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Author Topic: Recently  (Read 14132 times)

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« on: September 20, 2007, 09:21:16 PM »

Do we become too intellectaul, and forget the simplicity of Christ.

Recently, after having found theses 'new revelationary' teachings  i found myself eating up anything i could digest, as fast as it could be served to me.  Isnt that greedy...... oh i see, we all prefere to call it, hunger for the Lord.....see the LORD gets all the attention ...ahem erm, amen.......


    Jesus is pleased to see us gobble up meats, just to be eating?
    I mean , at least your seeking after truth, right?

Recently i have found myself over whelmed with information, and realised i had forgotten what all my studying is FOR.  I forgot it is all about knowing god, not just about him, not just the record of his sayings. But to know HIM.

I realised that the reason why people are so easilly decieved about things of the lord, is because we read so many books, and listen to so much information, and memorize rigid and calculated thought patterns with which to experience this god-thing, in just the right mannnor. Rather then to look into the Bible.

            Isnt this Idolatry....oh i see, we all prefer to call it dilligence and disearnment, to rightly divide the scripture.....yadda yadda yadda....


          Wouldn't Jesus wish for more than that? Dont i want to experience his own voice speaking His Word, while i walk, while i pray, while i wash dishes, while i sing, while i wrestle with the kids, while i relax.......

         HOW can this be done! HOW do we life with and for the Lord, and not need to keep our hunger/greed satisfied?

          Humm doesnt this sound like a parable?...A woman at some well.

        IN the olden zen days, a master would speak a very obscure verse.....such as......."When you are hungry, eat. When you are not hungry, dont eat."
       And the proper student would go an ponder that one verse. And not return to the master untill he is satisfied with the answer...and better still he realizes that answer and thanks the master for his lesson.

       We have the MASTER, and he has given us MANY verses to ponder, He is eager to tell us many answers, But like with the zen master you must need zen,you must also need truth, as you need the very air itself. Because HE IS the air you breath. 

       And he gives us many teachers, but test all things, test all your thoughts and voices and add knowledge to a living understanding without intellectaul obsession.....not attachment to strict form and answers but leaning on the voice of truth, Jesus Our Saviour. 

        Test Him, he will not change his truth. When you have learned the Mind of Christ, and have put to the cross acres of mental lands you ought to be able to look into any scripture and see truth brightly. Truth becomes your way of truth , you love, you pray. The Buddha would have called it "you pick up a blade of grass and make a scripture."

Now for fun of the thread, "the faithfull" must figure out the bible verses i have alluded to during the text ( esp the hidden ones); And the readers can give the lessons and questions they have of the Lord and his teaching to them.

please forgive, if you want me to  i will just shut up when i get in a preachy mood.  Its all a part of ........ :P



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Re: Recently
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2007, 09:56:16 PM »


Ya, the message of Christ is easy.....Love.  God is Love.  It's the love thing that's complicated!
Like who, when, where and how to love.  These are the things we need to know and study.

Peace to you, Lisa
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 10:56:10 PM by Redbird »


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Re: Recently
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2007, 11:42:48 PM »

Thank God for the forum that allow us to post and help one another to learn. Thanks to Ray and all the moderators that make this place possible.Insane I am glad to see you on the board. It is apparent to me that your spiritual pilot is lit, and that is a good sign.Seek first to be understood,never sacrifice or risk separation from your brothers,in order to be right. We don't all grow at the same pace. Where you are now I may get there later or maybe not at all.The spirit of Cain is alive and well in all of us.We will kill our brother if we find differences between us. Thank God that we are all accepted,by doing well. Good to see you and great post.


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Re: Recently
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2007, 11:46:49 PM »

Greetings IZM,

Wow, I was just asking myself the same questions today.

Eccl.1:12,13 NKJV "I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven; this grievous task God has given to the sons of man, by which they may be exercised (or afflicted)." He goes on to speak of gnostic pride as "grasping for the wind." In the end Eccl.12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and  keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

But wait, there's more...1Cor.12:4,5 "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord." ... vs.29,30,31, "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way." (LOVE)

And more...Rom.14:4 "Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand."

