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Author Topic: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)  (Read 5076 times)

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Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« on: September 11, 2006, 08:02:29 PM »

Fellow Bible Truther's,

Unless I am mistaken, this subject appears to have been side stepped :(

I would like to ask each one of you who reads this to say a silent prayer for the families and friends all those who lost their lives, on this day 5 years ago.

I can still remember the exact moment when my wife called and told me of the attack. I have not forgotten, and my prayer is not only for those that suffered and lost their lives on that fateful day, but also to those that are so filled with hate, that they are blinded to anything else.

911, will always be etched in my heart as a day the world changed for me. I am not the same, and I do not consider the world the same; It is neither better nor worse, just changed.

There are so many Scriptures that I could quote that foretells us of death and destruction, but I think the verse that stands out strongest in my mind are these words in 1st Timothy:

1Ti 6:12
  • Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

My prayers are with you all,



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Re: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2006, 10:43:57 PM »


I myself am guilty of wanting to forget all of that somewhat. At the moment that the first tower fell, I was also hearing, on the phone, some of the most hurtful words that anyone has ever said to me. Combined, It stunned me beyond measure. I try never to think of that day.

I am guilty of wanting to forget, and that is wrong. Thank you for reminding me. Thank you for being a true servant.

My prayer, will be difficult but I will do are right, we should never forget that day. Thank you Darren, and thank you all for a refuge from the death and destruction of the world.

May God bless us all in these times, and may he bless the children of those lost, that they may find God, and truth to calm their sorrowful hearts.




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Re: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2006, 06:03:51 AM »

and a prayer goes out to the Iraqi people who has to take the brunt of this...46 318 civilians and counting...
and let us not forget the 1000+ Lebanese...


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Re: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2006, 11:46:42 AM »

Our world truly changed that day. I was on the phone with my Michael as I had seen the first tower struck on the t.v. I called to tell him to pray because a country had been attacked. I didn't realize it was our own! When I finally saw it on the screen, I just cried and told him it was ours. My brain just couldn't wrap itself around the knowledge of that.
I prayed for those poor families everywhere that had loved ones gone from their lives because of that day. The little children who will not have a Daddy, a Mother and grandparents and so on. I must be honest and say I have felt true anger at what happened but I have also thought about the mothers and fathers of those who attacked . Their homes are emptier too. There is much sadness because of that day and a great deal of wonder and pride at the bravery of so many.


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Re: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2006, 07:20:00 PM »


Thanks so much for your prayers my kind friends.

I know for a fact (beyond reasonable doubt) that prayers work!

I was listening to Rudy G last night as he spoke of when he saw the most horrific acts he had ever witnessed, right along side the most loving and inspiring acts. Strangers calmly helping strangers amongst chaos. I could see his emotion in his eyes, just as I could feel the same in miine.

Let us not ever forget, that love will triumph over hatred every time; just as a tiny candle pushes back darkness. For there never was a darkness on this Earth, so dark to hold back light.

May God continue to bless you all,



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Re: Lest we forget - Sept 11 (No Policitics Please)
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2006, 12:57:04 PM »

9-11-01 was a horrible day. I was supposed to have been in Ireland, but I got sick and was home in bed when my mom called to tell me the news.

Watching the towers fall was nothing compared to listening to the tearful pleas of people holding up pictures of their missing loved ones and seeing people jumping to their deaths. At least now I know they didn't jump into the flames of hell, but into the arms of a loving God who is holding their spirits until the day of resurrection.

May God bless the survivors and us all.

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