrasing- "literal interpretation of the scriptures is mere child's play; it is the spiritual interpretation that is the work of the mature believer." So much literal has hurt so many people.
Sorry to ramble.
Hope this has been edifying and not a rant!
I usually don't post because I don't have the smarts to answer anything! 


Touche   hart4 god You do not need smarts you only need spiritual discernment. You are absolutely right about the "Unequal yolked" it can be a pharaseical burden. It doesn't matter about the load because we are to bear each others burdens

You do not need smarts... look at Solomon... it did not really help him much. He did finally see the light and proclaim that it is All vanity.  I may have been blessed with intelligence but like Paul I count it all dung.  In science you can say and prove anything with statistics. But that does not make it fact. I wish the media would tell people that.



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2006, 09:03:19 AM »

Please forgive my ramblings.......

I am the Michele that wrote to Ray about being unequally yolked.
 I am still reading the articles on Ray's site when I feel I can comprehend what Ray has written.  I won't say that I understand or comprehend and sometimes it's hard to  believe and understand some of the things,  but most things seem to answer the questions in a much more comprhensible way than anything I"ve ever experienced before and I'm truly thankful for that. The rest I'll just dwell on, maybe indefinately.......ha.

 I don't want to present myself like I'm "what I"m supposed to be"...I know that's not true and it makes me feel guilty if I think someone thinks this about me.   I'm as sinful as anyone could be, willfully sinful.  I try to be a good person but being a good person doesn't mean that your sinless, goodness knows and I'm certainly not that, guess none of us are.

We each have our own story..well, maybe somebody out there has had a "dream life", most of us have not.  My childhood of sexual abuse and being married to my non-believing spouse for 18 years, my mother dying suddenly two years ago, I don't have a good relationship with my father, and worried for my daughters spiritual well being. (well I used to be but it's getting better!) has taken a toll on my spirit which I am trying to recover. 

I want to say something, after being married to a non-believing spouse for so long, I've really seen where they are coming from.  I kind of imagine standing on a line, on one side are atheists (or persons who can't see anything and truly cannot conceive of anything except what their human senses tell them..which is completely natural if God hasn't enlightened you right?.... and therefore only believe in themselves and  on the other side are persons of all types of beliefs in "something", this includes some of them believing in "God".  I never liked the idea, ever, of God torturing persons forever in fire...for any reason.  Who could?  I could never reconcile the thought of a "loving God" with that "hellish" image of God.   And after marrying a non-believer it was truly intolerable...this is why I kept searching...and out of desperation and heartsick/spiritsick, I found Ray's site and it offered Hope, so of course I'm going to read it all.  And still yet I have to fight the fears, the "old christian fears" that I was taught all my life are still haunting me...that's why I came here for help and reassurance.  I need "reprogramming".  I am starting to truly accept it ast the Truth though because I am much more calm and relaxed than I used to be about it all...before I thought that if my husband didn't "Choose to "Believe"  he was doomed, and I was scared he might take our child with him.....I am learning this is WRONG...THANK God!!!

(Question1) If a non-believer doesn't "Believe" that means that God has not called them to know Him, RIGHT?  Therefore we should Not blame/judge them for not believing in God/Jesus because it isn't thier fault or choice???  Please correct me if I say anything wrong...this is all new to me.

I was sexually abused as  child and it's very very hard for me to trust,  I question Everything.  I question scripture (whether it's true or manmade or legend/myth) even when I'm trying to learn from it and follow it because it's so hard for me to believe anyone or anything.  I question Gods existance, more because I'm married to a non-believer than anything. I guess that's why God says don't marry a non-believer. It does cause traumas in a relationship.............................BUT, it truly wouldn't be so intolerable, fearful and  unhappy for Believing Partner of the Unequally Yolked couple  if the Believer Knew that no matter what, We're all going to Choose God and we're all going to end up in Heaven.  Please help me believe this to down to my soul!  This is my fervent prayer because with this I can Live with so much less fear and so much more happiness.  I went on the internet the other day looking at the terms unequally yolked and there was a woman "christian", who I think was trying to "help" young women/men  before they chose to marry a Non-believer like she had    here is the website (If it's ok to post it so others can read it).  I think she is trying to be helpful...but at the same time there is something there that bothers me badly.   I haven't personally asked her if she's worried that her spouse is going to end up in "HELL", but I"m sure she's thinking that.   If any of you would read this site, I'd appreciate your thoughts on it.  I'm sure she has a lot of good points, but at the same time it seems to totally put all of the blame squarely on her shoulders and doesn't speak of any Hope whatsoever, and she obviously doesn't believe that all of her children or husband are going to end up in heaven....

I believe now that God says do not marry a non-believer because it can and usually does cause problems in a marriage because you cannot "share" God with one another.
That's obviously true, I will regret that aspect for all of my life.  BUT, the scriptures also state if you are married to a Non-believer that you are to Stay with them if they want to stay married to you.  IF the believing spouse KNEW what I am learning now, that he/she is NOT responcible for Saving their Spouse OR anyone else in their family (I am right aren't i?) and that their Spouse and Children are all going to Heaven REGARDLESS....someday No Matter WHAT.... the believer in the famiy could get on with worshiping/learning about God in their own way without worrying themselves to death about everyone else in their family.....
Does anyone have any confirmation on this?  I can tell you from living this life personally that when I can make myself believe the GOOD NEWS about this, that it's all going to be, OK, that my life is Much happier.