This ties in nicely with what was spoken in the thread about Peter walking on water (If you haven't already checked it out, it's a good read). So long as we keep Jesus (our relationship with him) in focus, he will tell us what we should be doing. If the motive of our heart isn't pure, we will sink.

We must ask ourselves, what (or moreso, WHO) are we seeking, checking the motives of the heart and in what God is leading us. It is my goal then to "put on Christ."


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Re: Recently
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2007, 12:01:36 AM »


   Gregor, nice veres.......good lesson.....but, i would look into the word Gnosticism, every time i hear it it grates on my nerves, like some one missuses it.  What is gnostisim, it is a study of the knowing of God. It is knowing about your personal relationship with him. And saying yes i know HIM.The bible speaks of God giving us a SPirit that crys Abba ( daddy) Father........

      It seems , we think, bad things baout this nasty word gnostic.we think it mean "wise in our own imagination'.....or some preacher told 'em, gnostics drnak blood and thought they could be one with Christ.

     And , is there something wrong with that theology or somethin?

 You put the jesus shake the old man out
 You know the Holy Spirit and He turns your soul about.

 Thats that its all about!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 12:27:52 AM by insanezenmistress »


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Re: Recently
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2007, 12:13:05 AM »

Thank God for the forum that allow us to post and help one another to learn. Thanks to Ray and all the moderators that make this place possible.
      Insane I am glad to see you on the board. It is apparent to me that your spiritual pilot is lit, and that is a good sign.
      Seek first to be understood,never sacrifice or risk separation from your brothers,in order to be right. We don't all grow at the same pace. Where you are now I may get there later or maybe not at all.
       The spirit of Cain is alive and well in all of us.We will kill our brother if we find differences between us. Thank God that we are all accepted,by doing well. Good to see you and great post.

  Thanky ou for your encoragement. But you are also accepted. i once asked myself what did bodhidharma think abotu for nine years.

 that was the ammount of time that this great zen master dude sat at a wall.
 You have not jsut question, but a few answers you wish to try out. I wish that the mods would let you..............what have you thougth about for ten years.

    And the rest of you.

 Have you lived in silence?......Rays teachings brought something else out of you when you first heard it.

 It was famillier.  Like you knew it once upon a time.
When you where yet un-indoctrinated, and saw new truth everytime you read the scripture.  that is the fire of god.

surface after surface of your entire being, called to examination in HIS light and by the scruteny of his word.  that is the grace of god.

you are not only learning as you grow but accimulating every lesson that came before you, including the lessons of your errors adn the weight of your sin.

is that too  buddist?? i need to give you verses? I admire your mind's eagerness.....i am thrilled that ray has been a source of blessing, but dont lock yourself into argements that you where free from before.............

what did sonofone think about for NINE years?

who was his teacher then?




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Re: Recently
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2007, 05:18:21 AM »

Greetings IZM,

Gnosticism isn't a bad thing necessarily, as I did say "gnostic pride". Sorry if I ground your spirit. No intention at all.  :P Remember, abbrassion is also a means to polish  ;D
I guess when I use the word gnostic I'm going by a rather limited definition. Off of
4. (initial capital letter) a member of any of certain sects among the early Christians who claimed to have superior knowledge of spiritual matters, and explained the world as created by powers or agencies arising as emanations from the Godhead.
[Origin: 1555–65; < LL Gnōsticī (pl.) name of the sect < Gk gnōstikós (sing.) pertaining to knowledge, equiv. to gnōst(ós) known + -ikos -ic]
The words that grind my spirit are "superior knowledge" and "sect". The first gives me the connotation of a spiritual pride, (which I've been guilty of) and the second makes me leary, as Jesus forbids sectarianism in Mark 9:38-41. According to Eccl.1:18, "For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." I take this as an oxymoron. I'm sure partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil definately increased sorrow, but if one's gifting is teaching, then knowledge is essential. Eccl. 12:12, "...of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh." I agree that knowing God and our relationship in/with Him is of utmost importance. Peace.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 05:19:36 AM by Gregor »


