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Author Topic: Great, Great News!!  (Read 23430 times)

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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2008, 12:29:30 PM »

Is there a reason they are jumping to induce?? There are a lot of dangers with medical induction and it's really best to use it as a last resort.


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2008, 02:51:47 PM »



                                          Your Brother, Samson.


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2008, 05:36:59 PM »

Is there a reason they are jumping to induce?? There are a lot of dangers with medical induction and it's really best to use it as a last resort.

Could you specify these dangers? the "dangers" of induction are not much different from the dangers in natural childbirth.
Actually, it's only a last resort when the baby is OVERdue. If you'd read carefully what I said before, when the amniotic fluid index gets below 5 they HAVE to induce and that's what we were expecting until Friday. If the index get's TOO low (around 2 or so), they have to jump to c-section or the baby can crush it's own umbilical chord. Nola has to plan induction because she's on blood thinnner and we have to keep total track of conditions and the birthing has to be in an entirely controlled environment. There isn't much room for unexpected events.



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2008, 06:54:30 PM »

Hi UncleBeau
I am a Ob Gyn physician ,  in your case it does sound like an induction would be the best choice, if on a blood thinner planning would be better, this would give one time so the blood thinning could be do not want this in full effect during the birthing process if you can help it planning is always better. It is a luxory in Obstetrics.

However, the sucess of any induction is totally dependent on the consistency and readiness of the cervix, other wise it is like ( excuse the metaphor) getting toothpast our with the cap on.
The longer and the thicker the cervix the higher the failure rate.

Once labor does get going regardless of induction or natural then you are dealing with three major forces:
The passanger (the size and position of the baby),
The passageway the bony pelvis and the bony head and
The power, the force power and organization of the contractions.

The amniotic fluid index with the biological profile would determine if there was anything happening on the baby's end that would necessitate the need for delivery. This is only one of many other factors to consider.

Did you ever notice on star trek that women were still in a maternity ward and still pushed them out or had a C/S why didn't they just beam the baby abd the placenta out... ::)

My only advise is to ask as many questions as needed to get things clarified. Iif you do not understand the word(s) get them to write the word(s) down for you.

In the hospital know the chain of command. If a person on the floor is a problem ask for the supervisor, if they do not help you then go to the head of the department or administration.

Nowadays you cannot be passive in the hospital, I would bring a note book and keep records, names times etc. 

Ask what the name of the pill or what they are putting into the IV, whats the blood test, why are you having this or that....

and smile while you are doing it  ;D 
Be firm and smile ;D
Say Thank you  ;D,  smile
Call them by their names and titles... smile  ;D

You are the Daddy, you are there to watch over the two of them, so you do not have to apologize for your actions.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2008, 08:42:40 PM by Beloved »


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2008, 07:10:12 PM »

The dangers of induction are far higher and more numerous than natural childbirth, not sure where you got that information but this is something I have researched greatly. I simply asked if there was a medical reason as I know many people have inductions simply for convienience and most ob's never tell people the dangers of drugs used for induction and the major increase in c-section risk that it causes. You obviously have a reason for the induction and that is entirely different. I'm sorry I offended you, I was just asking and making sure you knew what was involved. There are far to many people taken advantage of by the medical profession and not enough information is given to people about the choices they have. I pray for the best for your family and certainly meant no harm by my question. I'm not going to waist time getting information for you about the dangers of something that you've made up your mind about and feel you have no choice in. You can seek out information if God leads you that way. FYI I did read what you said about the fluid, I simply don't believe it is accurate information.


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2008, 09:07:56 PM »

Hi Krista D

I think you made a viable point .....but comparing "natural" labor and inductions is like comparing the safety of automobiles and airplanes.
More people are killed in and by cars but that does not stop most people from driving them Planes have fewer accidents but when they do they are more scary and involve more people at once.

Childbirth used to have higher mortalities in the past for many reasons, this was before all the technology. The mortality is now much lower, but what is there is often due to higher complexity patients.

The fact that his wife is on a blood thinner...I do not know what the reason is....this alone puts her in a very high risk category..

She is not in a natural state herself...she is about to face one of the biggest hematologic challenges a woman faces.... I am glad that God had provided mankind with more knowldge about the control of clotting. I am also very hopeful that God has provided this couple with a competent team for their delivery. We will all be praying for them here.

I agree with you about information you can never have enough.
One good thing "elective inductions" have been decreasing dramatically for many reasons, and this is a good thing. They are not a 'good thing'.

Medical inductions are another category and they too are used only as needed. I know when I had to do them, I was always between a rock and a hard placel...if they failed I had to do a C/S, If I did the C/S then everyone thought I was knife happy. 

