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Author Topic: When do you stop???  (Read 8351 times)

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When do you stop???
« on: March 26, 2008, 02:32:06 PM »

I have been on other sites.
These sites are general discussion sites where people of differing faiths banter back and forth about what they believe.

(I am very confident in what it is that I believe, and I am So ultimately grateful to the Father for his Salvation, through Christ, FOR ALL People.)

At these sites,...I try to make "considering" thoughts, quoting from the Word of God to try to shed the light of Christ and the word of truth on those who are deceived. (Mainly to do with Hell or more appropriately, the LACK of Hell).

I find great Anger, Hatred and Loathing for my remarks and quotations, from MOST.
I understand it coming from fellow Christians (In a way,...Kind of and to a certain extent) that do not want to give up their Hell. 

But, what is now confusing me, is that Atheists and "Others" of similar ideologies, absolutely HATE me and the message that I bring.
I was really stumped in the beginning as to why they would hate the fact that the Word of God, may not say that there is a Hell.
I initially thought that they would praise and commend me for being a Christian that didn't believe in such a vial place. But this, more often than not, was and is NOT the case.

Ok, I can deal with this. As Jesus said: If you are one of mine, the world will not accept you either".

So after another one of my long blatherings (Sorry  :-[).

I finally have a question.

When do I know it is time to stop? ???

I do not wish to offend God by casting my pearls before swine.
I do not wish to argue or fight with anyone.
I do not wish to TRY to appear intelligent or better than a believer or an unbeliever.
I just want to say the truth and let others make their own decision.
I want to lay it on the line and let the dice roll.

When I post a remark to a Christian who seems "Off Track" in their theology, I usually get attacked by an unbeliever who wants to pick a fight with me (Verbally of course) for something I said.
I state over and over again, that I have no wish to try to Convert them, since it is up to God and God only to Convert an unbeliever, but to help Christians that are in Bondage to falsehoods. 

I also understand that it is up to God and not me to make Christians see their error, but I was in Bondage for so long to the "Hell Doctrine", that I feel REAL emotional Pain when I see another Brother of Sister caught in Error, and have a DEEP desire to talk to them about it and try to reason together.

When is it time to stop???

When do I shake off my sandals and walk away?

Is there any scripture that has any specifics that could help me in this area?

Any help would be much appreciated.
And again, it is so nice to be in a place like THIS ONE OF PEACE.
I appreciate all of you and all the help that you have given me in the past.
When I am here, I feel like I am HOME and can relax.

Dante :D



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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2008, 02:49:35 PM »

Hi Dante,  I have had similar experiences as well.  My advice comes from several years of participating in various blogs on a number of subjects, mostly nonreligious. 

First, you have to realize that the vast majority of the vicious, negative people who participate in blogs do so as way to vent their underlying anger and hatred of anything or anyone they disagree with.  Blogs have given people with an axe to grind a little bit of power and they are all to happy to use it.  Blogging has become a cultural phenominon in many ways and the negative, rude and ignorant are all too happy to spew hatred simply because they can get away with it under the cover of annonminity.

I have leaned it's best to simply state your case as carefully and clearly as you can.  Avoid personal attacks and don't make definate conclusions you can't support with specific evidence or third party validation.  Once you've made your point, feel free to respond to legitimate questions or comments and just ignore those who are rude and ignorant.  And finally, never allow it to bother you.  Just smile and realize the nature of the beast accepting that you will probably never succeed in convincing anybody to agree with you.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2008, 02:58:59 PM »

Why do you feel you need to take God to the people?  Cannot God bring the people to him?

Live what you have learned is a better witness than any others, and when a person questions you, be ready to give an answer at that time.

God will open eyes and ears not us. 

Only when my spirit became troubled and my eyes were opening did I find Ray's site, or rather God led me there.  Ray did not find me.  No person out there came to me, I was led to them.