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Re: Recently
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2007, 08:48:40 AM »


no SOlomon had it spot much knowledge there IS much sorrow, esp after the tree of knolwedge, because now a person has a lot farther to fall. Alot more to confuse.....whats that verse, about "be  ye not many masters and teachers for they recieve the greater condemnation."

        when a "teacher" gets something askew, not only does he go back and challenge what he knows, but his students can be tossed into .....into  much tribulation.

        yes thats it, the word gnostic denotes a group of people who "claimed to have superiour knowledge".....By that Definition Paul was a gnostic. Gnostic it a method of knowledge, it is not nessacarilly superiour, it is not the Only. Now to say that, in that knowledge, they are more saved, there is a problem...........

      There is the gnostic pride. and that is bad juju. SOlomon knows that any knowledge can increase pride, and pride can lead to error.  The bible warns us to always be teachable in our spirits. Much knowledge mingled with much pride makes many blind, and increases sorrow.

     Solomon also knew that humans are bound to this, we need our Redeemer. So he condludes the whole matter. SO you dont need his gnosis, you need the gnosis in the fear of the Lord.

      I guess, i think gnostisism mean "method of knowledge" and the group of people who practiced it in the mystery cults, where merely practiceing relying on the holy spirit. I would bet that it was jelouse people who said "hurmph, those people think they have superiour knowledge"   If Gnosis is knowledge applied, then Gnostisism would be studying the lessons received by that application.  And the cult would be a bunch of followers trying to get those lessons applied. And the pride.........

Well the pride would be the sin of us ALL.

PS you personally did not grate on my spirit. it is the way the word gnostic has been used in christian theology. I have seen the flip side of that and know the word merely means knowledge. There is no knowledge cult, and people who DO KNOW.........definately DO NOT go about bragging on their superiour knowledge, they merely know how all the more completely they are but flesh, and need their redeemer.



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Re: Recently
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2007, 08:51:11 AM »

Hi G and IZM,

My understanding of the early gnostics is that they believed the Demiurge is the god of the old testament...and not Jesus Christ.  They also believed that the Holy Spirit is feminine form as in Sophia, wisdom.  Food for thought.

Peace and Love, Lisa


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Re: Recently
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2007, 08:58:53 AM »

 Food for thought.

Peace and Love, Lisa

I cant say i disagree with the Holy SPirit being a female form. Shikina, wisdom crys out in the streets in Proverbs........As for the name of their gods, not being Jesus, i cant tell ya. we are a bit divorced from jsut what they where.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 09:00:25 AM by insanezenmistress »


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Re: Recently
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2007, 09:06:02 AM »


Yes, our life now is in the Word of God, Jesus Christ.  Gotta go and get the chitlens off to school....have a great day.  :)




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Re: Recently
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2007, 09:07:59 AM »

Insane it's like you have spiritual radar girl!! I was just thinking yesterday, that for ten tears I sat in silence. I had to have learned something. You were also right about Ray, he merely witnessed to what God had already revealed to me some ten years ago/ I actually thought for that space of time like Elijah,that I was the only one.You are right about the answers as well, I just respect the forum and realize that this is not the time or format to try out my thoughts so to speak. So for now I try to learn.I am just so encourage by what I see from you when I read your post. I sense the gift the gift that God has placed within you,and the confidence that is growing in you as well. Confidence is the key word that God is dealing with me now about myself/


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Re: Recently
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2007, 10:29:55 AM »

Hi G and IZM,

My understanding of the early gnostics is that they believed the Demiurge is the god of the old testament...and not Jesus Christ.  They also believed that the Holy Spirit is feminine form as in Sophia, wisdom.  Food for thought.