  I have spiritual highs and super lows.  Somedays I feel as if God is right next to me and other days I say "God if you're really there and can hear me"  ......and then I ask Him to forgive me for that and I do this a lot... That's what's so funny, I've been mightly low before and I was right next to believing that God isn't real after all, but after thinking that thought I Always ask God to forgive me!   

I find life deeply wonderful and deeply confusing and scary too.  I am a woman, flesh and blood.  I want to be Human and just live and love and be happy without chronic fear, worry and guilt.  Sometimes I just want to LIVE and dont' want to Think at all.    I have as many carnal and sinful thoughts as anybody....and I think, well your only Human..which after all is what God created me to be.  And on the otherhand I feel the fear that was pounded into me from early childhood about the horrible things God's got in store for me if I'm not a "good little girl".

So here I am, me, myself and I.  I want to be human and carnal, and at the same time I want to be good and spiritual as God wants me to be....and it just doesn't feel possible to do both at the same time.   Sometimes I feel like I've been fighting a battle all my life....aren't we all? 

What I am Hoping to find here is a Balance for the rest of my  life and to finally learn the Truth.
  I want to learn a new way of thinking about the world and about my personal purpose in life.
I want to learn the Truth about God.
 I want to learn more about what God wants from me.
 And since I"ve been scared to death my whole life, I am especially interested in the Hope and Goodness and Forgiveness that God has in store for me, and all of us no matter how sinful and unworthy we all are. 
I guess I want someone to tell me that I'm OK and God loves me no matter what.
 That it's ok to be ME.
I could do with some good news.

Thank you all for listening to my ramblings, I have many more.



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2006, 01:29:59 PM »

I read a devotion by Oswald Chambers years ago that said- paraphrasing- "literal interpretation of the scriptures is mere child's play; it is the spiritual interpretation that is the work of the mature believer." So much literal has hurt so many people.

Quote from: Oswald Chambers
Blessed are . . ."  Matthew 5:3-10

When we first read the statements of Jesus they seem wonderfully simple and unstartling, and they sink unobserved into our unconscious minds. For instance, the Beatitudes seem merely mild and beautiful precepts for all unworldly and useless people, but of very little practical use in the stern workaday world in which we live. We soon find, however, that the Beatitudes contain the dynamite of the Holy Ghost. They explode, as it were, when the circumstances of our lives cause them to do so. When the Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance one of these Beatitudes we say - 'What a startling statement that is!' and we have to decide whether we will accept the tremendous spiritual upheaval that will be produced in our circumstances if we obey His words. That is the way the Spirit of God works. We do not need to be born again to apply the Sermon on the Mount literally. The literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is child's play; the interpretation by the Spirit of God as He applies Our Lord's statements to our circumstances is the stern work of a saint.

The teaching of Jesus is out of all proportion to our natural way of looking at things and it comes with astonishing discomfort to begin with. We have slowly to form our walk and conversation on the line of the precepts of Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit applies them to our circumstances. The Sermon on the Mount is not a set of rules and regulations: it is a statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is getting His way with us.

Since this is a originated a while back here is a link to the email spoken about.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 01:48:15 PM by Bill »


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2006, 02:26:47 PM »

Please forgive my ramblings....... Hi, Michele, I am going to make a few comments through your post, I pray this will be of some help.

I am the Michele that wrote to Ray about being unequally yolked.
 I am still reading the articles on Ray's site when I feel I can comprehend what Ray has written.  I won't say that I understand or comprehend and sometimes it's hard to  believe and understand some of the things,  but most things seem to answer the questions in a much more comprhensible way than anything I"ve ever experienced before and I'm truly thankful for that. The rest I'll just dwell on, maybe indefinately.......ha.

This is the best way to study the articles, read and reread, I continually find new insights every time.

 I don't want to present myself like I'm "what I"m supposed to be"...I know that's not true and it makes me feel guilty if I think someone thinks this about me.   I'm as sinful as anyone could be, willfully sinful.  I try to be a good person but being a good person doesn't mean that your sinless, goodness knows and I'm certainly not that, guess none of us are.

"Trying" on our own is a sure way of failing, the secret is to actually let go of our own will and submit ourselves to His will.

Joh 3:30  He must increase, but I must decrease.

We each have our own story..well, maybe somebody out there has had a "dream life", most of us have not.  My childhood of sexual abuse and being married to my non-believing spouse for 18 years, my mother dying suddenly two years ago, I don't have a good relationship with my father, and worried for my daughters spiritual well being. (well I used to be but it's getting better!) has taken a toll on my spirit which I am trying to recover.

It is incredible how many of us here have all had many of the same experiences, the bumpy, rocky road we have traveled has led us to Him.

I want to say something, after being married to a non-believing spouse for so long, I've really seen where they are coming from.  I kind of imagine standing on a line, on one side are atheists (or persons who can't see anything and truly cannot conceive of anything except what their human senses tell them..which is completely natural if God hasn't enlightened you right?.... and therefore only believe in themselves and  on the other side are persons of all types of beliefs in "something", this includes some of them believing in "God".  I never liked the idea, ever, of God torturing persons forever in fire...for any reason.  Who could?  I could never reconcile the thought of a "loving God" with that "hellish" image of God.   And after marrying a non-believer it was truly intolerable...this is why I kept searching...and out of desperation and heartsick/spiritsick, I found Ray's site and it offered Hope, so of course I'm going to read it all.  And still yet I have to fight the fears, the "old christian fears" that I was taught all my life are still haunting me...that's why I came here for help and reassurance.  I need "reprogramming".  I am starting to truly accept it ast the Truth though because I am much more calm and relaxed than I used to be about it all...before I thought that if my husband didn't "Choose to "Believe"  he was doomed, and I was scared he might take our child with him.....I am learning this is WRONG...THANK God!!!

