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Author Topic: The other side  (Read 7530 times)

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The other side
« on: August 07, 2006, 04:03:48 PM »

    We always complain and wonder what we have done wrong when things are going bad for us, BUT what about the other side of the coin.  I often wonder about myself.  I have a good family, live in a nice house, have a well paying job that i like, I'm healthy, happy and people seem to like me.  What am I doing wrong?  What I mean is, Why do I live in comfort while the apostles lived in (for lack of a better word) HELL?  Am I not being chastened now?  I am too scared to pray for chastening now in case I receive it.  Maybe I am already perfect ( ;D just kidding).  Anybody else ever think about this? 


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Re: The other side
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 04:30:29 PM »

I've thought about it a lot.

My brother and I have taken this journey of seeking God's wisdom together. His life is totally different from mine. He has a good job and married with children. He has a nice home. I on the other hand struggle hard. I haven't had a home for years and have to keep moving around. Something always happens when I rent that makes me have to move again. I don't think I'm meant to settle down on this earth.

I have 2 thoughts. One is this is exactly what I need for God to complete his work in me. Some of my hard times were chastening and others were what I call surgery. I went through a lot of abuse as a child and had some pretty good strongholds up that I developed for coping methods. God had to use some very hard circumstances in my life to break down those strongholds. I'm one tough cookie to break. He finally won and healed so much that was hidden inside of me. It took a lot of hard times to bring me to the point of surrender. My hard life is just what I needed.

The other thought is that God was performing a specific work through the apostles. Maybe he is not working in that way through us at this moment. There may come a time when he says pack your bag and go here or there and complete the work that he prepared for us ahead of time. I always try to remember that it was Christ in the apostles that was being persecuted. When Jesus met Paul on the side of the road he asked Paul why he kept persecuting him by killing Christians.

Philippians 4:

 11Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

 12I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.


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Re: The other side
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 04:44:01 PM »

 I always try to remember that it was Christ in the apostles that was being persecuted. When Jesus met Paul on the side of the road he asked Paul why he kept persecuting him by killing Christians.

  Hmmmmmmmm.   Interesting.   This is why I love this forum.  I learn something every day.  I have wondered how we can not be offended when people mock or persecute.  You just answered this for me.

Joh 16:1  These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.


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Re: The other side
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2006, 09:41:47 PM »

Wow Prarrydog and MG you guys are talking about the exact topic that I am struggling with this week. I was reading Rays's LOF papers again and started thinking when he wrote about how important and necessary it is for persecution to be present in a believer's life.

Right now things are going well for me. One year ago I was taken down a very long dark tunnel. At the time it was hard but it forced me to put everything on the altar.

MG it seems that you and I have had a lot of the same experiences with moving from place to place. It certainly can be unsettling . I agree that it is one method that God can use to teach us to be separate from worldly things.  After being in orphanages and foster homes, having a home can give one a sence of security. I am learninbg now that these physical things are not real.... they just seem that way. The only real thing is Jesus Christ and him in me.

(Eph 3:7 KJVR) 
Whereof I was made a minister, (servant) according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working (energia) of his power.

I watched an old movie on Paul and it did seem to stress the physical persecutuion, not many of us are facing this . Ray is getting a lot of verbal and mental abuse because of his website and others are facing persecution from their families. I have no family and few friends because of all of my moving so I am not having to deal with many of the things that others have. My persecutions seem to be my own personal idols of the heart.

I had absolutely no trouble coming out of babylon because unlike people with families I did not benefit from their social programs or entertanment and my skepticism about their teaching always surfaced.  When the door was opened... I ran. I can really feel for those people who get a lot of support in places like this. They face major problems with being an outcast. This walk can certainly look very scary and lonely at first.

I was beginning to wonder whether I should start going into Baylon under-cover. I could act ignorant  and just start asking a lot of questions pointing out scriptures.  I would just throw some salt and light around unti they get fed up with me and ask me to leave the premises. 

People have said we needed to wait for people to come to us. But I do not see that happeneing in my life because I am so much of a loner.  I have tried talking to people at work but in my specialty I do not get to spend a lot of time talking in depth with people

Is this why Jesus said we are to be fishermen and not hunters like they teach in Babylon. I guess I need to be patient and sit and wait for the fish.  Lord I will be the rod and reel but Oh God please put your worm on my hook so the catch will be your glory. If all I get is a river full of piranas then I can accept that too is your will  .

Anyway I am very happy that you brought this topic up.


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Re: The other side
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 10:26:48 PM »

Good sharing.......  i have never had much in the American dream way, but God had protected amongst the wolves........ and
then He chose to work me over...... He made me crave truth and let me see myself and be unsettled with my flesh and in
asking for His help, guidance, work in me---- He made me to ask Him to clean house and what a dangerous thing to ask
the Living God, but then, He is the one that made me ask!   For we have no good in us to desire God, He DRAGS us or we
wouldn't be seeking Him! 

