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Author Topic: VISION  (Read 4960 times)

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« on: January 02, 2007, 03:58:23 AM »

2006 was a year of revelation for all of us.  I think that everyone of us would admit that coming to BT was from the mercy and grace of our Lord.  Not only finding the pearls that Ray has shown us, but we found each other.  I know that I was very lonely in my Christian walk until I came to this Forum.  And now I have brothers and sisters all over this planet to share with.....our ups, our downs, our highs and our lows, what God has revealed to us that we never saw before and how we can't wait to share it with each other.

For those of you that have never had the priviledge of reading Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan, I would like to share the thread of that story in my own words.  I hope this will be a blessing to you as it has been to me for many years.

There was a young man named Christian who from his youth was taught the commandments of God and how he must keep them in order to enter into the Kingdom of God.  Each day, as he walked in this life, he found that trying to keep these commandments became more and more difficult.  In fact, they became a heavy burden to him.  One day, as he was walking by a wicket gate, he met a man named Evangelist.  Evangelist ask Christian what he was carrying on his back for it looked like a very large sack.  Christian replied, " I did'nt know anything was on my back."  Evangelist replied, " I know what is on your back my son; it is the burden of sin.  The only way for you to get this burden off your back is to enter the wicket gate."  Christian thanked  him for his advise and then went on his way. 

The next day, as Christian walked by the wicket gate, he noticed that it was locked tight as it always had been.  He thought to himself, there's no way that I can ever enter that gate for it has always been locked and no man can unlocked it.  Yet he pondered the words of Evangelist who said he must enter the wicket gate.  But as the days and months went by, Christian felt the burden on his back getting heavier and heavier.  One morning as Christian was walking by the wicket gate, he glanced over to it and much to his surprise, he found it unlocked and open.  As he stood there wondering what or who had unlocked the wicket gate, he remembered what Evangelist said.  Then something in him said.....go in....go ahead....go in.  Then Christian went through the wicket gate, but it was'nt easy for the burden on his back had grown so large that he could barley enter through. 

But finally he made it through the wicket gate only to find himself at the bottom of a hill called Calvary.  The hill was steep and Christian's burden was very heavy and he thought to himself that there's no way that I can climb this with this burden on his back.  But something in him said...come.....come unto Me. So Christian began to go very slowly up the hill on his hands and knees because the burden on his back was too heavy for him to bare.  So as he reached the top of the hill, with his face to the earth, he bumped into something and latched on to what felt like an old rugged tree.  He stopped and looked up and saw a blood stained cross and while he looked, to his amazement, the burden on his back fell off....he stood up and never had felt like this before...the burden had rolled away and he was free of the burden of sin for the first time in his life.

He began to thank God for what had happened to him and while he was thanking God, he saw three men in white shinning robes come to him and they began to rejoice with him.  Christian asked, "who are you and what are your names ?"  They said, "we are your brothers; and our names are Faith, Hope and Love."  And Love embraced him and kissed him and the other brothers said, "come with us Christian we want to show you something very wonderfull."

So off they went and climbed a very high mountain and when they had reached the very top, Hope said to Christian, "look Christian, look way off yonder to the other side and tell us what you see."  And Christian said, " I see a very bright city."  And Faith said to him, that's the City of God....the New Jerusalem."  They said,"that's where we are going, is'nt that wonderful?"  Christian thought to himself, what a wonderful place that must be.  Hope said, " there will be no more sorrow, no more tears and no more pain or death, because we will all be together with God and our Lord Jesus Christ."  Then Christian said, "is it it real?"  And all the brothers said, "yes Christian, it is real." 

Then Christian looked down from the moutain and saw a very dark valley and asked the brothers what that was.  Love looked at the other brothers and then held Christian and said, " that is the valley of the shadow of death."  "We all must go through it to get to the City of God the New Jerusalem."  "But don't worry Christian, we'll be with you and I'll hold you through it all, Love never fails."  "Look here, God has provided you with His armour....come, lets us help you put it on, for without this armour, no man can pass through."  So having his loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and his feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; taking the shield of faith, and the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God they set off down the mountain.

As they came down the mountain, they found a very straight and narrow pathway.  Faith said, " we must walk this way and never leave it for it is written, "broad is the way that leads to destruction and many that walk therein shall perish."   It was very dark going through this valley and Christian became very frightful and very discouraged, but the brothers said again it is written " though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."  So Christian was strengthened within and kept on the straight and narrow path.

Soon, the brothers came to a city called " Vanity Fair", where anything that a man wanted, desired or imagined he could have.  The city seemed rather pleasant to the eyes and Christian was tempted on every side for there was all manner of evil and sin which he thought he had been ridden of.  And as they passed through the city, the people began to press in on him, asking him to come with them and have pleasures he could'nt have ever dreamed of and he became confused as he listened to them.  Christian turned and he found Faith missing and asked a man where his brother had gone.  The man said with a sinister laugh, " your brother Faith is dead."  Staggered at what the man had said, Christian began to weaken as they went on.  The city became a nightmare to him and  Hope said, "let's hurry and get out of here," and as they went a little further, Christian was pressed on every side with all the cares of this evil city and he felt temptations all around him.  In dispair he turned and Love was lost in the crowd; he looked everywhere but to no avail, he could'nt find him.  Hope then grabbed him by the arm and led him out of the city.  Now shaken because Faith was dead and Love was lost, he tried his best to go on.

