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Author Topic: Fellowship  (Read 6500 times)

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« on: November 22, 2015, 10:44:16 PM »

I'm starting a bible study with 3 friends. One of the friends believes in the restoration of all things and two others dont. I wanted to know if anyone here has done this before and how it went? Any insights on how to be fed and bless the others that are yet to believe that Jesus will save all. Is it even a good idea to fellowship with those that don't believe? I really care about all of these guys and spend time with them outside of a bible study envirnment.

Thanks for any input.


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 02:09:53 AM »

Hello Wittenburg, almost everyone I know personally are non believers,so I do fellowship with them all the time. There's only one believing family who are Sunday church people. I recently learned that it's very easy to get unequally yoked. A lot of these non believers are direct family and there not interested in scripture and I don't blame them. The topic doesn't come up odten,so I leave things there
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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2015, 02:46:08 AM »

Hi there,

The most important thing is to remember to not to try and convert them...if you try to change their minds rather than let God do it, things can get frustrating pretty quickly. What seems so clear and obvious to us is not at all clear to those who are still being deceived.


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2015, 03:27:18 AM »

Hello  new friend Wittenberg.

One thing that has helped me in my dealings with other people is to respect their beliefs and feelings.
If you are going to try a Bible study, keep it very simple. Sharing the Milk of the word as apostle Paul has said. Maybe just ask small questions and let them DISCOVER answers for themselves.
Don't ask them to trust your personal understanding.
For example you might start with learning something about what the Jews believed.
For example the Pharisees believed in a physical resurrection and the Sadducees did not.
You might explore that belief of the Jews without asking what the members of your Bible study believe.
Maybe discuss what holy days the Jews observed and why.
How did Jesus learn all that he learned about scripture. What did his parents teach him.
Was there a school for young Jewish boys and girls.
Just stick to history and let your friends discover the small truths by themselves as they study.
And if they don't study, don't push the issue. Let them learn at their own pace.
You do not need to get into the rightness or wrongness of their beliefs, just the history.

Your objective could be just to get the friends to READ their own Bible.
Comparing verses in different books that address the same issue.
then you will not be in the middle trying to justify your own understanding.
Let God teach them via HIS spirit and at his pace. It may take years and years and years.

Regards, Indiana Bob

I'm starting a bible study with 3 friends. One of the friends believes in the restoration of all things and two others dont. I wanted to know if anyone here has done this before and how it went? Any insights on how to be fed and bless the others that are yet to believe that Jesus will save all. Is it even a good idea to fellowship with those that don't believe? I really care about all of these guys and spend time with them outside of a bible study envirnment.

Thanks for any input.


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2015, 03:10:09 PM »

Thank you everybody. I've been wrestling with being unequally yoked regarding fellowship with Christians that don't believe in salvation for all. Wondering if we even believe in the same God, then wondering, where is the cutoff?


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2015, 04:52:47 PM »

Hi Wittenberg,

Well you have invited them to join you, so you will have to see where it goes. Unless their eyes have not been opened, which I'm sure you already know can only happen by God, then it is a useless undertaking, no amount of showing them Scripture that prove what you're saying will help. Not only that, once they understand just what it is that you are saying, they may very well turn on you.

Matt 7:6  "Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your pearls before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with their feet and then turn around and attack you." (ISV)

Now as long as they are willing to be open minded and will consider what you are saying, then that is good and productive and worth pursuing. But if it gets to the point where you find they are only interested in arguing their point and unwilling or unable to understand what you plainly show with the Scripture, then you will know there will be no getting through to them. The carnal mind can only understand the literal interpretation on Scripture, the spiritual is just beyond their comprehension, it's takes God's Spirit to give spiritual understanding.

Rom 8:5  For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
v. 6  For to be carnally minded is (spiritual) death, but to be spiritually minded is (spiritual) life and peace.

We all long for fellowship with like minded people and a few do live near other believers, but most of us have to make do by coming here and of course there is email and phones. Once you get used to this kind of communication it works pretty good and it's what God has provided, so it is a blessing.

Here are a couple emails.,2537.0.html ----

Don't try to convert anyone. Be the best wife, mother, and friend that anyone could have, and THAT is the best thing that you and everyone else can do (unless you are a man, then, of course, the best husband, etc.,).  You will never, ever, ever win someone over by a clever argument with the Scriptures. There are two reason why I do this and you shouldn't:  [1] I am being a witness AGAINST all the heretics that attack me and the Truths of God, and [2] my answers to their foolish and unscriptural arguments are a great teaching tool for all those who read our site and who visit our Forum.
But in my private life, I do not try to convert, convince, change, etc., my neighbors and acquaintences.  I will tell them the truth about God and the Scriptures, but I do not make a pest of myself. If and when people ask you, give them only as much as then need and are willing to accept. If they desire more, they will come back.,6844.0.html -------

Unless God is calling and dealing with someone in a special way, they are usually offended by God's Word. They truly despise the Word of God without knowing it. What it is is a major proof of the truthfulness of God's Word. It takes a miracle to be as stubborn as most Christians are to God's Word, and that especially includes ministers.

mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 08:16:41 PM by Kat »

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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2015, 06:31:02 PM »,6844.0.html -------

Unless God is calling and dealing with someone in a special way, they are usually offended by God's Word. They truly despise the Word of God without knowing it. What it is is a major proof of the truthfulness of God's Word. It takes a miracle to be as stubborn as most Christians are to God's Word, and that especially includes ministers.

