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Author Topic: My Journey.  (Read 9256 times)

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My Journey.
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:20:02 AM »

I was born in Satu Mare, Romania, an Eastern European Country. I took my first breath on January 3rd, 1981. As a new born I was very sick, I had many problems and I should have died. My parents being Pentecostal
Christians held prayer at the house, my father was a Pastor at the church. So I was brought up in a religious family. I guess their prayers worked 'cause I survived, even though I often wish I hadn't. They told me my father used to take me to the hospital in the winter time, on his motorcycle ['cause he didn't have a car] and I survived all that? Not only the illness but the freezing winter cold?

I was able to speak and walk at nine months. My father bought me this ball, and I wanted it, but at the time I was only able to crawl, not walk, but he did this clever thing of not bringing it to me [I was standing up holding on to something, but was scared to walk without holding on to anything lest I should fall] but he kept saying "vino, vino" [come, come] and I guess I really wanted that ball 'cause I let go of whatever I was holding on to and rushed on two legs towards that ball.

Years later, when I was around 5-6 yrs of age, I was nearly kidnapped by some childnappers in a van, luckily my older bro was able to convince me not to accept their candy, and not to listen to them, but run. So I was spared.

Anyways, the point of my early childhood was to tell you how merciful God was on me, eighter that or dumb luck. You decide. And also, that I was a pretty smart kid.


My father, his brother, and some other people from our town fled towards America. At that time Romania was under communist rule {Ceauşescu was in power} and you couldn't just cross the border, or just go to America 'cause you wanted to. So my father and them fled illegally, they had a rough time getting here, even doing jail time and all of that. So since my father finally made it in the U.S. and I knew that we {the family} we're going to go there soon too, I refused to go to school, and when I did go I refued to participate in any of the activities. I told the professor [In Romania they're called professors, not teachers] that I was going to America to see my daddy [in Romanian of course] and he basically shut up.

We finally were allowed to come to the U.S. after two years of waiting and getting the typical communist BS. We arrived in 1988 and basically the point of me telling you this is to let you know how easy I had it compared to what my father went through to get us here. He even threatened [and yes he was a pastor, and was offered a position at the church which helped get us here, but he refused, in order to work] to blow up the INS.

My father finally found a house [we where living in rent at the time] which was affordable enough, but the problem with that was, it was in the southside of Chicago, away from the Romanian community in the northside. And that's where I was eventually introduced to smoking, alcohol, drugs, gangs, violence, crime etc...
I had my first cigarette at about the age of 10 or 11. Pretty soon it was beer and marijuana [which I never really liked] but since my [new American] friends were doing it, so did I. I used to sneak out of the house at night to go and do things I shouldn't be doing, sometimes even on weekdays. Pretty soon I started ditching school to go get drunk, or high or both. or just to avoid school, since I didn't like it very much. Which was a shame 'cause all my teachers told me that I was smart and that I could make something of myself.

After a few years of living there, we had sold that house and bought another one in a better neighborhood, but I also brought along all my bad habits and influences. Not long after I eventually started running with a gang and I [in my stupidity] wanted in. I thought it was "cool" and this would help me get "chics" and you know, all the desires of a 14 yr old's heart. I was in and out of the police station so much that the cops knew me by name. Curfew, underage drinking, stealing bikes, fighting, graffiti, you name it. And, even though we moved so far away, we were still attending church on sunday [about a 45 min drive]. But it was pointless, I didn't believe in God, nor did I want to stop doing what I was doing.

So after a long period of substance abuse, not to mention fornication, and all of the filth that comes with it. Not to mention, losing friend's [or people I thought where my friends] and after a period of loneliness, regret, mental anguish, betrayals and suicidal tendencies which lasted for years Finally, when I was about 22 /23 yrs old, I finally
Gave my life to the Lord. There was some Romanian Youth Convention at one of the Romanian Pentecostal Churches and I was invited by my younger sister and cousins to go, and I agreed to go. In my mind I figured "we'll there'll be girls there".  ;)

At the end of the show, after all the music, was over, and after the pastor's preaching was done, he was calling up people to come to the front, and accept Jesus as their Lord And Savior. I honestly felt  drawn to go, and so I went, and there were atleast 30 other young boys and girls who also came and I was on my kness, repenting and
asking for forgiveness and to be cleansed in The Blood Of The Lamb. I honestly felt at peace afterwards, like I was high, but this time without any drugs, and it was a much better high than I've ever had before. I started attending church regularly and people who knew me were shocked that I came to church after many years [ I told my parent's at 16/17 I didn't believe in their God and I will no longer go to church] of ceasing to attend. I was hungry for God's word, and I was on my way to being baptized. But soon, that hunger [for God] and that desire to know God and to be obedient started wearing off, slowly but surely. Also the hypocrisy, and the judgemental
attitudes of so called 'christians' that were supposed to be 'followers of Christ' also helped in making me have second thoughts about everything.