Peace and Love, Lisa

Hello Everyone,

Here is a Scriptural description of the Holy Spirit from;

Is God a Closed TRINITY or an Open FAMILY?

The "Holy Spirit"

Does no one think it strange that in all these pages of Scriptures the "holy spirit" was not even mentioned so much as once? If the holy spirit is an EQUAL to the Father and Son, it sure seems it is being shortchanged in all these profound Scriptures. Could it be that just as Jesus is the Son "of" God and not God Himself, that the holy spirit is the spirit "of" God and not God Himself? Yes, that is what the Scriptures clearly teach. We have the Son "of" God and the spirit "of" God and yet God is "of" NO ONE!! Is there anyone who wishes to challenge this? God Almighty is out of NO ONE! God Almighty is of NO ONE!

Let it be known: NONE of these Scriptures take away from the glories of God’s grandest achievements in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. His name is now and will forever be ABOVE ALL ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE! AMEN!

Here is the main Scripture used by Trinitarians to try and make people believe that God is a trinity:

"Going, then, disciple all nations baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit [Authorized, ghost]..." (Mat. 28:19).

And how does this verse prove that God is a three-in-one trinity? I DON’T KNOW! It certainly doesn’t say that these three form ONE GOD. Or that these three are coequal with one another. They are just all three mentioned in one verse, that’s all.

The mention of the "holy spirit" in this verse no more proves that the holy spirit is the third God part of a trinity than the mention of "the Comforter" in John 15:26 proves that it is the fourth God part of a quartet, or the mention of "the spirit of Truth" in this same verse in the fifth God part of a quintet! But why stop here. If we look for phrases such as "the holy spirit" being representative of some kind of personal being of a multi-person Godhead, we can find a plethora of "gods."

Let’s count them


The Father

The Highest

The Holy Ghost

The Holy Spirit

The Spirit of God

The Spirit of Christ

Jesus Christ

The Son of God. We are now up to a TRIPLE trinity.

The Mediator

The Mind of God

The Spirit of truth. Now we have a quartet of trinities

The Word was God

And to these we could add "The SEVEN Spirits of God (Rev. 4:5), etc., etc.

We are now up to twenty potential coequal candidates for this so-called triune godhead. Clearly, God is NOT a trinity or a collection of trinities. By the way, "Godhead" is not a proper translation of any Greek word, it should be translated "Deity" or "Divinity."

No matter how many different spirits there are, one thing is certain: ALL SPIRITS ARE IN SUBJECTION TO THE FATHER--NONE ARE EQUAL TO OR WITH THE FATHER, because we have Scriptural proof that God is superior to all spirits, seeing that:

"Yet shall we not much rather be subjected to the FATHER OF SPIRITS..." (Heb. 12:9)

To him who has an ear to hear; let him hear!

No, there are NOT twenty members of a coequal godhead. Not ten or even five. There are not even three or two.

"...there is ONE God, the FATHER..." (I Cor. 8:6)


Jesus told His disciples in John 16:7:

"It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will NOT COME UNTO YOU; but if I depart, I will SEND HIM unto you."

Is this "comforter" the third God of a trinity? Let us see Who this Comforter really is! Didn’t you ever wonder why this Comforter could not come until Christ departed? The comforter does not come until Christ departs to the Father, because the comforter IS THE SON returning in the form of "spirit," "holy spirit." Jesus is saying to him,

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one is coming to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).

"Now, whenever the consoler [comforter] which I shall be sending you from the Father..."

Notice that Christ sends the comforter from the Father and what Jesus instructs. And notice that it does not involve a third person of a fabled trinity:

"Yet whenever that may be coming--the spirit of truth [Jesus said that HE is the Truth]--it will be guiding you in to all the truth, for it will NOT be speaking from itself [it is NOT A GOD], but whatsoever it should be hearing [from Whom sent it] will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you. That will be glorifying ME, seeing that of MINE will it be getting, and informing you. All, whatever the Father has, is MINE. THEREFORE I said to you that OF MINE IS IT GETTING, AND WILL BE INFORMING YOU." (John 16:13-15).