I don't know of anyone who has had their eyes opened any other way.


carol v

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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 03:36:15 PM »

There is a scripture that directly speaks to this Dante...

Tit 3:9  But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
Tit 3:10  A man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject;
Tit 3:11  Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

One or two admonitions to our former pastor, our stubborn friends, our family who thinks we are destined for eternal hell and the huge population of heretics on the internet...that's all then time to shut up.

There are also many scriptures about not causing strife and contentions with our words...frankly, after you've been at this awhile you come to truly realize that the power to change anyone else just doesn't lie with you at all.

I now think of myself as "ready with an answer" but not ready to debate even though I'd like to quite often.



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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2008, 04:12:53 PM »

Hi Dante.
I know how you feel, its hard to walk away from witnessing when you feel you just didn't get through, but as Carol has pointed out, the scripture are clear on what we are commanded to do. Once, twice and thats it if they don't accept Gods word.
I've posted stuff on musicians websites before, almost always in response to a question about faith etc. The other Christians on those sites almost unanimously disagree with the simple truths of Gods word, and so its is frustrating. But if what you say stays on any given site or forum, then its there for everyone to see. Those that God calls but are not chosen will see it and reject it, or not even see it at all. Those that God chooses will see it and receive it. So long as you obeyed God, witnessed to the truth twice, then you need not trouble yourself about the responses to it, leave the rest to God. 


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2008, 05:33:09 PM »

Greetings Dante,

I can tell from your bolded/colored/underlined words that you get it, so I'm also sure you agree with the other replies. However, I also think that the REAL emotional pain you feel is really what this question is all about. I've asked myself the same type thing "When will it (the pain) stop?" God simpley spoke to me and changed my perspective. He simpley said that the more I become one with Him, the more my spirit would grieve over the things that grieve the Spirit of God. Make sense? He said that when I fail to feel that pain, I should take heed, for it serves a purpose and tells me something about the state of our relationship. This verse came to mind: Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV) You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Is your focus on Jesus or on those you wish to help "liberate?" Are you walking in the path God has prepared, or are you trying to forge your own path? Perhaps it is really yourself you wish to see liberated from the pain? Jesus can and will do both. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

I understand why some orthodox christians oppose the truth - FEAR. It is the basis of the man made doctrines. I also know what it feels like to have the proverbial rug pulled out from under your feet, theologically speaking. As for the atheists, well they don't want the truth to be known, for in exposing the lies, you remove their target and their club with which to beat down others. Who would they have to hate then? Perhaps only themselves as they become more exposed.

Ultimately, we don't stop until the race is over, when we enter HIS rest. But you can experience the peace and joy that comes through trust, without the sting of emotional pain, by keeping the proper perspective on what HE is doing. I hope this helped answer your question.



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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2008, 06:09:41 PM »

Hi Dante,

I think what you are experiencing with those that are blind to the Truth, is for your own benefit.  You are proving to yourself just how blind the world (Atheists as well as Christians) is and no matter how tactful your words are they are falling on spiritually deaf ears.  When you have satisfied your own desire to witness, then you will stop. 

It is only the few that are given sight now and fewer still that will endure to the end.  But rejoice for the many will also be saved!

Psalms 98 ~ A Song of Praise to the LORD for His Salvation and Judgment ~

       A Psalm.
       Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!
  For He has done marvelous things;
       His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
  The LORD has made known His salvation;
       His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.
  He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
       All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
  Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth;
       Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.
  Sing to the LORD with the harp,
       With the harp and the sound of a psalm,
  With trumpets and the sound of a horn;
       Shout joyfully before the LORD, the King.
  Let the sea roar, and all its fullness,
       The world and those who dwell in it;
  Let the rivers clap their hands;
       Let the hills be joyful together before the LORD,
  For He is coming to judge the earth.
       With righteousness He shall judge the world,
  And the peoples with equity.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2008, 06:13:18 PM by Kat »


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2008, 09:33:53 PM »

 As for the atheists, well they don't want the truth to be known, for in exposing the lies, you remove their target and their club with which to beat down others. Who would they have to hate then? Perhaps only themselves as they become more exposed.