I too can see how many refuse to believe in a god that would create us the way he did and then threaten us with eternal pain and punishment for
succumbing to the very vanity we were born with.

Rom 8:20  For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

The truth is that our God is the very source of goodness and love, many non believers imagine themselves to be more compassionate than the (they think imaginary or mythical) Lord, but remember the image they have of Him has been fostered by the traditions of the denominations. Some day they will come to this realization.

Job 4:17  Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?

(Question1) If a non-believer doesn't "Believe" that means that God has not called them to know Him, RIGHT? Right  Therefore we should Not blame/judge them for not believing in God/Jesus because it isn't thier fault or choice??? Exactly  Please correct me if I say anything wrong...this is all new to me.

Keep reading the articles, this will be cleared up, the unbelievers have yet to be called.

I was sexually abused as  child and it's very very hard for me to trust,  I question Everything.  I question scripture (whether it's true or manmade or legend/myth) even when I'm trying to learn from it and follow it because it's so hard for me to believe anyone or anything.  I question Gods existance, more because I'm married to a non-believer than anything. I guess that's why God says don't marry a non-believer. It does cause traumas in a relationship.............................

Yes, it must be difficult to be married to an unbeliever but as some will tell you here it is also very difficult to be married to someone who believes in "the church" rather than the Lord. It is a test of patience that they cannot see the things we do.

BUT, it truly wouldn't be so intolerable, fearful and  unhappy for Believing Partner of the Unequally Yolked couple  if the Believer Knew that no matter what, We're all going to Choose God and we're all going to end up in Heaven.  Please help me believe this to down to my soul!  This is my fervent prayer because with this I can Live with so much less fear and so much more happiness.  I went on the internet the other day looking at the terms unequally yolked and there was a woman "christian", who I think was trying to "help" young women/men  before they chose to marry a Non-believer like she had    here is the website (If it's ok to post it so others can read it).  I think she is trying to be helpful...but at the same time there is something there that bothers me badly.   I haven't personally asked her if she's worried that her spouse is going to end up in "HELL", but I"m sure she's thinking that.   If any of you would read this site, I'd appreciate your thoughts on it.  I'm sure she has a lot of good points, but at the same time it seems to totally put all of the blame squarely on her shoulders and doesn't speak of any Hope whatsoever, and she obviously doesn't believe that all of her children or husband are going to end up in heaven....

Normally we do not post links to  "christian" sites here but this is more of what Ray likes to call "Comedy Hour" the TV preachers with their "hellfire and brimstone, please mail the check to".............. I think these type of folks actually turn people cold toward the very idea of God.

I believe now that God says do not marry a non-believer because it can and usually does cause problems in a marriage because you cannot "share" God with one another.
That's obviously true, I will regret that aspect for all of my life.  BUT, the scriptures also state if you are married to a Non-believer that you are to Stay with them if they want to stay married to you.  IF the believing spouse KNEW what I am learning now, that he/she is NOT responcible for Saving their Spouse OR anyone else in their family (I am right aren't i?)

Yes, you are right, you (or I) will never "save" anyone, only God can save, and he does it in His time and season.

1Co 7:13  And the woman which hath a husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
1Co 7:14  For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

and that their Spouse and Children are all going to Heaven REGARDLESS....someday No Matter WHAT.... the believer in the famiy could get on with worshiping/learning about God in their own way without worrying themselves to death about everyone else in their family.....
Does anyone have any confirmation on this?  I can tell you from living this life personally that when I can make myself believe the GOOD NEWS about this, that it's all going to be, OK, that my life is Much happier.

Here is what God says about the ultimate reality of whatever He wills;

Isa 46:9  Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Isa 46:10  Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

Isa 55:11  So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

What is God's will?

1Ti 2:3  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;

1Ti 2:4  Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

(Read this article for a deeper understanding;)

  I have spiritual highs and super lows.  Somedays I feel as if God is right next to me and other days I say "God if you're really there and can hear me"  ......and then I ask Him to forgive me for that and I do this a lot... That's what's so funny, I've been mightly low before and I was right next to believing that God isn't real after all, but after thinking that thought I Always ask God to forgive me!   

I find life deeply wonderful and deeply confusing and scary too.  I am a woman, flesh and blood.  I want to be Human and just live and love and be happy without chronic fear, worry and guilt.  Sometimes I just want to LIVE and dont' want to Think at all.    I have as many carnal and sinful thoughts as anybody....and I think, well your only Human..which after all is what God created me to be.  And on the otherhand I feel the fear that was pounded into me from early childhood about the horrible things God's got in store for me if I'm not a "good little girl".

1Pe 4:12  Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

So here I am, me, myself and I.  I want to be human and carnal, and at the same time I want to be good and spiritual as God wants me to be....and it just doesn't feel possible to do both at the same time.   Sometimes I feel like I've been fighting a battle all my life....aren't we all?

Yes, we are.