I started smoking, and drinking again.... and soon, drugs. It was a slippery slope. I started thinking about all the times that I should have died, and yet, somehow, by some miracle, I was spared. I remembered the time when I was still running with the gang, and I was a passenger in a stolen vehicle [one of my friends stole it] and I was also on drugs and alcohol, and I can't remember how I ended up driving it [I was only 14/15 at the time, I didn't even really know how to drive a car yet] but I must have blown a red light, 'cause I remember hitting another car [or more] and rolling over. I was upside down, I crawled out the window and took off. Not only did I escape from the law [I would have been locked up for that] but I got out without a scratch. And of course I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, while the car was rolling over, I held on to the stearing wheel. Another time, I was in a car with my friends [a male and female] and she started arguing with him and she eventually decided to 'walk home' but this was far from our neighborhood and also a ghetto neighborhood. Me fearing of what may happen to her, got out too and decided that I'll walk with her to protect her {bad move} not long after these two big black males approach us as we were walking down the sidewalk on a busy street, and that
's when I knew we were dead. They're going to kill me, and rape her, I thought. But then wouldn't you know it, out of nowhere, this white man pulls up, in his car, and offers to give us a ride, we both hurry in and he takes off. There's no doubt in my mind that he saved our lives. Dumb luck, or Devine Intervention? You decide.

I was still attending church, and praying quite often, but it just wasn't the same. That feeling, that peace that I felt when I first repented, and accepted Jesus as my Savior was gone. And the whole "Hell" doctrine troubled me. I thought it not fair, I started asking questions like "what about those who never heard?. How's it fair to them that they never even got the chance to accept Jesus as their Savior?"

I Googled the word "Hell" and up pops I saw a heading that read: " Christianity's Hell does not exist, and you can prove it" or something like that. I started reading it, I believe it was the letter to Hagee, and I was familiar with Hagee so I thought it interesting. I couldn't believe what was before my eyes "you mean hell
should really be translated grave?"
What a Revelation! I must tell everyone about this! Bad idea, no one believed me, my father just got angry with me, and it basically just caused strife. But I belived it, I saw that Scripturally there really is no hell, and that words like 'forever and ever, eternal, everlasting' are UnScriptural. I couldn't dey it, there really is no hell. I stopped going to church, I was glad that I never got wet, er cough baptized, cough, cough. ;) I learned that all physical rituals are carnal, and are useless. Just like physical circumsicion. And yet again, I started being hungry for God's Word and I tried by best to do good, but yet I failed. So here I am, flawed and still learning, and while I believe in God, and that all will be saved, I still struggle with the flesh, and I still struggle with my past. Things that are not included in this testimony here. And like I said before: "There's this tug of war going on inside my mind"

 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, right?

So this is my journey through this thing called LIFE. I only hope that the future will be much brighter than the past.


« Last Edit: February 28, 2007, 03:24:35 AM by Sorin »


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 02:45:42 AM »


Thanks for your honesty.  When you consider how many billions of people that have lived on this earth and have never seen what you've seen or heard what you've heard, you have to believe God's hand is on you my brother.  It can only get better from here on out.

Your brother,



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 03:04:01 PM »

Hi Sorin,

   Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with us. I have been curious about you and your story. I find it interesting that you come from Romania and how your father helped to bring you over here to the United States.
It sounds like God spared your life on several occasions. I am so glad to hear how far God has brought you.

I am really impressed by your level of spiritual maturity while being so young in the Lord. I believe that God has GOOD THINGS for your future.

This scripture came to mind when reading your testimony:

Proverbs 4:18
    The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

Bless you!  :)


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 06:32:20 PM »

Thanks Sorin

Just keep walking and God will cause all that is needed to fulfill his will in your life. I can never see what he is doing today, but I can sure see what he has done when I look back.



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 07:33:53 PM »

Hi Sorin,

Thank you for your open and honest testimony, right from when I first became a member of this Forum I could detect maybe even discern a parallel in our experiences.

As a kid into my teens I would often wonder how it would have been if I had been born in a Communist authoritarian state, I did not think I would have done very well there at all. The oppressive and mind numbing control over virtually all aspects of life would have made everything grayer and more hopeless, I would have been someone who would have schemed every waking moment on how to get out.

I have thanked the Lord on many occasions that I was fortunate enough to have been born here, yes, this country has its own serious issues but at least when I was growing up and even now our freedoms and opportunties are better than in most other countries.

Peace to you Brother,



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2007, 08:36:38 PM »

Thank you Sorin for sharing.  You may falter, but you are never far from His grasp! God doesn't want perfect people, He wants a family.

I remember Ceaucescu (sp).  Didn't they hang him the very next day??? Wife too.l  I was so glad about that then, and thought America could take a lesson about swift justice!!

My kids went to college in Tennessee and met a Romanian named Sasha.  He was so cool and had a good testimony.  When I met you in Michigan you reminded me of him so I pray for both of you together.

You are loved and prayed for Sorin.  Don't beat yourself up or be too hard on yourself.  It is evident to all of us that God has His hand on you.  Relax, give in to it,  TRUST!!