A thoroughly good post Gregor,

The part quoted above was especially astute, I believe you really nailed it!




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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2008, 09:56:56 PM »

Thank you ALL very much!
You have ALL been very helpful. (As Usual)

You know Craig,...I knew in my heart that what you said was right, before you said it.
There was (And is) an inner turmoil going on inside me, that was telling me to LIVE it rather than SAY it.
I am new to the whole "God is in total control thing" (One year), and it will just take some time to sink into my thick head.

Carol v: The passages have been EXTREMELY helpful, Just what I was looking for.

Gregor: I think you understood my mindset more than anyone.

Kat: Your posts are ALWAYS helpful. I read them all the time.

Dave-in-PA: Great insight to understanding the abusiveness of others.

And David: True!!, to the value of what has been written to future readers.

My problem is that I always want everything NOW. I want all knowledge and I want everyone to be happy.
It is a fault of mine that God is working on.

But, it has been since I started posting here.
I again feel better getting it out and getting insight from seasoned veterans and people who are closer to where it is that I am at.
God Bless and Peace to everyone.



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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2008, 10:20:55 PM »

Dante, great thread!!

I did have to chuckle tho, you sound like me.

I WANT IT ALL NOW!!!!!!  and yes, I want EVERYONE do be happy! :D

You are learning as God leads you.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2008, 10:58:08 PM »

I think wanting to convert people as a sheer act of your own will is what Christ had to resist here.

Mat 4:3  And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

The stones obviously being the hard hearts of Men and the bread being Christ.

These things are put there for our admonition. I am guilty of that too Dante. in fact, I'm probably more guilty than anyone!


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2008, 01:00:08 AM »

I find I am a beast.  While I think I have been opened to great truths I often find myself thinking no differently towards others than I did before.

Before when believing in hell,  I thought I was great for making a better choice than someone else so I need to tell others in hopes they will hear my great words and believe.  I was special and God shined upon me for my choice.   Now I sometimes think I am special because God delivered me to truth and I am special and selected above someone else and now I want to share that truth with others in hopes they will hear my great words and believe.

I today have just come to the conclusion that every which way I turn I am a jerk and am no better that anyone no matter what they believe.   Gods got a lot of work to do to me.

I am only speaking for myself,  in the end, I hope my will is not free, because if it is, I am in deep $%^#.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2008, 08:35:38 AM »

Now you are getting to a good place :)

You are realizing that knowing all the truth in the bible and $3.50 will get you a gallon of gas.

Until you are changed and start living out the truths you learn you are no better than anyone else.

Being blessed with the truths of God makes nobody here "elect" only, maybe, called.  Now pray for the faith and growth to actually live the truth.

No hell, no free will, etc. etc is the milk of the word.  Dieing daily to self and fighting the carnal beast within is getting to the meat of the word.  What food do we find ourselves dining on when we are in thought, study and prayer?



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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 08:44:06 AM »

It is nice to see that I am not the only one with problems in this area. (Not that I am Glad that you have problems too, know what I mean).
Thanks Martinez,...Phazel, great words of encouragement.

gmik, you kill me!!! ;D LOL!!!

It is weird, but I feel close to you people since we have so much in common.
It is almost like a support Group,....LOL! :D

Hi, name is gmik and I have a problem wanting everyone to be happy.
Hi, name is Dante and I want to know everything.
Hi,.my name is Martinez and I want to convert everyone.
And then everyone else stands up and says in Unison "Hi guys", "We all have these desires too and we are with you"!!!!!!!!  ;)

Hey Gina, I am dying to figure out why gmik. I keep seeing it and I think it says g"milk".
Like Gina the Milk woman or something, But, then I saw you are from Michigan. Gina from Michigan "In keeping". 
Don't give out any personal info. I am just like that, always trying to find out weird things.