Rom 5:3  And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

1Pe 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:



What I am Hoping to find here is a Balance for the rest of my  life and to finally learn the Truth.
  I want to learn a new way of thinking about the world and about my personal purpose in life.
I want to learn the Truth about God.
 I want to learn more about what God wants from me.
 And since I"ve been scared to death my whole life, I am especially interested in the Hope and Goodness and Forgiveness that God has in store for me, and all of us no matter how sinful and unworthy we all are. 
I guess I want someone to tell me that I'm OK and God loves me no matter what.
 That it's ok to be ME.
I could do with some good news.

There are many members here who will edify and share with you, there will be real treasures revealed through the articles on Bible Truths, the members of this Forum and most of all from Him, the One that is opening your eyes, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! 

Thank you all for listening to my ramblings, I have many more. LOL    :D

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 02:31:43 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2006, 02:28:16 PM »

Hi Michele,

It's nice to see you posting.

You are right, we should not judge the non believer. We must be called. You are also not responsible for trying to "save" them. I believe that the best thing we can do is to pray for them, and to show them a shining example of what Christ has done for us. If you are at a point that you feel you have nothing to "show", then just do the best you can, continue to pray and study. If you have been called, God WILL complete the good work started in you. It takes time.

You are correct Michele. You don't need to worry about your family. God loves them, and he knows what is best for them. In HIS time, and in HIS way, he will direct their lives in order to complete their purpose here on this earth. You do need to just keep going in the direction you are going. Love your family all the more, armed with this knowledge. You may be the shining star of your family, give them the best example of a Christ-like life for them to see. Remember:

Mat 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Luk 8:16  No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.

Michele, you are loved beyond measure. Everything that you have experienced was for a purpose. You are exactly as you are supposed to be, and so is your family, so are we ALL.

As a follower of Christ, you are my family and I love you Michele...God bless you in this difficult walk, but do not fear, put ALL your trust in God and I know that wonderful things will happen in your life.

I hope to talk to you more, Love,


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2006, 03:20:04 PM »

Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the forum.  For me the first thing we must realize is that God is a mighty and sovereign God and that everything happens because of him.

I am still reading the articles on Ray's site when I feel I can comprehend what Ray has written.  I won't say that I understand or comprehend and sometimes it's hard to  believe and understand some of the things,  but most things seem to answer the questions in a much more comprhensible way than anything I"ve ever experienced before and I'm truly thankful for that. The rest I'll just dwell on, maybe indefinately.......ha.

Keep reading and with a open bible.

I don't want to present myself like I'm "what I"m supposed to be"...I know that's not true and it makes me feel guilty if I think someone thinks this about me.   I'm as sinful as anyone could be, willfully sinful.  I try to be a good person but being a good person doesn't mean that your sinless, goodness knows and I'm certainly not that, guess none of us are.

We are marred vessels.  Being created in his image.  Give it time.  I whish I could give you the confidence you need but that will need to come from God.

We each have our own story..well, maybe somebody out there has had a "dream life", most of us have not.  My childhood of sexual abuse and being married to my non-believing spouse for 18 years, my mother dying suddenly two years ago, I don't have a good relationship with my father, and worried for my daughters spiritual well being. (well I used to be but it's getting better!) has taken a toll on my spirit which I am trying to recover. 

You are right we each have our own story.  I guess we can be unequally yoked with our spouses in many ways.  You may think that it is stressful for being married to an atheist but many here not only believe differently than there spouses and family but find it difficult to even know any one that believes the same.  Gods elect are to be the salt of the earth, we are to be scattered and not clumped all together.  That is why many come to the Internet to fellowship. 

(Question1) If a non-believer doesn't "Believe" that means that God has not called them to know Him, RIGHT?  Therefore we should Not blame/judge them for not believing in God/Jesus because it isn't thier fault or choice???  Please correct me if I say anything wrong...this is all new to me.

God has to drag us to him.

I question scripture (whether it's true or manmade or legend/myth) even when I'm trying to learn from it and follow it because it's so hard for me to believe anyone or anything.  I question Gods existance, more because I'm married to a non-believer than anything. I guess that's why God says don't marry a non-believer. It does cause traumas in a relationship.............................BUT, it truly wouldn't be so intolerable, fearful and  unhappy for Believing Partner of the Unequally Yolked couple  if the Believer Knew that no matter what, We're all going to Choose God and we're all going to end up in Heaven.  Please help me believe this to down to my soul!

God is a sovereign God and is working everything for his pleasure.  It is all his plan which is a perfect plan from a perfect God and all will be in all and we will all be able to see it as perfect as it is.

Also Heaven is not some geographical place and you will never see ray teach that we go to Heaven.

Keep searching...



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2006, 07:02:19 PM »

Hi Michele,
God bless you for your honesty. Welcome to our forum.

Quote from Michele in purple
What I am Hoping to find here is a Balance for the rest of my life and to finally learn the Truth.  
My guess is; if you are hoping and looking, you will find. Pray to God always that He will shown you the truth. It works. God does not lie.
Jam 1:5 (CEV)  "If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking."
Act 17:27 (CEV)  "God has done all this, so that we will look for him and reach out and find him. He isn't far from any of us,"

I want to learn a new way of thinking about the world and about my personal purpose in life.
A new way of thinking about the world is not to be a part of it. Yes we live in it,  but do not need to be of it.
Col 2:8 (CEV)  "Don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments. These arguments may sound wise, but they are only human teachings. They come from the powers of this world and not from Christ."
Col 2:20 (CEV)  "You died with Christ. Now the forces of the universe don't have any power over you. Why do you live as if you had to obey such rules as,"
1Jo 2:17 (CEV)  "The world and the desires it causes are disappearing. But if we obey God, we will live forever. "
1Jo 5:19 (CEV)  "We are certain that we come from God and that the rest of the world is under the power of the devil. "

I want to learn the Truth about God.
Ask Him. See James1:5 above. God is so good, He wants us to know Him too. He put that will in us. Praise Him!

