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Author Topic: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?  (Read 11041 times)

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Recently a thread by bradigan was closed merely because a moderator decided that the topic
was not worthy of discussion. If this were true I think the thread would have
died on it's own. Just as many hundreds of threads before it.

Unless space is limited for responses on this site, why would a thread that is not
offensive have to be closed?




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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2007, 06:47:27 PM »

Beats me. We will sometimes agree and sometimes disagree but I don't think we are supposed to disagree . I guess others make the decisions of what should be allowed to discuss and what is not allowed a discussion.


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2007, 10:06:27 PM »


We have been extremely patient with you, your accusations and the way you seem to gravitate toward anyone who posts negative things about Ray, the moderators and the Forum in general.

If you have any scriptures to refute Ray's teachings please present them, your human reasonings and feelings are the very same things we are trying to move away from, not only your reasonings and feelings but especially our own. Many of your posts only inflame the passions of the beasts within us, do you understand what I am saying?

If you do not want to read the articles and give them careful consideration and only seek to unite yourself with those you perceive to be in disagreement I truly fail to see your point in being here.




Chris R

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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2007, 09:23:30 AM »

Recently a thread by bradigan was closed merely because a moderator decided that the topic
was not worthy of discussion. If this were true I think the thread would have
died on it's own. Just as many hundreds of threads before it.

Unless space is limited for responses on this site, why would a thread that is not
offensive have to be closed?



Hi Tim,

Please understand, nowhere in my reply did i state the "topic was not worthy of discussion"

You all can discuss T-shirt phrases and things like that all you want,  I sometimes wear T-shirts that have a logo or phase on them.

So it come down to the subject about bibletruths website? it? Of course not...Sometimes we just need a nudge to get back on track, It isnt personal, There are hundreds of pages on bible truths web-site, thousands of depth changing you honestly feel we can sum it up on a T-shirt?


Chris R



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2007, 09:28:13 AM »

I must agree, fellows.  It's late and it is time to  move on.....We are not in kindergarten anymore.  Or Kansas for that matter! :D

Peace to you, Lisa


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2007, 10:52:08 AM »

                       "Is this subject about bibletruths website"

I see your point Chris, but I am confused now...just what is the OFF TOPIC board for??
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 10:55:35 AM by sasscell »


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2007, 10:57:25 AM »

Hi sasscell,

That is what the 'off topic' board is for.  We try to caught these topics and move them to the right board, but it's a good idea to choose the right board to start a topic.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2007, 12:21:51 PM »

Look at it this way Timothy,

If a topic has "run its course", is there any need to continue it.  The mods have often noted BEFORE locking a thread that a topic starts to "Beat a dead horse"  (meaning "been there, done that"), then it's time to move on.  When they do this, let's be content to let go of pouring kerosene on a flame and let it die out.

God be with you


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2007, 12:30:36 PM »

Recently a thread by bradigan was closed merely because a moderator decided that the topic
was not worthy of discussion. If this were true I think the thread would have
died on it's own. Just as many hundreds of threads before it.

Unless space is limited for responses on this site, why would a thread that is not
offensive have to be closed?



Hi Tim,

Please understand, nowhere in my reply did i state the "topic was not worthy of discussion"

You all can discuss T-shirt phrases and things like that all you want,  I sometimes wear T-shirts that have a logo or phase on them.

So it come down to the subject about bibletruths website? it? Of course not...Sometimes we just need a nudge to get back on track, It isnt personal, There are hundreds of pages on bible truths web-site, thousands of depth changing you honestly feel we can sum it up on a T-shirt?


Chris R

I'm sorry Chris,

There were obviously some people who thought that the topic was worth discussing,
but you decided that it was not. Your statement when closing the thread was "Wearing T-Shirts which state ideas are nothing new, there are in fact entire industries created for such a thing.  The idea that this will somehow bring attention to anything other than yourself is doubtful.
Sorry but the thread is over.."

