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Author Topic: A Light bulb  (Read 6071 times)

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A Light bulb
« on: April 20, 2007, 12:43:30 PM »

Mr. Smith,
I have spent the last 15 minutes or so reading your comments on Hell as well as reading some comments from other readers and I must say that I am sick to my stomach.  I read your comments to viewers who disagree with you and you act like a bully with a keyboard.  You slam people down and treat them like trash all under the guise of being a credible expert.  Please, you are good at looking up scriptures and concocting a thought that makes you seem enlightened.  You are no more enlightened than a broken bulb.
        Your stance on Hell is way off base and you twist things to mean what you want them to.  Question: what will happen to Satan after he is tossed into the lake of fire?  Will he ever be purged from his sins and allowed back into heaven?  What about those who have sinned greatly and are in hell right now.  Will they ever get out?  The answer is that Satan will be there for an eternity and so will everyone else that ends up there.  The parable of Lazrus and the Rich man is real and came from the mouth of Christ himself and you will not change the Word of God….I will not let you and neither will my Father and my Brother.  Hell is real and if more people knew it our society would be a whole lot different.
        This brings me to my next point and that is around your theory of free will.  You claim there is no such thing and you cite all types of scriptures to back it up..except you don't prove a thing.  Under your theory, man does not have a choice in anything.  We are puppets in this crazy thing called life and whatever we do is the will of God.  Is that about right?  That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.  In any and I do mean ANY situation, every single person has the choice of whether to sin or not.  Fornication, idolatry, lying and so on, are all sins that do not have to be.  In the end there should be no other goal in life then to be a perfect Son of God..just like Christ.  After all he is our example, right?  He w as tempted in all things like as we yet without sin! Mr. Smith, I am not and educated person but I do know that man was never meant to know sin.  Adam and Eve were NEVER meant to know evil/sin but they disobeyed because they chose to eat of the forbidden fruit.  If that is not free will then I do not know what is.  Yes, we have laws and moral codes that guide us but in the end we all have to make a decision on how we will walk on a minute-by-minute, day-by-day basis. Just like the man who shot all those people at Virginia Tech, he had a choice and lets be real clear the choice he made was not the will of God. God did not make him do that.  He is just!
        My last question is this, why were you able to retire from roofing?  You are a man that is full of Pride and you have let that infect your own interpretation of the Word.  I am not putting you down, I have had it myself, but it does not change the facts. You have added and subtracted and even changed things in the Word of God so as to justify the way you live. But I know a man that lived 100% sinless despite being tempted by the opposite sex and despite the urge of money and any other temptation you can think of he overcame them all for us and his name is Jesus Christ and his life should be the way we live. I know you don't believe that and you'll probably delete this email and go on misleading others but you are wrong none-the-less. There will be a day when all have to answer for what they have done..judgment is a scary place, especially with the blood of others on your hands!

        Dear Joshua:
        Just like many thousands of detractors before you, you prove yourself to be guilty of the false accusations you level at me. It is YOU, Joshua, who lies, and twists, and distorts, and adds to and takes away from,  the things that I teach.
        I have never said that "man doesn't have a choice in anything," as you suggest, or that God "makes people sin," or any other such unscriptural nonsense. You have not a clue as to what you are talking about. You said correctly when you stated "If that is not free will then I do not know what is." For surely you do not understand this subject, neither do you accept the many dozens of plain declarations of the Scriptures. If you were "NEVER meant to sin," as you foolishly state, then why is it that you not only HAVE sinned, but YET sin?  If you have the power to NOT SIN, then why DID you sin? Why DO you sin?  Am I going too fast for you?  Apparently so.
        Listen to me, Joshua, it is real easy to run me down and suggest all kinds of evil things and evil motives in me, but here is what you won't do and what you can't do:  Quote ONE STATEMENT from any of the thousands of pages of material on my site, and then site TWO SCRIPTURES that prove my statement false. In other words: "Put you money where your mouth is."  I "put down" sin, and lies, and heresy, and blasphemy--THAT'S what I put down, Joshua, not PEOPLE. If the truth offends, SO BE IT!  But if you are going to accuse me, do it truthfully; do not lie and do not slander, for you will give account of these things in Judgment. Yes, I do still have pride, but I guarantee you that I am not "FILLED WITH PRIDE," as you foolishly suggest.
        Now then, I will not "delete" this email as you suggest, but I will post in on the International Internet for the whole world to see. Then we will wait for your answer:  ONE QUOTE/TWO SCRIPTURES. Can you handle that, Joshua, in defense of all your free-lance condemnation of me?  You can go to the Forum at the bottom of our home page to see your email posted along with any comments that others might make.
        God be with you,

Just my thoughts,
This guy is at a point when God is showing him what the truth really is about.
I've read many letters in anger about the truths that God is giving us in Rays letters.