I want to learn more about what God wants from me.
Ask Him. And wait for His answer. It will come. Stay in His Word, and Jesus will stay in you. Learn the Word and wear it daily. It is your defense in this world.

And since I"ve been scared to death my whole life, I am especially interested in the Hope and Goodness and Forgiveness that God has in store for me, and all of us no matter how sinful and unworthy we all are.
Phi 2:10 (CEV) "So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth."
Psa86:5 (LITV)  "For You, O Lord, are good and ready to forgive, and rich in mercy to all who call on You".

We ALL will bow down to Jesus. We will want to give him praise. His spirit will be in ALL.

I guess I want someone to tell me that I'm OK and God loves me no matter what. That it's ok to be ME.
God made you Michele, just the way you are and He loves you no matter what.
Jer 10:23 (CEV)  "I know, LORD, that we humans are not in control of our own lives. "

I could do with some good news.
Jesus is the Good News. Like a child, become dependant upon him, he will fill you with Himself.
Mat 18:4 (CEV)  "But if you are as humble as this child, you are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Love to you Michele.
Your sister in Christ,


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2006, 08:15:11 PM »

Hello Michele,

Thank you for sharing your honest needs and desires.  Lots of good help from good brothers and sisters to you.

Looks like God is working in you, because you sincerely desire truth and you have the strength to confess your faults.

(Joh 3:20 LITV)  For everyone practicing wickedness hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, that his works may not be exposed.

(Joh 3:21 LITV)  But the one doing the truth comes to the Light, that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God.

Pray to God with the same words in your post, very humbling and upright conversation.  God loves the humble:

(Psa 10:17 LITV)  O Jehovah, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; Your ear will hear.

(Isa 57:15 LITV)  For so says the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, and His name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, even with the contrite and humble of spirit; to make live the spirit of the humble and to make live the heart of the contrite ones.

Ask God openly and sincerely as your post and He will begin to open things to you, which will give you a great sense of peace. 

Good to see you post, keep in touch.

God bless,



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2006, 01:05:19 AM »

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Lots of turmoil in the house seein's  how I am starting to get all this and my wife, a devout believer in Jesus Christ, thinks I've gone off the deep end ...again.  Anyway, I think at this point I would have a lot more peace if I were married to an athiest...but that's not why I'm writing tonight. 

I just wanted to say that I get all goose bumpy so many times when I'm reading people's posts and Michele's (right on Michele) is a perfect example.  I start going "yes, yes, YES!!!" deep's kinda groovy...hehe

I just realized I sound like a hippie even though I never was... :D

the Lord bless you all!

Dale Ray


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2006, 04:55:56 PM »

Amen, Dale Ray!

I hear you, Michele. It might be a cliche but some of my best friends are non-believers, and, somewhat like Christ perferring to hang out with prostitutes and tax collectors than the pious churchgoing types, I believe perhaps that NOT being brought up with all the nonsense Christendom teaches those now unbelievers might in some ways be better off. But these unbelievers are startignt to come around to letting Christ redeem them precisely because my husband and I love them and they know it.

Speaking of my husband, I don't think it takes being married to an unbeliever to feel unequally yoked. Though my husband got (God willed) me over the church system many years ago, that doesn't mean he doesn't try to throw some heresy at me from time to time. Only through God's will will his heart be lightened so that when I prove to him using Scripture the rapture won't happen he will actually take me seriously. We argue about this all the time! Drives me nuts he can't see it when he can see so many other truths in the Bible. He doesn't believe one has to go to church, but on the other hand he watches Hagee and Osteen. Ugh!

We are here for you, Michele--snorky (Deb)


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2006, 06:02:17 PM »

Hi all,

One of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon me in my life is a wife who follows my lead in spiritual matters. She doesn't do it blindly, or always in synchronization with my progression, but she always follows where I lead. God gave her the will to trust me in these matters, and I am so thankful for that. It's not that we don't have disagreements, but they are minor, and she always sees the big picture once I explain it to her. It helps keep me on my toes because I feel that God put me in this position, and I try very hard never to forget the magnitude of this awesome responsibility.

My daughter is starting to do the same thing and when I see it, I usually break down...such is the power of this blessing. wife and I argue about everything nothin is perfect... :)

God bless,


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I have a problem with this unequally yoked business!
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2006, 07:04:23 PM »

Hi there everyone,
I am new here. It seems like a good forum to belong to and my eye was caught on this particular subject, as it is particularly close to my heart.

I have a problem with what St. Paul calls being unequally yoked with unbelievers. 

Well the first one is 'what is a believer'? Is it those who believe that 90% of history's inhabitants of this world and in the present time, will be separated from God for eternity?
Is it those who go to church? Is it those who are spiritual but do not conform to any religion? I am coming to believe that a believer is a person who accepts the 'true' gospel that says that God will be All in all. 

