reality and time... What about 'self'? Is 'self' an illusion?
My life seems so real to me and yours seems so real to you. Mine is the only one I have experienced and same for you and yours.
But are we all the same? Rick your life is just as real to you as mine is to me... But your life is more real to you then my life is to you. Same goes for my life being more real to me then yours is to me.
Try as hard as I may I could never experience your life in a way that is as real to me as it is to you.
Think about this though.. If I had been born as Rick and had been given the same physical and genetic attributes and the same parents and been subjected to the same teachings then I would think, act, walk, talk, and experience the exact same reality that you have.
We can judge and criticize Hitler all we want but we are all 'Hitler' just born into a different reality. If I were born as Alex then I would be living Alex's life and not one aspect of his life would have changed or been different just because "I" am living it instead of him.
Are we all the same? The same as Adam, the same as Hitler, the same as Ghandi, the same as Obama, Mother Teresa, etc?
Is that why we are to love our neighbor as ourself? Because our neighbor is ourself? Just manifested into different physical/genetic attributes and circumstances?
If I judge Rick for something aren't I just judging myself since I know that if I were 'Rick' I'd do whatever it is that I'm judging him for? If anyone judges me aren't they judging themselves since they themselves would do everything the same as me had they been born as me and experienced life as I have?