Do I look at the person or the frame of mind that he is in right now.
How many of us has had the same fight bringing down our idols of the heart?
As Rays has said many times its not the person but the lies and wrong understanding of the scriptures that should be brought to lLight.

So yes I agree with Ray based on the fact that his understanding is from the scriptures and not on what he thinks. I can see that because God is giving all of us here that blessing.

So for this one and ones likes these I do understand your fight to save you idols of the heart but now is the time where the rubber hits the road.
Will they believe their own understanding or will God give them eyes to see and ears to hear?

Ours prayers are with you that God will bless you and when you're done getting your spanking (like all of us here had) maybe you will join us and become our brother.

Until then, and you will be sooner or later.
Wisdom and peace to you.

In Christ.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 02:51:34 PM by Randy »


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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 03:50:22 PM »

Hey randy,

I used to wonder why ray was so hard on people, but after reading the reasons why Christ used sarcasm i realized that ray was simply bieng tough on the unscriptural heresy's that people were speaking, and not so much on the person.

I think its very hard for people to see this, especialy when these people don't understand or see what ray has been blessed to see.

I can't say though that it was so hard for me to accept what ray was saying simply because i was so young when i stumbled upon this site that i really didn't know what i believed, lol. Offcourse there were the preconcieved notions of hell taught to me from my youth up on the church, and the free will concept, but those idols were brought down rather quickly without much of a fight because they were ideas of the church that for some reason, never stood well with me. Something or someone was telling me, this isn't the truth, its not right, its just not adding up with the Word of God and who our Benevolent Father is.

The biggest things i struggle with are understanding THE SUM of His Word, there is so much to learn, and at times i struggle to fully grasp it all. IT can be overwhelming, but i wait and trust in Him =] He will reveal that which He wants me to know in His perfect time and season.

Yes our prayers are indeed with you, and to everyone the Lord is calling and chooseing, and to all those who so desperately  need to feel the Warmth of His light. May our Father and the hope of Christ shine upon all men and may they all be brought to the knowledge of Truth in the end!

Love and peace in Christ,



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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 07:59:39 PM »

There was a time in my past when I could have written something similar to this letter.
I would have done it out of ignorance. That is because scripture is not being taught and Christ hadn't opened my eyes and ears yet, even though I never did believe in an eternal hell.

When a pastor does pick up a Bible (not often, it's more of a stage prop than anyting else), blows the dust off the cover, and reads a scripture in his "sermon", it's invariable 1-2 verses that he elaborates on endlessly, after telling a few jokes to warm up the crowd. They spoonfeed Gerbers Baby Food mush to people that need meat.

The writer of this letter might be elect, by the grace of God.



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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 08:26:44 PM »

Good comments Alex & Kent!

Yes, Josh may well be being dragged! ;D

Seems like all these hate letters are filled w/ anger toward Ray.  They never calmly (because Ray has a right to his beliefs), refute w/ scripture, or ask what Ray meant & use scripture.  It is always vicious personal attacks.  What did Josh mean about retiring as a roofer??  Like he is a millionaire duping all the widows - not cuz he is of retirement age!  That kind of anger is usually bcz the truth is starting to sting!

Lets pray for Josh.  Who knows, down the road, Josh may be a regular on our forum!


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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2007, 03:42:44 AM »


Your honesty is very refreshing to me. You said,"The biggest things i struggle with are understanding THE SUM of His Word, there is so much to learn, and at times i struggle to fully grasp it all."

Knowledge and understanding are like called and chosen.  It's one thing to know something, but to understand it can only come from God. Like the diciples on the road to Emmaus, they knew what the law and the prophets said, but until Jesus opened the eyes of their understanding, they were blind.