This is not hard to understand. The spirit of Truth is Christ. The comforter is Christ. The spirit will be speaking TO the disciples THROUGH Christ’s spirit which is His because the Father gave this spirit TO HIM! There’s no trinity here.

Jesus said:

"I will NOT leave you bereaved [comfortless], I am coming to you [in the form of the comforter and spirit of truth]" (Jn 14:18).

Now notice how clear Jesus makes this. Who or What is this spirit, holy spirit, holy ghost, spirit of truth, comforter? Is it really the third person of a triune God? Let Jesus Himself answer:

"IN THAT DAY [the day when the comforter comes] you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I IN YOU" (Jn 14:20).

"Now the consoler [comforter], THE HOLY SPIRIT, which the Father will be sending IN MY NAME, that will be teaching you all, and reminding you of all that I said to you" (Jn 14:26).

"I am going, and I AM COMING TO YOU" (Jn. 14:27).


In the Greek, the "comforter" or consoler is translated from parakleetos. Now, is there any Scriptural proof that Jesus Christ is called "parakleetos?" Yes there is. In I John 2:1 we read:

"And if anyone should be sinning, we have an Entreater with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Just."

In the King James it says we have an "advocate" [with a small "a"]. King James ALWAYS capitalizes the Greek word "parakleetos," so why don’t they capitalize it here? You see, "advocate" or a better translation "Entreater" is translated from the GREEK WORD "parakleetos!"


Isn’t is just amazing what we can learn when we just read and truth of God’s Word instead of the strange and unscriptural teaching of theologians?

No, God is not a trinity. Yes, God is a family. We can be members (Sons) of His Family, Brothers with Christ. What a marvelous plan God is bring about. Here then is the Gospel to all nations and all peoples everywhere:

"For since, in fact, through a man [Adam] came death, through a Man [Jesus Christ], also, comes the resurrection of the dead. For even as, in Adam, all are dying, THUS ALSO, in Christ, shall ALL be vivified [given immortal life]. Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ’s in His presence; thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to HIS GOD AND FATHER, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power... The last enemy is being abolished: DEATH... then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be ALL IN ALL" (I Cor. 15:21-28).


Jesus told His disciples in John 16:7:

"It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will NOT COME UNTO YOU; but if I depart, I will SEND HIM unto you."

Is this "comforter" the third God of a trinity? Let us see Who this Comforter really is! Didn’t you ever wonder why this Comforter could not come until Christ departed? The comforter does not come until Christ departs to the Father, because the comforter IS THE SON returning in the form of "spirit," "holy spirit." Jesus is saying to him,

"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one is coming to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).

"Now, whenever the consoler [comforter] which I shall be sending you from the Father..."

Notice that Christ sends the comforter from the Father and what Jesus instructs. And notice that it does not involve a third person of a fabled trinity:

"Yet whenever that may be coming--the spirit of truth [Jesus said that HE is the Truth]--it will be guiding you in to all the truth, for it will NOT be speaking from itself [it is NOT A GOD], but whatsoever it should be hearing [from Whom sent it] will it be speaking, and of what is coming will it be informing you. That will be glorifying ME, seeing that of MINE will it be getting, and informing you. All, whatever the Father has, is MINE. THEREFORE I said to you that OF MINE IS IT GETTING, AND WILL BE INFORMING YOU." (John 16:13-15).

This is not hard to understand. The spirit of Truth is Christ. The comforter is Christ. The spirit will be speaking TO the disciples THROUGH Christ’s spirit which is His because the Father gave this spirit TO HIM! There’s no trinity here.

Jesus said:

"I will NOT leave you bereaved [comfortless], I am coming to you [in the form of the comforter and spirit of truth]" (Jn 14:18).

Now notice how clear Jesus makes this. Who or What is this spirit, holy spirit, holy ghost, spirit of truth, comforter? Is it really the third person of a triune God? Let Jesus Himself answer:

"IN THAT DAY [the day when the comforter comes] you shall know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I IN YOU" (Jn 14:20).

