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Author Topic: AN Interesting statement  (Read 4377 times)

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AN Interesting statement
« on: December 13, 2006, 02:27:17 PM »

Hi to all,

  I am reading through the website in order this time.  I ran across an interesting but very disconcerting statement that Ray said.  It is as follows.

  "There isn’t a denomination in all Christendom that would hire Jesus as their Pastor if He were to return today. Why they would throw him out the door on His ear before He got ten minutes into His first sermon."

  I was sharing with Susan the more that I read the more sick at my heart I become.  Not becuase of what Ray is presenting but becuase of how much I believed and how many of my loved ones are caught up in this magesterium of thinking. 

  If Christ were to give a sermon in the pulpits of today's churches, how many lives would be changed.  We do not stone people today, but most churches would find a way to silence him as they did in the era that he lived on this earth.  I really get upset when I hear preachers saying that today is better than 2000 years ago and if Jesus was here as he was then, they would openly recieve him.  So much hypocrisy and false beliefs all held on to for sake of tradition, money, and power.

  Yet, I have to remember that in the end all will be made right, not on human efforts but the God.

  Thanks for listening to me ramble.   I will probably have more things to say as I continue reading through the papers.  It is exciting to post some of my journey with you guys..


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: AN Interesting statement
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 03:23:50 PM »


 It certianly is true that Christ would not last 10 minutes in the pulpit. And soon as He started you Hypocrits you Fools ect.. that would be all she wrote. I was one of those Hypocrits and fools and he is not finished with me yet.



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Re: AN Interesting statement
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 04:57:21 PM »

Hello  :)

I think this is something to get really happy it is....IF Jesus Christ were here, He would be in ALL His Glory and then the reverse would happen! Instead of Him not lasting, the beast and the false prophets would be consumed with His breath!...and just think...He has got His eyes on US! .....That is so wonderful to think because even though we live in very dark times, HE can see in the dark! He is not leaving nor forsaking us!

I know that the context of what Ray was meaning was that if Jesus were born in our times and not in the times of the Pharisees He would not last ten minutes but this is only because the corruption is more intense, the hate for God is greater and the deception is greater than ever. Jesus even pointed out that when he comes again....How much faith....will He find....meaning VERY LITTLE!....Hang on to your lamps filled with the oil of HOPE and recall that as they hated Him so too will we be unwelcome and unloved and scorned, persecuted and reviled....and that's a GOOD sign!

Peace to you all

Arcturus :)



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Re: AN Interesting statement
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 05:23:55 PM »

Arcturus, you do put things in a great perspective!  Thank you.

Anne, I think we all go thru stages when we come on board the "Ray" train.  I had the beginning exhilaration, happiness, "I knew it!"  Wonder, Serious Study, then   boom....when the wall of resistance came up w/ my family & close friends I went into a serious slump.....then realizing I would be leaving fellowship at church etc...then pride at "look" I "get" this, and you don't....then the Lord showing me the pride, then guilt then....up and down and you get the picture.  I had not scrolled down far enough so I didn't find out about the forum for several months but this place is definetly hellping all my highs & lows wth the wisdom & love here. (like Arcturus' post)

A big change came when Ray wrote his essay on witnessing.  A big burden lifted on me then.  It takes time to unload a lifetime of christendom's influence and we just have to be patient as the Lord works His will in our lives.  Praise God it all works out for everyone in the End.

Sorry for blabbing on & on....just some thoughts.
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