But if that is the case, and there aren't that many of us around, how does one avoid marrying a non-believer?  I mean, do we ask a person of the opposite sex whether they believe that God will be All in all, and then fall in love with them or what?
I married a Jew 13 years ago, when i was in the hell-fire camp (to be honest i didn't know what to believe, i was very impressionable). I literally went through hell, thinking that i had to give up my then boyfriend, who i loved very much.  Now i am glad that we got married (we have had our difficult passages but then who doesn't?)  Of course i would love my husband to believe what i believe but that is down to God.

I suppose that the ideal would be to only mix with believers but i don't see how we can in this day and age.  I don't know in what context St. Paul was speaking in but the only way i can think is that when St. Paul was preaching and forming ecclesia, believers all believed in the sufficency of Christ's death, that He died for All mankind, except for one or two heretics.
But today, there are so many heresies and most have fallen from the faith that how is it possible to only mix with believers?

I don't have all the answers but maybe one of you could tell me if i am way out in what i have just said.
God bless


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2006, 05:52:38 AM »

I really appreciate everyones answers, I have only found comfort here so far and I hope I continue to learn God's Truth.
I have a lot of rants I hope you can help me with...years of anxiety, frustration, and fear to put in it's proper place.

I need help still though.  My husband is completely into Carl Sagan and his Cosmos series, Ayn Rand and  some guy named Gould who basically says that Jesus was maybe delusional in thinking that he was the son of God and how all of his prophesies didn't come true......  Each and everyone of these authors stands by the concept of  "You are Your own and owe noone anything, you happened by chance/evolution, you are your own God) , whatever...and no need for any "Creator"...and people that believe in "God" are those who have no ability to direct their own lives  and can't cope with the thought of not having an afterlife and on and on and on.....Is anyone here familiar

. When my husband who also loves my daughter very much sits down to share carl sagans "Cosmos" series with her.....and how we all popped up out of a quagmire of chemicals, just add water, no God needed, what am I to do?  I feel sick to my stomach and flushed like I"m going to die on the spot because I have nothing that I can say to refute that... except when I told my daughter later that I had no problem with those dvds because I don't know how God created everything and I have no problem really with evolution or not evolution as long as God is given the credit for it all..except God was apparently Not involved in any way and I  DO have a big problem with that.  ANd I asked my husband (and it took all my courage to do so) I asked him if sagan was an atheist and he replied "Oh yes" in a definate positive as if anything otherwise was unspeakably ridiculous....and I said "I think he's a very smart, nice man and I won't hold his being an athiest against him if he won't hold me Not being an athiest against me".   Feels stupid now but it's like I have a terror of anyone thinking that I don't believe in God....and I don't know WHY exactly?  Why do I care what Anyone thinks?
It's because I've been lectured/read somewhere in the Bible that it's MY JOB to tell others about God and to speak up when they say god doesn't exist?

I don't know my Bible you guys.  Not because I don't want to but because it's always been like reading Greek, long lost ancient Greek at that.  I didn't understand it anymore than you could pick up and read Japanese right now (if you're not japanese i mean). 
Thus I am here searching for answers.

My husbands study is brimming with non-god books, scientific books...and I have no say in the matter.  What am I supposed to say or do?  I do not control him and he should not control me either.   What about my daughter?  She'll read these books someday.  I have no choice over whether they represent the truth or not the truth to her.  I nearly break out in a sweat when I"m in this room.  If they are no threat to me or my beliefs then I shouldn't feel this way should I?  I think i feel scared/angry around them because they represent the fact that my husband and I are going in complete opposite directions....yet I still love him and he says he loves me also.

No Wonder there are SO MANY Non Believers in this world!  IF it's this confusing for those of us truly searching for God, think of all of those to whom he is non-existant because of the seeming contradictions in this world and in the many false teachings of men...on and on and on..........infinity

If any of you have any insights or comments for any of these things I've written or asked, I am truly grateful.

Afterthought:  I wonder if I should......
I've also thought even if he doesn't ever believe any of it that he might like knowing that I no longer believe ( or am learning to believe) that he is no longer in danger of spending eternity in "Hell fire".  Even if he thinks it's all nonsense, it'd have to be irritating to think that your wife believes that about you and can still go on worshipping this "God" of hers.....See what I mean?   I have been asking God for the courage to just send him Ray's website link saying that if he's interested he can read up on what I now believe.  Or maybe just make him a card telling him I love him and telling him I don't believe in "Hell" anymore....I dont know...something.

HERE"S WHAT I FOUND ON ABOUT HELL..........................this is what every christian I've ever known believes.

THAT IS THE REASONS WHY I CAN'T JUST LIVE MY LIFE AND WORSHIP GOD AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT "SAVING" EVERYBODY I LOVE (which is ridiculous because I sincerely WANT God and I am riddled with fears and doubts still, let alone Atheists who know God not at all and not necessarily because they've Chosen to deny God!!!) Please HELP me get this straight once and for ALL.

As my sister would say about these Bible scripture interpretations  "Why does God let people believe it if it isn't true".....and I say Why are there Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, and a zillion others..................

All Help and Sound Advice WELCOME..........




