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Author Topic: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.  (Read 10582 times)

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Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« on: April 06, 2007, 03:26:53 PM »

My wife called me while I was out of town on business. She had to change the deadbolt on our home we are about to rent or sell. She went over to Home Depot and bought the lock and went to change it. She then ran into a problem. The deadbolt's screws were stripped to begin with and then when she put the key in she couldn't take the key out of the lock. Just a faulty new deadbolt. She went back to the store minutes away and looked for a tool to get the lock out for the screws prevented her from removing the new deadbolt. And her key was stuck as well. As she was standing there in a confused and frustrated state a salesman came up to her and she told him what happened. He said he was in the process of getting a few tools for some work he had to do and to make a long story short- he offered to buy the tools and he happened to be on his break in a few minutes so he would go over and fix the lock for my wife. What timing ! He fixed it and was on his way.

I had another situation a few weeks ago where my card was denied while I was out of town at a restaurant . My account closed on me because of some fraudulent activity and my bank closed my account and I didn't know it. So here I am at a restaurant and no cash to pay my bill. MY card doesn't work etc. And in comes my manager out of nowhere and the first thing he did ,not knowing what was going on and picked up my bill and looked at it - put a $20 bill down on the table and walked off. I went to him and asked him what was that about. He said he thought he would pay for my dinner. Coincidence ? No way. This is the first time he has ever bought me dinner. And the timing of him walking in like that. God is really there when we need Him. He cares and watches over us. Any of you have some stories where God came and rescued you ? LOve to hear them.


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 04:07:46 PM »


  Wow thanks for sharing.

  Something of recent, our family has recently gone through the loss of "good friends", but The Lord has brought in new friends and we are happy.  Things happen for a reason.  People come and go, but the Lord never goes away.  The Lord always has a way of taking negative things out of our lives and for this I am truly thankful.  I am thankful that God has put into our hearts of emptiness such joy and happiness.  We have never been so happy than what we are now.

  For everything that is taken away, God has been replacing it in my life with so much better blessings and all.  I am blessed, so extremely blessed.

  My husband was fired last Friday and by 3:30 p.m. he had another job where he makes more money than the first one.  What a blessing this was.

  We had a notice that said that we owed on the water bill and our check bounced by 5 cents.  The bank called and asked if I wanted them to pay for it, doing the right thing, I said return the check and was willing to learn my lesson.  Well God has blessed us that money has come in and we are all caught up and I will still get to go to Amarillo next week for a much needed break Next Saturday.

  I know that I can go on and on, the blessings keep coming and coming and we are blessed.  Thank God for God LOL.

  Thanks for starting this topic.  Good topic.


  Anne C. McGuire
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 03:08:35 PM by rrammfcitktturjsp012006 »


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 04:10:41 PM »

Yes . I want others to share. This is uplifting to know God is at work in all our lives.


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 04:13:32 PM »


God "works ALL things according to the counsel of HIS will. (Eph 1:11)



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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2007, 08:06:34 PM »

I know this will sound srange to all of you!!!!!! you believe if you are being mistreated by a spouse that God will provide a way of escape as well as a spouse of his choosing for you???? what ya say????................rick

Jackie Lee

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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 09:29:57 PM »

I know this will sound srange to all of you!!!!!! you believe if you are being mistreated by a spouse that God will provide a way of escape as well as a spouse of his choosing for you???? what ya say????................rick
WELL....I am not sure but I wouldn't see why not.


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 02:17:07 AM »

I know this will sound srange to all of you!!!!!! you believe if you are being mistreated by a spouse that God will provide a way of escape as well as a spouse of his choosing for you???? what ya say????................rick
Maybe it is a late but I don't get your point. Elaborate.


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2007, 03:29:17 PM »

About three years ago I was pretty lonely. I had one friend in Jr. High, but he started avoiding me in the last year and I didn't know the reason. He started to talk to me again when I started High School, I don't know the reason, but I'm very glad that he started, because he is the only one I know who is thinking alike.

In that time of loneliness, I prayed God to give me some friends, because He should know how lonely I was. After a while, I found a girlfriend, who is really there for me when I need her, not in the same room, but on phone listening to me. She lives 160 kilometres away from my house, but I feel that we have a great connection, because we understand each other and we have been together for two years without spending a night under the same roof, and we both think this is worth the distance and the waiting. I can tell you more about me and my girlfriend and how we found each other if you would like to hear about it. I think it's the greatest testimony that I can give to you. That was the experience I needed to have so I would believe, that God really is in control and has a plan for us.