So much truth in a few sentences


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2015, 02:00:57 AM »

I think it's wonderful that you've found people to meet with.  I don't miss the church, and its teachings, but I sorely miss the fellowship.

Either God has created circumstances in which he'll bring someone to the truth, or He hasn't, but you won't know unless you try.

If what you've found is by Gods spirit, then much fruit will be experienced.

Please keep us in the loop as to how things are going.  I love to hear that people's minds are being opened to the Truths of Scripture.

In Christ, your brother, Jeff


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2015, 02:17:34 AM »

I don't think it will take you very long to find the answer to this question.

Amos 3:3-Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2015, 12:07:12 AM »

I'm starting a bible study with 3 friends. One of the friends believes in the restoration of all things and two others dont. I wanted to know if anyone here has done this before and how it went? Any insights on how to be fed and bless the others that are yet to believe that Jesus will save all. Is it even a good idea to fellowship with those that don't believe? I really care about all of these guys and spend time with them outside of a bible study envirnment.

Thanks for any input.

I haven't done anything like this, so I don't obviously have any practical advice.  I don't even know that I would call such a thing a 'fellowship' because fellowship is about agreement.  To be honest, I wouldn' even know how to 'do' a 'bible study' with anybody else regardless of the what they already believed. 

But I've been thinking about this since this post (and also after some similar posts) and I have some questions for you.

1.  What would constitute 'success' for the endeavor?
2.  What would that success mean to you?
3.  What would constitute 'failure' for the endeavor?
4.  What would that failure mean to you?

Seems to me sometimes we just have to do what it is on our hearts to do.  Jesus is Lord.  Ultimately, there is no 'bad' thing that can come of a 'good work', though the twists and turns, corrections and paitience He works in us can be difficult---those trials produce good results.  It's a win-now or win-later situation, and Jesus is Lord of all, including the timing.

I hope no matter what you do, you can be moved to share results. 

« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 12:19:47 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Nelson Boils

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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2015, 01:22:32 AM »

You say,"one of the friends believes in the restoration of all things and THE OTHER TWO DON'T."

So if the other two don't believe,why O why are you trying to fellowship with them?Are you hoping to convince them?

2 John 10:10 " If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him.Anyone who welcomes him SHARES in his wicked work."



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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2015, 07:12:24 PM »

Dave in Tenn and Nelson Boils

Great questions to ask oneself! With an all-powerful God, there is only success I guess. Having to wrestle with this, is part of God's plan for my life, however small it turns out to be. I define success in the case of "fellowship or bible study etc." as being blessed and being a blessing to others. I've heard opinions from pagan people that have challenged me and lead me to seek deeper truths of God. I also have relationships with people that care nothing for the Bible that give me great joy.
Thinking again about my original question and re-framing it; I will be setting aside an hour or two a week to meet with men to discuss our lives and explore our faith. When i put it in those terms, there is no failure.

In the past I have become frustrated when joining others in a fellowship/church setting because I felt I couldn't speak my mind (because I couldn't) without being viewed as a heretic. I have very few friends that believe the way we do here. I understand more and more why Jesus hung out with the people that he did, they were okay with hearing the TRUTH!

Regarding the verse quoted below by Nelson Boils
2 John 10:10 " If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him.Anyone who welcomes him SHARES in his wicked work."

I'm going to need to ponder this, it's an extremely challenging verse for me. The hard part is, I enjoy being around so many people that don't believe, whether a Baptist or an agnostic/atheist. I guess this verse jumps out at me as meaning, not to accept their teaching verses not to spend time with them. (Others viewpoints would be appreciated)

I hope the spirit in which I'm asking these questions is received in the way I'm trying to give it. Thanks everybody



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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2015, 10:56:12 AM »

Hi Wittenberg,

Here is something else to consider:

Run away from infantile indulgence. Run after mature righteousness—faith, love, peace—joining those who are in honest and serious prayer before God. Refuse to get involved in inane discussions; they always end up in fights. God’s servant must not be argumentative, but a gentle listener and a teacher who keeps cool, working firmly but patiently with those who refuse to obey. You never know how or when God might sober them up with a change of heart and a turning to the truth, enabling them to escape the Devil’s trap, where they are caught and held captive, forced to run his errands.

2 Timothy 2:22-26 (The MESSAGE)

And the same from the Concordant Version:

22 Now youthful desires flee: yet pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with all who are invoking the Lord out of a clean heart.
23 Now stupid and crude questionings refuse, being aware that they are generating fightings.
24 Now a slave of the Lord must not be fighting, but be gentle toward all, apt to teach, bearing with evil,
25 with meekness training those who are antagonizing, seeing whether God may be giving them repentance to come into a realization of the truth,
26 and they will be sobering up out of the trap of the Adversary, having been caught alive by him, for that one's will.

This might sound like a contradiction, but I don't believe the Word of God contradicts. As with Proverbs 26:4-5

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit

different circumstances require different responses and attitudes. We must ask for the wisdom of God to help us discern whether one is on the verge of the truth, or just wanting to be argumentative.


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Re: Fellowship
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2015, 02:30:38 AM »

Amen, first of all to Kat's response. I learned long ago not to try and "convert" people. The Lord is quite capable, although He may use any one of us to help someone else along the way. Also, Jesus said, "No man comes unto the Father, except by Me".  It can be frustrating at times to deal with others who believe that faithful church attendance, etc., are part of God's requirements into the "sweet bye and bye". Be patient, and tolerable when needed.
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