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2007, 10:29:09 PM »

Dear Sorin,

Thank you for sharing. God has His hand on your life and He won't let you go, ever.

My parents were immigrants too after the 2nd world war. But to Canada though. It was tough for them but they came wanting a better life.

God bless you,



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2007, 10:43:16 PM »

Hi Sorin,

I too would like to thank you for sharing with us the journey your life has taken thus far.  Although the struggles will continue, Christ can strengthen you to overcover.  Keep praying and seeking His guidance.




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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2007, 10:54:36 PM »

Hi Sorin,

Thank you for sharing your testimonial with us.
May God be with you and bless you.



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2007, 11:05:38 PM »

Thanks for reading my testimony and for commenting. Of course, that doesn't cover everything in my 26 yr life on this earth, but you get the idea. There's plenty more to tell of even in Romania, at such a young age. Like when I followed my [2 yrs older] brother and one of my uncles into the Carpathians [I was probably like 5 yrs old] and I lost them ['cause I stayed far enough behind where they couldn't see me] and those are not the safest woods to be in, you got brown bears, grey wolves, etc...
Luckily, one of the neighbors accidently ran into me, and took me back [since he knew who's kid I was, and where I lived]. And I can go on and on, but you get the idea. I mean, nobody is that lucky, for it to just be dumb luck. Looking back, at all of it, I definitely believe it was none other then God who saved me from all those dangers.

It was also in Romania that I've commited some of the most heinous sins, despite the fact that I was so young then. Or atleast some of the sins I am most ashamed of now, and regret most. Things I didn't tell anyone about. And verses like these:

Luk 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

1Cr 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

Make me feel even worse.  :-[

As for Ceauşescu, he and his wife got shot execution style.




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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2007, 12:44:56 AM »


These works that are to be made manifest are being exposed and tried in God's fire in us, even today.  It's the beast in us that was wounded when we first came to Christ.  "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." Rev. 13:3.  Look how quickly his wound is healed as we let him back on the throne of our heart.  God has to throw this beast within us into the fire of His judgement so that all his works in us are made manifest because these works shall be revealed by fire.  As God tries all His chosen by fire in this age, nothing will be hid.  God is exposing and burning every work that is not of Him in us (the beast) today.

Eventually all will be and purified by God's fire.  But judgement must first begin at the house of God.  It's only the beast in us that makes us feel even worse. 

Brother, just forget the past, it will only get you down and depressed.  There is nothing in us thats worthy except the Lord all else is but dung.

10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;
11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.
12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Phill. 3:10-14

Your brother,



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2007, 03:22:51 AM »

Thank you for sharing with us.  Your life sounded similar to that of Joes!  (Seems the automobile troulbes tend to go for the guys, more than we girls.  We got introuble in dif ways I think.) You seem to be quite young (25 yo), so I would say that you are doing great...considering that alot of us here on the forum are much older than you, thus we had many more years to have to find our way back to God's truths!  You are blessed and your daddy sure did love you to bring you to the freedom that this country holds for all who want part of it.  That is the one greaet thing about USA...we accept all races, whereas, other countries would rather kill you if you are not a native of their land!  Stay with us and keep up the good work in building up your faith and knowledge of HIM and the TRUTH!


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2007, 06:17:25 PM »

Hey Sorin, It would sure be nice to have a face that when with that testimony!  ;) Hint, hint  :D

Bless You!  :)


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2007, 06:20:47 PM »

All Romanians are tall, dark, and handsome ;) ;)



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2007, 07:13:43 PM »

All Romanians are tall, dark, and handsome ;) ;)

Hi Gena,

Actually Romanians are white, if you ever see a dark skinned person say he is Romanian, or from Romania, that just means he is one of the Gypsies that settled there and learned the language [but they still can't speak it properly, terrible accent, misprononciations, etc...] but is not of Romanian bloodline [which is white, not dark skin].

You've seen me at Mike Vinson's conference, did I look dark to you?  ??? I may have had a slight tan, but that's not my natural skin color.  :D




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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2007, 07:15:49 PM »

Hey Sorin, It would sure be nice to have a face that when with that testimony!  ;) Hint, hint  :D

Bless You!  :)

Hehe! I get the point.  ;)


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2007, 12:52:05 AM »


See, gals, tall dark and handsome, like i said!!

Sorin, that is an old expression from long ago, meaning a really good looking guy-even if he is short & blond.  But you do have dark hair!


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2007, 01:07:54 AM »


See, gals, tall dark and handsome, like i said!!

Sorin, that is an old expression from long ago, meaning a really good looking guy-even if he is short & blond.  But you do have dark hair!

Ah, I see. My mistake, I thought you meant "dark" as in dark-skin. I just didn't want people to get the wrong idea.  And yes my hair is dark brown.



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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2007, 01:33:47 AM »

Darren and Sorin,

  Wow, nice pics guys.  So nice to see men around the forum.   ;D

  Thanks for sharing.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: My Journey.
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2007, 02:35:23 AM »

Alright Sorin! Cool! It's nice to see you!

~Paula  :)
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