Martinez is probably a real name,...but every time I see it, It reminds me of one of those gritty "70's" cop/street dramas, where the watch commander says: "Ok Martinez, I want you to get out there and hit those streets and HIT EM HARD!"

Sorry,...went off on a little tangent there. It is just the weird little things that I think about.
Sometimes it is better that I keep those things to myself,...hehehe.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2008, 03:31:17 PM »

Now you are getting to a good place :)

You are realizing that knowing all the truth in the bible and $3.50 will get you a gallon of gas.

Until you are changed and start living out the truths you learn you are no better than anyone else.

Being blessed with the truths of God makes nobody here "elect" only, maybe, called.  Now pray for the faith and growth to actually live the truth.

No hell, no free will, etc. etc is the milk of the word.  Dieing daily to self and fighting the carnal beast within is getting to the meat of the word.  What food do we find ourselves dining on when we are in thought, study and prayer?


Sometimes I feel like getting away from it all!!!!
I mean everything; Job, car, apartment, TV, people........etc.
Going alone......
Does anybody else feel this way??
I understand I'm suppose to be a light to all men but how when I feel like I'm compromising for the benefit of them?? Is this what Paul meant that he was everything to everyone??
Sorry about all the questions, i feel like I'm hijacking this thread...maybe it should be somewhere else.
Just thinking out loud

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2008, 04:39:52 PM »

I have been on other sites.
These sites are general discussion sites where people of differing faiths banter back and forth about what they believe.

I encourage you to continue, with wisdom. I was led here thru a forum post. You never know what effect you will have.

All the hate I have received has been from "christians". THe atheists, agnostics, satanists, and who-knows-what-else dont give me the kind of hate I get with "christians". I get along better with them.
They get the "you're going to burn forever" (small wonder they are hostile to churchianity) nonsense and it seems to surprise them that others dont hold to this lie, and when I expose this lie, I stir up a real hornets nest.

Either we are light and salt, or we are not. No sense in hiding it under a bushel. Get in the ring, or stay home.

Blogs might be a different story though. They want traffic and ad revenue, and controversy builds both.

Forums are more controlled.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2008, 05:06:24 PM »

Kent you do make a good point,  I do not think sharing our faith is wrong at all, if fact, even hell believers would be remiss to not share what they believe.   I think sometimes we can be taught lessons in motivation and intent.   I do still share in other venues, but I have learned  to pretty much make my point,  and defend any counter arguments with scripture and leave it at that.  I used to dig the fox hole and make ready for battle. LOL

Lurkers in a forum sometimes I think about too.  It's funny as we think about all of this, how all points of view were intended by God, this thread,  the questioning that started the thread, the ideas that start flame wars, LOL.

Maybe the answer to the thread title question is, never, since Gods word never stops.     :o


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2008, 05:10:48 PM »

Akira329 Says:

Sometimes I feel like getting away from it all!!!!
I mean everything; Job, car, apartment, TV, people........etc.
Going alone......
Does anybody else feel this way??
I understand I'm suppose to be a light to all men but how when I feel like I'm compromising for the benefit of them?? Is this what Paul meant that he was everything to everyone??
Sorry about all the questions, i feel like I'm hijacking this thread...maybe it should be somewhere else.
Just thinking out loud


Dante says:

Oh man, got that right!!!
I just get real tired of IT ALL.
I want to just take off and live in the hills like a hermit.
Not talk to anyone and just be left alons.

Sometimes I think that would be the life Antaiwan.


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Re: When do you stop???
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2008, 06:30:11 PM »

Craig asked : What food do we find ourselves dining on ....

For me that question just cut between the marrow and the bone exposing my thoughts and motives. Maybe marrow is thoughts and bone are motives. If so then my spiritual body needs a make over! i am grateful to see that, helpless to change it but know Who to ask!

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)

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