"Now the consoler [comforter], THE HOLY SPIRIT, which the Father will be sending IN MY NAME, that will be teaching you all, and reminding you of all that I said to you" (Jn 14:26).

"I am going, and I AM COMING TO YOU" (Jn. 14:27).


In the Greek, the "comforter" or consoler is translated from parakleetos. Now, is there any Scriptural proof that Jesus Christ is called "parakleetos?" Yes there is. In I John 2:1 we read:

"And if anyone should be sinning, we have an Entreater with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Just."

In the King James it says we have an "advocate" [with a small "a"]. King James ALWAYS capitalizes the Greek word "parakleetos," so why don’t they capitalize it here? You see, "advocate" or a better translation "Entreater" is translated from the GREEK WORD "parakleetos!"


Isn’t is just amazing what we can learn when we just read and truth of God’s Word instead of the strange and unscriptural teaching of theologians?

No, God is not a trinity. Yes, God is a family. We can be members (Sons) of His Family, Brothers with Christ. What a marvelous plan God is bring about. Here then is the Gospel to all nations and all peoples everywhere:

"For since, in fact, through a man [Adam] came death, through a Man [Jesus Christ], also, comes the resurrection of the dead. For even as, in Adam, all are dying, THUS ALSO, in Christ, shall ALL be vivified [given immortal life]. Yet each in his own class: the Firstfruit, Christ; thereupon those who are Christ’s in His presence; thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to HIS GOD AND FATHER, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power... The last enemy is being abolished: DEATH... then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be ALL IN ALL" (I Cor. 15:21-28).

His Peace and Wisdom to you,



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Re: Recently
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2007, 10:51:09 AM »

Hi G and IZM,

My understanding of the early gnostics is that they believed the Demiurge is the god of the old testament...and not Jesus Christ.  

Hi Lisa,

I am fairly familiar with some of the Gnostic doctrines and although some of it is compelling it does not meet the standard written of by Isaiah;

Isa 8:20  To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Here is what the Lord of the Old Testament and Jesus (One and the same) had to say;

Gen 28:13  And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed;
Mat 22:32  I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

Joh 8:58  Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

Jesus Christ is the "I AM" of the OT.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Recently
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2007, 11:33:31 AM »


    welll, i dont know about all that.... but it seems, the Bible speaks of God the spirit of wisdom and god the spirit of truth, and god the comforter, in feminine terms. we know god is sexless and ageless. so YES the Son is the father and the jewish praise is "Hear oh Israel, that the LORD your GOD is ONE."  and the spirit we receive and will receive, this comforter, that we call the holy spirit, this is Jesus, the spirit  of truth.

    Fine not a trinity......but definatly a person, and offtain spoken of in feminine terms.... Shekinah glory, Elohiem, that name is neither male nor female but denotes BOTH. God created us male and female, after his likeness. alot of argument can make something of this notion.

  But it is irrelivant jangleing of the mind.  Wisdom is what wisdom does, it is not female or male but Spirit. No words can discribe it.


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Re: Recently
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2007, 11:46:45 AM »

Dear Joe,

Thank you for your concern for me brother.  :)  No worries. God is the Father.  Jesus is the Son.  And the Holy Spirit is of God.  That is my understanding.  I do not believe in the trinity the way the churches teach.  So rest asssured.

Ephesians 1:12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also, after ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Peace and Love and His Wisdom to you,




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Re: Recently
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2007, 12:13:27 PM »

Hi Lisa,

You are welcome and I thank you for your response, my biggest concern was what could be read into some of the things that were written in this thread. It is not my or any moderator's desire to stifle digging deeper into the understanding spiritual things but we also want to be clear in using the Scriptures as the measure, the Word is the Rock, it is our foundation.

