Hello everyone!
A huge hug to all of you!
Your words are very precious to me thank you!
What did I do....well...I enjoyed a MIRACLE day. TRULY! What Jesus did is more important than what I did. I received and HE is the GREATER because HE gave me a miracle!
Last year He gave me Bible Truths! So this is my anniversary of being in the presence of sound doctrine a whole year!....23 days in total if you look on my profile!...which I find extraordinary!
Some of you might know that I lost my career not too long ago. Since then and in the space of two months I have entered into a thriving business of my own. I really am on the HOP! I have the energy too which is a MIRACLE! I have the JOY in what I am doing and that too is from the Lord!
You asked what did I do....well this is what happened.
A few weeks ago a person came to ask me to employ him. My business was simply too small I thought. Well after a week I regretted turning the person away. I realised that my decision was carnal and not made in faith or in council of my husband. A few days later my husband said I should employ a person who had come to him for a job. It turned out to be the same person. I hired him. He turned out to be a five star Hotel Chef! Well what in the world would my little Deli be doing with a five star Chef who drives a better car than I who came from nineteen years of loyal service to one of the best known Hotels in SA? Well the Lord knows.
He accepted the job on the day of my Birthday he prepared for my family and I are really more than five star lunch that we celebrated in my shop! I kept the shop open and the people coming in to buy the Biltong I produce for the shop were so complimentary and wanted to have lunch too!...They want me to start a Restaurant which I am now preparing to do as well! It is amazing! Only the Lord could swing that one.
We could not go to a five star Restaurant because the cost is so unreasonable....but for my Birthday the first family meal that also was on Fathers Day here in SA, we celebrated with a meal fit for Kings and Queens! WO~W!....prepared EXCLUSIVELY for us by a FIVE STAR Sheff, plus I have a new business now that I am preparing to expand into a Restaurant! The Chef is bringing another Chef into the business who has worked with him for nine years and so ....what did I do...I held my breath as my heart races in joy watching what my Lord has prepared for me to experience.... I know I do not deserve it either!
A few days ago a customer asked while paying for his Biltong if I was born again. I had flipped on a praise and worship song
I said no. He could not understand! His face showed compet confusion and disbelief! Well YOU know what WE know here at BT's
So I said I had not died yet but when I am resurrected I sure hope to find myself born again into HIS Kingdom!
You know I am selling meat which is what Biltong is...a prepared dired beef speciality to SA....and I could see what I had
said was also a huge chunk of meat to chew on too! I love it!
You are all in my heart!
peace be to you