I really believe that she was the answer to my prayers, because now I have a person to share my life everyday with. I thank God for her. <3


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2007, 05:33:39 PM »

I know this will sound srange to all of you!!!!!! you believe if you are being mistreated by a spouse that God will provide a way of escape as well as a spouse of his choosing for you???? what ya say????................rick
Maybe it is a late but I don't get your point. Elaborate.

I really dont like to talk about it because of the memories it brings back. but let me say it went on so long that i was starting to feel that i deserved it and that my fate was sealed. But i believe to this day that after I cried out to God to rescue me, that He intervened and the rest is history. that was 12 years ago.Perhaps, looking back, i can see where maybe the whole episode caused me to be the person i am today. not that i am special or anything but loved by my creator more than i deserve...............rick


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2007, 01:33:50 PM »

YES (this is what my DH has to say...,) GODS' TIMING IS IMPECABLE...HE is very good.  Just when He caused us to remove from our lives some 'friends'( whom were not ALL that they claimed to be) HE has now restored to us a total of 12 people who are more open and honest and God fearing; which includes HIM replacing the loss of our son's playmate with three more playmates and two pen pals.   :D

I can remember of a time while traveling about 1600 miles one way (with my son when he was only 3 yrs old), and the two of us were driving through Hurricane Bill, while driving through Atlanta...and HE got us through that mess...visability was nearly about scarey!  Then, all of the sudden there was a rest stop for me to turn into and take refuge for awhile :).

On that same trip, we were traveling down the Interstate and there were only two lanes to drive on...(while the thrid lane was under construction)...and on the third lane there were orange safety cones at every fifteen feet or so...and  there was a drop off of the pavement at the height of foot and a half ledge...which I didn't know that was there at the time and I did'nt know that it was such a dangerous drop off (till I heard my child start screaming bloody murder from the back seat behind me...where I could not see behind me to know what was going on.   So, I had to quckly slow down and then pull over onto that unfinished road between the cones and then I stoped really fast to keep from running over the cones...but thre drop off nearly tipped my truck over but God didn't let that happen; although the bottom of my truck did get scraped severley.  So I jump out and run to his side of the truck...(which happened to be where alot of semi  trucks were passing by me about 4 feet away...horns were blowing for me to get out of the way as I was opening his truck door.)..come to find out, he had his little leg stuck between the door and the seat and he couldn' t pull it he panicked.  JUST THEN A GUY IN A CAMOFLAUGED PAINTED JEEP PULLS UP FROM NO WHERE AND TOLD ME TO FOLLOW HIM TO GET OFF OF THE LEDGE AND HE SHOWED ME OF A RAMP TO GET BACK ONTO THE HIGHWAY...THEN HE LEFT  :o

Ont the same trip, I was filling up at a gas station while I saw a guy get beat up and the other guy stole his car (car jacking) and drove off with it...I was only feet away and it could have been me... ;)


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 03:42:01 PM »

Interesting stories. In your story about the carjacking - why was it you God protected and not the other guy ? God has His reasons I know. Another question is why have some been chosen to see God's truths and others not . We know it isn't about us or our works.


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2007, 04:06:19 PM »

Mrsnacks, that's exactly right. ;)


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2007, 04:42:33 PM »

Mrsnacks, that's exactly right. ;)
What is ?  ???


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2007, 08:06:37 PM »

I was confirming that you were exactly right about the fact that God had HIS reasons for protecting me (and not the other person)  during the car confirming that it isn't about our 'works' as to why God has opened our eyes. 8)


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2007, 12:48:59 AM »

Gotcha.  ;D


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2007, 11:42:43 AM »