Not far out of the city, he met a very nice looking man who was very well dressed who asked him, " where are you going, and what is your name?"  He said, "my name is Christian and I'm going to the city of God...the New Jerusalem."  And the well dressed, nice looking man began to laugh him to scorn and said; "I've been going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it, and I tell you........ that there is no City of God.....there is no New Jerusalem!  Christian's heart began sink and his knees began to buckle and as he was falling to the earth, Hope snatched him by the arm and wispered in his ear.........."Christian, have we not been to the top of the mountain.......have we not seen with our own eyes.....the City of God...The New Jerusalem?"  And Christian's strength returned within him and with all boldness said to the man, "sir, I have seen with my own eyes and I know there is the City of God, the New Jerusalem, therefore, step aside and get thee behind me."  And immediately the man fled from him.

And in an instant, Faith and Love were at his side, and all the brothers embraced and prayed with thanksgiving to God that they were together again.  And Love held him and kissed him on the neck and they wept together and all got on their knees thanking God for the vision that He had given to Christian.

                                                      "Without a vision, the people perish."
                                                                     Pro. 29:18  .

God bless you all,





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« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 08:55:12 AM »


 Thanks for your wonderful post. I had never heard of the book you mention, but your abridged version told a great story of a wonderful vision :)

I think it gives a very sobering meaning to Psalm 23 and the "valley of the shadow of death"

Thank you my brother.



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« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 09:49:54 AM »


  Thanks for posting that.  That was one of my favorites growing up.  Blessings and God's riches on you Dwight in this year.


  Anne C. McGuire


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« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2007, 12:55:43 PM »

Hi Dwight,
Thank you for this story that really illustrates all of our lives.  Even after we are called there are so many temptations and discouragements working on our carnal nature.  We must at all times pray for God to fill us with His spirit.  If His spirit fills our hearts and minds then there is no room for anything else.

I believe all our brothers and sisters words that encourage and uplift us are of Gods spirit, and help us keep our eyes on the vision.  Sometimes it is difficult because we see only the outline now, the veil has not been lifted.  But, praise the Lord, it is getting brighter!

Here is the scripture that encourages me:

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him, but God has revealed it to us by his spirit". 
          Love and peace,  cindy     :)


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« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2007, 10:26:58 PM »

WOW!  thanks for sharing Dwight.  I had never heard of this before, but I love your version.  I can certainly relate to the story. 

'...and that which remains is Faith, Hope, and Love...and the greatest of these is love...'

just beware, that when we are at our lowest point, that sly serpent knows just when to TRY to take the wind out of our sails to make us hopless..but, LOVE always endures! 



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« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 01:44:42 AM »

Hello Dwight

 I could not get into the book myself because the style barred me so I am grateful that you have presented the story! It is beautiful and very well captured.

Matt  24 : 12,13  And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity. 13. But he who endures to the end, will be saved.

Who are they who endure?

Hebrews 9 : 28 ….those who are eagerly, constantly, and patiently waiting for and expecting HIM. 8)

Zechariah 9:12 Return to the stronghold of security and prosperity you prisoners of hope, even today do I declare that I will restore double your former prosperity to you.

I had not seen Dwight that through the valley of the shadow of death, faith and love could be lost and that it is Hope that sustains us. Even Paul exhorted the Galations 3:1 O you poor and silly and thoughtless and unreflecting and senseless Galations! Who has fascinated or bewitched or cast a spell over you, unto whom - right before your very eyes - Jesus Christ was openly and graphically set forth and portrayed as crucified?2. Let me ask you this one question; Did you receive the Spirit as the result of obeying the Law and doing its works or was it by hearing the message of the Gospel and believing it? Was it from observing a law of rituals.......

Yes Dwight I agree, many are the temptations, distractions and side streets that would lead us to forgetfulness of Christ and the Hope we have in Him. We can depend for nothing of ourselves but His Faith and Faithfulness secures our HOPE. To become Hopeless is to be one who has lost the vision!

That is so liberating to know what to hold on to when love that endures forever leaves us to our test in faith and when faith disappears because we realise we are nothing without HIM then Hope is the hand or rescue through that dreadful valley of the shadow of death that we endure through hope in HIM alone. Hope in HIM is our help when our faith fails and we see the love of the great body of people grow cold. When we feel small, alone and outside the world….our hope in Christ will help us endure together with our Ephesians 6 armour…..

Thank you for sharing that Dwight. It really spoke to me.

Peace to you

« Last Edit: January 03, 2007, 01:54:12 AM by Arcturus »
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