The subject was not specifically the T-shirt, the subject was about a way of stating in public one of the things learned on Bible truths.
That tithing is not scriptural. It could have been a T-shirt, a placard, a tattoo or a note pasted on the forehead.
If the statement caused one person to ask what was meant, and started a dialogue, it may have been
beneficial to someone. So your decision that "The idea that this will somehow bring attention to anything other than yourself is doubtful."
was unwarranted.

You said "nowhere in my reply did i state the "topic was not worthy of discussion"

You did not have to state that you did not think the subject was not worthy,
your actions shouted that you did not think the subject was worthy.
My question was only why a moderator would close a thread that was doing no harm,
and was in fact about proclaiming to the public one of the things learned on Bible truths.

I am not trying to cause division so please do not ask me why I don't just leave the forum.

I appreciate what you and the other moderators do Chris.
I am merely trying to understand actions that do not seem to be accordingto the stated rules.

May God bless all of you,




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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2007, 12:44:37 PM »

I went up to the "high mountain" as we refer to it and sat on the edge of a cliff. There was nothing but the sound of wind and the rustle of the grasses. The big stones were all around. Big stones that God created and put on the side of the cliff. The sky went on forever and the fingernail moon was starting to show himself in the coming sunset. I thought a great deal on this forum and needed to speak to God undisturbed as I turned some things over in my mind and spirit.There does seem to be some kind of conflict between what the forum is for and what it is really for. I don't have a problem with Ray. I do have a problem with any individual putting themselves above others and putting Ray's teachings in a class of their own which sometimes seems to be above the Bible. If questions are asked and if they are answered, it seems that the one with questions is referred to a paper Ray wrote. What about leaving me, Ray, forum members out of the reference to and referring them to God's Word? If you ask me to leave or "ban" me (seems like that is always a threat) so be it. I will stand on God's Word all day instead of any man's words. If that is what you decide to do I wish you all well in your journey and would beg everyone to stand on God's word because that is all that will last. People come and go but God's word never leaves.
Respectfully to all, Seminole


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2007, 12:47:54 PM »

I must agree, fellows.  It's late and it is time to  move on.....We are not in kindergarten anymore.  Or Kansas for that matter! :D

Peace to you, Lisa

I am not even sure what you mean Lisa.
If it is too late for you, then by all means move on.

What does asking a question have to do with being in kindergarten, or Kansas for that matter.
It is not necessary to be demeaning.
Should we not be able to question the reason for things being done here?

Your statement is much like what the pastor used to say to me in church. Don't question anything,
just believe what I tell you. Trust that there are good reasons for what I do.

I never could bring myself to do as he said.

Peace to you Lisa,



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2007, 12:51:01 PM »

Tim , I agree with you. When I am told by anyone to believe a thing or do something with no questions asked, it sends up warning flags to me. God gave me a brain to use just as He did everyone else.Nole


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2007, 12:51:24 PM »

Can you give an example of where there is an unbiblical teaching by Ray that is in disagreement with the bible?
Just curious.



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2007, 01:10:24 PM »

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

1 Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
ver. 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
ver. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;
ver. 4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
ver. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
ver. 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

These are all thought provoking scriptures.
Any thoughts?

Peace and Love


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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2007, 01:12:30 PM »

There does seem to be some kind of conflict between what the forum is for and what it is really for. I don't have a problem with Ray. I do have a problem with any individual putting themselves above others and putting Ray's teachings in a class of their own which sometimes seems to be above the Bible.

Seminole it is statements such as this one that perplex me about you. When has anyone said that Ray's writings are "above the bible?"

Give us one example of Ray, a moderator or a member making or even implying such a thing.

If questions are asked and if they are answered, it seems that the one with questions is referred to a paper Ray wrote. What about leaving me, Ray, forum members out of the reference to and referring them to God's Word?

This Forum was set up to discuss articles written by Ray Smith, he uses more scripture in these articles than any other teacher I am aware of, there is a treasure chest of spiritual truths contained in the papers Ray has written and the invitation to dispute or refute them with chapter and verse is an offer that will always remain on the table.

 If you ask me to leave or "ban" me (seems like that is always a threat) so be it.

Who has threatened you?