Life for the past five years has been just short of living hell.  It could be A LOT worse, I realize!   God has seen fit to protect
the health of my children so far.  He has made me physically weak and made life a relentless trial......  like putting out a new
house fire each day, knowing that there is a hidden ember that will flame up tomorrow.......  worn and weary, hanging so long
that at times I just wish to not exist, to never to have existed....... brings a person to the end of themselves, but then if God saw
that my flesh was sufficiently stripped, then He would let up...... He hasn't.......... and even in this, I see that God has used
what is needed for me......  I am fearful and respond quickly to things..... trained by a fierce earthly father to be obedient
OR ELSE!   So I marvel and am grateful that God has not brought tragedy -- like the suffering and death of a child -- yet.......
and I consider these things and realize that whatever He brings, He is still worth any loss and any price........ but day by day
I have not  learned to be properly thankful and joyful because the heat is so intense........ I falter in my ability to have consistent faith that God will provide and protect and/or that WHATEVER happens IS His will and that I WANT His will ABOVE ALL things!   

I know this with my head  and want to be obedient, but in each instance of trial, it is hard to grasp and endure.

So if life has seemed good, just know that is God's will for now.   Life seemed good for me for a long time...... sweet babies--
the best thing in my life....... but they are growing old now and life has changed.......  If God wants us, He gets us in whatever
way He knows is necessary.   If I have to live, i would rather suffer now and have Him for the ages, than have my way and
do my thing and learn these lessons later, the harder way.......  don't ever want to end up living for now and putting Christ
second fiddle-maybe He knows that if He gives me ease in life, that I would loose focus on Him. 

At my new job, I see that just a few very unhappy and nasty people, really dispise me because I am honest and forgiving.
They see it as weakness and it perplexes them as well.
It makes them mad that I am helpful and don't rip their head off when they act like a rabid dog.   Frankly, years ago, I
would have done so, but God won't let me.  So there are subtle ways that God's work in us- makes us aliens in this world
and rejects.   Seems hard to get ahead when I want to help everyone and be fair to all.......  again, God's work.   

We all will get our turn (sometimes a LONG turn! - if it takes so) at some point in this life or the next, but not necessarily
for 20 yrs straight, not necessarily now, maybe later........   it is interesting how God works differently in each of us.......
wonderous and marvelous God!  ~~  (rambling on and on......)  Jayle


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Re: The other side
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 10:42:03 PM »

Interesting topic and replies.  Weird, I was just thinking of posting a new topic that goes along with this one.

It has to do with the persecution we get while in this world, and not just that, but that with the knowledge we have now, how much easier it is to be obedient, than before.

Knowing that God truly is love and will forgive all, the willingness to follow Him, becomes more of a need to, than a desire to.  Understand?  It is so much better to follow Him out of love, than out of fear.  

Following Him while under the law, through our own righteousness, seems futile now.  Following Him while under grace, through faith, seeing and knowing Him as Abba, Father, is so much better, than before.  

Hope this goes along with this thread.

God bless,



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Re: The other side
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2006, 10:54:24 PM »

JJ, I can certainly understand where you are coming from.

Following Jesus, in the heavinlies is totally different than following Him while being a part (accepted), in this world.

God bless,



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Re: The other side
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2006, 11:30:36 PM »

This has been a most thought provoking thread. It truly is amazing how God chooses to work his will in to our lives.

I hope my following words do not sound corny, but: "With God on our side, who is there to be against us?" This little question has provided much comfort over the years.

Praise be to God's love and dedication to each of us, having broken down our deepest, darkest defenses.

Thanks so much for sharing your hearts.



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Re: The other side
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2006, 12:02:31 AM »

   I am wondering if there is anything to this moving around thing.  I too have moved alot.  Over 25 times in my adult life (33 years old now).  Not just small moves either.  Straight accross the country (Canada) several times (with small kids) and even to Great Britain.  I feel like I might be staying put now that my kids are 5 and 3 but who knows, maybe some of us are meant to be wanderers.  I am also a loner.  My wife makes friends wherever we go but I prefer to keep to myself.  My friends are here at BT.

God bless


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Re: The other side
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2006, 12:05:52 AM »

  By the way are there any other movers and shakers out there.  Just curious.


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Re: The other side
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2006, 12:07:28 AM »


All I can add is that if God had not given me some "breaks" from my trials from time to time, I would not have survived. I don't think it means that because things are good right now for you, that there is a storm on the horizon, but I know in my life that different trials came when I accepted his will for me. He ALWAYS restores me back to a level I can handle...but I admit, it is usually VERY different than what I had expected.

Blessings to all,


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Re: The other side
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2006, 12:08:54 AM »

A MOVER...big time.



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Re: The other side
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2006, 12:17:28 AM »


All I can add is that if God had not given me some "breaks" from my trials from time to time, I would not have survived. I don't think it means that because things are good right now for you, that there is a storm on the horizon, but I know in my life that different trials came when I accepted his will for me. He ALWAYS restores me back to a level I can handle...but I admit, it is usually VERY different than what I had expected.

Blessings to all,

   Ya that's a good point Chuck, thanks.  My life hasn't always been a bowl of cherries (my wife thinks I should write a book) .  I just wonder why things started to get better when I started learning the truth.  Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining (that would be stupid), I'm just curious.  I do thank God that He sees fit to give me some peace of mind right now.

with love
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