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Author Topic: "Church" Email to Ray  (Read 14710 times)

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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2008, 12:10:12 AM »

Ugh, I hate that false piety.  That is exactly what they are saying....they are better and wiser and more loving than God.


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2008, 12:22:52 AM »

Fedex guy, that was pretty perceptive on your part ;)...Wow, how big mans' ego is and the heights that it will take us ???


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2008, 01:51:57 AM »

Fedex Guy

that was most insightful of you and for me it shows that the Truth is written on your heart and you were not decieved! That is great! ;D

Peace to you brother

Arcturus :)


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2008, 02:35:23 AM »

Arc, I just reread your post above and relised that I hadn't posted in response to it;

Absolutely, I agree with you in that God is using we parents to teach our children HOW TO COME OUT OF HER... so that our children are separated (FROM BIRTH) from BABYON in order for them to touch no unclean thing.  I just have to say AMEN to that!  I know that my child had been in a 'church' for about 6 of his years and now he knows better and doesn't even miss it or want to be there anymore after he realized where satans throne sits!  I have been blessed to be given a son who was never really in Babylon (we don't do their holidays and such either), but to know that he is called out of her AND FOR HIM TO UNDERSTAND HER LIES at such a young age just thrills my heart.  We parents that are called to do this are giving them what we had only wished that we could have gotten from our parents.  They see and know alot of spiritual truths at such a young age,  one of Daniel's favorite sayings when he sees the blind adults that are doing injustices by their lifestyles to adamantly teaching and perpetuate their lies  is "YOU FOOLS, SNAKES AND HYPOCRITS";  he says this as more of an out loud reminder to himself in order to hear that message so that he doesn't forget the truth!  Ah, the innocence and purity of heart in these little ones!  No matter how good,m bad or indifferent the truth s, if you teach it to them when they are you, then All is pure honesty from their perspectives; thus they will never want to leave the TRUTH. :D



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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2008, 05:03:48 AM »

Hi Susan

It is such a precious blessing to be given eyes and ears to encourage our children. In another post I have written also about this regarding my own Mother who did not raise me in the way of the Spirit of Christ but in the teachings of the Babylonian lies and deceptions. She was so pained by her own beliefs but there was NOTHING else for her at her time in her life and only now I can see this. This in itself is a huge blessing that I have for the past week been contemplating.

My Mother clung to her Church that teaches the heresy of purgatory and I believe she settled for this teaching and it might have also appeared to her that it was of some consolation compared to the Hell her Priest assured her she would not go to on her death bed. What an insane racket these false teachings promote and what torturous bondage they capitalize on! My poor mother. I can see NOW that she had no clue and that was ALSO in God's Plan. Amazing!

That I loved her dearly and obediently and blindly followed her directives and desires by becoming worldly and a Minister in the Church was also in the Plan.

I am so grateful for this amazing journey Jesus Christ has brought me through and that He caused me to SURVIVE it! THAT too is a MIRACLE! and blessing of great excellence of our Lord Christ the King!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2008, 10:30:47 AM »

The other night, I was at a church service and the Pastor mentioned a couple young people who died in an accident or something. With tears in his eyes, he said something like "I pray they were saved...." Now I appreciate his compassion and concern....but later I thought how can he believe WE are more compassionate, more loving, more concerned, and more willing to give someone a second chance than the Lord Almighty?

Hi Guy,

You have company Brother, Job wondered about the same thing!

Job 4:17  Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?

His Peace, Wisdom and discernment to you and all,



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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2008, 09:20:34 PM »

Wow Joe.  I have read that portion on several occassions and never zeroed in on it!

Pretty clear and to the point isn't it?!!


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2008, 09:03:46 AM »


Yes it is Gena!




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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2008, 04:46:42 PM »

btw, beautiful snow scenery Gena...thanks for sharing.


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2008, 06:32:45 PM »

First, I wanted to say to Bobby, just how much I appreciated your words...

"I will not knowingly send my family whom God has given me to lead into a house of a known murderer and deceiver.  I cannot express strongly enough... even if I used ALL CAPS how adamant I am on this subject.  I think often of how blessed I am... I tell my wife all the time... "what are the odds?"... such as I am, God chose to pull me out of that evil... I am very grateful.


And in light of those words, to FedEx Guy....
I have homeschooled my children now for 5 years because not only did I find poison in the public schools, but I actually taught in a Christian school and I saw the danger there as well. Now this was LONG before I knew these wonderful truths. The danger I saw there then was that teachers and peers become the child's authority. Nothing the parents could say would have overturned what I taught them. I personally took that seriously and watched what I said to them. But, people of good intentions could undo what God has put into you to put into them.

But now, knowing what I know, how can I send my children into a place where their peers and their teachers will FOR SURE, WITHOUT A DOUBT, take number one place in where they get their lifes lessons? How can I allow them to be indocrinated with lies from Satan for most of their day, 5-6 days a week?

My children are still young, but let me tell you this. My husband and I are the ONLY people my children look to for truth. THIS is why we have left our church as well. I don't wish to spend my days UNTEACHING the heresy taught to them there.

Will this be hard? It is VERY hard.
We sacrifice a lot for me to be home. My husband has been on disability now for 4 years but I STAY home to do this. We don't take vacations or have all the extras others have but God is good and faithful to us for protecting His children.
And I have such a wonderful, happy family! My kids actually like us and love to spend time with us! What a blessing in this life to have a happy family!

Homeschooling is so easy. It really is. There is SO much to choose from out there and you don't have to be a "teacher" to do this. Teaching your children is a God-Given gift and responsibility. You can buy curriculum that literally spoon feeds the teacher!

Anyway, I hope this was an encouragement to anyone out there who is questioning what to do. If any of you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Blessings, Lin


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Re: "Church" Email to Ray
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2008, 08:17:03 PM »

Again yes, Bobby your words pierced my heart like fire.  'I WILL NOT KNOWINGLY SEND MY FAMILY WHOM GOD HAS GIVEN ME INTO A HOUSE OF A KNOW MURDERER AND DECEIVER." (the church!!!!!...and yes, the odds are extremely sobering to me as well!  thanks  for the affirmation and confirmation about this going to church issue.  (We had a guy over the other night that we knew when we were in the Messianic church; I told him that I fully expect to get an answer from him one way or the other about his straddling the fence and not getting out of churches  that he knows tells lies about many things; he said he would let me know; I told him that his response will make the difference between us being unified in the spirit or not, thus wether we can be friends or not; he agreed to think about all that we spoke about.  He confessed that there was no hell and that the church serves a diff God than Yod He Vav He (the ultimate written name of God.)  We shall see.

Lin, thanks for being open about what happens to most public school childrens' frame of thinking about who their authority figure really is.  I agree wholeheartedly about the reason for keeping my child from public schools and from churches (it is the same reason as yours) ....SO MY CHILD OBEYS ME AND DADDY'S AUTHORITY AND NOT OTHERS; not teachers and fellow students, not sunday school teachers, not preachers,...just the two that God gave to him to form his outlook on life.  I have all but quit the hs support groups in my area b/c of the fact that there is so much chaos to contend with when they realised that we are appalled at going into a church bldg.  God is narrowing our circle of those whom we lean on  and share with!  Funny thing is is that our son actually loves being hs'ed as well...and I was worried that he would miss not being a part of the public school comradely; he isn't even really interested in being around the hs kids either, b/c he knows that all the ones that he's been around are deceived.  I know that they are where they need to be for a purpose from God, but, I just thank him that we are where we are tool  I totally understand the no extra finances issue; b/c I am disabled and can do only so much, so dh is the only one working; but,God does provide!
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