 I will stand on God's Word all day instead of any man's words. If that is what you decide to do I wish you all well in your journey and would beg everyone to stand on God's word because that is all that will last. People come and go but God's word never leaves.

Seminole to be fair think about your own posts, how often do you use scripture rather than your feelings? There is no one here to my knowledge who has it in for you or seeks to remove you or belittle you, the only thing anyone has asked from you is to read and consider the merits of the articles on Bible truths, if you have doubts about the worthiness or truthfulness contained in them then please quote the paper and present the scriptures that refute it. You agreed to the Forum rules before joining, should we just allow folks to do whatever they "feel" is appropriate once they gain membership?

Respectfully to all, Seminole

His Peace to you,




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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2007, 01:20:47 PM »

Dear Tim,

I do not expect all to understand what I mean.  And yes, it is too late for me to be pulled back to Babylon.



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2007, 01:36:48 PM »

My question was only why a moderator would close a thread that was doing no harm,
and was in fact about proclaiming to the public one of the things learned on Bible truths.

I am not trying to cause division so please do not ask me why I don't just leave the forum.

I appreciate what you and the other moderators do Chris.
I am merely trying to understand actions that do not seem to be accordingto the stated rules.

Hi Tim, are you talking about these rules?  They seem pretty clear to me.

This forum is moderated, if you feel you cannot accept the bounds of a limited forum then don’t join.  The moderators do not have the time to explain every decision to you on why a post was deleted, so don’t expect it.

The moderators will generally try to remove posts before banning a member, don’t take it personally.  If you see your posts being removed then perhaps you should review what you are writing to make sure is goes along with the forum rules.  If you are asked to let a subject drop, or a particular subject is off limits then please abide by what the moderators ask. Don’t necessarily expect a reason for the request, many things go on behind the scenes of the forum and the moderators are doing what they feel is best.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2007, 03:08:46 PM »

Well Katt,

In your mind I guess that excuses moderators of anything and everything.
They don't owe us lowly peons the courtesy of any explanations.
You have spent more time defending your actions than it would have taken
to answer a simple question.

I guess that I can read Rays papers without coming here.



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2007, 03:36:56 PM »


Attitude makes a big difference here.  I am of the attitude that things are being done the best they can, in the time mods. have to come here.  Your additude seems to be that is not enough, you want more and we should do what you want.  Whether I have time to do it and whether one of the other mods does, is two different things.  If a mod. has time they may make an explanation, if not they won't, so you should not expect one.  It's that simple.  And it is stated in the rules, that you had mentioned. 

mercy, peace, and love



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Re: Why close non combative threads? Is space on this site limited?
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2007, 05:22:25 PM »


Attitude makes a big difference here.  I am of the attitude that things are being done the best they can, in the time mods. have to come here.  Your additude seems to be that is not enough, you want more and we should do what you want.  Whether I have time to do it and whether one of the other mods does, is two different things.  If a mod. has time they may make an explanation, if not they won't, so you should not expect one.  It's that simple.  And it is stated in the rules, that you had mentioned. 

mercy, peace, and love


Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral.

It is my opinion that in some cases, the moderators take on the job of
censors instead of moderators. It is my opinion that you have already spent more time defending an action than it would have taken to merely answer a question. So being too busy is not the case in this instance.
My opinion has nothing in the least to do with my attitude, which by the way is, in almost all instances, positive, but has become negative due to the responses of the moderators.
You see, unlike personality, attitudes are expected to change as a function of experience
This experience has changed my positive attitude to a negative attitude.
Fortunately, my attitude can and will change to positive again.

You said “I am of the attitude that things are being done the best they can, in the time mods. have to come here.  Your additude seems to be that is not enough, you want more and we should do what you want.”

It is reasonable for you to say that it is your opinion that the mods are doing the best they can. That may very well be true. It is however unreasonable for you to assert that for me that is not enough, and further that I think that they should do what I want. You derived all of this because I asked a question.
That is absolutely ludicrous Kat. Of course when a person asks a question they would like an answer.

I am going to take a respite from this forum for a while before I say something that I may regret later. So there is no need to answer me unless you want to for the edification of other readers. I will not see your reply.


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