Here's my evidence...
My husband and I and our 3.8 children (I was like 8 months pregnant at the time) were pulling out of my aunt and uncle's drive way. They live on a main road where people go about 50 or 55 mph or so. It is only a one lane road each way and the road in front of there driveway is a no passing zone due to curves and a bit of hill that is there. Anyway we were at the end of the drive way ready to pull out and we were going right so we did not have to cross a lane. My huband looked right and saw two or three cars (however these cars did not affect us because as I said we were going right) he then looked left and saw no cars (our lane was clear) then right one more time (still a two or three cars). Then he looks left one more time as his foot is on the gas and he is getting ready to pull out into our lane (now all this is kind of happening simutanuously in a few seconds). As he is advancing the car to the very edge of the driveway with his foot on the gas and starting to go he head makes the final turn of his head to the right and a huge suburban going about 65 mph or so it passing in a no passing zone and is driving in the lane we are about to pull into. I am telling you God stopped my husband from pushing that gas pedal. We would have pulled right into head on or at least our front right fender into that suburban. We all just sat there for a few moments really shaken. Knowing God just saved our butts!

Mrsnackes said...Another question is why have some been chosen to see God's truths and others not . We know it isn't about us or our works.
I also wonder about this too. If you read a recent email by Ray he talks about a Dr. Martin. I found this site a couple months ago.,4068.0.html
This gentleman feels that the scripture says it is a lottery.

I did a search to see what Ray had to say on how we are chosen or a lottery. I could not find anything. I know when I read the scriptures I still don't understand many of them, I just see the carnal words. . I just can't picture a soverign God holding some sort of spiritual lottery. Does anyone have any thoughts on this topic. I guess in the sceme of things it doesn't really matter how God chooses each of us for his purpose. It is just something I have wondered about.

Lori  :)


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2007, 11:58:06 AM »

Hi Lori,
Could it be that HE has put the desires in our hearts from the beginning?  I know that seeking truth in life and IN HIM and in HIS Word has been a mission and passion in my life since as far back as I can remember.  I tend to wonder if we weren't selected to carry HIS truths b/c of the hell that we had to endure as children and b/c our innocent childhoods that were robbed from us (whereas alot of children got to live in a functional and blessed childhood.)   (Just my thoughts here, wether right or not ;)

Good to hear from you, did you get Daniel's email?


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2007, 02:52:43 PM »

  All of your stories are uplifting and quite interesting.  They do parrallel <mispelled> my life almost.

  I often wonder why things happen and can not understand unless I realize that this is to make us better people and stronger in our walks.

  I am glad that God has blessed all of us and will continue to do so.  I am thankful that he has weeded out the bad influences in our lives and will continue to do so.

  Look forward to the rest of the journey with you all.


  Anne C. McGuire


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2007, 05:01:35 PM »

Hi Lori,

It is my understanding that God has predetermined before the world began that He would choose out a people to be His own, Israel is a shadow of this.

Rom 8:29  For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
v. 30  Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Eph 1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
v. 4  even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.
v. 5  He destined us in love to be His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will,
v. 6  to the praise of His glorious grace which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

So it was God's plan to have a few chosen ones that He would specially prepare in this life, by giving those few His spirit and His truths.  Then to raise them at Christ's return to rule and reign with Him.  Did He have to do it this way, does Christ have to have these few helpers?  Of course not, it is the way He wanted to do it.
Here is a email that Ray speaks of the elect.,2059.0.html ------
Thank you for your work.
Is there an article or book I can look at which will discuss "The Elect" found in the new testament from the universal salvation perspective??
Are "The elect" the sheep that Jesus talks about which will be seperated from the goats??
If so can someone be one of the elect(sheep) and then lose his way and then at the judgement be placed not with the sheep but with the goats??
Sorry, I don't write very well but hope the above makes a little sense.
Thank you again for your work.

Dear Kelly:
Those whom God has foreordained to be the elect will always be the elect. The chosen elect cannot be lost.  But you and I do not know exactly who is and who isn't an elect. Only God's knows those who are His, and therefore, we can never let down our guard, because we might only think that we are elect.  I have seen and witnessed this with my own eyes where those who appeared to be elect, turned and now blaspheme the name of the Saviour they claimed to worship a short while back.
Sorry, don't know of any books that you can read on this subject.
God be with you,

mercy, peace, and love

« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 05:02:59 PM by Kat »


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Re: Evidence that God is really there when we need Him.
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2007, 11:31:42 PM »

Hi Kat...

Thank you for your reply. I never got that Israel is shadow of His elect. Thank you. I feel as if I get little pieces of His glory each day!

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