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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2006, 06:17:09 AM »

Me AGain, 

You know, I feel these weird scary feelings about these people who write these books because they are Non God.  But you know....other "Christians" and Preachers are always speaking of these persons (Non believers) as if it was their full choice to not believe in God....and maybe for a few who are angry at God ...maybe that's true for people who say "well if god is going to torture people for eternity" then I don't want anything to do with him, ...but then you couldn't say the case there was them not believing in God, those people just don't want anything to do with God. 
I'm talking about people who truly think of "God" like you would think of believing/worshipping the tooth-fairy, or santa claus. 

These men/women who write these books are just like the rest of us in a way, they are Searching for something.  Maybe some of them are so afraid of anything controlling them that they totally shy away from the possibility of it and look everywhere else, or maybe they just cannot see God in any aspect???

I surely don't know.

I have read a few posts here from a couple of persons who said they were scientists or scientifically minded.  I would SO appreciate ANything you could show me, lead me to read that would help me stay my course towards God and also help reveal the natural wonders of the world in a way that  I could enjoy them as a way to relate to my "science is my religion" spouse.

I find that I've let myself be terrified of Science becasue the scientists of today seem to make a mockery out of God completely....but there must be some scientists out there (I've read 40%) that DO believe in a creator.  Please, can any of you help me see science as a way to understand God's creation better....WEll all science is of God's making then everything that scientists discover is something that God allowed to Be, but tell that to an athiest!

Can someone help me reconcile the Bible scriptures and Scientific facts?  There must be a way unless everyone thinks God is out to see who would believe many christians say..which cannot be because God already Knows Everything we're going to say or do, right?!

So is the Bible guidelines?
Which is literal and which are parables?
Adam Eve and the Serpant...a story of good/evil and consequences or Literal?  They say there are many other civilizations who have such creation stories.
The Flood? Parable story of a good man who obeys God and the destruction of the wicked?  Or literal happenings?  Science says it would be a structural impossibility for an ark to be created this way much less float.....
But then you've got the virgin birth and Jesus's resurrection, but those were of course miracles....

Please forgive my ignorance.  I truly do not know what I believe on any of these subjects.
Sometimes I don't know anything about anything.....All I know for certain is I want to be on  God and Jesus good side, out of fear and out of love also.  I cannot even imagine what "heaven" is like.  I always thought of it as a "place" that "our spirit" dwells....I cannot imagine it other than that.

Hell is still a "fear" I'm trying to stomp out of my soul.

I appreciate all of your help, with all my heart.
Bless you all,


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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2006, 08:56:00 AM »

Hello Michele,

I appreciate your openess and honesty in looking for the truth.  Have you prayed in this same way and asked Him to reveal the truth to you?  If you have, hopefully Rays site and this forum will help in some way.

As far as that site teaching of hell, I got through the first sentence and it just amazes me hell is a place for people who reject Christ, so they say.  To where I am at now, concerning Christ, those who truly know Christ can in no way possibly even consider Him in that way, impossible.  Its just not true.  God is full of righteous judgment which leads to repentence and humbleness, and a knowledge of the character of God.

Raising children is a good example of our Father.  We, who are sinners, love our children and want the best for them.  Yet, would any of us even think of punishing our children so brutally and without mercy?  Then they come up with the response, that it is not God sending them to hell, but they chose to go there.  It is all hogwash and totally unscriptural.  Hope you read and study Rays articles, he teaches these truths in a good and unique way.  Very eye opening.

From your posts, I can see God is drawing or dragging you to search for the truth.  You are blessed for this.  We have common sense (spiritual) for a reason, and through diligence and prayer, He will open our eyes.

As far as science goes, there are others here who know more than I do, but I often think that it was not too many years ago, that the world used to believe the earth was flat and if anyone said anything differently they would of burned them at the stake.  The gift of spiritual awakening far exceeds the wisdom of this world.

God bless your search for truth,



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2006, 08:56:55 AM »

Hi Michele,

I don't know if your husband is open to reading any of the following, but these books are all written by Phd scientists who explain rather convincingly the problems inherent with Darwinism and evolution, as well as how Einstein's Theory of Relativity might explain the time/space continuums that perplex many in regard to Genesis/creation.

If you check out the following links they can lead you to many other interesting books on this subject.

Maybe this will help, an open mind is crucial.

His Peace to you,



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2006, 02:12:12 PM »

  You sound so anxious and's ok.  You don't have to know everything right now.  You're going to be all right.  We aren't going to think less of you because you have confusions and questions and anxieties.  It's ok to be afraid and to doubt and be confused and seeking answers.  We all seem to go through this and it's all ok.

Ok, scientists.  I am one of those.  I work in research at a university.  And yes, I do work with some athiests.  My last mentor is one and talked about it all the time and tried to convince others.  Now, that said...I have scientist friends who are methodists and catholic and agnostic and hindu and well...the list goes on and on.  The fact is, scientists are just like everyone else...a mixture of religions and beliefs.  The whole thing that all scientists are athiests is a myth.  Yes, there are some and they are very vocal.  In the case of my last mentor, he is athiest because he decide the whole bible was a made-up lie because he read revelations and all about hell...and couldn't reconcile it with this supposed god of love that they also talked about.  Too many contraditions = lie to him.  So he threw the whole thing out.  Interestingly enough, his wife goes to some sort of christian church and his daughter believes in God. 