 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.
 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.  And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 34:30-32.

Brother, keep being honest with the Lord and He will open your eyes too. ;)

God bless you,



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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2007, 07:14:06 AM »

In Ray's inimitable style he answered Joshua with flawless accuracy discerning the blind anger of a hurting and very misdirected animosity that shows up in Joshua's post!

I notice that Joshua, up front, says he has spent 15 MINUTES reading Ray's material! Excuse me. ECUSE ME! Is Joshua a Rocket Scientist that can from 15 minutes discern, integrate and comprehend the depths and magnitude of the revelations that Ray has published and that has taken us YEARS in some cases and more than 15 minutes! in other cases to come to understand. thousands OF HOURS ARE REQUIRED AND RAY SAYS WE SHOULD READ AND RE-READ HIS MATERIALS THREE TIMES OVER IN MOST CASES!

Some of us read what Ray has written and it CLICKS! Others battle. Others realise there is SOMETHING and understand immediately that MORE TIME IN THOUGHT is required to comprehend and more fully grasp what is hidden in the marvelous truths that are expressed throughout Rays teachings.

The more senior of us....the Mods...have OFTEN noted that they have to reread the material and that even on reading it again, NEW REVELATIONS APPEAR THAT WERE MISSED! I believe we can ALL relate to this!

I believe Ray has loved Agape, this pour soul that is burning in pain and needs to act out his anguish against the Disciples of Christ and the Teacher sent to us by Our Lord that being Ray Smith. Joshua uses arrogance to introduce himself....he uses vengeance to assume a holier than thou position against Ray and Ray simply embarrasses him by publishing his foolishness. This was a most loving thing Ray did!

As I see this, Joshua is seeking approval from his pears and there are many as we all know in Mystery Babylon from where we have all been dragged and are currently for some of us, still being dragged out.  I think Ray is out more than anyone here because Ray's fruits of his writings and confidence against heresy and ability to refute arguments with sound doctrine shows Rays separation from the Harlot and that Ray has no associations with the Whore of Babylone.
Lets hope Joshua has some modicum of soundness of mind to begin to realise that he has been misled by Mystery Babylon who teaches her sons and daughters to oppose the children of light and the teachers sent by the Lord. May the truth that Joshua needs, set him free to see the error of his ways is also against Christ as was discovered by the prodigal son who returned home knowing he had sinned against God and his Father or as Saul who Christ told him that he (Saul) was persecuting HIM (Christ) by assaulting and coming against HIS children!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2007, 01:00:22 PM »

Amen to that Arc.

I didn't catch that the first time around-  He spent 15 minutes!!!

I had to read a little e mail twice before I saw something else. But Josh can critique and judge over 2,000 pages in 15 min.

God has blessed Ray w/ humor and a thick-skin to deal w/ these e mailers-not to mention love & wisdom.


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Re: A Light bulb goes on or off?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2007, 04:31:30 AM »


Your honesty is very refreshing to me. You said,"The biggest things i struggle with are understanding THE SUM of His Word, there is so much to learn, and at times i struggle to fully grasp it all."

Knowledge and understanding are like called and chosen.  It's one thing to know something, but to understand it can only come from God. Like the diciples on the road to Emmaus, they knew what the law and the prophets said, but until Jesus opened the eyes of their understanding, they were blind.

 And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them.
 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.  And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 34:30-32.

Brother, keep being honest with the Lord and He will open your eyes too. ;)

God bless you,


Thank you so much for your kind words dwight, they do bring much warmth and comfort. =]

I too hope one day that i may be in that blessed and holy first ressurection, i would seriously give it all away. [full well knowing i have no clue what that means and that Christ is probably laughing saying 'that kid has NO CLUE what hes saying right now, but he will learn. lol yea i could picture it cuz it is true, is ay it but i have no clue what i'm getting into lol.] Hey i'm down though, i was always a fighter ;) wether it be in the flesh [which i have tried so hard to put behind me] or in the spirit [though i'm much weaker of a fighter spiritualy then i'd like to admit, LOL], i guess i was blessed with that character trait :D.

In Him by His mercy,


P.S. great scripture =]
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