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Author Topic: Choices  (Read 6849 times)

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« on: November 09, 2006, 10:41:24 AM »

    I have read all four, and would love to read part E.  But you say:

I have entertained doing a Part E and possibly further. There is much more that could be said regarding the Sovereignty of God verses the fabled free will of man. But why? Most who will see the truth of this subject saw its truth back in Part A, and those who do not as yet see it, won?t see it if I continue on to Parts X, Y, and Z. I think it is time to move on. God grant to you the eyes to see and the ears to hear what the Spirit is demonstrating through His marvelous Word.

Maybe writing an E...X,Y, and Z would not be for those who do not see, but for those who are eager to learn more!  Ah, but God will have you write an E if He wants you to. "chuckle"

It is true that this is all so deep and one will not hear it preached anywhere.  I have always believed God is soveriegn, but honestly never turned my head at the thought that He did not create men to make their own choices.  Nothing makes sense to me if that is the truth.  But reading what you have expounded on makes so much sense, but in truth, is very hard to wrap my mind around!

I have been taught ALL of my life that we have to accept or reject Christ.  That there is a heaven and an eternal hell.  And that anyone who believes otherwise is a heretic and condemned already, etc.,etc.,etc.  I admit, I do not completely understand it all, but what a joy to know that God will not lose a soul to eternal torment.  And I admit, part of me is afraid to believe that because I have had it drilled in my head all my life that Hell is a real place of eternal fire and torment, and if I didn't believe that, well, I'd be going there.  UGH.

What are your thoughts on prayer-do you have something already written.  God wants us to pray for things to happen, right?  Or am I wrong.  Does He place those ideas to pray for this or that in us?  Maybe I am answering my own question.  The questions are too numerous to count.  I am afraid a bit of finding out the truth about things-it's scary territory to walk out from where you thought you were safe, and where everyone else is remaining, including those you dearly love.  How do you handle that?  Those around you who do not see what you see?  How do you deal with them?  I have yet to pull out my Bible and start digging for myself.  I guess I'd better get to it.

In His name,


Dear Beth:

We DO make all our own choices, it's just that we do not make them independent of the Sovereignty of God.   A child can pay his own way into a movie theather--with his FATHER'S money.

I have a paper on our home page:  "Praying by God's Rules."

God be with you,



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Re: Choices
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2006, 10:37:37 AM »

    You said,

"We DO make all our own choices, it's just that we do not make them independent of the Sovereignty of God.   A child can pay his own way into a movie theather--with his FATHER'S money."

So, am I correct in saying that we DO choose to do right or wrong, it's just that the choices to do either have been placed there by God to begin with.  Doesn't He want us to do good, to make right choices?  But He "CAUSES" us to do good or evil for His own purpose.  That sounds a bit odd to me.  If God places choices before us, then pushes us in one certain direction, knowing that we will go that way because of the circumstance he has placed before us, then in essence, we really are not making our own choice.  We do not have free will, BUT we do have ability to make choices from the options we are allowed to see?  Yet God is making sure we make the "right" choices in order to carry out His plans for the whole world?  I am feeling a bit confused, and I bet you are going to say, "Read it again."  I will try to read about prayer.

Thank you for your time


Dear Beth:

Actually you are beginning to understand it. You have stated it correctly, although you have a little trouble believing it. Yes, God has determined our choices and He has determine the outcome of everything. That is how He knows all will be well with all.

You do have choices and you do make your choices. You have a choice between apple pie for dessert or cherry pie for dessert.  It is YOUR CHOICE.  You can and will choose the one that YOU PREFER.  God does not force or make you choose the cherry when you really want the apple.  Have you EVER had such a thing happen to you?  Of course not. Well, then, you DO make your own choices and you choose what YOU prefer.  This is not as hard as we make it.  But of course you cannot choose the apple if God has predetermined that you will choose the cherry.  But that's okay, because you will not WANT the apple if God has predetermined that you must choose the cherry. Think about it a few hundred hours and your will have it down pat.

God be with you,



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Re: Choices
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2006, 10:39:14 AM »

 By the way, why does God care wether I have apple pie or cherry pie?  Just a thought. :-)

Dear Beth:
There could be hundreds of reasons:  God may want the the apple industry to decline or increase for purposes of forcing new industry in a particular area of the country.  He might use weather patterns to effect the production of one over the other, thus making one or the other many times more expensive, thus causing a decline in purchasing cherry pies or apple pies, which would then effect other crops in a particular part of a country or nation, which would effect that area's economy, for purposes of causes unemployment or more employment (as the case may be according to His intentions), which could then effect the economy of a whole nation which would have a direct cause and effect relationship between other nations, and the ENTIRE WORLD, etc.
God be with you,


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Re: Choices
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2006, 10:40:53 AM »

    That last part you wrote about thinking about it for hundreds of hours made me chuckle.  Laugh, actually.  I know this is not funny stuff.  But it can sound funny, even ridiculous after a while.:-)  God is good.  I know he has brought me to this place, and it has thrilled my heart so!  Blessings to you and all you do.  And thanks so much for your help with my questions, though you are busy!  Now what do I do?  Whare do I go from here?  Does this change anything for me?  How I raise my kids, live my life?  These are not questions for YOU to answer, but they are certainly things I have been thinking about the past few days!  Like I said, all that you write goes against the beliefs of virtually everyone in my life.  And I love them very much.  I love the truth too.  I am in no way ready to share all that I am learning-I have only just begun to learn.  An d so I guess I will just keep seeking to learn truth.  At any rate, thank you for teaching truth.
In Christ's Love

Dear Beth:
It will change you life, once you come to believe these truths to the depth of your being. I exaggerate not when I say that I have meditated hundreds and thousands of hours over these truths. That is why no theologian with twelve college degrees can come up with an intelligent argument against these truths, even though they themselves believe the complete opposite.  One giant benefit of knowing that all is of God according to His plan and intention, is that you will no longer cry over spilt milk. Yesterday's problems and heartaches will not haunt you. You will not worry anymore over why you didn't do differently. NOW you can learn and do differently--FORGETTING THE PAST.
God be with you,
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