I would be happy to discuss these things with you over PM and look things up to help you understand how science and God can coexist.  I think the books Joe suggested are an excellent idea to read.  I was reading Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time" a little while ago and it hit me, he's describing God.  Not in those terms but he is.  Freaked me out...but I loved it too.  So, I personally see no contradition between science and believing in God and a lot of my co-workers don't either.  One thing is...most scientific "breakthroughs" happen by "chance"...a happy set of circimstances where things don't go as they are planned and then all of a sudden wow, is that how this works.  And this is openly acknowledged (from the journal Physiology Oct. 2006):

Moreover, discoveries almost always come about when bright independent investigators stumble over unexpected findings and then sort them out.  Such stumbling is unpredictable.  The bigger the discovery, the more unpredictable.  As unnerving as it may seem, the best way to invest in discovery is to fund the best independent investigators and turn them loose to stumble.

Hmmm....I just don't see us coincidently stumbling into things this way without a little help.  Kinda sounds like God at work directing the "discoveries" doesn't it?   ;)  To me, scientific progress is all God unveiling things just a bit at a time.  And it is so complex.  As Gary said, we used to believe the world was flat.  Guess what, we're just as wrong about other things.  As Albert Einstein said "the difference between what the most and the least learned people know is inexpressibly trivial in relation to all that is unknown".  So, science doens't have all the answers or even the right questions.  What we do learn is making people's lives longer...and sometimes better.  I study how our bodies work...and it is so elegant and beautiful and perfect.  We are all walking miracles.  The amount of things that have to go right for us to breathe or for me to type blows my mind.

Anyway, you may not be able to convince your husband, even though you might want to.  Only God can open his eyes.  As for telling him you dont' believe in hell, pray about it and you'll do what's right.  It's ok.

I hope this gives you some comfort.  And the offer to discuss this at any length you'd like over PM is always open. 

Be at peace.  God loves you and is working in you.  You're going to be ok.

Love in Christ,



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Re: Unequally yolked
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2006, 07:06:33 PM »

I've continued communicating with a particular member here who has given me much good to think upon.  But I always come up with many more questions. Given my situation where I am already unequally yolked I am interested in getting some solid answers to some questions I have.
1. Someone writes in to Ray about being getting into an unequally yolked relationship and whethere he should or not and Ray's responce was of course the bible passage that states "Do not be unequally yolked with a non believer".  That is what the passage says.  However I would like some further explanations that might help someone coming here if they looked that up.  See, if we believe that God is overseeing our lives and actions and presenting us with all the choices and you choose that choice then that means you are supposed to be where you are for a reason right? Meaning if you fall in love with a non-believer then that's where God has allowed you to be?  So if that's the case then you are not doing anything wrong by marrying a non-believer?  But the traditional church would have you believe that you broke one of Gods laws by getting with a nonbeliever.  And what I've been learning here from others is that the reason God states "do not be unequally yolked" is because it will cause Strain  in your marriage and he doesn't want you to have to suffer that.....even if you are there because that's where he allowed/led you to go????  Very Confusing!

Conversely God specifically states that non-believers and belivers that are unequally yolked are to stay with one another if the unbelieving spouse wants to stay with you and says how the family and child of the family is sanctified by this union because one of them is a believer and also for those that worry about their childs spiritual welfare in this union the scriptures say that God is Not willing for the child of this union to be lost...(I need to find the scripture, I can't recall it word for word) and that the union and child is blessed or sanctified because one of the parents is a believer.

My point here is that yes, we see what the bible says and that's great to know.  But what EXACTLY does it mean for the many of us in this situation?

1.I've been told God is directing our lives or presenting us with a myriad of choices that he wants us to choose from so if we ended up whereever we are then it's because that's the way he wanted it to those of us who have been told by the traditional christian upbringnigs, who live in anguish and guilt daily need to know that THIS IS WHAT God meant for us, in other words we're here for a reason.  Right?  ANd if that's so we need not feel guillty and we should continue to love our non-believing spouse and if God wants them to know him, HE will do the work on them and our only job as believers is to continue to try seeking Him out and being a non-judgemental, non-pious, humble, if God chooses to use us to show the non-belivers the way then that's what'll happen. ?????

Someone asked earlier on this same thread what constitutes a Non-beliver?  and her question was never addressed?

Is a non-beliver people who don't beliver in God/Jesus Period.
All other religions?
Is a non-beliver people who don't belive in universal restitution....say like nearly everyone in the traditional christian upbringings of today?

People need not only know what the bible scrilptures state, but how to actually think about them and utilize their message in real daily life.  IT's especially tough for all of us who grew up in "traditional" christian upbringings who are struggling to find out the real Truth of God's word after all of the false things we've been taught.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, one more thing.  I was reading up some stuff here and there were two memebers who were talking about visiting an athiest website i believe, and one said to another to "get out of there it's dangerous"....WHAT does that mean?  Why is that dangerous?  If you are there doesn't that mean that God allowed you to go there and also, most importantly if God has already spoken to your heart and now you know him, aren't you SAFE from any type of dangers? 
ANd furthermore, what are the DANGERS that can happen anyway.  IF it is never to late for anyone on this planet...since Jesus died for ALL and we ar e all going to be in Heaven with God and God is not going to torture us in  a fabled "hell" for eternity...........WHAT exactly is the terrible things that everyone is trying to avoid....the Dangers that believers worry about for thier non-beliving loved ones facing??????   And why should we worry anyway?  God's gonna handle it for the non-belivers, RIght?  IT isn't up to US to save anybody????   

Please help me with these questions.  I seem to be misunderstanding or picking up some contradicting information....or perhaps i just don't understand it all yet.

All help is appreciated.

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