All I know is that I discussed things with my patients and I discussed the options and let them make the final decision. Some want to try labor and some  do not.

Women may be the weaker vessel but we are better suited to handle all this stuff then the men are.  ;D  Most men do not even get yearly physicals.   :P



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2008, 10:21:19 PM »

Hope all is are probably very busy right now....drop a note when you can! God will be with you and your wife and baby through everything....He never leaves us nor forsakes us....ever!
Much love,
Joyce :)



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2008, 11:07:32 PM »

Hi Beau and Nola,
                          Congratulations and may God be with you all.Just look at all the people that have replied to you and all that have read your post. W>O>W> People here at B.T. certainly love "good news". Blessings Ellie. :) :) :) :)


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #48 on: April 19, 2008, 11:47:08 PM »

Hi UncleBeau
I am a Ob Gyn physician ,  in your case it does sound like an induction would be the best choice, if on a blood thinner planning would be better, this would give one time so the blood thinning could be do not want this in full effect during the birthing process if you can help it planning is always better. It is a luxory in Obstetrics.

This is what I was trying to say and don't worry, you couldn't offend me if you tried your best. However, this is a thread dedicated to good news...excuse me, Great news! There is no need for worry, we've done all the research necessary and taken whatever precautions that were available to us. We don't live in fear of the future, but your comments are welcome because we're all friends here and I know you're just looking out for our best interest.



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2008, 06:31:17 PM »

I haven't mentioned it in a while, but we appreciate all of the comments and prayers concerning the birth of our first child. Words will do their best to describe the love and attention that a sum of you have shown on this subject. I just noticed how many people are reading this thread and it almost seems like a small journal that we've kept in remembrance to the production of the symbolism that must come about concerning Christ and the church; and those that are brought here through fellowship and scholarship alike can see that the most precious of things not only take time and patience, but will strengthen your spiritual house. She won't only be a student of the Word of God, she will also have a chance to be an observer of those with like minds in the things of God. She will learn, she will rebel, she will embrace the world, she will fall, she will repent and she will find salvation....and Daddy will be proud....and so will I.



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2008, 12:32:53 AM »

 :) :-*

What an uplifting thread.... thanks all...Uncle Beau what a beautiful sentiment!


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #51 on: April 22, 2008, 03:44:59 AM »

:'( :::::tears!::::
UncleBeau-- that was so beautiful!
Joyce :)


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #52 on: April 25, 2008, 07:31:39 PM »

  Update for today...
Oddly enough I had the day off from work because of slow business, so I went to Nola's Dr.'s Appointment with her and she's ready to induce labor, but it's a good time to do it because the baby's really not gaining much more weight.
  Monday is the day! We'll be checking into the hospital Sunday afternoon  where they will "ripen" her (Beloved will know what I mean) to let her cervix open up some more and it 'should' be smooth sailing from there. We're both just overly excited this weekend!



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2008, 09:39:38 PM »

Many prayers for a healthy new life into a wonderful new family.

Don't forget the cigars



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2008, 02:37:29 AM »

Sorry, I quit smoking over a year ago, it wouldn't set a good example either; but If you want I'll pass out something that won't cause cancer, like maybe some gummi bears  ;D


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2008, 09:20:31 AM »

:D I think Gena's cigars are bubble gum anyway! But have some of these just in case!
Keep us posted! Drink lots of water, take YOUR vitamins, charge the batteries for the camcorder! Get extra new batteries for the digital camera or buy lots of disposable cameras and have them made to digital discs later...whatever! :::::running around trying to remember everything you need::::starting to feel like I'm going to the hospital with you guys!:::::feeling like a new grandma all over again! heheheeh:::::::

 Joyce :)


brandon h

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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2008, 10:36:47 PM »

Well, let me add to the congradulations, UncleBeau! With only a few days away you guys must be getting anxious. Hope all is well and you can add my prayers in with the rest.

God Bless


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #57 on: April 29, 2008, 08:47:36 AM »

I just got back from the hospital this morning to announce that we have a healthy 7lb. baby girl!!! She was born at 11:39 yesterday morning. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can, but she looks so much like me, she's gonna have a hard life ahead of her, ha ha. Nola's still in the hospital while I try and make a living, so I'll be up there as much as I can this week; but I'll try and keep you guys posted.

-Beau, Nola, & Harley


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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2008, 09:52:18 AM »

Hi Beau,

Finally the news we have been waiting for  CONGRADULATION 

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Great, Great News!!
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2008, 11:34:42 AM »


Harley is the first baby born to a forum member since I've been a member, so I consider her to be the first official BT baby. :D  Congratulations and I wish Nola a speedy recovery.

Looking forward to pictures.

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