It is for the benefit of our newer members and guests that we attempt to clarify some of the statements that may confuse or seem to contradict the Scriptures and the articles on Bible Truths. Scriptural challenges (2 witnesses) to the articles are never discouraged though.

The realization that Jesus is Yahweh the God of Israel in the Old Testament is a new concept for many who are new here, I only wanted to underline that bit of wisdom, it was not to challenge or call into question what your beliefs are in regard to this.

Thank you again for taking this in the spirit that was intended. 

His Peace to you Sister,



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Re: Recently
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2007, 12:16:56 PM »

It is for the benefit of our newer members and guests that we attempt to clarify some of the statements that may confuse or seem to contradict the Scriptures and the articles on Bible Truths. Scriptural challenges (2 witnesses) to the articles are never discouraged though.

The realization that Jesus is Yahweh the God of Israel in the Old Testament is a new concept for many who are new here, I only wanted to underline that bit of wisdom, it was not to challenge or call into question what your beliefs are in regard to this.

Thank you again for taking this in the spirit that was intended. 

His Peace to you Sister,





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Re: Recently
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2007, 12:22:37 PM »


    welll, i dont know about all that.... but it seems, the Bible speaks of God the spirit of wisdom and god the spirit of truth, and god the comforter, in feminine terms. we know god is sexless and ageless. so YES the Son is the father and the jewish praise is "Hear oh Israel, that the LORD your GOD is ONE."  and the spirit we receive and will receive, this comforter, that we call the holy spirit, this is Jesus, the spirit  of truth.

    Fine not a trinity......but definatly a person, and offtain spoken of in feminine terms.... Shekinah glory, Elohiem, that name is neither male nor female but denotes BOTH. God created us male and female, after his likeness. alot of argument can make something of this notion.

  But it is irrelivant jangleing of the mind.  Wisdom is what wisdom does, it is not female or male but Spirit. No words can discribe it.

I agree that God is Spirit with attributes of the male and female but being neither, as the angels (who are spirit) are neither male or female.

Your post does raise a couple questions though, when you state the Son is the Father are you saying that they are the very same entity?

Where in Scripture is God referred to as a "person?"

The following is also from the "Trinity" paper;

"God is a TRINITY" we have been told by the world’s leading theologians. That is, "God" is composed of THREE PERSONS. They are:

God the Father

The Holy Ghost [Spirit]

Christ Jesus the Son of God.

With just the above statement (which is accurate according to Christian teaching) we already have several unscriptural problems!

Learn something important and profound: Whenever someone tries to teach you a doctrine that is UNscriptural, he will always be forced to use words that are unscriptural.

First of all, nowhere in the Scriptures is God referred to or called a "trinity."

Second, the word "three" is never used in reference to Who or What God is.

Third, God is never called or referred to as "a person."

Four, the holy spirit is never called "God."

Five, since Christ is the Son, He cannot also be the Father or be coequal with His Father. Christ plainly said:

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Recently
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2007, 12:30:25 PM »

I dont want to lead anyones thinking.

I found the topic of gnostisium interesting and really wanted to know more about it. Joe when you said that you knew alot abotu that doctrine, i was excited to glean form your learning.

I had my take and wanted yours. And i do not quote the scripture with chapter and verse and i am endevering to do that more.

i accept your words in the spirit intended.

what i want is a conversation, to seek those witnesses. I do ramble on and try to make points, and i WANT someone to correct me, jeremiah tells us our hearts are despratly wicked. ( insert chapter and verse here ;D )

.............where in the bible is God refered to as a person.....I will quest for that answer. I do not know at this time.

.............When i say that Jesus is the father do i mean that they are the same entity? ........

             The Father has Greater Glory than the Son, the son is his glory in a form he can give to us. It is the same glory, two forms.  Because of that, i can say yes, and i can say no. Seprate yet of equal stuff.

       as to the first question. Doesnt god refer to Himself? His name is IAM. persons say i am.  but i will be still on the debate and search for direct scripture.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 12:39:39 PM by insanezenmistress »
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